Intimate || Les Twins

Por CrownMeLiar

35.2K 1.3K 387

Every intimacy carries secreted somewhere below its initial lovely surfaces, the ever-coiled makings of compl... Más

1. LIV
2. Decisions
3. Closer
4. Arrival
5. I Feel It
6. His Eyes
7. Shots!
8. Her Lies
9. Promises: Part 1
10. Promises: Part 2
11. Catch Me I'm Falling
12. Blackout
14. Take Your Medicine
15. Resentment
16. Sexual Frustration
17. On One Knee
18. To Be or Not To Be
19. Wish Granted
20. Tired of Crying: Part 1
21. Tired of Crying: Part 2
22. Emotions
23. Tell Me A Secret
24. Sooner or Later
25. Mon Bébé
26. Small Changes
27. His Happiness
28. Unveiled At Last
29. Too Many Games
30. Enfant De L'amour
31. My Baby
32. Back To Normal
33. Woman Of His Dreams
34. No Mistakes
35. Pick & Choose
36. Through Bad Times
37. Welcome Home
38. Cold Feet
39. Mysteries Unfolded
40. New Additions
41. Inprisonment?
42. Awakening
Thank You

13. Toujours

635 37 4
Por CrownMeLiar

Hello beautiful readers. Please check out the MM for this chapter. I made something special for this book and I hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to comment, vote, and share if you like it! 😘 Bisous !


chapter is un-edited, will be fixed soon.


When Lau awakened from his drunken slumber, he looked around confused. Larry wasn't tangled in the bed somewhere next to him like he usually was when they shared a room. He was slightly bothered by the sunsetting light that came through the window but he was more focused on finding Larry.

"Larry?" He called getting out of bed and walking around the room to find his brother.

Just as he walked into the bathroom he heard the door open. He made his way out to greet his brother with a hug but to his surprise Larry didn't greet him back how he expected him too. To him, it had been almost a whole day since he seen his brother and he just wanted to hug him.

"Why you no hug back?" Laurent asked curiously. "What's wrong?"

Larry stood there awkwardly, not wanting to make eye contact with Laurent out of fear.

"Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas? (What's wrong?)"

Larry shook his head and sat down. He started texting Aaliyah to avert his mind from his brother who seemed to be clueless.

"Larry," Laurent spoke softly. "you tell me that you have sex with Liyah and I choked you in my dream. I woke up scared but you was not here."

Larry looked up from his phone confused. Was Laurent actually that drunk that thought it was a dream?

Laurent nodded.

"I know. That's crazy, right?" Laurent said sitting next to him. "I was looking for you to see if you were hurt because I feel that something was wrong." Laurent peeked at the name of who Larry was texting and silently questioned it before actually asking who it was. "Who the hell is Miss Spider? It must be someone from home since they're texting in French." He thought.

"Um.. Lau, you didn't-"

"Who is miss spider?" Laurent asked cutting Larry off.

Larry took a deep breath and quickly replied. "No one."

"Not saying I read your texts but, you say something about sex with her last night."

"Oh.. Don't think of that. You don't remember you was drunk last night?" Larry avoided his brothers question.

Lau gave him a confused look. "I was drunk?" He pondered. "No, yes I was! I remember and you make me mad because you say you..." He started to trail off. "Larry did I really.. Choke you?"

Larry's leg started fidgeting. He didn't want to tell his brother it actually happened because he knew how he would get. Laurent is the type of brother who will pick on you all day but when you actually get hurt by him, he'll be on his hands and knees for forgiveness for as long as it takes. Larry hated it! The thing was that he didn't want to lie but he also didn't want to tell the truth because of this. Larry was quiet for too long so Laurent knew the real answer.

Laurent looked at Larry with eyes full of regret. He didn't like hurting his twin, especially when doesn't know that he did. "I'm sorry, Larry! Please forgive me! I did not mean to hurt you. I love you baby brother." Larry tried to say something but was interrupted before he could. "I will never drink again, I promise!"

"Lau stop, what I did was wrong." Larry admitted. "I know you was mad."

"But I almost kill you. You my twin, my-my best friend, my mirror, my everything. If I lose you I will be nothing!"

"Don't start it.. Don't. Start it! I'm fine."

Laurent wasn't having it. "That's not okay, Larry. I don't drink because I get scare I do something stupid like that to you." He paused and in the silence held thick tension. "I know you like Aaliyah but you have Shakel. Aaliyah is mine, you not taking her from me. I love her."

"I don't like Aaliyah. I don't."

Laurent glared at his brother. "Then why you have sex with her?" There was no way he could believe Larry when he said he didn't like Aaliyah. They've been through it before, it's nothing new. Larry didn't respond. "Exactly." He shook his head and got up to get dressed. He had high hopes and needed to fix things with Aaliyah before Larry tried to do anything else or before she finally moved on and forgot him completely.

"You lie." Laurent said getting up.

"Where you going? To see spider?"

Laurent paused to look at his brother. Miss Spider is Aaliyah? "Who is spider? Liyah?"

Larry couldn't lie now. "Yes."

Laurent nodded and went on about his business.

It did seem that Laurent is just okay with what happened between Aaliyah and his twin but he wasn't and Larry knew that. He didn't want Larry to talk to Aaliyah, see Aaliyah, hear Aaliyah or even think of Aaliyah. Aaliyah was his and only his, at least that's how he saw it.

• • •

"You know, when Larry tell me that he was going to see a friend I never thought it was you." Lau said sitting down on her bed next to her.

"Because I never liked him, I know." She said sitting crisscross and looking down.

He noticed there was something different about her. Aaliyah didn't seem like herself. She was never that quiet, especially after everything that happened with Shakel, he'd expect her to rant on and on about it.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

She looked up at him and shook her head. "Did you eat today?" Aaliyah asked getting up and walking out the door.

It was weird to him how she was acting like nothing happened the day before. She certainly looked like nothing happened. She jogged down the stairs and slid around the corner into the kitchen. He walked down the stairs confused but wondered if it would be a good time to make a move on her. He was willing to take that chance if it meant she'll take him back. He watched as she shuffled through the kitchen looking for something to make.

Her finger tapped on the counter while she looked into the cabinets. "I don't know what to make.." She whined then suddenly gasped. She closed the cabinets, turned around and grabbed a pan from the pot rack and placed it on the stove. She grabbed a plantain and started to peel it.

"Comme ça va? (How are you?)"

"Ça va.. I'm okay. You?" She replied taking out a knife.

She stared at the knife for a long time then turned to face Laurent. "Why did you cheat on me?"

"That's why I came here; to talk to you." He looked at the knife. "I need you back baby."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. I don't know why I cheated. I was really stupid. I-"

"No, you are stupid." Aaliyah interrupted.

He grabbed and lowered the knife in her hand. "I know. Don't hurt me, please."

She laughed lightly. "I'm not that crazy." She went back to her peeled plantain and started to cut it up. "You hurt me though." She mumbled.

Hearing Aaliyah say that he hurt her made him feel 50 times worse now that she told him how she felt for the first time. "I know, and I'm sorry." He said sincerely apologetic. "Really. I always mess up things with girls I like. I didn't think I would do that to you because I love you. I didn't want to cheat on you, I just wasn't thinking. I can not stop myself sometimes and I know this. But if you give me a chance again I will not fuck up, I promise." Aaliyah didn't have anything to say. She just continued to do what she was doing.

Laurent sat and waited for a response. Fifteen minutes went by with only silence. Aaliyah was silent putting the dishes she used in the dishwasher then suddenly she turned around and started to speak.

"I've been following Instagram fan pages of Les Twins for years and that's exactly what lead me to find out that you cheated on me." She started off calmly and Lau listened. Any other given day he'd interrupt with a question but not this time. "It's always those few fan pages that are too into your personal life."

Laurent nodded in response. He knew it was true.

"They had my name on their posts about your 'new girlfriend' but it wasn't pictures of me and you, it was pictures of you and that fugly blonde bitch." The tension in the room started to thicken. "You claimed everyday that you love me but you were fucking around with some New York bitch! And I found out through a few fan pages. You don't understand how much that hurt me Laurent. I don't like feeling like I'm being used, especially by someone I love."

Laurent kept his eyes on her. His attention was completely on her. Everything she said absorbed into his brain as if it was something he needed to have memorized for a test. Each one of her words hit him with force causing him to feel the pain behind them but all he could do was listen.
Aaliyah closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes again her vision was clouded by the sudden bed of tears that rested right on the edge of her bottom lids. "I swear I'm too nice. I have this hard shell and I seem mean because niggas like you make me like that! I'm not all that naive anymore, I can tell when something's not right. I trust nobody! But somehow I started to trust you and I damn sure won't make that mistake again!" She said raising her voice near the end just as tears rolled down her face.

He stared at her in shock. He had never actually seen her cry. He was used to seeing her toughened up and she was usually quiet. Now she was very verbal and crying. "Aaliyah.." He spoke softly.

"How am I to trust you again and take your word for a second time, and be completely sure that you won't break me again? Because I love you so much that even though I'm sitting here crying and still hurt, I want to take you back just so I can still call you mine." She said then started sobbing. "I can't play this game Laurent. I can't." She looked him straight in the eyes.

Laurent couldn't bare to see her like that. He took a deep breath and looked down for a split second and wiped the tears that were starting to form in his eyes. "Please baby, don't cry. I don't like seeing you cry." He said as he walked towards her with open arms. He held her tight and thought to himself. 'How could I do this? Why? I broke the love of my life.' He pulled away so that he could see her face, and for the first time ever he noticed the color of her eyes. He used his thumbs to wipe her tears away. "Your eyes are so beautiful, please don't cry anymore."

Aaliyah pouted and wiped her eyes after he did. It was like she couldn't stop herself from crying because the tears just kept flowing.

"I'm so stupid for what I did. I have nothing to say why I did it, it was not worth it though. Je ne veux pas voir l'amour de ma vie cri (I don't want to see the love of my life cry)."

"Love of your life?" Aaliyah asked confused.

"Yes," he nodded. "I know you are. I see me with you for a long time.. Forever. I want to be with you forever." He said looking down at her.


He wiped the last of her tears and his hands cupped her face. Laurent never completely paid a good amount of attention to Aaliyah's eyes, he thought they were just normal. Until now, that is. Nothing could keep him from staring into her now what seemed to be dark grey eyes that were usually just dark in color. He slowly leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. The feeling of her lips on his was the one thing he needed for so long. It had been months. Four whole months since Laurent felt the satisfaction of kissing Aaliyah. A kiss from anyone else didn't compare to what he felt when he kissed her. After moments of kissing her with every ounce of withheld passion he had in him, he pulled away and looked in her eyes once again.

"Forever." He smiled.

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