The listener of cooking, food...

By TheCrimsonWrath

21.1K 484 540

Inside the Yukihira Diner There's a boy with blue hair His name is Ren Dojima Almost always has a neutral... More

Our Story begins
The god tongue, and ren gets a girlfriend, Somehow
The first day
The polar star dorm
The Sea king
Slaying a sea king
Snow angel
Training Camp from Hell
Hell begins
I challenge you
The Légumes Magician
The finale of hell
The Selection
The new dish
The dish is complete
The fall selection
The aftermath
Bento box
Those raised by the sea
I cannot lose
Beef stew
Ren vs Soma
The king of spice and the mad dog
The 4 way final
Never stop moving forward
Fufilling the promise
Ristorante F
The Stagier second phase
The Stagier is complete
Soma's speciality and the Stagier is over
The Surprise
The new nicknames
The council of Ten!
The Luna Feast
A new wave is coming
Bringing back that smile
Defending our home
A long awaited rematch
Central is going down
Azami Nakamura
Follow my lead!
The Rebels part ways
Emperor of spice
The truth of the traitor
The final spicy showdown
Regimental food war
The final battle begins
I've arrived
The war begins
Isshiki unleashed, Slaying the soba master
Rebel desturction, The start of a duel
The two queens
Watching from beside you
The Wolf and the Snake
The final battle
Song of hope
And that's a wrap!

Clash of blades

125 1 0
By TheCrimsonWrath

The battke between somei and Ren has just been declared

Somei: in that case I'll present a sea food rice bowl

Ren: What a coincidence I was going to go for a seafood dish as well, it also has rice looks like we really are facing off

Somei: Ha! I like your style Shinobi

Ren: Bring it on Samurai

Yuki: Seriously!

Ikumi, How would those dishes even work

Ryo: Ha! He was taught how to use seafood by me and he promised a long time ago that he'd never lose to anyone else in battle of seafood so trust me Ren will not lose

Alice: he's right he may look casual but that look in his eyes only appears when he's serious SO KICK HIS BUTT

Ren gives Alice a wink

Ren: Sorry somei you heard them

Somei smirks ready for the fight

Announcer: Next up the second card

He was Born and raised in Italy but is now in Japan are those icy blue eyes staring at his own defeat, Facing him is a man obsessed with both wealth and  fine dining, the man who has wielded authority turning countless other chefs into his subordinates

Etsuya Eizan vs Takumi Aldini!

Theme is beef

Takumi: well well well Etsuya Eizan I do believe I still owe you for the fall selection

Finally the third card

She's a lover of candy and traditional snacks the sweet profession Momo Akanegakubo and can you believe it up until six months ago this next lowly student was on the verge of getting kicked out throwing her hat in the ring now is Megumi Tadakoro this card could be over before it's even started

The theme is apple

Ren: Alright guys let's do this, we face formidable foes but that's no reason to give up

Takumi: Yeah there's no way we will surrender! You ok huh Megumi

Megumi: somehow I'll give it my all right until the very end

Erina: everyone 'she just nods'

This causes them all too smile

Erina: (do your best all of you)

Ren: Well we kind of have to win now

Takumi: we are representing the first years

Megumi: So we'll make sure to give it our all

Announcer: the third bout ki-

Ren: Could you shut up already! Can we just start this thing

Megumi: uhh Ren

Somei: I concur with this statement

Takumi: Yeah same here

Eizan: absolutely

Momo: poochy agrees too

Announcer: fine battle begin

Somei: Ren Dojima give me everything you've got!

Somei draws his blade

Ren: I'll reduce that blade too scrap So give me your all Somei Saito!

Eizan: if we beat you all here in todays battle only three rebels shall remain standing

Ren: Yeah well that's also true for central if Azami chooses the rival option that is

Eizan: talk all you like, if you think this will go down the same way you're wrong

Ren: Listen up guys 'he gives his infamous glare' You better watch your backs

Ren is busy walking around the seafood section when he sees some interesting fish and grabs them all

Him and somei walk passed each other sharing a glance before they continue walking


Soma: ugh why'd you have to take the number 4th seat it's not fair!

Ren: Because I haven't battled yet plus there's one other reason

Soma: huh

Ren: at my current rate of improvement I can't reach the level of Eishi Tsukasa but you can soma

Soma: No way I don't believe that we've always been equalled

Ren: heh I'm not saying I'm going to let you be better than me for long I'm saying my job is to clear a path for you too take on the number 1 seat and win, so to do that you need too rest up and train so for now watch me win because there's no way I'm falling to him

Flashback over

Ren: (soma I promised you I'd win, Alice, Ryo and hinato too I'll get revenge off all of you and I'll do that by winning)

He remembers back for the training he wasn't given an instructor for the simple reason of His brand of cooking could not be replicated by any of them so what he got was just some tips from all of them

Sensaemon pushed his knife work too new heights

Joichiro improved his creativity

Gin taught him too how better visualise his dishes before even making them

And Kojiro
Just made him work until he could no longer move

This pushed him even further past his limits

All the chefs have returned

The first years get into a huddle

Ren: ok everyone gather round, this dish will need to bring out the fish but also needs to contain the sweetness of the butter,

Takumi: Ok we need a tangy aftertaste of that, I'd say the best option is seaweed without a doubt that will blend well with the butter

Megumi: I've got a good handle on that, also takumi I'd like to help with something after you're done cooking

All three: Ok!

Erina: Now prove to me that my command in this is nothing short of flawless

Ren grabs his fish and butchers it completely perfectly

Somei: (holy crap those butchering skills rival mine)

Ren than brings out the meat and much like the fish slice sit up completely perfectly after whipping off his knife

Ren: takumi take it, it's all ready!

Megumi: It's almsot ready Ren just give me a little whole

Ren: roger that!

Isami: Come on Takumi!, Ren!, Megumi! Do you best

Sato: Tear them a new one!

Daigo: Knock the ten of their freaking pedestals

Announcer: Stop talking so much horse crap you filth reb-

A random knife flew past her face

Ren: didn't I tell you too shut up

Announcer: Oh well that's-

She then gets turned weird by momo's dish

And she creates a dish that looks like a rosé bouquet but it was made of applies and crusts

They then have weird foodgasms, she also makes them have an absolute smell from a pink rose

Ren: (they may have loved it but now it's her turn so come on Megumi!)

She creates a very simple dish with a white bean paste and slices of apples as well

They say it's inferior but then they eat it and they absolutely love it

Having incredible foodgasms managing to merge water and oil using butter

They keep eating and they keep getting overwhelmed with the taste

Ren: (that's the way Megumi, Koji's training be tough but it's results speak for themselves)

But only one person can win

And the winner

Is Momo Akanegakubo

Ren: Megumi?

Megumi: I'm sorry Ren, Takumi, Soma

Ren: What the hell are you apologising for you where awesome out there

Takumi: That julienned ginger was a great idea you should be very proud of it

Yuki: that's right! You got nothing to apologise for

Ryoko: thanks for all your hard work Megumi

Daigo and Sato: that was a bawling battle bro!

Megumi: that means a lot everyone

Erina: Megumi, you fought well

Megumi: thanks althgiuh I'm sorry, I need to apologise to coach Kojiro, still I feel like I gave it my all, it's kind of incredible that all things considered I just went up against a third year on the ten and so that's why

She starts crying

Erina: Megumi please

Momo storms off

Kojiro leaves as well with the words that any time she wants to get better she can come and knock on the doors of shino's Tokyo

Ren: We aren't going to let her down right takumi

Takumi: no way!

Takumi sliced the meat down even more

It looks like he's making a shisherini

Ren then brings out a whole out of rice and splits it up into four sections before

Starting to prepare them all in different ways

One is prepared the normal way

The second starts turning golden

The third looks creamy and cheesy

And the final one seems be fried rice

Yuki: am I the only one worried that he hasn't started including the butter yet

Alice: it'll be fine after all he's got part of me on his side

He busts out a machine

Alice smirks

Ren keeps cooking while burning with a fiery passion his look more icy calm

Takumi throws his dish in the oven it's been reveals that it's a pizza

Eizan reveals that his final ingredient is artichokes, which will make Takumi's dish much sweeter

Ren rolls his eyes: (there's no way takumi will lose spite may not describe the depth of his emotions but I can think of one thing that describes this food war)

(A vendetta)

Eizan puts out amazing dish that the judges absolutely love it

Soma seems angry but not getting to try it

Him, Ren and Megumi are invited too

They all eat it and it's absolutely amazing

Ren: (the Cynarine i used it for my battle against mimasaka it was the special ingredient in the spice and it's absolutely insane Eizan is without a doubt the alchemist)

Takumi's pizza is done

Eizan: I don't know, why don't you have the judges drink some water befitted they eat it might actually help with affect of the Cynarine a little bit

Yuki, Daigo and Sato: Yeah have a little sip of something!

Takumi: no I'm fine with it as is

Eizan: well it's a good thing accepting one's fate

Eizan: don't have to because I will win

Eizan: what?!

Takumi takes the pizza out of the oven

Ren grins like maniac

The beef dish is only on half of the pizza while the other side is cheese only

He tells them to start with the shigureni side first

They way it and everyone is worried

Well apart form Soma and Ren that is

Takumi reveals that he already knew that chef Eizan's dish would go first so he made it too fight against it making Eizan's the starter and his the main course

Takumi reveals that he knew he'd be using artichokes from the start

There where few ingredients that could be used to counteract sweetness but through process of elimination, the only option was Artichokes

Takumi saw through every single one of Eizan's dirty tricks and destroyed them

Ren: (Damn that look reminds me of well me)

And takumi isn't done yet

This dish is a pizza of two half moons

Or a mezzaluna 

The dish's name is

Double half moon pizza


Doppio Mezzaluna pizza

The judges eat the cheese side and the foodgasm intensifies using the four main cheese of Italian cuisine

He has Eizan dancing in the palm of his hand

The winner is


Takumi: Grazie!

All the rebels cheer

Ren: well well well I guess it's  our turn then somei

Somei: it appears so Ren, why don't we end this

Ren: with pleasure!

Ren busts out his butter and throws it in Alice's machine

Ren prepares all the rice at lightning fast speeds

He then finally brings out his fish that had been butchered

Ryo: wow

Akira: what's up

Ryo: those fish they're incredible

Akira: it's true they look and smell amazing but

Ryo: no that's not what I mean look at one of them don't you recognise it

Akira: that's saury

Ryo: Haha Ren is so awesome somehow able to bring out a fish like that in winter

Somei serves up a butter covered seafood bowl

Somei: it's time to cross swords Ren Dojima

Ren: bring it Somei Saito

The judges admire and then eat his dish

And hey overwhelmed by a huge wave of seafood

He created a dish that had all of his soul into one single blade

Turns out somei had an incredibly hard life and vowed to save his shop

So he trained and made incredible sushi

And he made his way too the number 4 seat

Ren unsheathes his blade

Ren: Alright now it's my turn! I've been through my own version of hell

(Being the son of one of the most famous Japanese chefs not only came with its fair share of problems but also prejudice especially after his miner died Ren was told he could never be a true chef but these where firm men like Azami nakiri who looked down on those lower than them but Ren did the only thing he could he planted his feet, he gritted his teeth and pushed past his limits, with his heart set a blaze he never stopped growing, always pushing forward and with every opponent he defeated he devoured them using their skills to make him stronger and that's how he got this far)

Ren: now this is my dish, The dish fuelled by the people I've fought against!

This is

Sushi no Shiki

Or also known as

Sushi of the four seasons!

Ren unleashes his blade a pure icy blade

Judge 1: interesting it seems to be regular sushi made form different kinds of fish

Judge 2: but upon closer inspection it seems to also be four different kinds of rice as well

Judge 3: But where does the butter come into play

Ren: Well listen to your chef eat it and find out

They all take a bite

Firstly they are transported too a wintery wonderland

Judge. 1: this fish it's pike fish

Ren: you got that right! The fish known for being the best too eat in the winter

Jidge 2: but this rice it has a creamy and cheesy texture too it

Ren: that's correct to fit with the theme this is winter rice and now you're probably wondering where the butter fits into this well I bet if you swallow it you'll know

They all do and a buttery taste explodes through them

Ren: I may be a warrior but a warrior must embrace the times and this is molecular gastronomy little pellets of butter that tear apart the toughest with its sweetness mixing with the iconic sea weed to form a amazingly tangy texture

Somei: but it's not enoguh

Ren and somei clash blade

Ren: but I'm not done am I, try the next one

The judges do and they find themselves in a massive field filled with follows and animals

Jidge 2: this fish is mackerel it's been cooking perfectly and with the taste of the butter makes it even sweet

Judge 3: but not only that the fried rice makes it taste even better with that savoury and hearty texture almsot like a spring roll

Ren: correct this is spring rice  

Ren brings out another light green blade now uaong both of them to clash with somei and he pushes him away

Ren: ha!

Somei: look at your swords

Ren's blades  shatter

Somei rushes at him again

But out comes a bright red blade

Ren: Now try the next one

Judge 3: now this fish is definitely rock fish and the rice seems almsot normal

Judge 2: but the rice is fuller and makes you feel energetic

It's like they are all out enjoying the summer doing whatever they feel like doing they feel free

Ren disarms somei

Somei: it's still not over

Somei rushes Ren but

A final sword is put too his neck

Ren: the final sushi

Judge 1: and this fish is saury mixed with perfectly cooked golden rice and lovingly coated in the butter

Judge 3: there's nothing better than being wrapped up warm woth a nice bit of hot food on a cold autumn day while enjoying the beautiful scenery

The judges are finished

Somei: I concede defeat

Ren: huh

Somei: you Ren Dojima have beaten me, you have won and have walked the true path of bushido

The winner is


Ren almost collapses but unties his hair and calmly says

Ren: and that's a wrap

What he said

This chapter was so much fun to write

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