Reborn in 90 with space to ra...

By julietbanguis

4.9K 18 2

for offline reading purpose only credits to the original author Awakening the Space Power in the End of the... More



169 3 0
By julietbanguis

Everyone says that I became good because I studied with you. It's a joke. Don't I have to work hard? Wouldn't I ask the teacher if I don't know? Why should others attribute all my efforts to you! "

She roared in a low voice, and it was hard to tell whether it was the cold water that had just been poured on her face or the tears on her face. Anyway, she had never done it before.

Xu Dan's mood was very complicated, but she had completely calmed down at this moment. She was not just a teenager.

Looking at Juanjuan who was a little crazy, she just said coldly, "You can take care of yourself" and turned back to the classroom.

She originally thought that even if it was passed down by Juanjuan, she might have accidentally let it slip and was passed on by others before it became the version she heard today.

But now it seems that it is clearly not the case. This was the version that Juanjuan spread at the beginning. How much does she hate her for allowing the rumors to ferment like this in just one night?
This is probably the most fulfilling thing she has ever done in her life...

Xu Dan returned to the classroom with a good mood and made a suggestion to everyone, "Students, I have an idea, let's adjust the seats?"

Zhou Chenglong and Lin Yukun have long been Xu Dan's little fans, and they spoke enthusiastically, "Hey, what kind of change? I also feel that I have long been tired of sitting like this. It would be nice to change to a girl as my seatmate!"

"Some people really have beautiful thoughts!" The Yang sisters mocked the two boys and did not forget to echo, "Okay, change your seat to change your mood. Xu Dan, why don't you just sit in the middle so we can ask questions? Just entered hahaha."

Xu Dan raised her eyebrows. She was indeed chilled by Juanjuan's behavior, but she still couldn't say no to her enthusiastic classmates.

"Let's adjust the seats into a semicircle like this, facing the podium. There are fewer of us, so we can be a little more isolated. We don't need to sit at the same table. Everyone sits independently."

"If you have any questions in the future, you can ask me directly without disturbing the surrounding classmates. We can also supervise each other and don't engage in small groups. We should study together and make progress together. The direction we want is to study together as a unit and strive for the top as independent individuals! "

Xu Dan's words are equivalent to breaking up the class teacher's previous group pk system. It can be said that there are pros and cons.

But when one mode becomes tired, isn't it a different kind of alternative to change the mode?
By now, the classes have been divided into different classes and have achieved a high degree of autonomy. Many rules are formulated by themselves after discussion, and they can just report it to the class teacher.

Li Mochou's management system is becoming more and more relaxed. As long as it does not violate her principles and the students do not regress, she can do whatever they want with them.

When Juanjuan came back from the bathroom to calm down, the seats in the class had been adjusted. Her eyes flashed with confusion, and she couldn't suppress the jealousy in her heart.

She clearly knows that wherever Xu Dan is there, as long as she speaks, others will definitely support her. Only she is still in unrealistic fantasy, thinking that as long as she works hard enough, she will be seen by others. She doesn't want to be Xu Dan anymore. A shadow beside Dan.

And she is not bad at studying now. Why should she always be shrouded in Xu Dan's aura? The teacher said that there are a thousand Einsteins among a thousand people. She feels that she is no worse than Xu Dan.

Maybe it's okay to stay away from Xu Dan so that everyone can see her...

The fermentation about teacher-student love is far from over.

There are too few things for entertainment in this era. Students who can afford MP3 players are considered to have very good families. Having some gossip is like a dog that smells meat and will not stop until it is eaten.

Xu Dan originally thought that she would only be troubled by rumors for a while, and as long as she ignored those people, the rumors would naturally disappear.

But when she was invited into the office for tea by the dean, she realized that things were not that simple anymore.

The dean is also very troubled. Who is Xu Dan? He is the most valued student of the two women in this school who he can't afford to offend the most!
The two most made him very anxious.

"Xu Dan, why are you making such a fuss, and Teacher Zhou? I have to talk to you about this. You are in your late twenties, can you be more measured in your actions?"

He actually didn't believe in the love affair between teachers and students, but they didn't believe the rumor in school that there was love between teachers and students, but the students did. Nowadays, wherever he goes, there are different "gossips" about Xu Dan and Teacher Zhou.

It would be okay if nothing happened, but it would be terrible if the leaders who came down to inspect heard it.

Xu Dan whispered, "We have no partner," and simply stopped talking.

She does like Zhou Zheng'an and is interested in him, she admits, but if she doesn't have a virgin partner, she doesn't have a virgin partner, and no one can pin this crime on her.

Hearing what she said, the dean turned to Zhou Zhengan and said, "Teacher Zhou, what do you say?"

"Director, what did classmate Xu Dan say? We really don't have a partner. How old is she? Although I am a substitute teacher, I am not a beast to that extent, haha."

Zhou Zhengan avoided the important and took the easy, but the dean understood the meaning behind his words.

Saying that Xu Dan is young means that he has no partner now, and he may not be in the future; reminding him of the identity of the substitute teacher is to remind him of Zhou Zhengan's background. He can come and go as he pleases, and the school cannot control him at all. Even if he is a substitute, he is still a teacher and cannot be slandered casually.

No matter how old this kind of talent is, there are more holes in his mind than a sieve. The children trained by capitalists are just different.

The dean sighed and said helplessly: "Teacher Zhou, no matter what, you have to think about Xu Dan. You are now at the center of the storm. If it continues to ferment, how much impact will it have on her? There are already many school leaders. I've asked about it once, but I can't help but deal with it..."

"Ha." Zhou Zheng'an suddenly interrupted the dean with a chuckle.

"I know what the school wants to explain. You are reluctant to give up Xu Dan's good face. Naturally, I can't watch the people I trained being framed like this. I can solve it, but I have a condition. I will not slander my reputation. Those who do this will be severely punished!"

Xu Dan listened to their confrontation silently. Zhou Zhengan had expected it before coming, and told her not to say anything except the first sentence, and let him do the rest.

Now it seems that the school wants one of them to leave. In view of Xu Dan's academic performance and his academic status, the school naturally hopes that Zhou Zheng'an can withdraw naturally due to pressure.

But this person was not under the jurisdiction of the school at all, and even the explicit and implicit threats broke the hearts of the school leaders.

But the person who spread the rumors...

After all, they are also the ones the school focuses on cultivating, so they are really reluctant to let them go.

Before calling them here, the dean only hoped to persuade them with emotion and reason. But now in this situation, he had to give up the lighter one in order to gain balance.


"Director, I want to say that if I can bring out one apprentice, I can naturally bring out a second, third, or even more. However, Director, you should also understand that compared to grades, we need to pay more attention to students. The school doesn't want to cultivate a student with good grades but bad moral character, right?"

Xu Dan looked at the teaching director with confident and firm eyes. She knew very well how Juanjuan's learning improved step by step.

Sometimes, if you want to destroy a person, you have to start from the heart and break down her psychological defenses, and that person will be useless.

Juanjuan is very smart, and she also knows some things that others don't know, but what she didn't expect was that Xu Dan's heart was far beyond that of an ordinary teenager.

Now, Xu Dan is putting the pressure on her.

The dean stared at Xu Dan in shock, as if he didn't believe that such words came from Xu Dan's mouth, but only for a moment, he recognized what Xu Dan said.

He changed from the serious expression on Xu Dan's face when he first arrived, and his face instantly became amiable, "Of course we believe what classmate Xu Dan said, but the rumors this time are too fierce, and the school must give the students , parents and leaders should give an explanation."

"I have to explain, what's the use of staring at a student?!"

Zhou Zhengan looked at the dean with dissatisfaction, obviously very dissatisfied with their behavior of targeting the two of them for being slandered without going to the source.

The dean, who was surrounded by anger, was trembling in his heart. This was a library and an expanded football field!
He carefully kept his smile and said, "Yes, yes, we naturally know that classmate Xu Dan has both good character and academics. This time she was wronged, so she should be dealt with impartially..."

"The sooner the better, this is my resignation letter, scoff!"

It was the first time that Xu Dan saw Zhou Zhengan get so angry. In her impression, Zhou Zhengan had always been gentle and polite, even if he didn't talk much sometimes.

The dean carefully took the resignation letter with an embarrassed look on his face, "This...Teacher Zhou, that library..."

"The money has been received. As for when the construction will start, it depends on your attitude. Danya, go back to class."

Xu Dan looked at the dean, then at Zhou Zhengan, and nodded lightly, "Yes, goodbye, dean."

It seems that Zhou Zhengan has completely figured out the dean.

Seeing Xu Dan walking out of the office, the dean's head was dripping with cold sweat.

He was a little nervous when the school leader gave him the task. He couldn't afford to offend the God of Wealth.

At first, he wanted to act like a director in front of the students, but as soon as this person showed his aura, he even threatened and intimidated him. It was hard for him to withstand this! !
Xu Dan no longer cares about the outcome of their discussion. Zhou Zhengan will take care of everything anyway.

She went to and from get out of class as usual, and taught little Xu Qiang's studies when she went home on weekends.

As for what Zhou Zhengan said in the dean's office about resigning, she took it completely seriously.

Who could write a resignation letter to the dean of students? It was just a threat. Besides, if Zhou Zhengan didn't want to leave, who could drive him away?

Now Xu Dan has a kind of confidence in her heart. Zhou Zhengan stayed in Lei Ming No. 1 just to accompany her and not to miss her growth. This makes her feel particularly at ease.

Convinced that Zhou Zheng'an would not leave, Xu Dan lived a comfortable and comfortable life during this period. Except for the absence of a friend who had been inseparable from her side, she was a little melancholy, but she soon felt relieved.

But sometimes some things just backfire.

When he learned that Zhou Zhengan was about to leave school, Xu Dan panicked...

Chapter 324 Zhou Zhengan's Cultivation
"Uncle Zhou, you..."

Zhou Zhengan reached out and wanted to rub the soft hair on Xu Dan's head, but he pulled back just as he was about to touch it.

He had a gentle and reassuring smile on his face, and his words were extremely soothing, "The short separation is for a better reunion, Danya, study hard. When you get to university, many things will become free."

"Hey, don't look so sad. I'm not leaving right away. I made an agreement with the school to wait until your Mathematical Olympiad is over before I leave. You are also the apprentice I brought up, and I have to accept the results."

Xu Dan bit her lip and asked Zhou Zheng'an unwillingly, "Uncle Zhou, is our process really correct? What if we train all these white-eyed wolves in the future? It's not a waste of time and money. ?"

It was rare for Zhou Zhengan to be silent. He had thought about this question many times a long time ago. He had also questioned the imperfection of the system, but in the end, he got the answer in his heart that it must be done!

"Danya, there are many things that you may not be able to understand now, and you have too little contact with them. In our funding projects and assistance plans, there have indeed been many children who went astray."

"But can we deny all children because of them?"

"When I sponsored you, I didn't expect that you would take this path. When I didn't know you, I listed you as a support target without even thinking about it. Did I know at that time that you would be good at character? If you are good at academics, will you have good morals?"

"In this world, many things are beautiful because of the unknown. It's like opening a blind box. You spend money to buy a blind box. You may want to open it, or you may not want it. Can you blame the blind box itself?"

"Danya, I can't figure it out. It's understandable. I've seen too little and learned too little. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. I'll take you to see more and walk more in the future. You will naturally understand what you are doing now. The task is just to study hard."

Xu Dan was not convinced by these words. The stubbornness in her bones made her have to find out the result by herself.

But in this stall where they might have to part ways soon, she didn't want too many complicated things to affect their mood.

She was extremely reluctant to let go of Zhou Zheng'an. She had escaped, struggled, and given up, but now she was determined to pursue him.

Now that their feelings have not been expressed, they are about to be separated, and her current study tasks are destined to prevent her from following in his footsteps.

"Okay, don't be sad. We will see you again. Tomorrow is the weekend. Get ready. There is a case that we need to understand. After completing this case, I think you will probably understand the meaning of what we do."

When Xu Dan heard that there was a case to be taken, she nodded seriously. What she mainly does now is listen more, read more, write summaries and records, and focus on learning.

When I returned to the classroom from my evening self-study, I was stopped by Juanjuan in the corridor.

"Xu Dan, you won't let Teacher Zhou withdraw my funding, will you? What I said is right. Don't you like him? You can't..."

How could such a person exist? Xu Dan was almost laughed out of anger. She had been blinded before.

Not wanting to get entangled too much, Xu Dan told her coldly, "As long as you meet the funding requirements, the funding will not be withdrawn. Instead of worrying about it now, it is better to improve your moral cultivation in the future and don't do anything wrong." It's so ugly for you to be so jealous when you are justified in getting things done!"

After saying that, Xu Dan pushed her away and went back to the classroom without looking back. There were big things to do tomorrow, and she couldn't let this kind of person affect her mood.

The next day Xu Dan got up early in the morning, and after his routine exercise, he met Zhou Zhengan at the school gate.

"Get in the car. I've already told your brother." Zhou Zheng'an had just arrived and quickly opened the car door when he saw her leaving the school gate.

He handed her a simple breakfast, a cup of soy milk, and two steamed buns.

Fortunately, Xu Dan didn't get car sick and had breakfast on the way.

When we arrived at the village, the people from the village committee had been waiting for them for a long time. Seeing them coming, the village party secretary and women director who were in charge of this matter not only had no surprise on their faces, but looked a little embarrassed.

"Well, Mr. Zhou, I'm afraid I won't be able to go today. The woman in that house is sick. She seems to be fine at ordinary times, but when she gets sick... none of us can get close to her. She will kill people with a hatchet..."

Zhou Zhengan's expression changed after hearing this, "Where is the child?"


The women's director pushed the village party secretary to the side, took over and started talking: "When that woman gets sick, she locks her children in the house. No one can go out. If she gets angry, she will kill them. We really have no choice. We can only wait until she gets sick before going."

"Nonsense!" Zhou Zheng'an didn't know this was the case before, and the information he handed in didn't say anything about it. "What if she loses her mind and attacks the child? She is so sick, and you have helped her family pay for it. Continue to let her take care of her children like this? You are extremely irresponsible towards women and children!"

In the end, under Zhou Zhengan's strong force, the village party secretary and women's director could only do what he said.

After learning about the real situation of this family in detail in the brigade, Zhou Zhengan fell into deep thought.

He is not short of money, but for such a family, it is not a small amount of money.

The child's father died unexpectedly a few years ago when he went out to work, making the originally poor family even more impoverished. The child's mother has a second-level mental disability, and the child is only 7 years old and has a third-level hearing disability.

What makes these people think that a mother with some degree of mental disability is capable of raising a 7-year-old child on her own?

This matter cannot be solved by just one visit. Zhou Zhengan decided to go to the child's home for an on-site inspection.

The village party secretary wanted to stop her, mainly because he was afraid that the woman would go crazy and hurt someone.

Zhou Zhengan asked the militia captain to bring a few strong men to follow him.

He knew that people with mental disabilities were not very strong once they became ill, and sometimes one or two strong adults could not hold them down at all.

As I approached the house, I saw a woman sitting on a low stool at the door, peeling her nails with a silly smile, and there were scattered dark red stains on her body.

There seemed to be some rustling sounds in the room. Zhou Zhengan listened carefully and seemed to hear the cry of a child.

His heart thumped, and he glared at the village party secretary angrily, hoping he wasn't late today.

"The safety of children should always come first. I have reason to suspect that the children in this family have been subjected to domestic violence. Captain of the militia, please control this woman immediately."

The militia captain glanced at the village party secretary, and after receiving an affirmative look, he led his men to rush forward. First he threw the hatchet next to the mad woman far away, and then roughly controlled her.

The woman struggled wildly, making hysterical roars from her mouth. Her face was ferocious but she had not said a word.

"Go and see the child!"

As soon as Zhou Zhengan said these words, the women's director was the first to run to the room inside. There was a key hanging on the door of the room, and soon the door opened.

Chapter 326 The Last Lesson

There was a child tied to a chair, his mouth stuffed with a dirty rag, sobbing, his face and body covered with scratched skin, and the blood that had flowed out had solidified and dried.

"Xiaoyu!" the women's director exclaimed, and quickly ran over to untie the rope tied to the child.


After a period of confusion, Xiaoyu was sent to the hospital for a full physical examination, and Xiaoyu's mother was also taken to the police station to be controlled and awaiting follow-up.

Zhou Zhengan leaned against the white wall of the hospital, looking down at the pensive Xu Dan, and suddenly chuckled, "Dan Ya, do you understand now?"

Xu Dan knew that he was referring to what he said before.

What she experienced today made her sympathize with Xiao Yu and at the same time have a different awakening.

She pursed her lips and nodded, looking up at Zhou Zhengan firmly, "Uncle Zhou, I understand. Theoretical knowledge has taught me that everything needs to be done in a process and everything needs to be well-founded, but the actual situation does not allow us to do this too much. process."

After a process, the lives of vulnerable groups may be endangered.

Zhou Zhengan couldn't help but reached out and rubbed Xu Dan's hair. She always understood what she meant so quickly.

"Yes, if everything is done step by step, then it is enough to have the government department. We actually do not play any special role, and our job is precisely to serve the grassroots and take root at the grassroots level in addition to the government functions."

Xu Dan felt that she seemed to have different considerations about Juanjuan.

Everyone's character development has its own trajectory, and external forces are only influencing factors, not absolute.

What will happen depends entirely on the subjective consciousness of the individual, because everyone receives the same education, and no one locks them up and instills something different.

So for Juanjuan, she has a clear conscience. As for work, just because Juanjuan meets the conditions, they go to help. As for moral character...

They are all still students now and have a long way to go in life. No one knows what will happen in the future. Who can determine which person is good or evil?

Xu Dan was completely relieved, and she rarely showed her first truly relaxed smile in these days, "So, what the future holds is their own choice, and we only help them have the right to choose."

"That's right, so Danya, even if I'm not with you, I hope that you will grow up step by step in a down-to-earth manner and not be affected too much by external things."

"For a grassroots worker, compassion and empathy are very important, but when work affects your life, what you should do is to let yourself go and learn to detach yourself from the emotions that others bring to you. Influence."

This was the last lesson Zhou Zhengan taught her in a short period of time.

Before the National Mathematical Olympiad finals, Zhou Zhengan quietly left Leiming No. 1 Middle School. He wanted to keep the girl in his heart and continue to pursue his dreams. When the girl grew up enough to stand by his side, he would naturally come back.

Yu Qing, who was eager to wait for her daughter-in-law, tried to repair Zhou Zheng'an, but there was nothing she could do about it. In the future, her daughter-in-law would still be too young, and she would be worried...

Xu Dan knew that Zhou Zhengan would leave soon, but he didn't expect that he would leave so quickly. He should have returned directly after participating in the Mathematical Olympiad finals, but unexpectedly he was invited to the special enrollment sites of major prestigious schools.

Chapter 327 Special Recruitment

Admissions teachers from major universities set up there like street stalls, allowing the finalists to inquire and look at them.

They have always been the ones to pick and choose students, so why are they smiling so shyly and waiting for students to favor them?

Although Xu Dan is not planning to go anywhere, he still carefully understands the advantages of major universities.

"Classmate Xu Dan, you are a liberal arts student, right? Our Capital University is the best liberal arts institution in the country. I guarantee that you will be happy as soon as you come here. If you like mathematics, our mathematics department is also very good. We can promise that you will be admitted as a freshman. Learn directly from senior professors!"

"Classmate Xu Dan, don't believe him. When it comes to mathematics, it's better to have our Tsinghua University. We have top students and top teachers. Only by being competitive can we be motivated."

"Classmate Xu Dan, come to us..."

"Classmate Xu Dan, let me know about free tuition and fees..."

Teachers with various expressions, either kind or contorted, introduced Xu Dan to the school one by one.

Of course, the kindness was directed at Xu Dan, and the distortion was naturally directed at the teachers from other universities who were competing with them for people.

Xu Dan politely thanked the teachers from various colleges and universities. Many students yearned for these schools, and many students could not get them.

But she doesn't have such big ambitions. She just wants to study hard, study hard, and take root at the grassroots level. She firmly believes that only when the grassroots level rises, can this country be truly strong.

So after walking around for a whole morning, when the team leader asked her, Xu Dan smiled and said, "Teacher, there are thousands of possibilities on the road of life, and I want to experience the college entrance examination."

The teachers in No. 1 Middle School naturally knew Xu Dan's ability, and the college entrance examination was not a problem at all. What's more, this special recruitment was for students with special skills in mathematics, which may not be where Xu Dan was interested or wanted to go. Thinking about it this way , then it becomes clear.

Just think of it as coming out to see the world.

Xu Dan gave up the special recruitment recommendation and chose to take the college entrance examination.

But others who also shined in the Mathematical Olympiad like her did not hesitate to choose the special recruitment recommendation, and they were only confused about which school to go to.

If you can avoid taking a few detours, why not?

Niu Tao's performance in the finals this time was not outstanding. After all, there were so many outstanding people blocking his way.

Maybe reaching the finals shows his strength, not to mention that he is only a freshman.

Although his current results are not favored by the leading schools, what about another year? He is not necessarily worse than the previous few.

It was Xu Dan who deeply frustrated him.

Ever since the scandal between Xu Dan and Teacher Zhou came out, Niu Tao had questioned and suffered, and finally chose to pretend he didn't know.

When it comes to trust, he only has a vague affection for Xu Dan. If he wants to develop a revolutionary friendship, he should not question her, and he is not qualified.

In the end, Niu Tao did not choose to send out special recruits.

He wants to wait until next year and try again for another year.

Before Xu Dan and others returned to school, the news came back when she won first place in the Mathematical Olympiad.

As a high school liberal arts student, I participated in the Mathematical Olympiad competition and actually won first place. It was a great honor for the school.

So as soon as this group of people entered the school gate, they saw an eye-catching banner.

"Congratulations to Xu Dan, Class 1, Senior High School student of our school, for achieving first place in the finals of the Olympiad Mathematics Competition!"

As for other people, they definitely do not have the right to enjoy the banner.

Chapter 328 710 points

Back at school, the whole school was filled with excitement.

The upsurge of teacher-student love was completely overshadowed by Zhou Zhengan's resignation and Xu Dan's first prize in mathematics.

But Xu Dan knew that there was no longer that person's company here.

His footsteps will not stop, and he will continue to move towards his own sea of stars. When they meet again, he may be more mature and charming, or he may no longer be the same person he once was.

But Xu Dan knew better that she studied hard and used the learning space to make continuous progress, not just for that one person.

He has his stars and the sea, and she also has her vast universe. When we meet again, it must be a reunion at the top, right?
During the period before the college entrance examination, Xu Dan abandoned all distracting thoughts, and her world only consisted of absorbing knowledge.

The best golden learning time for a person is during adolescence, and she must race against time and not waste it.

In addition to books on social work, Xu Dan also searched for many books on psychology and law, completely transforming the space into an all-round study room.

When she first discovered the space, she thought it was a golden finger that could hold things. Later she discovered that this space could change according to her needs.

She is very dependent now, but only now!
There are no shortcuts in life. Even if you are a rich second generation, if you want to stay rich, you have to study hard.

Xu Dan knows this truth very well. She has already picked up the opportunity to start over. Apart from enriching her knowledge, she is just an ordinary girl and has no other way to make herself reach the sky.

With the mentality of either working hard or dying by doing nothing, Xu Dan studied hard day and night.

The teachers in No. 1 Middle School all regarded Xu Dan as "someone else's child" and mentioned him again and again in their class.

Those who refused to admit defeat also followed Xu Dan. Of course, there was no shortage of bad students in high school.

Some students failed to pass the high school entrance examination, and after repeating two or three years of junior high school, they finally woke up and started to work hard after spending all their parents' savings to buy it. Instead, they were able to achieve good results in the senior high school examination.

But some students get into high school with excellent grades but become complacent and end up in tragedy.

Of course, there are more people who have always had good grades and who can't stand up to the wall.

Those who got the counterattack script did it because they worked hard enough.

Xu Dan's three years of hard work was finally verified in the college entrance examination examination room.

"710 points! Danya, my sister-in-law will prepare delicious food for you when she goes back. You can make whatever you want!"

When the scores came out, everyone in the old Xu family was shocked. Oh my god, there was a god of learning in their family!

Xu Dan smiled and pursed her lips. In two years, she had grown into a restrained girl.

In the summer of 1994, Xu Dan always felt that this was the second turning point in her life. She completely made up for the regrets of her previous life and was admitted to her ideal university with excellent results.

She is no longer that ordinary girl who graduated from an ordinary university. She does not have to do the hardest work for three meals a day, nor does she need to bear huge debts...

At this moment, she felt more relaxed than ever before, and tears slowly slipped from the corners of her eyes. Looking at her family members who were all happy for her when they knew her results, she choked with sobs, her voice firm and loud, "Brother, sister-in-law, Qiangqiang, this is The happiest day I've had in a long time!"

After washing away all her troubles, she is finally qualified to pursue the life she wants!

Chapter 329 Ten Years
ten years later

"Vice President Xu, the supplies here have been delivered. Are they distributed on a per-household or per-capita basis?"

Xu Dan was holding a flip phone, typing something quickly on the computer, and replying to the person on the other end of the phone.

"If there are ten or three people in a family, the distribution will naturally be based on the head of the head. You should contact the police station over there and get the list. Except for those who work outside, the amount of supplies will be distributed according to the number of people in the family. , we have the backing of the Red Ten this time, and there is no shortage of funds. Don't save, the people's life is better than anything else."

After hearing the answer, Xu Dan hung up the phone.

After picking up the tea cup and taking a sip of the warm red dates and wolfberry tea, Xu Dan pinched his brows and dialed the number that had not been reached for two days.

Although time and space have been changed, and Xu Dan is very sure that this is no longer her original world, this difficult and smokeless war still broke out in 2004.

When Zhou Zhengan decided to go to the mountainous area to support teaching, she was a little uneasy. It was not until the smell of disinfectant filled the tip of her nose every day that she realized what she had forgotten.

Listening to the repeated voice on the phone that the other party was not in the service area, Xu Dan sniffed and decided to put down all the work at hand.

Walking out of the office, Xu Dan clapped his hands and looked at the company's busy employees wearing masks, "Everyone, I may have to go out for a while. You should stay at home, pay attention to protection, rest more and drink more water, and don't accidentally get into trouble. Oh."

"Mr. Xu, do you still want to go out during this special period?"

"Mr. Xu is going to find Mr. Zhou, right? Have a safe trip~"

"Mr. Xu, please take me with you. I can cook and cook!"

Listening to everyone's enthusiastic voices, Xu Dan smiled happily.

During these ten years, she never forgot the direction of her efforts.

I studied hard in college and completed all the studies in the social work major. I also took a double break to major in psychology and learned some first aid knowledge by myself in my spare time.

In her senior year, she joined this association of social workers as an intern. The salary was good, there were many benefits, and she was in the right major. When the internship was almost over, she realized that she had joined the association run by Zhou Zhengan.

After the internship, she went to see him with a gift and said to him sincerely, "Brother Zhou, thank you."

Unexpectedly, she was hit by his strong wall, and he asked her in a deep voice, "Huh? Why don't you call me Uncle Zhou?"

The relationship between the two has become a default relationship, but they have very little time to indulge in love, and they still stay at the stage of holding hands during dates.

Strictly speaking, they are in a long-distance relationship.

Zhou Zhengan is obsessed with teaching and social assistance, running out every day, while Xu Dan is mainly responsible for some basic social work in the local area.

Both of them are career-minded, and when they are busy working, they often don't see each other for several months.

Xu Dan was sitting in the waiting hall of the train station wearing a mask, thinking, this time, let's settle the relationship.

Who says girls should be reserved? When she meets the right person, she likes to be bold and proactive.

With the bumps of the train, Xu Dan finally arrived in the city where Zhou Zhengan was teaching two days later.

There was a smell of disinfectant everywhere.

They even sprinkled a lot of salt on the ground.

Xu Dan frowned and got on the bus to Zhou Zheng'an, thinking that hadn't the experts already refuted the rumors that salt could not prevent the spread? Why is salt still being wasted here?

Such a large amount of salt is not cheap, and the economic level of this place is not high.

Chapter 330 Finale
After a bumpy journey, Xu Dan finally arrived in the mountainous area where Zhou Zheng'an was teaching.

The village party secretary personally led her to Zhou Zhengan's primary school. Xu Dan couldn't help but tremble when she saw the iron chains in front of her.

Has he been living in such an environment these days?
The moment he got on the zipline, Xu Dan's hands and feet were trembling, and he was sweating coldly on his back.

After slipping out, she couldn't help but close her eyes tightly and tightly grasp the handle with both hands.

Xu Dan thought he was going to fall several times due to his unstable center of gravity.

Although it was only a few minutes of ziplining time, Xu Dan felt that centuries had passed, and she felt infinite regret for the things she wanted to do but did not do in the past.


With a call, Xu Dan's feet finally landed on the ground, and his body was embraced in a warm embrace.

With her hands and feet still trembling, she couldn't help but hug the person holding her tightly, and her voice was filled with tears, "Uncle Zhou, I'm so scared. I'm afraid I'll never see you again."

Uncle Zhou, who had not seen him for a long time, put a satisfied smile on Zhou Zheng'an's face. He picked up Xu Dan and ran out with an exclamation.

Children kept coming around.

"Teacher Zhou, who is she?"

"Teacher Zhou, she is so beautiful. Is she your partner, Teacher Zhou?"

"Wow! Go tell everyone that the master's wife is here!"

Xu Dan blushed at the children's shouts and shyly nestled into Zhou Zheng'an's arms. He felt Zhou Zheng'an's chest vibrate and let out a joyful laugh.

When he arrived at Zhou Zheng'an's residence, he locked a group of dolls out and stared at Xu Dan for a moment, as if he couldn't get enough of them.

To be honest, he was quite scared when he ziplined for the first time. It was at that time that he figured out that he would marry Xu Dan back home after the teaching tour was over.

Unexpectedly, she actually came over.

"Silly girl, why are you so brave and dare to zip around, huh?"

Xu Dan was no longer afraid now. There was only a slight nervousness left in his heart, and his thoughts began to become clearer.

She pretended to slap Zhou Zheng'an a few times, "It's so chaotic outside. Auntie is almost worried to death. You can't get through on the phone..."

"My mother is just worried, aren't you worried?" Zhou Zhengan stared at Xu Dan, hoping to hear her answer that would satisfy him.

He is nine years older than her. Although he has recognized her for a long time, he has never been able to put aside his face and tell her clearly.

Even now, he is trying to be careful, trying to get her to admit their relationship first.

"Uncle Zhou!" Xu Dan suddenly hugged him, "Screw your reserve, Uncle Zhou, are you willing to be my partner?"

Zhou Zhengan's smile never stopped from the moment she appeared. He also stretched out his hands to hug her petite body tightly, "Is it just a date? I think it's legal."


Xu Dan, who had enough tacit understanding, understood what he meant in an instant and cried with joy.

The couple who finally settled down and calmed down their relationship talked about work again.

"Our small organization cannot afford such a big project like building a bridge, but asking the public to provide this money is definitely impossible in the current situation. Not to mention how chaotic it is outside, planning this area in three or two years will definitely not be possible. here."

Xu Dan knew that what he said was right, but she had her own ideas, "Actually, we don't have to go public. After all, no matter how chaotic it is outside, there are still some people who will not be affected."

The two looked at each other and obviously wanted to go together.

In the past few years, social welfare undertakings have become more and more popular, and what they do has attracted more and more attention. It is just building a bridge, and it can be completed with a little fundraising.

The two acted separately, and finally became a legal relationship after the chaos of the year was over and the bridge was built.

Due to various reasons such as my pregnancy not being particularly good, being hospitalized, giving birth to a baby, and confinement, this book has been updated intermittently, and the ending can only be condensed. I would like to say sorry to the readers, and see you in the next book~

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