Shape of you (Daniel Ricciard...

Por Lieke4043

210K 7.3K 4.4K

Stephanie (Stevie) has to deal with the aftermath of a life threatening disease and two young kids by herself... Más

Curly brown hair
Just a rough patch
Summer break (ups)
Take a good nap
Scarred for life
New paths
Paddock passes
Lightning strikes
Meeting Christian
Take that chance
Sweet dreams
An offer you can't refuse
Fingers crossed
Surprise surprise
Unexpected encounters
First date
It's getting hot in here
Brown eyed girl
Come on over
The first
He's one of the good ones
I found you
Three words
I'll keep you safe
Melissa and Seb
Drop em out
A family of your own
Absence makes the heart... miss you
It's time
The ultimate connection
Happy and loved
Ghost from the past
Starry nights
I'm on my knees
Between fear and hope
Your intentions?
Family times.
Don't let them get to you
The office
A special day
Let's tell them
Clearing the air
Think about it.
It looks bad
The fight is on
Not for sale
Win or lose?
Return down under
You win some...
Just a scare
Dress for the occasion.
Bright skies, or....
Tomorrow 10 o'clock
Private clinic
Calling the parents.
It keeps getting better
Married at First sight
Letting him know
Upside down
Black and blue
Love and lust
Celebrating a win.
Officially yours
Birthday flutters
It's time for family
My endless love
I'm gonna love you
There's alwsys that one person
Last one for now
Not ready
One more push
Isn't she lovely?
Look after yourself
More than a couple of weeks
Family together
Three nights
One step forward, two steps back
Mom's here.
Another day, another battle
What now?
A new chapter
Las Vegas surprise.
Pole position
Who is the champion?
She's ready
It's good to be back
Bittersweet goodbye
Things are changing

They're ours

2K 71 43
Por Lieke4043

For a moment Stevie is too stunned to really understand what the judge just told her, behind her she hears people cheer and in the corner of her eye she sees Daniel jump up in pure joy.
"Baby you won, we won!" He shouts, but Stevie is still processing.

"Wh...wait? I can keep my babies?" She asks the judge, just to be sure.
"You can yes. Nobody will take them from you." The judge smiles which makes her look at least five years younger all of a sudden.
"Oh thank you! Thank you so much!"
Stevie then turns to Daniel who is smiling from ear to ear.

"Daniel, they won't take them away!"
"No baby they won't. They can stay with us."
It's like a dam bursts inside of Stevie and she starts to sob, all the tension of today and the weeks leading up to today come flooding out all at once.
She almost collapses, but Daniel manages to catch her when he sees her knees buckle from underneath her.

In his strong arms she lets herself go and cries tears of pure relief. This means they can look forward again, they can start planning their wedding and the rest of their lives together.
"It's ok baby, it's over now. We will go get Cole and Zara and we can go home to celebrate. It's all over." Daniel whispers comforting words in her ear as he strokes her hair and holds her against him.

Her body is shaking from sobbing so violently that he hopes she doesn't hurt herself. She feels so fragile in his arms, yet so strong at the same time.
Eventually she manages to pull herself together and she looks back to the judge who has a sympathetic smile on her face.

"I can't thank you enough." Stevie tells her but the judge waves her gratitude away.
"It was all you, being the amazing mother that you are. It wasn't hard to see that your children are perfectly safe and loved with you and Mr Ricciardo here."
Stevie looks at the man standing next to her.

He is her rock, her one true love and she couldn't imagine doing this without him.
"Ehm can I say something real quick?" She hears Mitch behind her.
"What is it Mr Richards? I'm not changing my mind." Judge Hudson warns him.
"I know, I just want to let Stevie and Daniel know that I'll sign the papers. Daniel can adopt the kids."

They can hear Tiffany groan and when Stevie looks at her she rolls her eyes. She knows she has absolutely nothing she can do to stop Mitch now. He said it and he is going to do it.
"Really? Well I have to say that is the best decision you have made in a long time I believe." Judge Hudson seems pleased with this change of heart from Mitch.

Before he can change his mind, Martin pulls a piece of paper out of his bag.
"There you go. Sign it so it's done."
He slides the document over the table to Mitch and hands him a pen.
Mitch quickly puts his signature on the dots and with that it's official. He just gave up his parental rights and responsibilities so Daniel can now continue the steps he has to take to make the adoption official.

"Thank you Mitch. You know you can always see Cole and Zara. If you want." Stevie tells him but he shakes his head.
"No its fine. They are better off with you and Daniel anyways."
He gives the pen back to Martin and without even looking at Tiffany he walks out of the courtroom. Probably to pack his things and move out of her apartment.

"Let's hope he will continue to make better choices from now on." Daniel watches him leave the courtroom.
"I hope so. But he is none of our concern anymore." Stevie has dried her tears, but she still has so many emotions raging through her body that it is hard to process.

"Miss Sexton, I expect that rectification online today. And you better make sure you tag the same people you did with the first video and you use the same hashtags. Also I expect you to remove that edited one. If you don't, I will find out and I will lock you up." Judge Hudson makes sure Tiffany understands that she is serious about this and even though it's obvious Tiffany doesn't want to do it, she also doesn't want to go to jail.

Tiffany swallows before her and Danny DeVito both leave the courtroom as well.
It's just Daniel and Stevie with their entire support system left behind.
It will take a while to thank everybody personally, but Stevie and Daniel starts with Martin.

He sure has been amazing, as soon as they called him he went in full force and made sure their case was sealed tight so there really wasn't a chance of them losing. Still it's always a relief when he really wins it for his clients.

"Martin we will never be able to thank you enough. You've done amazing." Daniel shakes their lawyers hand.
"No problem, I had a good time. And besides, once you get my bill, you might not like me as much anymore." He jokes, knowing all too well his bill won't make any impression on Daniel.

"I don't care what it costs. You can't put a price on kids. I will gladly pay whatever you charge." Daniel slaps his shoulder,
Martin can send a bill for millions and he wouldn't even blink while paying it.

"Thank you Martin. You will always be my hero." Stevie hugs the tall man, it might not be professional, but she doesn't care. This man has made sure her kids will stay with her and she could kiss him for that. She won't, because he is married and she is engaged to the love of her life. Still she struggles to find a way to express her gratitude towards Martin.

"I'm just glad it all worked out in the end. Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to grab some lunch and then I take the rest of the day off to spend with my wife and kids. A case like this reminds me not to take them for granted."
He packs up his stuff and after another hug from Stevie he heads out. Excited to be home so early so he can go with his wife to pick up the kids from school.

Stevie make their way through all the people who showed up for them, thanking them for being there and letting them know how much they appreciated it.

"Calum you angel. Thanks for doing this. You didn't have to and I will never be able to repay you for what you did today. Just know that you will have a very special place in my heart." Stevie gives the tall, dark man a kiss on his cheek before they share a hug that will hopefully make him feel how grateful she is.

Calum then also decides to go home to see his son while Stevie continues thanking Christian.
"I have no words to describe how grateful I am Christian. You really are more than our boss, you are family."
"Of course, we are all family in our team, I would never sit back and do nothing when somebody tries to hurt one of our family members. I'm just glad it all worked out."

Stevie smiles to some of the team members who are leaving while she is talking to Christian.
"So I'm guessing you'll be back with us in Melbourne?" Christian asks her.
"Oh yeah, I wouldn't miss it. I can't want to get back to work. I just hope the video Tiffany has to post will do the trick. I want my kids to be able to come to the paddock without us having to worry somebody is going to take them."

She would hate for Tina to be cooped up in the hotel room all weekend. Cole would probably go crazy if he is near the track but can't come to see everybody.
"We will get some extra security to make sure they are safe. Just until the dust settles." Christian promises. He just wants Stevie to be able to come back and not have to worry about her kids being safe.

"I'm going home. I guess I'll see you guys in a bit?" He asks knowing they will have to come get the kids.
"Yeah we won't be long." Daniel nods.

After hugging Seb and Melissa they find out they will be on the same flight to Melbourne so they will see each other on the airport.
Tina will stay at the hotel with Charles so Daniel and Stevie can have a night with the kids and celebrate.

Daniel already has some ideas on how he would like to celebrate once the kids are in bed. He just has to see if Stevie is up for it, she might be too exhausted after everything and it wouldn't be bad for her to sleep properly. He could of course help her fall asleep by draining her of all her energy with multiple orgasms.

Grace and Joe are staying over at Trudy and Peter's place and they will also meet them at the airport tomorrow. After hugging her parents and Daniel's parents Stevie just wants to go and pick their kids up from the Horner farm.

They get in the car and for the first time in a lot of weeks she can finally relax and when she looks outside she can see how beautiful the world around her is. It's spring and flowers are blooming, trees are becoming green and full of life again. She hasn't even noticed how nature changed these last weeks, but now she is taking it all in again.

"How are you feeling baby?" Daniel asks her.
"Hungry." She answers him with a wide smile. He can't help but to grin back, her being hungry is a great sign.
"Do you want to go through a drive through to get something to eat while we head to get Cole and Zara?" Daniel asks her. He will just have some coffee, but he would love to buy Stevie a big hamburger with fries and a milkshake.

"That's sounds disgustingly delicious. Lets do it."
She really is hungry and she can't wait to sink her teeth in a nice juicy burger.
So on their way to Geri and Christian's place he stops at the drive through and she orders one of the biggest burgers they have, a large portion of fries and a vanilla milkshake.
Daniel sticks with a coffee, but as he drives to the house he enjoys looking to the side every now and then to see Stevie devour the food.

The sounds she is making while she is eating sound a bit like the sounds she makes while they are having sex which only makes him want her more. He knows he will have to wait until the kids are sleeping and maybe she isn't even up for it tonight, but he would still love to just pleasure her. He doesn't need anything in return.

"Is it good baby?" He asks when he sees her stick her tongue out to lick some ketchup from the corner of her mouth.
"Hmm so good. Maybe you were right, I didn't really eat much lately."

The sight of her tongue licking her lips is enough to make Daniel's cock stir in his pants.
He quickly focuses back on the road, because he can't really show up at the farm with a boner tenting his pants.

"Daniel?" He hears her.
"Hm? Yeah?" He drives down the road that leads to the farms driveway.
"I love you." She tells him and his heart skips a beat.
"I love you too baby. More than you know."

They don't stay at the Horner residence very long, being too eager to get home and enjoy some time with the four of them without the dark cloud hanging over their heads.

The rest of the afternoon they have a lot of fun packing their bags. When Stevie told Cole they were going to travel with Daniel again the little boy was jumping around and cheering. He missed going with Daniel, he loves having his dad around, a man who actually likes to spend time with him and who teaches him things.

It's obvious the tension is out of the air, Zara is being her happy self again, she had been very fussy these last weeks, but Stevie can clearly see the difference in her baby girl who will turn one year old in less than two months.
Her birthday is May 8th which is the day after the Miami Grand Prix. They will have two weeks before the race in Italy, so they might go to LA for a week and celebrate Zara's first birthday there.

Once their bags are packed they put Zara down for her nap and go downstairs to have some time alone with Cole. They make a puzzle, he wants to race Daniel on his toy race track and they end up making paintings. Daniel is clearly not an artist and it's a good thing he never chose that as his career path.

That evening they order Thai food for dinner. It feels so nice to be able to chat about little things, to laugh and to joke around again. Daniel is so happy to see the stress has disappeared from Stevie's face. Her frown is gone and her eyes have their spark back.

When she is feeding Zara he checks his phone and discovers Tiffany has indeed posted the real video and the rectification. He quickly scrolls through the comments and they have done a complete 180. Tiffany is being trashed in the comments and for many people he would feel some pity, but not for her, she deserves every nasty comment she gets.

Daniel is not somebody to hold a grudge, but playing with people's lives like Tiffany did was unforgivable.
Daniel can't wait to show Stevie how people are actually apologizing for their comments and behavior after the first video. It seems like the kids will be safe after all, but they will still accept the extra security Christian has offered them.

Daniel takes Cole upstairs and fills the bath for him, he grabs some toy duckies and some little boats for Cole to play with in the water before helping his son to get in the warm water.
"Daddy?" Cole suddenly says.
"Yeah buddy."
"Mommy happy again? Mommy no more cry?" The little boy looks so worried about his mom that Daniel feels his heart explode with love and pride for him.

He doesn't know many two and a half year olds who are so caring and loving. He shouldn't have to worry about his mother crying or being happy. He should just be a little boy, thinking about what toy to play with next.
"Yeah little man, mommy is happy again, she won't cry anymore."

At least not over possibly losing you and your sister, Daniel adds in his head, but he doesn't say it out loud. There's no need to worry Cole more, especially now the judge has granted full custody to Stevie.
Daniel can't wait to be able to sign adoption papers so his two kids will be legally his.

Once Cole is reassured about his mom he starts to play with his boats while Daniel makes sure he's all soaped up and rinsed down again. He washes the boys curly hairs and he can't help but think how Cole could have easily been his. They do have some similarities, like their smile, their hair and some little characteristics they share.

It will never matter that Cole isn't his by blood or DNA. He is his son and Daniel will love him until the day he dies, or even beyond that.

About fifteen minutes later he is drying Cole off and the bathwater is quickly going down the drain. Once Cole has his pyjama's on, Daniel brushes his teeth and then they go give Stevie a kiss.
"Sweet dreams my angel." Stevie hugs her son, grateful that she can.
"Night night mommy." Cole squirms out of his moms tight grip. He's a big boy, he doesn't need to be cuddled so tightly. He does love his moms hugs though, she gives the best hugs.

Daniel tucks him in and reads him a page of his Cars book, much to Cole's delight. Daniel gives every character a different funny voice which always makes Cole giggle.
"Sleep tight buddy. Daddy loves you." Daniel gives him a kiss goodnight before turning off the lights so Cole can go to sleep.
"Love you daddy." He hears his sons tired little voice say. It brings a smile to his face.

When he walks into the hallway he sees Stevie coming out of Zara's room. They both switch rooms so both kids get a kiss from both parents before making their way downstairs together.

"How about a glass of wine to celebrate?" He asks Stevie when she sits down on the couch.
"That sounds really good. I would love a red one." She attempts to get up to get the wine, but he quickly shakes his head.
"No baby sit down. I'll get it."
She lets herself fall back on the couch and leans against the arm rest. She folds her legs on the soft cushions next to her.

It's so nice to finally be able to feel relaxed and content again. She didn't realize how tense she has been, but now she can let that go she can feel the difference. When they got home she changed into a pair of leggings and a nice oversized sweater that belongs to Daniel.

Daniel comes back with two glasses of wine and he spots Stevie looking comfy and happy which fills him with more joy than any win could ever do. She looks incredibly sexy in his sweater, even though her body is well hidden under it.
"Here you go my love." He hands her glass to her before sitting down himself.

He takes her feet in his hands and stretches her legs over his lap. She isn't wearing any socks so he starts to gently massage the soles of her feet extracting a soft moan from her.
Maybe it wasn't the best idea, because that sounds makes his cock wake up instantly, but he started it, so he can't just stop right away.

With his strong hands he massages her right foot first until she is like putty in his hands. Then he switches to the left one making sure he hits all the right spots and he has her almost squirming on the couch. She put her glass on the little side table, afraid to spill the red liquid on the light couch.

"Damn Daniel that feels amazing." She sighs once he gently lowers her foot back in his lap making sure she doesn't feel how hard his cock has become.
"You deserve it. You've been through enough these weeks and now you can finally relax a bit." He smiles as she takes a sip from her wine.

"Yeah let's hope Tiffany posts that video soon so that shit can be put behind us as well."
"Speaking off. She already did." Daniel tells her.
Stevie's eyes widen in surprise.
"Really? Have you read any of the comments?"
He nods.
"Yeah, they are very apologetic and nice. Tiffany is being trashed online, but she doesn't deserve any better."

Stevie lets his words settle for a moment before responding to it.
"Still I hope she will start making smarter choices in her life. She is so young and I just wish she would make something of her life."
"You're a better person than I am. I honestly don't care what happens to her. She hurt you and for me that's enough to never forgive her." Daniel states determined.

Stevie sits up and leans closer to him. She places a soft kiss on his stubbly cheek and Daniel closes his eyes, enjoying the feeling of her lips on his skin.
"Holding a grudge isn't good for you." She whispers before climbing on his lap, straddling his thighs.

When he opens his eyes he stares directly in her bright blue orbs, her pupils dilated as darkness settles in. There's only a small light in the corner of the living room which is on, but that is not enough to fight the darkness of the evening.

"Maybe you can help me with that then." He smiles.
"Maybe I can." She says before softly placing her lips on his. Her small, slender hands are on his cheeks, holding his face in place. Not that he would even consider pulling away, he wants this more than anything.

His hands are on her waist and he pulls her closer over his lap, he wants to feel her body against his, he wants to feel her warm core on his cock.
She carefully tugs his plump bottom lip with her teeth, pulling it a bit before kissing him again.
Her tongue slips between his lips and he meets hers as they curl around each other, losing themselves in one another.

Of course Stevie had already felt his hard cock press against her throbbing womanhood and she wants him just as much as he wants her. It's been weeks since they were last intimate which hasn't happened ever since they started having sex.

Letting go of his face and breaking up the kiss for a short moment, she quickly grabs the sweater and pulls it over her head, leaving her in a black lace bra.
Daniel groans when he sees her nipples through the practically sheer fabric.

"So fucking beautiful." He says as he kisses her cleavage. His lips and tongue follow the cups of her bra over the swell of her breasts before moving over the fabric to where her nipples are already poking through the lace.

He takes one hard bud between his lips and sucks it hard making Stevie gasp when she feels little bolts of lightning travel through her nerves collecting between her legs.
While Daniel is giving her other nipple the same treatment he unhooks her bra one hook at a time. When they are all loose he lets the straps slide off her shoulders and reveals her full breasts to him.

There's no way he can resist touching them, so he cups them with his large hands, they just fit perfectly. He is convinced she was made for him and he was made for her as he rubs his thumbs over her nipples.
Stevie looks down on his tanned hands on her breasts, the contrast is huge. Maybe she should try tanning topless when they are in Perth again.

It still looks beautiful to her though. His hands are so big, his skilled fingers are making her nipples even harder than they already were and when she sees him lean forward she knows what is next.

Again his lips are around her nipple, his tongue flicking it before sucking the hard bud between his teeth. He's super careful with them, he knows how sensitive she is, but they taste divine and they make him want to taste more.

"If we continue I'll end up taking you here on the couch, maybe ruining it. How about we take it upstairs, our bed is more comfortable I think." He suggests and Stevie doesn't need much time to think about it. She quickly gets up from his lap and pulls him up as well.
"Come on, I need you so badly it hurts." She almost runs up the stairs, leaving her sweater and bra on the floor of the living room.

As soon as they are in the bedroom, she shuts the door and Daniel presses her against the wall, trapping her body between him and the cool surface behind her.
She gasps when the coldness touches her overheated skin, but it also feels nice.
Her gasp is being caught with Daniel's mouth as he slams his lips on hers, no longer able to be gentle.

He wants her to feel how much he desires her, but he also doesn't want to hurt her. When he hears her moan he knows she is more than happy with his hard kiss and his hard body pressed against hers.
Her hands grab his hoodie and she yanks it up over his head, needing to feel his naked skin on hers.

She wraps her arms around his neck burying her fingers in his curls.
With his hands around her slim waist he lifts her up, feeling how much weight she has lost. She was never heavy, but now she almost feels as if she could break if he isn't careful with her.

Her legs are quickly wrapped around his waist as he starts to walk towards the bed, their lips never losing contact.
As he gently lowers her on the covers he pulls her hairband out of the long black locks and her hair cascades down her shoulders and back.

"I've missed you so much." He says as he looks down on her.
"I've missed you too. I'm so sorry I didn't want to have sex with you." She apologizes.
"Don't ever say sorry for that. Your head wasn't in it and it has to be something we both want." He soothes her.
"I never not wanted you. I just couldn't stop worrying about what might happen. But now everything is good and I'm so.... Well maybe you should just feel yourself."

She takes his hand and places it on her core. He can feel how hot and damp her leggings are there which tells him she is probably soaking wet for him.
"I'm not fully convinced. I think I need to see it without clothes covering you." He grins as he grabs the waistband of her leggings and pulls it down together with her thong.

She is now laying on the bed completely naked and she looks amazing. He knows she will soon be back on her old, healthier weight, but for him she will always be breathtaking. Whether she is thin or curvy.

"Now I can see and feel much better." He smirks and he lets his hands roam her soft skin. His fingers travel over her stomach, around her belly button until he reaches that amazing part of her. That part that feels so good when he touches it, that tastes so good when he licks her and which accommodates him so well when he fucks her.

He pushes her legs further apart, making her show her glistening womanhood. Her labia are soaked with her juices and they seem a bit swollen.
He kneels on the floor and wraps his arms around her thighs, pulling her closer to him until her bum is almost hanging over the edge of the bed.

He slides one finger between her lips and feels how wet she really is. His finger is immediately coated in her juices and he puts it in his mouth, tasting that delicious flavor that is just her.
"Tastes amazing as always." He groans once his finger is clean and he slides it between her lips again.
Her clit is swollen and throbbing and when he touches it she arches her back from the bed.

"So sensitive." He whispers before pushing two fingers inside of her waiting opening.
"Oooh god." She moans when she feels his fingers curl inside of her, putting pressure on that special place.
"You can call me Daniel. But god works as well." He jokes just before he places his mouth over her pulsating pussy.

His tongue pushes between her labia and quickly locates her clit. That magical little bundle of nerves which gives her so much pleasure.
It has been so long that he almost forgot how she tastes, but as soon as her juices flow over his tastebuds it all comes back to him.

He would happily spend every minute of every day with his face buried between her legs, licking and tasting her, making sure she will never be short of orgasms.

Stevie feels as if she is turning into liquid as Daniel's tongue is doing the most amazing things to her. He seems to be writing his name over her clit and with every letter he is pushing her closer to a mind blowing orgasm. His fingers buried inside her give that extra stimulation.

Her head tosses from side to side as he seems to be writing his last name as well.
"Fuck Daniel! I'm so fucking close!"
He always makes her cum fast, but now it seems like he barely has to make an effort to get her there. It has been so long that her body is hyper sensitive and very soon she slams her hand in front of her mouth to muffle the cries of pure pleasure.

Daniel only has on hand to try to hold her down a bit as her body writhes over the bed while he keeps extending the orgasm that is taking over her entire being.
It's so much, so intense that she lets out a soft sob when she finally feels it go down a bit.

"Oh baby did I make you cry? Did I do something wrong?" He asks her, worried he might have hurt her.
"No, no I'm fine. It was just... holy shit I need a moment."
She rubs her face, trying to land back on earth. Every orgasm he gives her is intense and amazing, but this one, after all these weeks, was even more.

Daniel climbs on the bed with her and he helps her scoot up towards the pillows. He then lays down next to her while he keeps caressing her body, not to turn her on even more, but just to show her how much he loves and worships her.
She turns on her side so she can look at him.

He is so handsome and the way he looks at her, so loving and sensual at the same time.
She gives him a gently nudge so he rolls on his back, he has pleasured her absolutely amazing, now she wants to return the favor.
He doesn't always let her, because for him it's more important that she gets the pleasure she deserves, but as far as Stevie is concerned. So does he.

She climbs on top of him, her soaking core rubbing over his cock which is still covered with his boxers and sweats.
She grinds her sensitive womanhood over the fabric which sends little shocks through her body.

As she leans over she lovingly kisses him, her tongue exploring his sexy mouth, she can still taste herself on his his lips, but it's actually a turn on.
"Baby you know you don't have to return the favor right?" Daniel asks when she takes her lips off his.
"I know, but I love doing it, so just let me."

Slowly she makes her way over his body with her lips and tongue, giving his nipples some extra attention while Daniel struggles to let her go ahead without taking control again.
He knows she enjoys giving him just as much pleasure as he gives her, but he just feels that she deserves to receive so much more then he thinks she should give.

She has been left without real pleasure for way too long and now that he can give it to her he can't get enough of it.

But when he feels her lips kissing his happy trail his mind stops working. Most of the blood that's flowing through his body has gone to his cock which is throbbing painfully in his boxers. With her fingers she follows the v-lines on his hips to where they disappear under the waistband of his sweats.

When she rubs his cock over the fabric he clenches his jaw and groans softly. She is teasing him, her finger drawing circles over the wet patch that is quickly forming where the tip of his cock is leaking.

Stevie can feel by how tense his body is that he can't take much more of her teasing him, so she pulls down his sweats and boxers. He lifts his bum a bit to help her and she tosses it somewhere through the room.

His cock springs out slapping his stomach, for Daniel it's an instant relief.
"You know I never thought I could look at a penis and think it is beautiful. But yours is just perfect."
She follows the thick vein on the side of his cock which makes it twitch under her touch.

She wraps her hand around his shaft, almost unable to get her fingers around it completely. He is thick and long, but she knows how amazing he feels when he is inside her. Her body is longing for him, but first she wants to taste him.

After some slow pumps with her hand that, for him, feel like the best torture she could give him, she lowers her head and licks the droplets of precum that have been oozing out of him without interruptions.
She relishes the salty flavor on her tongue before wrapping her lips around his smooth tip.

"Oh damn that wicked mouth of yours." Daniel sighs when he feels her wet, warm mouth around his mushroom shaped tip.
She circles her tongue around the edge, giving some extra attention on that little piece of skin at the bottom of the tip.

Daniel bucks his hips up, causing his cock to thrust into her mouth further.
"Impatient much?" She asks him after releasing his cock from her mouth for a moment.
"Sorry I didn't mean to do that. It's are so fucking amazing with your mouth and tongue, my body did that on its own." Daniel says apologetic.

"It's ok handsome. I can take it."
Again she takes him in her mouth and she starts to bop her head, his cock sliding deeper into her mouth until he hits the back of her throat. She doesn't even gag, but keeps going.
Every time she comes up she almost lets him pop out of her mouth, but then she flicks his tip and licks up the continuous drops of precum.

Daniel is getting more and more restless. It has been just as long for him as it was for her. Even though he was horny plenty of times, he didn't even masturbate to get the tension off. It wouldn't have felt right for him to pleasure himself while they were going through this difficult time.

But now he is fighting the urge to shoot his load deep down her throat. Especially when she carefully takes his balls in her hand and massages them.
It's just so fucking amazing, she can make him see stars even before he cums.

His moans and little movements tell Stevie that if she wants him to fuck her, she should stop now. So she pulls her head up, sucking his cock until the tip pops out of her mouth.
"Jesus fuck I was almost too close to filling that amazing mouth of yours." Daniel pants from restraining himself.

"I would have loved that, but I need to feel you inside of me, so we will have to save your other idea for another time."
Stevie decides she will take control today, so she puts one leg over his hips and straddles him.
Slowly lowering herself until she feels his entire length slide through her labia. She moves her hips back and forth a couple of times, making his tip his her clitoris.

She knows she doesn't need much to orgasm again, but she wants to orgasm with him buried deep inside of her. So she lifts herself up slightly and grabs the base of his cock so she can lead him to where she wants him.

Because they are both so wet and ready, his tip slides inside of her without any problems. She lowers herself over him as she feels inch by inch filling her up.
Her walls stretch around him as she accommodates his length and girth.

"You'd better stay still for a moment, because I don't want it to be over straight away." Daniel tells her as he grabs her hips to make sure she doesn't start moving.
Stevie makes sure he is fully inside of her and for a moment she just enjoys the feeling of being full.

After a little while he releases the grip he has on her hips and she first starts to rock her hips. Her clit rubs over his neatly trimmed pubic hair which feels incredible.
It's not enough though. She needs more.

With her hands on his chest she starts to ride him, she comes up, lets him slide out of her almost completely before lowering herself again.
"Oh my god! Of fuck!" She moans.
She can't even believe she managed going without this for so long, but now at least she is with her head in the right place so she can enjoy it. Now she has him inside of her again she realizes even more how much she missed this and how much she needs him.

"Fuck that's it baby, ride me, fuck me. Jesus Christ you feel so good." Daniel lets his hands roam her body while she fucks him as if it's the last time they will ever do it. He holds her breasts and rubs her nipples, at times rolling them between his thumb and index finger.

Stevie can feel her thigh muscles start to shake, but she still keeps going, not wanting to interrupt this amazing rhythm they have going on. Every time she comes down, Daniel thrusts up to slam himself inside her even deeper.

The room is filled with the sounds of their bodies clashing, their heavy breathing and their moans and groans.
"Daniel my legs... I don't know..."
Without having finished her sentence her wraps one arm around her and within a second she is on her back with Daniel between her legs.

She has her legs around him as he starts to pound inside of her, it is mind blowing, it's rough but still loving, it's everything they both needed.
"Oh baby I love you. Fuck I love you so much." Daniel grabs the headboard of the bed so he can fuck her even harder and deeper.
"Ooooh god fuck yes!" She cries out, hoping to not wake the kids.

"I can't hold it much longer, you're so fucking tight. That perfect pussy is squeezing me so well." Daniel can feel his balls tighten and his cock swells up even more.
Stevie can feel it too, she knows he is almost there, but so is she.

Deep inside she can feel that build up, that fire that is burning is growing larger and larger.
"Stevie! Oh god Stevie!" Daniel groans before she feels the hot strings of his seed squirt deep inside of her hitting her cervix.
That feeling along with him still pounding inside of her makes her fall over that edge as well.

Her back arches from the bed, her hands claw into the duvet, clenching around it until her fingers hurt. Her entire body is tensed up when that tsunami sized wave crashes over her as she cums hard.

Just as she is about to cry out Daniel slams his lips on hers, catching her scream with his mouth. His cock squirts out the final drops of his sperm, but he knows she is still in the middle of her orgasm, so he keeps moving even though his cock is extremely sensitive right now. He wants to make sure her orgasm isn't cut short because he couldn't take it anymore.

Once her loud moans have changed into soft whimpers he takes his mouth from hers. Her lips look swollen from their kisses, her cheeks are blushing and when she looks into his eyes he can see the love and pleasure in hers.

Looking into her eyes while she cums feels like the ultimate connection. It's like he can look straight into her soul and it feels like a privilege that she allows him in like that.

When he feels her body relax around him and her legs slide back onto the bed he slowly stops moving. He feels spent, his cock is going soft inside her and after another loving kiss he pulls out which makes her whimper.

"Did I hurt you?" He asks just like he did earlier.
"No Daniel, you never hurt me. I just miss you already." She says putting her hand on his cheek.
"I'm not going anywhere baby. I'm right here with you." He gives her a kiss on her forehead before laying down next to her.

They both need a moment to regain some strength before taking a shower and getting ready for bed. It might be early still, but that doesn't mean they can't enjoy the long night which lies ahead of them.

Plenty of time to make up for lost time. They have all the time in the world.

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