Best Mistake

By allhailqueendani

17.3K 371 47

"Love has this aura of being beautiful. Passion. Precious... But in reality, sometimes it hinders you. Confus... More

Chapter One: City of Angels
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three.
Character List
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six.
Chapter Thirty-Seven.
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty-One.
Chapter Forty-Two

Chapter Forty

201 7 1
By allhailqueendani


When I reached the dining room, I realized I was nearly the last to arrive. There was Leia, and Mateo, already seated towards the end of the table. Felix and Morgan sat on the opposite side of them, and then there was the case of Fernando. I did not know where he was or even if he was on the grounds, given I hadn't seen or heard from him since this morning.

"Nice of you to finally join us."

The voice of the man in question invaded my ears, prompting me to turn around, coming face to face with him, and an unreadable expression reached his face as he glanced down at my appearance. "You look beautiful..." The compliment, earned himself a slight smile.

"... this color is lovely on you." He says, his hand reaching out to touch the bare skin on my waist.

The dress he had chosen for me to wear this evening was absolutely stunning. It was a soft and slimming tan cocktail ensemble that had a high neck and a deep back that heighten the elegance of the occasion-ready attire. Accompanying this was a pair of white stiletto heels and as far as my hair and makeup goes, I settled for something light and just pinned up my natural tresses.

"Thank you." I spoke low, smoothing out the nonexistent crease with my hands.

"You look quite nice yourself." I told him, he wore this slim fit suit with a black button down shirt, a few buttons were left open at the top and his usual cross necklace laid flat against his exposed chest.

Clicking his tongue, he chuckled lowly. His eyes ran over my curvy figure, before responding, "Thank you, beautiful."

"God, the sexual tension is thick. Why don't you two spare us the bullshit and make up already?" Mateo voiced, and I glanced over at him, noticing he hadn't even bothered to look up from his phone as he spoke.

"Mm, please do. Because this is getting really old, pretty fast." Leia said, leaning back in her chair, almost falling out of it, but she caught herself.

"Alright guys, our guest should arrive soon and while tonight will be just like any other dinner party, I expect everyone to be on their best behavior." Fernando spoke to the group.

"Leia-" He began, but she interrupted him.

"I know, keep the drinking to a minimum and make sure Joaquin stays entertained."

"What do you want me to do?" Mateo asked, pocketing his phone.

"Oh, you know, do what you do best and not leave any voids of silence unfilled." Felix says, a slight smirk playing on his lips.

"That's code for you talk too much." Leia laughed, getting a glare in return from Mateo.

While those two began to engage in light bantering, I suddenly feel a hand reach my lower back, before Fernando's lips move to my ear. He bent down, muttering, "You sit next to me," 

"Okay." I whispered, turning my head just as our guests were arriving.

Joaquin was the first to walk through the threshold, and in comes another man with dark brown hair that went a little past his ears, but was very well kempt. And he was extremely attractive.

I tore my eyes away from him and brought them to the women standing beside him. I recognized her to be Joaquin's sister. I mean, the resemblance was uncanny, she was exactly what I expected based on Leia's description. She was gorgeous. Her fair complexion and waist length brown hair complimented her round face, button up nose and heart-shaped lips, that were painted red.

"Welcome, hermano!" Fernando said as he greeted Joaquin, and they shook hands.  -brother-

"Fernando—" Joaquin clears his throat before glancing at me, "Jazmin." I smiled, nodding my head as to greet him.

"This is my cousin, Manolo." Joaquin introduced, and I shook the Manola character's hand, noting how firm it was.

"Lovely to meet your acquaintance." his deep voice spoke, my eyes reached his face and since he was very close, I could see his eyes, noticing one was blue and the other was brown.

"You as well." I said, marveling at his appearance before releasing his hand.

He greeted everyone else while I toned into the exchange between Audrey and Fernando, hearing her state, "Fernando, it's so great to see you again... And you've changed so considerable. I might even say you've gotten finer with age." she smiled wide as she reached in for a hug. Jealousy pinged in my chest.

"Uhm." I cleared my throat, interrupting them." Audrey, right?" I smiled as her eyes reached mine.

"Hola, and you are?" she questioned, the high-pitched tone in her voice no longer present.

"Audrey meet Jazmin." Fernando says, as his hand comes to my waist and he tucks me into his side. I knew it was a harmless gesture, but part of me reveled in the familiarity of it.

"Nice to meet you." I said, sticking my palm out for her to shake, and she glanced at it before turning her attention back to Fernando.

"Oh, so this is the rumored girlfriend?" she spoke in a condescending tone, interlocking her fingers behind her back. And somehow her stance allowed her breasts to appear bigger.

"Si! This is my girlfriend," Fernando hissed, his eyes narrowed at her and I get this weird impression that something happened between them.

She looked over at me before saying, "I've heard a lot about you, Jazmin."

"Same with you." I told her.

"I hope all good things."

"Well mostly." I joked, and she pursed her lips together, not amused.

"You're a cheeky one, aren't you? She doesn't seems like the ideal girl for you, Fernando." she smiled, but the tone she held was very bitter.

"Excuse me?" I scrunched my eyebrows, ready to question her on the matter, but was cut off by Leia.

"It is so good to see you again, cuñada." Leia cooed, gathering Audrey in her arms. -sister-in-law-

"A'Leia, it's been far too long!" she exclaimed, hugging her back.

"Help me, please." Leia mouthed, and I smiled.

After all the introductions, Fernando proposed we take our seats and Joaquin agreed, saying it was a great idea.

"And so the nightmare begins." Leia whispered as she passed me to go to her seat. I followed behind her, walking ahead of Nando, but did a brief look back and, just as I thought, he was looking at my ass.

Everyone sat at the long mahogany table sipping, and eating... Engaging in light conversations. Just overall enjoying themselves.

"This hen is exquisite." Joaquin complimented, his fork clanking on his plate.

Dinner consisted of creamy garlic chicken served with mashed potatoes and roasted green beans.

"Glad you think so because Leia chose the dish."

"I did?" Leia said, a hint of surprise in her voice, and I gave her a look for her to play along, and she caught on.

"Oh, right, I did. Do you like it?"


"I think so, too. This poultry is so rich and flavorful, I just can't fathom leaving here without the recipe."  Audrey chimed in.

"I can have the chef scrape that up for you."

"If that wouldn't be too much of a hassle?" she says.

"Of course not." Leia told her.

"Gracias." Audrey smiled.

"You know, the last time I ate chicken this good was at Pierogi's."

"Pierogi! I loved that restaurant. It had the best French cuisine." Jazmin perked up at the sound of that.

"Yeah, until they closed down."

"It saddened me to see it go."

"Yeah, bug infested. I'm disgusted even thinking about it." Jazmin grimaced.

"Bug infestation, is that what they're to tell people?" Audrey smirked amusing. Only a few people knew the true reason for Pierogi's closing down, none including regular civilians besides those survivors of the trafficking.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't know?" Audrey questioned, making Jazmin quirk up an eyebrow.


"I assume she knows the other things?" she sought, looking at me.

"Know what?" Jazmin asked.

"About his profession."

"Oh, yes. He's a nightclub owner, right?" she said, clearly feigning ignorance, and it took everything in me not to smile.

Her response prompted Audrey to question me about it in Spanish, in which I answered 'she knows' ,"Oh, okay." Audrey replied, a tight lipped smile on her face.

"Were you guys talking about me?" Jazmin questioned, slightly cocking her head towards me.

"Mhm, she asked if you knew about my actual job and told her yes..." I answered, and she blinked.

"Oh, okay. Do you mind communicating in English for the non-Spanish-speaking folks?"

"Of course." I said, my hand moved to brush the loose strand of hair off her face, before resting it on her shoulder. Jazmin tensed but didn't resist my touch.

For the rest of the evening, they all were very mindful and spoke in English unless it involved any crime of the sort.

"Excuse me for my boldness...But I'm quite curious. How did the two of you meet?"

"We met at my club." I answered, my hand rearing down her lower back, her skin so fucking soft and warm. I truly did pick the perfect dress for the evening.

"I forgot my I.D. at home, and he helped me get in."

"She looks very youthful, so my guard wouldn't let her pass without identification."

"How old are you?"

"I'm twenty-five,"

"Well, uh, pardon my saying so and all, but having heard an considerable amount about you, I expected you to be much older."

"My family set me up so I could be well established at a certain age."

"Educated, well-mannered and beautiful. What more can you ask for in a woman."

"She has a good head on her." I nodded.

Our server return to the table noticing a few of our glasses were empty, so he refills them, but when he came around to Jazmin she declined.

"Do you not drink?" I heard Audrey ask, and Jazmin lifted her gaze.

"I drink occasionally." she answered, grabbing her cup and having a sip of her ice-cold water.

"Well, this is an occasion! So drink up."

"If she would rather not drink, she doesn't have to." I told her.

"That's a shame- I'm having lots to drink." She brings the champagne glass up to her face and takes a sip.

"Good for you." Jazmin muttered, and I shot a glare in her direction, warning her to behave but she just shrugged me off.

"Seems like the two of you are keeping a secret!" Ashley announced suddenly, as she brought her glass back down.

"Enlighten us on what that secret might be?"

"Well, Mm. No drinking for the lady and you came to her rescue quite fast when I insisted, it couldn't be more obvious the two of you are expecting." Audrey reply, caused Jazmin to choke on her water. I stroke her back lightly as she regains her composure.

"Expecting!" Leia laughs at the end of the table, which earned her a warning glare.

"We're not expecting." Jazmin says, dapping her mouth with a napkin.

"If they were, it wouldn't be any of our business." Joaquin spoke, his fork still moving on his plate.

"But wouldn't it? If you marry, we'll be in laws, making us family."

"False, marriage would only make A'Leia family, not us." I said, matter-of-factly pointing to my sister and then myself.

"Yes, I guess in a sense of things. But in a case of your absence of offspring, wouldn't A'Leia and Joaquin babies fill your position?"

"That's a good question... One that should be held after dinner over a glass of champagne." Leia chimed in, and she couldn't have picked at a better time to speak up.

"Indeed, but typically, my second would take up command." I acknowledged my head toward Mateo, it's still hard to believe that hot headed idiot is my successor if my life ended sooner than expected.

"So in the events of both your deaths, who next?"

"The next heir, which would be A'Leia and I's children... if we had any." Joaquin answered when he saw I wouldn't.

"Hmm... Interesting." Audrey replied, sitting back in her chair. After that, she dropped the subject and began having a discussion with Morgan about girl stuff or what not.

"Are you okay, angel?"

"Of course, I mean, the explicit conversation about my womb didn't make me at all uncomfortable," she answered sarcastically, fidgeting in her seat.

I figured it was time for us to move on to the next course, so I signaled for the servers to clear the table and bring out dessert, which was mini cheesecake topped with a strawberry.

"So, where are you guys visiting from?" Jazmin asked, trying to make light conversation after that brief interlude.

"Columbia." Audrey answered.

"Mhm, so what brings you to the states?"

"Well, Fernando's going to be engaging in a sit down with some very bad men tomorrow and my brother is here to aid him..." Audrey replied, and it raised a few eyebrows, including that of Jazmin's.

"This sit down that's taking place tomorrow, could it end terrible?" she asked.

"I hope not. Otherwise, everyone need to step back and re-evaluate the situation." Audrey answered. Jazmin's smile tightened in response, but I could see right through it, she was fuming.

"Babe?" I said, placing my hand on her knee, and she moved it.


"Why didn't you tell me about the sit down?" she whispered.

"I didn't think that it required to be explained." I told her, lifting my glass to take a sip, and while I did, so I could just feel her eyes burning a hole in my face.

"You... You didn't feel that it required an explanation?" she questioned, her eye twitching.

"Yes, besides, you shouldn't worry about it. I have everything under control." I replied to assure her. Jazmin's cheeks were now flushed, all the color drained from her face.

"Um, I need to excuse myself." she announced, standing to her feet, and before I could even say anything, she was departing from the room.

"Is she okay?" Leia questioned, a worrisome look on her face.

"Yes, she's just feeling faint." I shook my head, annoyed I had to lie.

I wouldn't chase after her. It bothered me, but most likely she just wanted a reaction.

But I mean fuck, now I was going to need a drink if I wanted to get through the rest of the evening.

"Walter, Bourbon, please.

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