Survival (Yandere Boys X Fema...

By itsryn1221

27.2K 1.1K 420

"๐‘ฐ ๐’˜๐’Š๐’๐’ ๐’๐’†๐’‚๐’—๐’† ๐’”๐’–๐’„๐’‰ ๐’‚ ๐’…๐’†๐’†๐’‘ ๐’Š๐’Ž๐’‘๐’“๐’Š๐’๐’• ๐’๐’ ๐’š๐’๐’–๐’“ ๐’”๐’๐’–๐’. ๐‘บ๐’ ๐’•๐’‰๐’‚๐’• ๐’‚๐’๐’š๐’๐’๏ฟฝ... More

ARC ONE: The beginning
ONE: A Video Game?
TWO: The Deal
THREE: Infiltration
FOUR: Kaide's Betrayal
FIVE: Royal Judgement
SIX: The Truth
SEVEN: Eretrillius Svannigan Vangiance
EIGHT: Bets Made
NINE: Tooth Acquired
TEN: Kaide Khalee Ledger
ELEVEN: Veritas Paper
TWELVE: Lorenzo Hellbringer
THIRTEEN: Attacked And Captured
FOURTEEN: Prince To The Rescue
FIFTEEN: Born To Be Brothers, Forced To Be Rivals
SIXTEEN: William And Enzo
SEVENTEEN: Missing Orb
ARC TWO: The Adventures in Del Valeor
ONE: New Lands, New People
TWO: First Day Troubles
THREE: The Male In The Forest
FOUR: Twin Thieves
FIVE: Royal Assassin's Tournament
SIX: Regulus Nightengale
SEVEN: Mary Narvia
EIGHT: A Duel With Raisean Ivory
NINE: Officially A Royal Assassin
TEN: Assassin Specialization
Royal Assassin Specialization Quiz
ELEVEN: Drunken Confessions
FOURTEEN: Gift Of The Night
FIFTEEN: Cautious Visions And Blurred Memories
SEVENTEEN: Brotherly Bond
Important please read!!!

TWELVE: The Race

331 17 2
By itsryn1221



The air was thick with anticipation as you, Allysa, Seth, and a few of your closest comrades in covert arts gathered at the Valeor Palace racecourse. The first contest of the Royal Assassin's Tournament was about to commence, and the tension among the 200 assassins was palpable.

The emperor, a figure both revered and feared, ascended the dais with an air of solemnity. His voice, when he spoke, carried across the field, "Welcome, esteemed assassins of the empire. Today, you embark on a challenge that will test your skills and your resolve." He paused, surveying the crowd before continuing, "The rules are simple. Each of you may pick one horse from the shed. Among you stand over 200 assassins, but only the first 100 to arrive at the finish line will advance to the next challenge." His gaze lingered on the crowd a moment longer before he added, "Good luck to you all. The race begins in one hour. Prepare yourselves."

You nodded, taking in his words. The race was not just a test of speed but of strategy and choice. With a determined stride, you made your way to the shed, the scent of hay and horse mingling in the cool air. The shed was a cacophony of sounds, with horses snorting and hooves stamping.

As you perused the stalls, each horse seemed more majestic than the last. You needed one that was swift yet sturdy, with a spirit as indomitable as your own. That's when you felt a presence behind you, and a familiar voice broke through your concentration.

"Onin," you breathed, not daring to turn around. The very same Onin who was as lethal with his charm as he was with a blade. The one you couldn't help but be drawn to, though you'd never dare admit it.

"Choosing a horse is like choosing a partner for the dance of death," Onin said, his voice a low murmur. "It must be a perfect match, or you'll both falter."

You finally turned to face him, your heart racing for reasons that had nothing to do with the impending race. "And what do you look for in such a match?" you asked, hoping your voice didn't betray the fluttering in your chest.

"A strong heart, a fierce spirit, and an unyielding will," he replied, his gold eyes locking with yours. "Qualities I see in you... and in this one," he gestured to a sleek, ebony horse with eyes that held a fire within.

You approached the horse, laying a hand on its mane. It was a perfect choice, and you couldn't help but wonder if Onin saw the same qualities in you that he admired in the horse. But there was no time for such thoughts now. The race was about to begin, and with Onin's help, you had found your steed.

With a nod of thanks to Onin, you prepared to mount. The challenge ahead was daunting, but with the right horse beneath you and the thrill of the unknown before you, you felt a surge of confidence. This was your moment, and you would seize it.


The trumpets blared, slicing through the murmur of the crowd, signaling the start of the race. You could feel the pulse of excitement from the throng of assassins, each poised for victory. Your hand tightened around the reins, and with a deep breath, you urged your horse forward. The ground thundered beneath you as the herd of horses surged like a wave, each assassin a drop in the ocean of ambition and skill.

You were doing great, your horse responding to your every command with the precision of a well-trained partner. The wind whipped through your hair, and for a moment, you felt free—free from the weight of expectations, free from the worries of your friends back in Las Ventas.

"Look at you go!" Felix shouted from somewhere to your left, his voice carrying over the din. "Like a shadow on the wind!"

You couldn't help but smile, even as you kept your focus razor-sharp. The finish line was far from sight, a mere blur on the horizon, but every second brought it closer.

That's when disaster struck.

Out of nowhere, Mitch, a girl whose envy had festered into hatred, made her move. With a calculated jerk of her reins, she sent her horse barreling towards yours. You had only a split second to react, but it wasn't enough. Her horse's shoulder slammed into yours, and the world tilted dangerously.

You fought to maintain control, but Mitch's interference had done its job. Your horse, spooked and confused, stumbled, and you felt yourself being thrown from the saddle. The ground rushed up to meet you, and you hit the dirt with a jarring impact that knocked the breath from your lungs.

As you struggled to rise, you saw your horse, wild-eyed and panicked, galloping away. The race continued around you, a blur of motion and sound, but you were no longer a part of it. You were grounded, quite literally, and the bitter taste of defeat was sharp on your tongue.

"You'll pay for this," you hissed under your breath, knowing Mitch was already far ahead, likely smirking at her handiwork.

But this was not the end. No, this was merely a setback. As you pushed yourself to your feet, your mind was already racing, plotting your next move. The tournament was far from over, and if there was one thing you were good at, it was turning the tables when least expected.


As you lay there amidst the churned earth, the race a distant echo, you felt a shadow fall over you. It was Raine, the white-haired half of the Ivory twins, his pale locks a stark contrast against the vibrant green of the racecourse. His presence was like a calm amidst the storm, his usually quiet demeanor taking on a comforting quality.

"Are you hurt?" Raine's voice was soft, almost lost in the cacophony of the race, but it was the most soothing sound you could have heard in that moment.

You tried to push yourself up, pride warring with pain. "I'll manage," you said, though your voice lacked its usual conviction.

Raine extended a hand, hesitancy in his eyes. You knew of his introverted nature, and the effort it took for him to reach out to you spoke volumes. You took his hand, and with a gentle strength, he helped you to your feet and then onto his horse.

"You need to finish the race," he said, his gaze lingering on you longer than necessary. "I'll stay here; Raisean will find your horse."

You were about to protest when Raisean, the extroverted twin with hair as dark as a raven's wing, approached. His laughter was a bright note in the tense atmosphere. "Always the hero, aren't you, brother?" he teased, a knowing glint in his eye. "Don't worry, I'll fetch her steed. After all, we can't have our star assassin sidelined by a tumble, can we?"

Raine's cheeks flushed a faint pink, and he averted his gaze, but not before you caught the look of genuine concern in his eyes. It was a look that made your heart skip, even as confusion swirled within you.

Did Raine...?

But there was no time for such thoughts. Raisean was already sprinting away, his form swiftly disappearing in the search for your horse. You turned to Raine, about to thank him, but he simply nodded, as if understanding the unspoken words between you.

With Raine's horse beneath you, you knew you still had a chance. The race was not over, and neither was the tournament. As you settled into the saddle, you cast one last glance at Raine, his solitary figure a silent sentinel as the race roared on. You would not forget this act of kindness, nor the unspoken words that hung in the air between you.

With a determined kick, you urged the horse forward, back into the fray, your spirit unbroken. The race was on, and you were back in it, thanks to an unexpected ally with a hidden heart.


Crossing the finish line, your heart was a tumultuous drumbeat echoing in your chest. You had finished in 58th place—a respectable position, all things considered. The crowd's roar was a distant sound, muffled by the pounding of your pulse. You were flushed from the exertion, the thrill of the race still coursing through your veins.


Pass The Race

+15 points


Onin was there, his figure cutting through the throng of competitors and spectators alike. His fifth-place finish was impressive, and his smile was genuine as he approached you.

"Well done," he said, clapping you on the back with a comradery that belied the competitive nature of the tournament. "You've got the heart of a lioness."

You managed a smile, though it didn't quite reach your eyes. Your thoughts were elsewhere, with Raine, who had sacrificed his chance in the race for you. Guilt gnawed at you, a sharp contrast to the warmth of Onin's praise.

"I should have been the one left behind, not him," you confessed, the words spilling out before you could stop them.

Onin's expression softened. "Raine made his choice," he said gently. "And he made it knowing full well what it meant. That's the kind of man he is."

You knew Onin was right, but it did little to ease the weight on your shoulders. Raine had shown you a kindness that was rare in the cutthroat world of assassins. It was a debt you intended to repay.

As the other assassins celebrated or commiserated around you, you made a silent vow. You would not forget Raine's gesture, nor would you let it be in vain. The tournament was far from over, and you had more than just yourself to fight for now.

With a nod to Onin, you excused yourself, your mind already turning to the next challenge. The race had been just the beginning, and you were ready for whatever came next.


Twenty minutes had elapsed since the race's chaotic onset, and the Valeor Palace racecourse was a spectacle of fervor and motion. The Ivory twins, Raine with his ethereal white hair and Raisean with his raven-black locks, were the epitome of contrast, yet united in their purpose.

Raisean, ever the embodiment of vitality, returned from his quest with a triumphant air. The horse, your horse, was now beneath him, its sides heaving slightly from the exertion. "Found her!" he exclaimed, his voice a mixture of relief and triumph. "She was grazing by the eastern hedge, calm as you please."

Raine, who had been a silent sentinel, his gaze fixed on the horizon, turned at his brother's call. A subtle smile touched his lips, a rare sight that was as fleeting as it was heartening. "Well done," he said, his voice a quiet murmur that somehow carried over the din of the racecourse. "I knew you wouldn't disappoint."

Raisean dismounted with the grace of a cat, patting the horse's neck affectionately before handing the reins to Raine. "She's all yours, brother. Though, I must say, I think she missed her true rider," he jested, a playful glint in his eye.

Raine took the reins, his touch gentle, yet assured. "Thank you, Rai-rai," he replied, his gratitude evident even in his succinct words. "Now, let's see if we can salvage this race."

With a nod to his brother, Raine mounted the horse, settling into the saddle with an ease that spoke of years of experience. He spared a glance back at the track, where the dust was still settling from the frenetic energy of the race.

"Go on, then," Raisean urged, clapping his brother on the back. "Show them what it means to ride with the wind."

And with that, Raine nudged the horse forward, the animal responding with a burst of renewed vigor. They were off, a streak of white and black against the green, making up for lost time with every powerful stride.


The numbers on the race board clicked upwards, each digit marking the fate of another racer. The 90th racer crossed the finish line, and the crowd's excitement crescendoed with each passing second. Your eyes darted back and forth across the track, searching for the distinctive figures of the Ivory twins.

"Come on, come on," you muttered under your breath, a mantra of hope.

The announcer's voice boomed, "And there goes the 91st... 92nd... all the way to the 95th racer!" The tension was unbearable, a tightrope stretched to its limit.

Then, like a bolt from the blue, Raisean burst across the finish line, his black hair a stark contrast against the white of his horse. You couldn't help but cheer, relief flooding through you. But it was short-lived, as Raine was still out there, somewhere among the thundering hooves and flying dirt.

The announcer continued, "And the 97th racer has finished!"

Your heart sank. Time was running out.

But then, like a whisper turned into a roar, Raine appeared. His white hair was like a flag of surrender from the race itself, conceding to his indomitable will. He crossed the finish line in 98th place, and the crowd erupted into a mixture of shock and awe.

Without a second thought, you sprinted towards him, your legs carrying you faster than they had during the race. Raine dismounted, his breaths coming in heavy gasps, and as you reached him, you threw your arms around his neck in a hug that conveyed all the gratitude words could not.

"Thank you," you whispered, the embrace speaking volumes more than the simple words ever could. "You didn't have to do that."


Raine Ivory

Status: Friends
Attraction Scale: 40%



Raine's arms hesitated for a moment before they wrapped around you, returning the hug with a gentle firmness. "I did," he said, his voice barely audible over the din. "And I would do it again."

You pulled back, looking up into his eyes, and in them, you saw not just the reflection of yourself, but the reflection of every choice that had led to this moment. A bond had been forged, not just of gratitude, but of mutual respect and an unspoken promise of support.

As you both stood there, amidst the cheers and the fading sunlight, you knew that no matter what the tournament held next, you wouldn't face it alone.

The air was still charged with the excitement of the race's conclusion as Raisean and Felix, ever the jesters of your group, began their playful banter. Their laughter was infectious, and soon. Allysa joined in, her giggles a melodious backdrop to the twins' humor.

"Did you see Raine's face when he crossed the finish line?" Felix chortled, his eyes twinkling with mirth. "I swear, he looked more surprised than the horse!"

Raisean, not to be outdone, added, "And what about (Y/N)? A hug so tight, I thought she was going to strangle my poor baby brother!"

The group erupted into laughter, the sound light and carefree. It was a moment of pure joy, a celebration of the camaraderie that bound you all together.

But amidst the laughter, you failed to notice Onin's reaction. The smile had slipped from his face, replaced by a tightness around his eyes that no one else seemed to see. With a quietness uncharacteristic of the jubilant scene, he turned and walked away, his departure unnoticed by all but you.

You felt a pang of something—confusion, perhaps, or concern. Onin, the one whose opinion mattered more to you than you cared to admit, didn't share in the moment. His jealousy, silent and unseen by you, was a shadow that passed unnoticed.

As the laughter died down, you found yourself glancing in the direction Onin had gone, a question mark hanging in the air. What had caused his sudden departure? The answer lay just beyond your reach, obscured by the very emotions you were still trying to understand.



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