Teenage Fever | Jude Bellingh...

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"The way you looked at me..." Brielle trailed off, Jude expression softened, a small smile playing at the cor... Több

The End


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𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒅𝒔𝒐𝒏
One step forward two steps back

"Ah, Liverpool," Trent answered promptly when I asked him about his favourite club as he drove us to the stadium.

Unlike Trent, I didn't have a favourite club. In my father's presence, I would have probably said Barcelona, but now, with a different perspective, I felt drawn towards Real Madrid due to my current connections. I appreciated them a little more, afterall I saw the work they put in so it'll be rewarding when I see them win.

Curious to continue our conversation, I asked for his predictions for the upcoming game. His response was thoughtful, acknowledging the strength of Girona's performance this season.

"It's really anyone's game," he admitted, his tone reflecting genuine uncertainty. "Girona has been surprising us all with their performance."

"I feel like you were supposed to say Madrid just because...you know" I said playfully pointing at my I.D.

"You're absolutely right. Madrid that's me answer" he said which made me laugh.

We finally arrived at the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium and made our way through the special access entrance, bypassing the long lines of eager fans. I lead the way with Trent following closely behind until we reached our destination: the best seats in the stadium.

As we settled into our seats, I couldn't help but feel excited. The atmosphere was amazing. Around us, fans were decked out in their team colors, waving flags and banners in support of their favorite team.

As the players took to the field, the crowd erupted into cheers, their voices echoing throughout the stadium. The sight of the players in their brightly coloured jerseys, warming up for the match ahead, made me more nervous than I had expected.

Trent leaned over, a grin on his face as he soaked in the atmosphere. "This is what it's all about," he said, his voice filled with excitement. "There's nothing quite like the energy of a live match."

I nodded in agreement, my eyes glued to the players as they moved gracefully across the field. The tension was obvious as both teams prepared to give their all in pursuit of victory.

As the match kicked off, the intensity only grew, with each team fighting tooth and nail for possession of the ball. The crowd's cheers and chants filled the stadium, adding to the electric atmosphere.

Despite the fierce competition on the field, I found myself completely engrossed in the action, my eyes following every pass, every tackle, with bated breath. It was a thrilling spectacle, and I couldn't tear my eyes away for a single moment.

As the game progressed, the tension continued to mount, with both teams coming close to scoring on multiple occasions. The crowd's excitement reached fever pitch, their cheers and applause echoing throughout the stadium.

Then, in a thrilling turn of events, Madrid managed to break through Girona's defense, with an assist from Jude, Vini scored a stunning goal that sent the crowd into a frenzy.

"Woah, did you see that assist from Bellingham" Trent shot up from him seat celebrating the goal, I was not expecting that from Mr.Liverpool's my club. Also something about him cheering for Jude, kind of made me feel...funny.

I watched Vini celebrated his goal with Jude on his back as they continued to cheer on in front of the Girona supporters. As the match reached its thrilling conclusion, the tension in the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium was at its highest. With just minutes left on the clock, the players pushed themselves to the limit, determined to secure a victory for their team.

In the dying moments of the game, as the clock ticked into eight minutes of added time, the unexpected happened – Vini scored another goal, sealing Real Madrid's triumph with a resounding 2-0 victory. The stadium erupted into cheers and applause, as the madridistas celebrated their team's success.

I couldn't help but feel a rush of happiness as I watched the players celebrating on the field, their hard work and determination paying off in the form of a hard-fought win. Madrid had played exceptionally well, and their victory was well-deserved.

Turning to Trent, I shared a smile of satisfaction, knowing that we had witnessed something truly special. "They played a really good match," I remarked. What I saw in training wasn't as close to what I had just witnessed.

I'm so happy I listened to Chad, speaking of I'm surprised I hadn't seen him.

He nodded in agreement, his eyes still fixed on the field as he absorbed the moment. "Absolutely," he replied, "But did you see that penalty they should've gotten? It was a clear foul, but the ref completely missed it."

I listened attentively as Trent launched into a passionate discussion about the controversial call, his enthusiasm infectious. Despite the disappointment of the missed penalty, his love for the game shone through, and I found myself drawn into the conversation, eager to hear his insights and perspectives.

After the match, he and I made our way to the VIP lounge. As we sipped our drinks and discussed the highlights of the match, I couldn't help but be struck by Trent's passion for football.

His eyes lit up as he recounted key moments from the game, his words painting a vivid picture of the action on the field. I found myself hanging on his every word, captivated by his knowledge and enthusiasm for the sport.

"I think I'm going to go say hi and congratulate them before I go, come on" I said to him.  He was my plus one so he was allowed to follow me to where the players would be.

Upon entrance I could hear them chanting which made me laugh. Trent on the other hand looked as if  he couldn't believe he was so close and was about to see them. As soon as I came into view.

"Brielle!" I heard Vini Jr.

"You were amazing" I said walking over to him next thing I knew he was hugging me as he continued the singing the song they all chanted.

I watched as the players were overjoyed, exchanging high-fives and congratulatory embraces as they relished in the victory. Trent waited for me on the outside while I stepped in, still no sign of Chad which was weird to me.

I exchanged a few words with Brahim and Rodrygo before I went back to where Trent was. Jude must've followed me out, but when he saw me talking to Trent, the look in his eyes were almost as if his whole world was crumbling down.

"Do you mind, asking Vini for picture for me?" Trent asked.

"Sure, one second" I went back in and asked Vini who said yes before coming out. Trent handed me his phone and I snapped a picture of them both. They exchanged a few words and Vini went back inside.

"Brielle" I heard Jude, which grabbed both Trent's and I attention. I couldn't react the way I wanted to because then Trent would probably start asking questions I didn't know the answers to. I hesitated for a bit but then I responded.

"Hey Jude" I said with a nice smile.

"May I have a word?" He asked.

"I'll be right back" I said kissing Trent on the cheek, Jude clenched him jaw but he gathered himself quickly before walking off, I followed behind him.

He walked until we somehow ended up in a room with his name on the door, his dressing room.

"You have to be quick, what is it?" I inquired, sensing the tension radiating from him.

"You've had a man all this time but you're giving me a hard time?" He sounded upset, his words laced with frustration. "And you brought him to my game. What's are you on?"

"Your game? Is your name Real Madrid?" I retorted, meeting his gaze squarely. He stared back at me, but remained silent. "Exactly. It's Madrid's game, not yours."

"Stop evading my question," he murmured, his voice was low.

"We're not together, but we're talking," I replied, my tone firm. "And it's been easier to do so after you lied to me, not once but twice."

"I told you I'm single. I didn't lie," he retorted, his tone defensive.

"But your girl was on IG saying something else," I countered, he raised an eyebrow, perhaps wondering how I had come across that information. But I couldn't care less.

"She's being delusional. I swear we're over," he insisted, reaching for his phone and displaying a text thread between them. I took a deep breath, feeling a bit overwhelmed. Even with this revelation, nothing changed. I couldn't entertain the idea of being with Jude or engaging in any kind of romantic entanglement with him.

"I have to go," I announced, turning to leave, but he reached out and caught my hand.

"Brielle," he pleaded, his words laced with sincerity that held me captive. I hesitated, feeling the weight of his gaze burning into me.

"Why are you running away. Please don't run away from this," he implored, his voice raw with emotion as he took a step closer, closing the gap between us.

"I know I've made mistakes, said things I regret. I don't know what you did to me, Brielle, but you've captured my heart in a way I never thought possible. I can't stop thinking about you. You're all I see when I close my eyes, all I hear in the silence of the night." he confessed, his voice husky with emotion as he reached out to gently cradle my face in his hands. My knees felt like they were about to give way.

"I can't promise you a perfect romance, but I can promise to try to be the man you need. Get to know me better, before you make any decisions. You and I both know, it's me who you truly want, not that guy out there" He said,

His words basically choked me, because I would never in a million years expect to hear something so profound from him, from any man really. I could never admit to him right now that he was right. But what I truly wanted may not be the best for me.

With a trembling breath, "I'm scared, Jude," I admitted, my voice barely a whisper as I laid bare my vulnerabilities before him. "Will you catch me if I fall?"

His demeanor softened, his gaze tender yet resolute as he met my eyes. "Brielle," he began, his voice a gentle caress, "it's not about falling innit, it's about soaring together."

"Jude" I said.

"I would. If ever you find yourself falling, I'll be right here to catch you, my arms open wide and my heart ready to embrace you. I am ready to catch you if you fall, and lift you higher if you stumble." He said coming even closer.

"He's waiting on me, I'm sorry I can't do this" I said finally my hand away from his so I could walk away.

As I left his dressing room, my mind was a storm of conflicting emotions. His words echoed in my
mind. But I couldn't dwell on them now, not when Trent was waiting for me with an expectant smile on his innocent face.

"Hey," I greeted him with a forced smile, masking my feelings. "Ready to go?"

Trent's grin widened at the sight of me, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Absolutely," he replied eagerly, falling into step beside me as we made our way out of the area

"Wait, could I get a picture with Bellingham?", a simple request under normal circumstances, but given the tension that had just passed between us, I found myself hesitating.

"Actually, Jude's... uh, he's busy at the moment," I improvised, my voice faltering slightly as I struggled to come up with a convincing excuse. "He's... uh, talking to the coach about... something important."

His brow furrowed in confusion, but he seemed to accept my explanation without further probing. "Oh, got it," he replied with a nod, though a hint of disappointment present in his tone. "No worries, then. Maybe next time."

"Yeah, definitely," I agreed quickly, relieved that he hadn't pressed for more details. "Next time, for sure." I lied. Jude Petty Bellingham probably would never agree right now.

With that, we continued on our way, the tension between us easing slightly as we focused on the task at hand. But even as we left the locker room behind, the memory of my conversation with Jude lingered in the back of my mind, casting a shadow over the rest of the evening.

We grabbed some food on the way back, and rather than heading straight to the dorm room, I opted to hang out with Trent in his room. As we ate, we jumped into various topics—ranging from the game to school, music, and even TV series. Trent's effortless ability to keep a conversation flowing was something I truly admired about him.

"Your heritage is quite the mix, isn't it?" Trent remarked as we discussed our backgrounds.

"Yeah, it's a bit of a jumble," I chuckled, acknowledging the complexity. "My mom's Jamaican and my dad is German and Belizean"

Trent nodded, a pensive look crossing his face.
"I just know my mom's white and my dad's black" he shrugged as he continued eating, "It's a hard question to answer when people ask"

"Honestly, but whenever you're ready to take that trip to either Jamaica or Belize, just let me know," I smiled warmly.

"Spring break is right around the corner, don't play," he teased, a playful glint in his eyes.

"How are you single?" he asked, smoothly transitioning the topic.

"Same reason you are," I responded casually, trying to keep the mood light.

"Who said I was single?" he questioned, catching me off guard. My heart sank at his words, a sense of déjà vu washing over me. It felt like the universe was playing a cruel joke on me, or perhaps there were simply no single men left on earth.

He must've realized he threw me off, "I'm joking, 101% single."

"You can't make jokes like that, Trent," I scolded, tossing my plastic fork in his direction. It barely made it across the table.

"I'm sorry, but your reaction was priceless," he chuckled, retrieving the fork. "Don't get me wrong, I talk to girls, but things never seem to progress the way I want them to. Either they're hung up on an ex, looking for something casual, or just plain crazy."

"Are you currently talking to anyone?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Just you, at the moment," he replied, taking a sip of his drink.

"'At the moment'?" I repeated, raising an eyebrow. "So, are you planning to start talking to someone new tomorrow? Next week?"

He leaned back in his chair, considering his response. "I guess what I meant is that I'm open to whatever comes my way. But right now, I'm enjoying our conversations and spending time with you."

"I appreciate your honesty," I said, although a bit of uncertainty nagged at me. "But the whole 'open to whatever comes my way' thing... I don't know, it just makes it seem like you're not really looking for something serious."

He furrowed his brow, his expression thoughtful. "I see what you mean. I didn't mean it like that, though. I'm not opposed to a serious relationship if the right person comes along. I just don't want to force anything or rush into something that's not right for either of us."

His words reassured me somewhat, but I couldn't shake the feeling of doubt that lingered in the back of my mind. "I understand," I said quietly, trying to push aside my insecurities. "It's just... I've been burned before, you know? I don't want to invest myself in someone who's not on the same page."

Trent reached out, gently taking my hand in his. "I get it, Brielle. And I promise, I'm not here to mess you around. I like you, and I want to see where this goes. But I also want us to take things at our own pace and not put too much pressure on ourselves."

His sincerity was evident in his eyes, and I felt a flicker of hope stir within me. Maybe I was being too quick to judge, too guarded with my heart. Perhaps it was time to take a leap of faith and trust in the potential of what could be.

"I'm sorry if I'm overthinking things," I admitted, offering him a tentative smile. "I've just been through a lot, and I want to make sure I'm making the right choices."

"There's no need to apologize. It's completely understandable. Just know that I'm here for you, and I'm willing to be patient if you need time to figure things out."

His words should've warmed my heart, filling me with a sense of comfort and security. But it didn't, maybe I'm overthinking it maybe he's right we should take our time to see if we made sense.

"What's your Instagram?" He asked while I absentmindedly texted Serena I told him my @

I felt like for once I felt stuck and needed her advice.

Wait- my Instagram

"Wow, you have Jude Bellingham in your comments telling you to look at him like that?" He said looking puzzled turning his phone screen towards me as if this would've been my first time seeing it. I honestly intended to remove his comments.

"I'm sure they pranked him to do that or something. I'm a new TA, the players tease us" I said.

"Yea in the changing room or on the pitch, I doubt they'd take it online for the world to see. He meant what he said" he said staring hard at the phone screen.

"Well it doesn't matter," I said dismissing it.

"Doesn't matter? If you have Jude Bellingham going after you, let me know so I can get out of his way" he said, I couldn't believe he let those words out of his mouth. I didn't want to be unreasonable but if he wanted me it shouldn't matter who also does.

"You can't be serious right now." Would he seriously stop pursuing me just at the mere thought that Jude might be interested.

"That's Jude Bellingham" he sighed.

"And you're Trent Alexander-Arnold" I said firmly as I faced him.

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