Survival |Yandere Boys X Fema...

By itsryn1221

42.8K 1.7K 536

"𝑰 π’˜π’Šπ’π’ 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒔𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒂 𝒅𝒆𝒆𝒑 π’Šπ’Žπ’‘π’“π’Šπ’π’• 𝒐𝒏 π’šπ’π’–π’“ 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒍. 𝑺𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 π’‚π’π’šπ’π’οΏ½... More

ARC ONE: The beginning
ONE: A Video Game?
TWO: The Deal
THREE: Infiltration
FOUR: Kaide's Betrayal
FIVE: Royal Judgement
SIX: The Truth
SEVEN: Eretrillius Svannigan Vangiance
EIGHT: Bets Made
NINE: Tooth Acquired
TEN: Kaide Khalee Ledger
ELEVEN: Veritas Paper
TWELVE: Lorenzo Hellbringer
THIRTEEN: Attacked And Captured
FOURTEEN: Prince To The Rescue
FIFTEEN: Born To Be Brothers, Forced To Be Rivals
SIXTEEN: William And Enzo
SEVENTEEN: Missing Orb
ARC TWO: The Adventures in Del Valeor
ONE: New Lands, New People
TWO: First Day Troubles
THREE: The Male In The Forest
FOUR: Twin Thieves
FIVE: Royal Assassin's Tournament
SIX: Regulus Nightengale
SEVEN: Mary Narvia
EIGHT: A Duel With Raisean Ivory
NINE: Officially A Royal Assassin
Royal Assassin Specialization Quiz
ELEVEN: Drunken Confessions
TWELVE: The Race
FOURTEEN: Gift Of The Night
FIFTEEN: Cautious Visions And Blurred Memories
SEVENTEEN: Brotherly Bond
EIGHTEEN: Unwanted Visit
NINETEEN: Beast In The Night Market
TWENTY: The Flag
TWENTY ONE: The Riddle
TWENTY TWO: The Dragon Egg's Quest
TWENTY THREE: Last Goodbye's
TWENTY FOUR: Underwater Kraken Escape
TWENTY FIVE: Chaotic Day
TWENTY SIX: Basilisk's Arena
TWENTY SEVEN: Endless Dream
TWENTY EIGHT: Preparations
TWENTY NINE: The Final Duel
THIRTY: Doomsday is coming

TEN: Assassin Specialization

508 21 7
By itsryn1221



The morning light had barely begun to seep through the heavy drapes when the sound of footsteps approached. You groaned inwardly, recognizing the soft but determined steps of Allysa. As the door creaked open, you wondered, not for the first time, why your chambers seemed to have a revolving door for your fellow assassins. Onin had a habit of barging in unannounced, and now Allysa was following suit.

'Why can't they all be like Seth?' you mused, recalling the courteous knock that always preceded his entrance.

"Rise and shine, (Y/N)," Allysa chimed, pulling the curtains back with a flourish. "The sun waits for no one, and neither does our duty."

You sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. "Is it too much to ask for a lock on that door?" you grumbled, though the hint of a smile tugged at your lips. Allysa only laughed, a sound that echoed the lightness of dawn.

"Come now, we have much to do today," she urged, tossing you your gear. "Your first day as a royal assassin awaits, and we must discover where your talents lie."

Dressing quickly, you followed Allysa through the winding corridors of the Valeor palace. The stone walls, usually cold and unyielding, seemed to whisper secrets of past intrigues and silent shadows. "So, what's this about specializations?" you asked, eager to learn more about your new role.

Allysa glanced at you, her eyes gleaming with a mix of pride and excitement. "Each of us has a unique skill set, a specialization that defines our approach to the art of assassination," she explained. "Onin is Forest Wise, able to navigate and utilize the wilderness like no other. Seth, with his affinity for the sea, is Sea Wise. Nikita's mastery of arcane arts has earned her the title of Magic Wise."

You nodded, intrigued by the diversity of skills within your ranks. "And what about Mitch?" you inquired.

"Crime Wise," Allysa replied. "She has an uncanny ability to think like our targets, predicting their moves and staying one step ahead."

The two of you reached a secluded courtyard, the morning air crisp and invigorating. "Then there's Felix and me, City Wise," she continued. "We blend into the urban sprawl, becoming part of the city's heartbeat."

"And the Ivory twins?" you pressed on, your curiosity piqued.

"Army Wise," Allysa said with a hint of admiration. "They understand the ebb and flow of battle, the strategy of war."

You pondered the possibilities, wondering where your own strengths would emerge. "And me?" you asked, a tinge of uncertainty in your voice.

"That, my friend, is what we're here to find out," Allysa said, a knowing smile on her pale face. "Today, we explore your potential, and by dusk, your specialization will reveal itself."

As you stood beside Allysa, ready to embark on this journey of self-discovery, you couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. The path ahead was shrouded in mystery, but with each step, you would carve your destiny, define your purpose, and perhaps, find a sense of belonging in this clandestine.

"Let's begin," Allysa said, extending her hand towards the training grounds. "Your future as a royal assassin starts now."


The journey to Onin's domain was a silent one, the only sound being the crunch of leaves underfoot. Allysa walked with purpose, her ocean like eyes scanning the dense foliage that surrounded the path. You followed, trying to match her stride, your mind racing with thoughts of the upcoming test.

As you entered the clearing, Onin greeted you with a nod. "Welcome to my forest," he said, gesturing to the forest around him. "Let's see how you fare with Luna's guidance."

Luna, a majestic wolf with eyes like polished gold, regarded you with curiosity. You reached out a tentative hand, and she sniffed it before giving a soft huff of approval. "She likes you," Onin observed. "That's a good sign."

The test was simple in theory: follow Luna to a hidden marker without alerting any of the forest's other inhabitants. You took a deep breath and nodded to Onin, signaling you were ready.

Luna set off at a brisk pace, weaving through trees and over streams with ease. You did your best to keep up, mindful of the noise you made with every step. The forest was a cacophony of sounds, from the rustling of leaves to the distant calls of birds.

Despite your efforts, you quickly lost sight of Luna. The forest seemed to close in around you, the trees like towering sentinels. You paused, listening for any sign of the wolf, but there was nothing. A sense of unease settled in your stomach.

After what felt like hours, you stumbled upon Luna, who was sitting patiently beside the marker. Relief washed over you, but it was short-lived. Onin emerged from the shadows, a disappointed frown on his face.

"You're too loud," he said bluntly. "The forest is a living thing; you need to be a part of it, not a disruption."

You nodded, accepting the critique. "I understand," you replied, though frustration simmered within you. "What's next?"

Allysa stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "Don't worry, (Y/N)," she said. "We'll find your place. Let's move on to the next test."

As you left the forest, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of defeat. But the day was young, and there were more specializations to explore. With Allysa by your side, you were ready to face the next challenge.


The Deep Lake was a mirror to the sky, its surface calm and undisturbed as you and Allysa approached. Seth stood at the water's edge, his gaze fixed on the horizon. He turned as he heard your footsteps, a warm smile spreading across his face.

"Welcome, (Y/N)," he greeted. "World of it own, the water is, Realm Sea Wise belong."

You nodded, the weight of the previous failure still heavy on your shoulders. "I'm ready to try," you said, the determination in your voice belying your inner turmoil.

Seth led you to a small boat, its hull painted with symbols of the sea. "Must you not disturb the water, while buoy you navigate," he explained. "Delicate touch and understanding of waves it requires."

As you took the oar in hand, Allysa offered an encouraging nod. "You've got this," she whispered.

The boat glided into the lake, the oar slicing through the water with barely a ripple. You focused on the buoy in the distance, each stroke measured and precise. But the lake was deceptive, its calm a mask for the undercurrents that tugged beneath the surface.

Halfway to the buoy, a sudden gust of wind swept across the lake, disturbing the water and sending small waves lapping against the boat. You adjusted your grip, trying to compensate, but the boat rocked dangerously.

Seth's voice carried over the water, calm and steady. "Remember, fighting the lake wrong, understanding it yes."

You took a deep breath, attempting to find the rhythm of the lake, but it eluded you. The buoy seemed to drift further away with each passing moment, and frustration set in.

When you finally returned to shore, the boat had taken on water, and your clothes were damp. Seth's expression was sympathetic. "Me think the sea is not for you," he said. "Sea does not give it's secrets."


Seth Leon

Status: Friends
Attraction Scale: 20%



You stepped onto the shore, the feeling of defeat a bitter taste in your mouth. "I guess the sea isn't where I belong either," you admitted.

Allysa placed a hand on your back, guiding you away from the lake. "Don't lose heart," she said. "There are more paths to explore. Your specialization is out there, waiting for us to find it."

As you walked away from The Deep Lake, the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the land. The day was not yet over, and neither was your quest to discover your true calling.


The barracks were alive with the clanging of steel and the shouts of soldiers when you and Allysa arrived. The Ivory twins, Raisean and Raine, were easy to spot among the chaos-Raisean's laughter rang out, a stark contrast to Raine's silent vigil from a nearby bench.

"Allysa!" Raisean's voice boomed as he caught sight of her. He bounded over, the picture of unbridled enthusiasm, and swept her into a bear hug, lifting her off the ground. "I've missed you!"

Allysa, taken aback by his sudden release from prison, managed a laugh as she steadied herself. "Raisean, you're a sight for sore eyes," she said. "But what are you doing out?"

"Ah, that's a story for another time," he winked, setting her down. Raine, ever the observer, offered a small, knowing smile but remained quiet.

You cleared your throat, feeling slightly out of place amidst the reunion. "I'm here for the test," you reminded them, eager to move on from the previous failures.

Raisean's eyes lit up. "Of course! Let's see if you're Army Wise," he declared, clapping his hands together. "Raine, set up the course!"

The white haired sibling nodded and gestured for you to follow. The test was a simulated battlefield, complete with obstacles and strategic points. "Your task is to navigate the field, take out the targets, and reach the end without being 'spotted' by the enemy," Raine explained, his voice calm and measured.

You nodded, taking in the layout before you. It was a maze of challenges, each designed to test your tactical thinking and agility. You started well, moving with precision and purpose, but as the course progressed, the 'enemy' soldiers-your fellow assassins in disguise-proved too cunning.

You were 'spotted' more times than you cared to count, and by the time you reached the end, you were panting and disheveled. Raine approached, a sympathetic frown on his face. "Not quite Army Wise, I'm afraid," he said gently.


Raine Ivory

Status: Acquaintance
Attraction Scale: 30%



You sighed, feeling the sting of another failure. "I thought I had it that time," you admitted, glancing over at Allysa who was busy chatting with the white haired Ivory.

"Your combat skills are amazing," Raine admits. "I'm sure Onin trained you well. But I guess Army Wise isn't for you." Nodding your head you feel his comforting words sink in.

Allysa stepped forward, her expression supportive. "You did well, (Y/N)," she said. "This just isn't your specialization. We have more to try."

As you left the barracks, the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the training grounds. Your journey to find your place among the royal assassins wasn't over yet, and despite the setbacks, you felt a growing sense of determination. With each test, you learned more about yourself, and you were ready to face the next challenge head-on.


The air was thick with tension as you and Allysa approached Mitch's domain, a place where shadows whispered and secrets thrived. Mitch was waiting, her expression as cold and unforgiving as the stone walls that surrounded her.

"So, the prodigy arrives," Mitch sneered, her gaze fixed on you with undisguised contempt. "Let's see if you're worth the fuss."

Allysa shot you a sympathetic look before addressing Mitch. "We're here for the test," she said, her voice steady despite the palpable animosity.

Mitch unfolded a map, littered with marks and notes. "Your test is to plan the perfect crime," she declared, her tone mocking. "But since you're so 'special,' I've made it a little more... challenging."

You examined the map, noting the intricate web of information that Mitch had laid out. It was a daunting task, one that required a deep understanding of the criminal mind and the city's dark underbelly.

As you began, Mitch hovered over your shoulder, her breath hot on your neck. "Remember, (Y/N), the devil is in the details," she hissed.

You tried to focus, to prove Mitch wrong, but her presence was unnerving. Every decision you made was met with a scoff or a derisive laugh. The pressure mounted, and doubt crept into your thoughts.

Hours passed, and your plan took shape, albeit clumsily. When you finally presented it to Mitch, she barely glanced at it before tossing it aside.

"A child's play," she spat. "You're no Crime Wise, that's for sure."

Defeated, you looked to Allysa, who was frowning at Mitch's harsh treatment. "Enough," Allysa said firmly. "We're done here."

As you left Mitch behind, her laughter echoed in your ears, a cruel reminder of your failure. But the journey wasn't over yet. There were still specializations to explore, and you were determined to find where you belonged.

Allysa placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Don't let her get to you," she said. "Mitch has always been difficult. We'll find your strength soon."


The city's heartbeat was a rhythm of chaos and order, a melody that Felix danced to with ease. As you and Allysa navigated the crowded streets toward him, you could feel the pulse of the city thrumming under your feet.

"There's Felix," Allysa pointed out, her voice barely audible over the din of the city.

The fox boy stood at a street corner, his emerald eyes scanning the throngs of people with an air of casual authority. He spotted you both and waved, a grin spreading across his face.

"Ready to test your city smarts?" he called out as you approached.

You nodded, though the failures of the day had left a sour taste in your mouth. "I'm ready," you said, more to convince yourself than him.

Felix's test was a blend of stealth, observation, and quick thinking. "You'll need to tail this mark without being noticed," he explained, pointing out a man in a red cap weaving through the crowd. "Stay close, but not too close. Blend in."

The mark moved unpredictably, darting into shops, doubling back, and at one point, joining a group of street performers. You did your best to keep up, using every trick you'd learned to remain unseen.

But the city was an unforgiving teacher. A misstep here, a too-long glance there, and the mark spotted you. His eyes met yours, and the chase was up.

Felix found you moments later, the disappointment clear in his green eyes. "The city's a tough nut to crack," he said. "You did well, but it seems City Wise isn't your calling."

You sighed, feeling the weight of yet another failure. Allysa, ever the pillar of support, patted your back. "We have one more specialization to try before the day ends," she reminded you. "Let's not give up hope just yet."

As the sun began its final descent, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, you followed Allysa to the last test, wondering if you would ever find your place in this world of shadows and secrets.


The sun was a mere sliver on the horizon, its dying light casting long shadows across the land as you and Allysa made your way to Miss Mary's hut. The air was thick with the scent of herbs and the unknown, a stark reminder that you were treading into the realm of the arcane.

Miss Mary's hut was as eccentric as its owner, adorned with odd trinkets and glowing with an eerie light. Nikita stood at the entrance, her golden eyes reflecting the twilight. "Are you ready to tap into the unseen, (Y/N)?" she asked, her voice a soft whisper against the rustling leaves.

You swallowed hard, the failures of the day heavy in your heart. "I'm just a normal human," you confessed. "I don't have magic in me."

Nikita smiled, a glint of something unfathomable in her golden gaze. "Magic isn't about what you are; it's about what you believe you can be," she said, beckoning you inside.

The interior of the hut was a labyrinth of mystery, bottles and books lining the walls, each whispering promises of power. Miss Mary herself was a whirlwind of energy, her dark eyes alight with madness and wisdom.

"Magic is the art of the possible, the dance of creation," Miss Mary cackled, stirring a bubbling cauldron. "Let's see what dance lies within your soul."

The test began with simple incantations, words that felt foreign on your tongue. You stumbled, faltered, and with each mistake, the spark of hope within you dimmed.

Miss Mary watched, her head cocked to the side. "Why do you bind yourself in chains of doubt?" she asked, her voice cutting through the fog of your failures.

Her words struck a chord within you, igniting a flame that you hadn't known existed. With renewed vigor, you spoke the incantations again, this time with conviction. The air shimmered, the cauldron's contents glowed, and for the first time, you felt the thrum of magic coursing through you.


Royal Assassin Specialization Found!



"You see?" Nikita said, a proud smile on her lips. "You are Magic Wise, (Y/N). You always were."

The revelation filled you with a sense of purpose, a belonging that had eluded you until now. As the last light of day vanished, you stepped out of the hut, a newly minted member of the arcane.

As the final rays of the sun kissed the horizon goodbye, you stood outside Miss Mary's hut, a sense of accomplishment swelling in your chest. Magic had always been a part of you, it seemed, lying dormant and waiting for the right spark to ignite. Miss Mary's cryptic words had been the key, unlocking a power within that you had never known.

Allysa beamed at you, her eyes reflecting the pride she felt. "You did it, (Y/N)," she exclaimed. "You're Magic Wise!"

The revelation was a balm to the sting of the day's earlier failures. You were no longer just a hopeful assassin with a string of unsuccessful attempts; you were now a practitioner of the arcane, a wielder of the unseen forces that governed the world of magic.

The journey back to the palace was a blur, your mind abuzz with the possibilities that lay ahead. As a Magic Wise, you would train to harness your newfound abilities, to weave spells and incantations into the fabric of your missions.

Allysa's voice pulled you back to the present. "Tomorrow, we begin anew," she said, her tone filled with excitement. "Your training starts at dawn."

You nodded, the weight of the day's exhaustion settling in. But there was also a lightness to your step, a clarity of purpose that had been absent before.

As you entered the palace gates, the night had fully descended, a tapestry of stars spread across the sky. The world of royal assassins was vast and varied, and you had found your place within it.

You were Magic Wise, and your journey was just beginning.



Author's Note:

This is my first Author's note in this story ever since I released it. I want to keep things professional. But today, I'm going to explain to all of you that Assassin Specialization also exist in other empires too, but is only now announced in the second Arc.

So if the other Royal Assassin's were in specialization, this is what there specialization would be:


Kaide: Army Wise
Geron: Crime Wise
Jeo: Nature Wise

Las Ventas:

Lorenzo: Army Wise
William: Crime Wise
Eret: City wise

If you guys don't want magic wise what Assassin Specialization would you be in?

And if you don't like being a magic Wise girlie, then I'm really sorry but it needs to be that for the plot. So please bear with me.

And if you've got more questions or suggestions for the story, please comment or DM me, I'll be happy to respond!!!

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