Reborn in 90 with space to ra...

By julietbanguis

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for offline reading purpose only credits to the original author Awakening the Space Power in the End of the... More



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By julietbanguis

Chapter 301 Good News
Their emotions seemed to be recovering well, and it would be nice to be able to laugh and comfort each other.

"It's okay. Li Mochou didn't get her nickname for nothing. Didn't she try to get the school leaders to give you a chance to show yourself today? Maybe there will be a turn for the better?"

Xu Dan said casually, as if that was the truth.

She knew that the more she downplayed it now, the lighter the burden would be on Yang Ziling and Yang Yumeng.

What they are waiting for is the final trial. If the school leaders believe the so-called evidence and do not believe in the students' strength, they will be punished.

But since the school leaders were summoned by Li Mochou, there is still a high chance that Yang Yumeng and Yang Ziling will be rehabilitated.

"Oh, we have already looked away. Those who don't pay attention will come back in half a year at worst. Those who stay by sneaking around will never last long."

Yang Yumeng smiled confidently, and her arrogance as a top student was clearly evident in her. She was straightforward and somewhat arrogant, making it easy for people to forget that she was also a girl who stood at the top of her studies.

Yang Ziling looked at her and smiled, both of them looking confident that they were destined to win.

Seeing that they had adjusted so well, Juanjuan was relieved and told them happily: "Lao Liu and I will stay in this class. If you are punished, we will wait for you to come back. If you are not punished, we will Let’s work together to stay in this class!”

"Yes! We don't want those ghosts and snake gods to come in again, that would be so annoying." Xu Dan also agreed, with a sincere smile on his face, revealing two small dimples.

Yang Yumeng generously stretched out the back of his hand, "Come on, let's work hard together!"

Everyone put their hands on each other and shouted, cheers. People in the dormitory looked at each other and laughed.

"Go and have a rest. From now on, no matter whether you are in the same class or not, you have to exercise and study hard."

Xu Dan finally concluded and urged everyone to take a rest.

The next day was a nice day, the sun was shining brightly.

Such good weather of course also comes with very good news.

Li Mochou walked into the classroom in a good mood and announced cheerfully, "In view of the case of Yang Ziling and Yang Yumeng being suspected of cheating in the last monthly exam, after investigation by the school leaders, it was purely a misunderstanding. The results of the two students this time will be counted. .”

Yang Ziling and Yang Yumeng were so excited that they almost jumped up. At least they took care of themselves and didn't do anything drastic in class.

But some people are not calm anymore.

Yang Ruping stood up anxiously and shouted: "Teacher, I saw them doing cheat sheets with my own eyes. You can't deliberately not punish them just because you like them!"

This idiot's behavior made Li Mochou frown. He first framed his classmates, and then refuted the school's decision. This thought was really abominable.

"Okay, this is the school's decision, and the teacher has no right to question it. Yang Ruping, please sit down and continue class."

Li Mochou's attitude was obviously biased towards Yang Ziling and Yang Yumeng, and she supported the school's decision on this matter.

Yang Ruping could only sit down unconvinced. The good sisters in the past seemed to be in a fight to the death! !

After class, Yang Ruping didn't know who gave her the courage to mock Yang Ziling and Yang Yumeng in public.

"Don't think that everything will be fine just because you will please the teacher. I will definitely stay in the curriculum reform class. Just wait!"

Fourth update

Chapter 302 She felt confused

Yang Ruping's voice was so low that only those sitting in the group heard it.

I don't know when she became like this. She doesn't distinguish between right and wrong. She will do any bad thing for the sake of ranking. She just doesn't study hard. She was obviously not like this before.

Yang Ziling and Yang Yumeng felt sad, but they made different actions.

"Pa!" Yang Yumeng slapped her in the face and looked at Yang Ruping with a sneer. I have to say that slapping was a really good way to vent her anger and made her feel a lot more relaxed.

But Yang Ziling grabbed Yang Yumeng anxiously, "Why are you so impulsive? Don't dirty your hands."

"Ha." Yang Ruping, who was facing a slap mark, also sneered, "Do you think I am still the same person? No matter how you treat me, I will swallow your anger?"

Yang Yumeng slapped him again, "Tell me, what did we do to you before? Did we treat you badly before? Did we not share some delicious food with you or did we not teach you the questions you didn't know how to do?" Yang Ruping, you are really disgusting now."

"Are you stingy in the hope of getting my gratitude? You just want to throw my pride to the ground and trample it to show your pride."

Xu Dan was in a trance for a while, as if he saw the head of his younger sister in junior high school. It turns out that there are many people who accept help from others and then beat them up.

So is there any point in helping others? What if you find out after helping that they are all such white-eyed wolves? Is the path she chose really the right one?

Xu Dan was silent for a day. Juanjuan thought she was frightened by Yang Ruping, so she hurriedly comforted her, "Lao Liu, her kind of person is just an exception. Not everyone is like her. For example, you, you accepted everyone's opinions." After helping, do you really want to repay everyone?"

Yes, but she is only one of so many cases. Who can guarantee that everyone will be like her?

If there are a few more white-eyed wolves, will the so-called funding still be meaningful?
Xu Dan was confused and at a loss.

Her life has always been very simple and very determined. She believes that she is a child raised by society, and she must and has no choice to repay.

"How about you ask Teacher Zhou, maybe he will have different feelings after doing charity for so long?" Juanjuan suggested, she couldn't see her good friend so depressed.

Anyway, no matter what, she, Deng Xiaojuan, would never forget the help her friends like Xu Dan had given her, and she would try her best to help wherever she was needed in the future.

Xu Dan nodded and said nothing. She just felt like she was trapped in a strange circle, which made her feel that what she wanted to do was meaningless. For the first time in more than a year since she came here, she felt confused.

"What are you doing? Do you think the school is your own yard? You are quarreling and fighting, do you still act like students? Yang Ruping, Yang Yumeng, you two come out with me, the others are in the classroom."

Just when the two girls almost started fighting, and Yang Ziling was worried about how to break up the fight, Li Mochou suddenly appeared at the door of the class, thrusting his hands into her waist and yelling, and they immediately stopped.

A figure quietly emerged from behind Li Mochou and sat back in his seat. A conversation between two boys came from the back seat.

"It's really yours, how does it feel?"

"Don't mention how great it is. I feel like I have saved a world. What do you think this class is like? Isn't it good to study hard?"

Because something urgent happened at home a few days ago, I went back to my hometown to attend a funeral and deal with some things. I stopped updating for a few days and started to resume updating today. There are no manuscripts saved and updates are irregular. Thank you to those who have been following updates and voting!

Chapter 303 Zhou Zhengan brought a woman
Isn’t it good to study hard?
This is what Xu Dan has been doing.

After class in the afternoon, Xu Dan took Juanjuan and went straight to Zhou Zheng'an's dormitory, but failed and had to go to the cafeteria to eat first.

Seeing her absent-minded look, Juanjuan bit her lip. She knew that Xu Dan's ambitions had always been relatively high, and Xu Dan had also established his life goals very early.

It's all Yang Ruping and Xu Hongxia's fault. If they weren't so extreme, Xu Dan wouldn't be like this.

After the meal, Xu Dan was still waiting at the door of Zhou Zhengan's dormitory. He didn't come back until class was about to start.

It's just that he didn't come back alone, he brought a woman with him who was wearing fashionable clothes.

"Hey, Anzi, you are so popular, and there are female students waiting for you?"

When the woman spoke, it was with a strong sense of ridicule.

Although Xu Dan knew that Zhou Zhengan would find someone sooner or later, he still felt a little uncomfortable. The preparation bell happened to ring, and Xu Dan quickly said, "Teacher Zhou, we are going back to class."

Then he pulled Juanjuan and ran all the way back to the classroom, feeling confused and unable to calm down for a long time.

Zhou Zhengan, who had no time to speak, frowned as Xu Dan ran away and looked at the woman displeased, "Mom, what are you doing?"

The woman looked like she was only in her twenties or thirties. Who would have thought that she would have a son as old as Zhou Zhengan? She took out her handkerchief and pretended to wipe it under her eyes.

"Oh, you have to grow up with your mother. If you have a little girl, even your own mother will be cruel, you unfilial son~"

He was speaking in a playful manner, but there was a faint smile in his voice.

Zhou Zhengan said helplessly: "Don't want to eat the food cooked by your future daughter-in-law? What should I do if you misunderstood her?"

Daughter-in-law? The woman's eyes lit up. How could she forget that her daughter-in-law was here? This brat didn't go home just because of her daughter-in-law. She quickly grabbed Zhou Zheng'an who was packing her things.

"Er, my daughter-in-law is that cute girl with a round face?"

Hearing the woman's description, Zhou Zhengan's hands felt itchy for no reason, "Well, it's her, what do you think?"

"Oh, that's great. She has a round face, is good-looking, and is blessed. She looks just the way you like her, and her cooking skills are so good. She is simply the best candidate to be our wife!"

The woman caught Xu Dan and praised him. She discovered that Zhou Zhengan likes some cute things since he was very young. Small fluffy cats and dogs are simply his favorite.

It's a pity that the child's father is a fierce man. How could he be allowed to raise these cute little animals? Even if she made excuses to raise them, Zhou Zhengan would not be able to touch them at all.

Now, Zhou Zheng'an was educated by his father and turned into a replica. She felt sad and distressed. Maybe the girl named Xu Dan was destined for him to meet by God and heal the childhood he lost under strict discipline.

"Er, when will we officially meet and have dinner with my daughter-in-law? I have prepared a red envelope as a meeting gift for my daughter-in-law. What do you think is the right size? Is two thousand too thin?"

Zhou Zhengan sighed softly, "Mom, she must have been frightened by you just now. She will not appear here again in the short term. I will find an opportunity to take you to meet her family."

"If you have a good relationship, what's the temperament of your in-laws like? What kind of gifts should you bring?"


Zhou Zhengan watched helplessly as his mother-in-law muttered something about preparing for the first visit.

Seeing how devoted she was, she couldn't bear to say, "Mom, she and her family don't know yet..."

Chapter 304 Mathematical Olympiad Competition
For more than half a month after that, Xu Dan kept avoiding Zhou Zhengan, and even did not bother him again for the Mathematical Olympiad tutoring that was originally once a week.

Until Xu Dan ushered in the first Mathematical Olympiad competition in her life.

Although she was forced to rush into battle, Xu Dan still spent a lot of energy to prepare, at least not to make those who wanted to see her make a fool of herself proud.

Sitting in the classroom for the Mathematical Olympiad competition, Xu Dan took a deep breath and looked around at the strangers around her. There were quite a few people who had signed up. She was the only one from her school in this classroom.

There is no need for scores in the preliminary examination. Anyone can participate as long as they want to. Many people come with the mentality of focusing on participation. If they accidentally pass the re-examination, they can still get some extra points in the college entrance examination.

After getting the test paper, Xu Dan glanced at it first. She had done most of the similar questions, but she couldn't solve the last two questions.

After she made up her mind, she calmly began to answer the questions. By the time she answered the last two questions, there were only a few people left in the classroom.

It is not clear whether the others are the participating group who failed to do it and handed in the paper in advance or the strong group who completed the task and handed in the paper in advance.

But this did not affect Xu Dan's mentality at all.

She read the question silently twice seriously, and finally started writing the first question of the penultimate question.

After finishing writing, she gave up and used the remaining time to memorize the topic.

For questions that are beyond the scope of your knowledge, no matter how hard you study, it will be in vain.

As long as she answered all the previous questions correctly, there would definitely be no problem in the rematch. It would be better to just give up on the last two questions.

"Teacher, I hand in the paper."

The invigilator nodded at her and motioned for her to turn over the test paper and lay it flat on the table before going out.

At this time, there was only one boy left in the classroom who kept writing and drawing on the scratch paper.

Hearing the sound of Xu Dan handing in the paper, he raised his head and looked around. He frowned when he saw that he was the only candidate left. Then he lowered his head and continued to solve the problem, seemingly not affected at all.

After Xu Dan handed in her paper, she saw Niu Tao and another boy waiting not far away, and she trotted over.

Seeing her coming out, Niu Tao greeted her enthusiastically, "Xu Dan, how are you? Everyone has come out. We were afraid that you wouldn't know the meeting point, so we waited here for a while."

Xu Dan smiled gratefully at him.

I heard another boy say: "Someone is afraid that Xu Dan can't find the place~"

The last note was dragged out a thousand times, and Xu Dan couldn't help but laugh or cry. When he looked at Niu Tao again, he found that he actually had two blushes on his face.

Look at this thin skin.

Xu Dan didn't take it seriously. After all, they had been classmates for half a year, so they wouldn't even wait a moment.

"I feel it's okay, but the last two questions are too difficult and seem to have exceeded the outline. I only solved the first small question."

Niu Tao and another boy also echoed, "It's beyond the standard, but our Mathematical Olympiad competition is not just for the same grade, most of them are seniors in the second grade of high school. They are here to win prizes and are recommended, but they are still a small group. Senior year of high school.”

"Yeah, let's just be a side runner. If we can get into the semi-finals, it will be enough for us to brag about for half a year." Xu Dan flirted.

The boy looked back and forth between her and Niu Tao, and after a while he said, "Okay, okay, the teacher said that it will be no problem for you two to enter the semi-finals, so hurry up and follow. There is plenty of time for you to chat."

Everything he said seemed to have a meaning. Xu Dan always felt there was a strange smell, but she was not familiar with him, so she didn't say anything more.

Chapter 305 Little Love Rival

On the bus on the way back, Niu Tao sat on the seat next to Xu Dan on the pretext of discussing the topic.

As expected, most of the answers from the two men matched.

"When did you become so unsure of yourself? You've never been able to answer correctly before, right?"

He had never discovered his little thoughts before...

Niu Tao pursed his lips and pretended to be calm and said: "After all, the Mathematical Olympiad is different. I don't want to take the college entrance examination. It takes too long."

He lowered the back of the chair and lay back on the seat. His body was stiff and his legs were shaking slightly in a seemingly relaxed state.

"Then I wish you a safe journey. I still decided to take the college entrance examination. After all, there are many things I don't want to miss."

Especially the college entrance examination, which can bring honor to herself and her family, she needs it very much.

In the second half of the process, Xu Dan also fell asleep leaning on the back of the chair. She felt as if someone was always staring at her. She was too sleepy.

The sleeping position she had never experienced before made her dream about many things as if she were just watching flowers in a hurry.

She was not confident when she didn't have a family, so she could only rely on her grades to enhance her sense of superiority; after having a family, she puts her family first, and her own feelings are not important.

She is used to silently telling herself that when she can't get the person or thing she likes, it doesn't belong to you.

She didn't want to fight for it. For a child who grew up with financial support, she forced herself to be grateful and convinced herself that what she couldn't get belonged to others and she shouldn't force it.

Just like Zhou Zheng'an, she liked it and felt that she had tried her best, but Zhou Zheng'an still had no other feelings for her, so she gave herself the so-called dignity and chose to give up.

He didn't consider his age or any other factors at all.

In her sleep, the weight on her body seemed to increase. Xu Dan felt a warmth, and a coat with the smell of grass covered her body.

There was a noise around her, and Xu Dan frowned, but she was too tired and didn't wake up.

It wasn't until she got off the bus that Xu Dan realized that she was covered with Niu Tao's coat. She sheepishly took it off and handed it back to Niu Tao, "Thank you."

"Thank you, you really don't know how to bring a coat with such a low air conditioner." As he said this, he stretched out his hand as if to touch Xu Dan's head, then put his hand down with red ears.

"Okay, okay, I received the coat. You should go back quickly and pay attention to safety."

After Niu Tao finished speaking, he turned around and ran away without waiting for Xu Dan to respond.

Xu Dan smiled and waved to him, unaware that this scene was being watched by the mother and son who had been waiting not far away.

"Er smash, it looks like you have a love rival. Aren't you worried?"

Zhou Zhengan frowned and didn't say anything. He just felt that the mother beside him had never been so unpleasant to his eyes.

After saying goodbye to Niu Tao, Xu Dan turned around and ran towards the school gate. She made an appointment with Xu Gang to pick her up at the school gate when she returned from the competition today.

Around the corner, I was caught off guard and saw Zhou Zhengan and his son.

Xu Dan put away his smile, stopped, politely asked "Hello, Teacher Zhou", then stopped looking at them and continued running towards the school gate.

They seemed to be a perfect match. The man was handsome and the woman was beautiful. The woman especially looked mature, with wavy hair and flaming red lips. She didn't dare to look carefully at the woman's appearance, but only four words came to her mind. : Various styles.

Men probably like this kind of feminine look, Xu Dan thought with some discomfort, because she was so narcissistic before that she thought Zhou Zhengan was interested in her.

Really, who would have any thoughts about a Wangzi steamed bun these days?

Chapter 306 Mommy, am I beautiful?
If Zhou Zheng'an hears her inner thoughts, he will definitely tell her that whether it's a Wangzi steamed bun or a fluffy big white steamed bun, as long as it's her, he can do it!

But at this moment Zhou Zhengan only saw Xu Dan like an ostrich, and ran away when he saw him lowering his head.

His frown deepened.

Ever since Zhou Zhengan first helped Xu Dan, he had been observing this girl consciously or unconsciously.

It's not that Xu Dan is special. He takes time to pay attention to every child he sponsors. It's just that Xu Dan has the greatest sense of accomplishment here.

Xu Dan is not the most outstanding child among the children he sponsored, but he is definitely the most grateful one.

In this sense of accomplishment, Zhou Zhengan's attention gradually changed. From the initial joy and recognition, it turned into an itch, wanting to touch, pinch, and hug her.

He also had a psychological struggle, and after struggling to no avail, he decided to accept the reality.

"Mom, something seems wrong with her. She feels like she is avoiding me."

The woman chuckled, patted her silly son, and asked a ridiculous question, "Zheng'an, mommy, am I pretty?"

After giving birth to Zhou Zheng'an for so many years, she insisted not to have another child. She didn't want to suffer the pain of childbirth again, and the more children she had, the faster she would grow old.

How could someone who cares so much about appearance allow herself to age so quickly?
She pays attention to her figure and insists on exercising and doing sculpting exercises; she pays attention to her appearance and insists on massage and maintenance; she pays attention to her temperament and specially finds a young lady from a down-to-earth family to train hard as a specialist.

In addition, she also pays attention to fashion. She never tires of reading foreign magazines and newspapers about fashion.

That's why he is like this now, in his forties, but with the face and body of a twenty-year-old.

Standing next to Zhou Zhengan, no one would believe it if they said they were a couple.

"Of course you are beautiful." Zhou Zhengan did not dare to deal with his mother-in-law, "But Mom, does your beauty have anything to do with Dan Ya ignoring me?"

The woman put her hand on Zhou Zhengan's shoulder and leaned her head gently, "So, do we look like a couple?"


Zhou Zhengan pushed his mother-in-law away like an electric shock, and quickly jumped to a safe distance, "Mom, you mean, Danya misunderstood us... misunderstood the kind of relationship we have?"

Isn't that right? The woman nodded. Children can be taught, and her son is not too stupid.

Zhou Zhengan's normally expressionless face finally had a new emotion - a constipated face.

"Mom, have you noticed it a long time ago? Why didn't you tell me?" What if Danya will go around him in the future because of a misunderstanding?
Originally, this little girl was a tortoise, and her head immediately retracted at the slightest disturbance.

The woman confidently approached to pat her silly son, but Zhou Zhengan dodged him and quickly opened a safe distance.

She didn't mind either, clapped her hands and said: "If your little wife doesn't have you in her heart, why is she hiding? She can hide, which just means that she actually likes you, or likes you, but she hasn't discovered it yet. Wait until she finds out. It's because she overthinks it and misunderstands it. Couldn't your relationship be further improved?"

Zhou Zheng'an's eyes lit up the more she talked about it. As expected, Jiang was still the best when it came to dating. He raised the corner of his mouth and thanked the woman, "Thank you, Mom."

"Thank you, silly son. I'm really worried about you being here alone. How can my daughter-in-law stand your stupid temper? No, no, no, I have to stay here for a while to help you plan your plans!"

Chapter 307 Spatial Learning
Xu Dan, who was jogging out of the school, looked back with some feeling and saw the well-matched man and woman chatting and laughing together. The corners of Zhou Zheng'an's mouth were still curled up, and it was obvious that he was in a good mood.

Maybe this is what should belong to him, his life.

Xu Dan pursed her lips and didn't look any further. She turned around and ran to the place she had made an appointment with Xu Gang.

The life she finally stole should be about studying hard and having a progressive heart. She didn't want to think too much about other things.

Maybe many years later, she will find a like-minded man to get married and have children, or she may die alone and adopt a child to keep her company.

At night, Xu Dan was lying on the bed, looking at the social work-related books in his hands, but he felt like he couldn't read them.

She let her thoughts sink into space and touched the yellowed books on the bookshelf.

The content in the book she just read seemed to be presented before her eyes like a real story, leading her to understand the mysteries of social work bit by bit.

Ye Xiu knocked on the door gently with milk, but received no response. She opened the door and walked in, and saw Xu Dan sleeping soundly with a book.

"This girl, this is not the way to study." Ye Xiu scolded, but her face showed distress and pride. She walked over and took out the book in Xu Dan's hand and put it on the bedside table, then turned off the light and walked out of the room. .

Xu Dan's consciousness sank in the space. Suddenly, the picture in front of her disappeared, and she woke up with a start.

Everything was dark in front of her eyes. It must be her sister-in-law who came to urge her to drink milk.

Ever since she felt that her growth was not very good, Ye Xiu had always felt sorry for her. She felt that her nutrition must have failed to keep up before, which was why her body was not well developed. Now she has to drink a glass of milk every day at home before going to bed.

Even in school, Ye Xiu was afraid that she would be harsh on him, so he generously gave her pocket money and let her buy whatever she wanted.

Xu Dan felt the empty hands in a funny way. Now her brother and sister-in-law really had nothing to say to her, and she didn't know how to repay her, alas!

But now she couldn't think so much. She reached out and touched the book on the bedside table, took it into her arms and lay down again, and then her consciousness sank into the space again.

Time waits for no one, she must seize every minute to study.

I studied like this all night, and when I woke up the next morning, although Xu Dan didn't have panda eyes, his energy seemed listless.

"What's wrong Danya? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Ye Xiu reached out and touched her forehead, looking at her with concern.

Xu Dan shook his head, "It's okay. I just had a dream last night. When I woke up this morning, I couldn't remember what I dreamed about. I felt very tired."

"It's like this. I don't remember much. Unless I'm looking for the bathroom, why don't you take more rest today. Anyway, Qiangqiang likes to stay in bed on weekends and doesn't get up so quickly."

Xu Gang smiled and said that now he has a sister and a son. He could not even imagine such a life before, and his memory is slowly recovering bit by bit.

"Okay, let him call me when he gets stronger."

Xu Dan yawned and went back to his room to sleep.

It seems that studying this kind of thing, no matter where you are, will consume your mental energy. You should pay more attention in the future and not be too tired. Fortunately, there is still one day in the monthly holiday, otherwise I might not be able to concentrate in class today. .

When Xu Dan woke up, she had a warm dumpling in her arms. It was so hot that she was almost sweating. When she opened her eyes, who else was there if it wasn't Xu Qiang?

Chapter 308 What to shout? Call grandma?
She reached out and hugged Xiao Nuan Tuanzi and kissed him on the forehead.

"Aunt, are you awake?" Xu Qiang rubbed his eyes drowsily, approached Xu Dan, and kissed her on the face.

"Do you miss your aunt?"

Xu Qiang stretched out his chubby little hands and hugged Xu Dan's neck, "I think about it, but I think about it. I dream about my aunt every day."

This sweet little mouth made Xu Dan amused. I'm afraid it has caused trouble to many girls since they were young.

The aunt and nephew hugged each other for a while.

Xu Qiang suddenly said: "Auntie, dad and auntie said there will be guests at noon, so you should go to the kitchen to help when you wake up."

"Okay, Qiangqiang, do you still want to sleep?"

Seeing Xu Qiang shaking his head, Xu Dan picked him up and walked out of the room, "You need to rinse your mouth after you sleep."

Xu Qiang didn't know what was going on during this period, but he always didn't like to brush his teeth. Even though his mouth smelled bad, he still didn't like to brush his teeth.

"But aunt, I have already brushed my teeth this morning." Xu Qiang looked confused.

Xu Dan had already taken the toothbrush cup to rinse his mouth, and said to him in a slurred manner: "But if you sleep again, there will be bacteria in your mouth. If you don't rinse your mouth, it will be easy for bugs to grow. Then your mouth will smell bad." The little girl likes you."

Xu Qiang was so frightened that he quickly followed her and rinsed his mouth.

"If I rinse my mouth now, will I stop getting bugs?"

"You still have to brush your teeth every morning and night."

"Ah?" Xu Qiang's little face wrinkled up. Brushing his teeth was really uncomfortable. It was simply the most unbearable thing in the world.

After brushing her teeth, Xu Dan asked Xu Qiang to do his homework while she went into the kitchen to help.

Seeing Ye Xiu looking like she was going to cook a big meal, Xu Dan asked doubtfully, "Sister-in-law, who is coming?"

"Danya's up, come and take a look for me." Ye Xiu called her over and explained to her: "Your uncle Zhou said that his mother came over here, and he happened to know that he was taken care of by our family, so he had to Come and thank me in person.”

"If an elder is coming here, he must be prepared. I don't know what his mother's taste is like. No, I have prepared so much and I haven't decided what to do yet."

Zhou Zhengan’s mother?

The image of Zhou Zhengan and the wavy woman standing together in harmony suddenly appeared in Xu Dan's mind. Not to mention, they looked like a couple. His mother and his partner must have come together.

Xu Dan couldn't explain what he felt in his heart. He seemed a little relieved and a little concerned. Finally, he was pulled by Ye Xiu to get involved in the busy work in the kitchen.

After preparing several big dishes, Xu Gang welcomed the people back. Xu Dan was curious whether there were two people or three people, and she didn't know what kind of mentality she had.

"Okay, okay, I can do the rest by myself. Danya, you can go out and play."

Ye Xiu saw her distracted look and thought she just wanted to join in the fun, so he let her out.

Xu Dan didn't take the initiative to take the job. She did want to go out and have a look absentmindedly.

When he walked to the living room, Xu Dan saw Xu Gang inviting Zhou Zhengan and the big-wave woman to drink tea together, and couldn't help blurting out, "Where is Uncle Zhou's mother?"

As soon as she said these words, the big wave woman couldn't help but cover her mouth and smile, and even Zhou Zhengan also curled up the corners of his mouth.

Xu Gang scolded her awkwardly, "Danya, don't be rude. This is your Uncle Zhou's mother. Just call..."

What to shout? Call grandma? Does this woman who looks younger than him really want Xu Dan to call her grandma?

Chapter 309: Keep praising
Yu Qing enthusiastically pulled Xu Dan to sit next to her, and said with a smile: "I often heard Zheng An mention Dan Ya. She is good at studying and sensible. He even sent some chili sauce back before, and Auntie was so cute that she ate it."

"Hello, aunt." Xu Dan said hello politely, sitting there nervously not knowing what to say.

She had misunderstood her feelings before. This was not Zhou Zhengan's partner at all. What on earth was she thinking!

But who would have thought that Zhou Zheng'an's mother was so young and looked like Zhou Zheng'an's same age.

Xu Gang sat aside and said, "Here, Danya calls Uncle Zheng'an, Aunt Yu, is it..."

"Okay, okay, don't worry about it so much. Let's discuss our own things. Gangzi, do you think Auntie looks like a grandmother?"

Xu Gang silently complained in his heart that if Dan Ya were a few years older, Zhou Zheng'an might not really have this idea.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he said, "Auntie, you look like you are in your twenties. Not to mention being an aunt, calling me sister is not too much."

Yu Qing beamed with joy after a word of praise, but she couldn't help but humbly say, "Where is that?"

Then Xu Gang said: "If you like our Danya's cooking, you can try it later. Most of the dishes at noon today are cooked by Danya."

In fact, Xu Gang was very angry at first because Xu Dan was abducted by a big-tailed wolf at such a young age.

But gradually he began to enlighten himself.

Who's little girl doesn't fall in love a few times? How does she know if she's meeting the right person?
What's more, he saw that Zhou Zheng'an was indeed a good character. It was also thanks to Zhou Zheng'an when he was not at home, otherwise the two children would not have lived so well.

Now when someone brings his mother here, no matter what the purpose is, he must at least look his best in front of the elders.

No matter what the final result is, one's own children cannot be disliked by others. Even if they are to be divided, Xu Dan must be dissatisfied with them!
I have to say that Xu Gang was very worried about his only sister. He started thinking about breaking up even before they were together.

When Yu Qing heard what Xu Gang said, she fell even more in love with Xu Dan, who was already satisfied.

At first, she only thought that the things her son sent back this time were of good craftsmanship and suited her taste. Later, she was satisfied that Xu Dan had actually enlightened her knotty son.

Now that Xu Dan attaches so much importance to her coming, he likes her even more. What does this mean? It shows that she attaches great importance to her arrival!

Although to Xu Dan, she just did a favor to her sister-in-law, in Yu Qing's eyes, it became a strong evidence that she has a good character and values herself.

She will have to have a good talk with her old man when she goes back. For such a good girl, I really don’t know how many years of service she has accumulated.

Yu Qing was happy, so she took Xu Dan's hand and praised her again and again. None of the praises were the same. Xu Dan's praise made her blush, and Xu Gang felt relieved both physically and mentally.

The corners of Zhou Zheng'an's mouth never dropped, and he didn't say much. He watched his mother-in-law's performance throughout the whole process, and occasionally said a few words in agreement.

He thought to himself, now that the misunderstanding was resolved, Danya wouldn't avoid him anymore, right?
From now on, they can still get along with each other as before, but he must strictly guard against Dan Ya's puppy love and nip all those arrogant ones in the cradle!

Amid Yu Qing's enthusiasm in praising her over and over again, the sound of Ye Xiu shouting that she was preparing to eat finally came from the kitchen.

For some reason, Xu Gang and Xu Dan both breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Chapter 310 The Romance of a Poor Boy
What the brothers and sisters didn't expect was that at the dinner table, Yu Qing didn't care about her etiquette at all, and kept praising every dish she tasted.

"Oh, this craftsmanship is so good. Auntie can't wait to take our Dan Ya back to be her daughter."

Xu Qiang, who was eating happily, his face fell, and he said eagerly: "No, no, no, my aunt is mine, no one can kidnap her!"

You can live without your father, but you cannot live without your aunt!

The meal passed with Yu Qing's fancy blowing and Zhou Zheng'an nodding in agreement from time to time.

Before the mother and son left, Zhou Zhengan said to Xu Dan: "With your results, it is not difficult to enter the semi-finals. Since you have participated, just try your best to get good results. The tutoring will continue tonight."

He has said so, and he knows that it was all a misunderstanding before, so what reason is there for not agreeing?
On the way home between mother and son, Yu Qing asked Zhou Zhengan, "Son, Mommy seems to be looking at Dan Yatou as not being very proactive towards you. Does she have any other friends of the opposite sex?"

What does it mean?
"Er, don't blame Mommy for not reminding you. Girl Dan is so good. Boys who like her must be lining up to come. She is the same age as her and has topics to talk about, and she is younger than you. You have to hurry up, otherwise My daughter-in-law was kidnapped and I’m not done with you!”

Yu Qing became angry as she talked, as if Xu Dan was already with another young boy who had a common topic.

Zhou Zhengan could only frown and nod, "I understand, Mom."

But Yu Qing still couldn't calm down. In the evening, while Zhou Zhengan went to tutor Xu Dan, she started talking on the phone with Zhou Demin again.

"Old Zhou, let me tell you, why is your son like a piece of wood? He's not enlightened! He's already old and can't chase girls. When will I be able to hold my daughter-in-law in my arms?"


"You mean he always follows me? Hey, I'm not telling you. The older you get, the stingier you become. How come you didn't know how to pass on some of your cleverness when you chased me to him?"

Every time this matter was mentioned, the couple would blush.

At that time, Zhou Demin was still a bad soldier. He didn't have anything he wanted. He served as a soldier for several years and held a small official position.

Yu Qing had a quarrel with her family, so she ran away from home and went to the city where Zhou Demin was serving as a soldier. Unluckily, she ran into a robber. Zhou Demin happened to come out to show off, and rescued Yu Qing, who had no way to ask for help. A hero came to save the beauty, and the two People fall in love at first sight.

At that time, Zhou Demin was a powerful and majestic man, and he was still a non-commissioned officer. He was pursued by rich women and daughters who had a lot of money.

But he doesn't like anyone, but he likes the delicate Yu Qing.

Yu Qing's parents are both teachers. It can be said that they held their only daughter in the palm of their hands for fear of falling, and held her in their mouths for fear of melting. They raised her with a lot of love and affection.

Who knew that Zhou Demin, who was seven years older than her, abducted her after only one meeting.

Later, Yu Qing shyly and timidly went to deliver the banner to Zhou Demin. It happened that Zhou Demin had just received flowers from a rich woman and was being heckled by his soldiers.

Isn't it a coincidence that Yu Qing appeared at this time, and Zhou Demin directly gave the flower to Yu Qing.

Yu Qing asked him shyly, how did he know she was coming?
This bitch man answered without a trace of blush, he was about to go find her, thinking about her day and night to see him.

Yu Qing, who had never seen such a romance before, was moved in an instant and made up her mind to be with the poor boy Zhou Demin.

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