Survival (Yandere Boys X Fema...

By itsryn1221

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"๐‘ฐ ๐’˜๐’Š๐’๐’ ๐’๐’†๐’‚๐’—๐’† ๐’”๐’–๐’„๐’‰ ๐’‚ ๐’…๐’†๐’†๐’‘ ๐’Š๐’Ž๐’‘๐’“๐’Š๐’๐’• ๐’๐’ ๐’š๐’๐’–๐’“ ๐’”๐’๐’–๐’. ๐‘บ๐’ ๐’•๐’‰๐’‚๐’• ๐’‚๐’๐’š๐’๐’๏ฟฝ... More

ARC ONE: The beginning
ONE: A Video Game?
TWO: The Deal
THREE: Infiltration
FOUR: Kaide's Betrayal
FIVE: Royal Judgement
SIX: The Truth
SEVEN: Eretrillius Svannigan Vangiance
EIGHT: Bets Made
NINE: Tooth Acquired
TEN: Kaide Khalee Ledger
ELEVEN: Veritas Paper
TWELVE: Lorenzo Hellbringer
FOURTEEN: Prince To The Rescue
FIFTEEN: Born To Be Brothers, Forced To Be Rivals
SIXTEEN: William And Enzo
SEVENTEEN: Missing Orb
ARC TWO: The Adventures in Del Valeor
ONE: New Lands, New People
TWO: First Day Troubles
THREE: The Male In The Forest
FOUR: Twin Thieves
FIVE: Royal Assassin's Tournament
SIX: Regulus Nightengale
SEVEN: Mary Narvia
EIGHT: A Duel With Raisean Ivory
NINE: Officially A Royal Assassin
TEN: Assassin Specialization
Royal Assassin Specialization Quiz
ELEVEN: Drunken Confessions
TWELVE: The Race
FOURTEEN: Gift Of The Night
FIFTEEN: Cautious Visions And Blurred Memories
SEVENTEEN: Brotherly Bond
Important please read!!!

THIRTEEN: Attacked And Captured

637 30 8
By itsryn1221



You sat in the corner of the grand throne room, your eyes fixed on the imperial family as they partook in their morning meal. The opulent surroundings and the air of authority that permeated the chamber were not lost on you, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at being in such close proximity to the most powerful figures in the land.

Suddenly, the tranquility of the scene was shattered by the arrival of a frantic royal knight, who burst into the room, his face flushed with exertion.

"Emperor Phil!" the man cried, his voice laced with urgency. "The outskirts of Fanculo have been breached by the enemy! The Scile Village has been burned to the ground, and the Chief is being held captive!"

The emperor's expression remained calm and composed, even as the three most formidable royal assassins in his employ turned their attention to the knight.

"Calm down, Horace," Phil said, his tone measured and authoritative. "Tell me what you saw."

Horace hastily unrolled a map, his trembling fingers tracing the area marked in red. "The region within this circle has been burned, my lord," he reported, his voice wavering.

"And who exactly did you see commit this atrocity?" Lorenzo asked, his piercing gaze fixed on the knight.

"I-I saw Ervanszian assassins do it!" Horace stammered. "He almost killed me, but he said I should come and inform you that you have until sundown to surrender the orb, or he will push in and invade all of Las Ventas."

The mention of the Ervanszian assassins and the demand for the orb sent a chill down your spine, and you couldn't help but exchange a knowing glance with Lorenzo. The implications were clear - this was a direct challenge, a threat that could not be ignored.

"Who told you this?" William inquired, his brow furrowed in concern.

"I-I don't know if I'm right, but his name was Kaide Ledger," Horace replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

Your heart sank at the sound of the familiar name, and you could see the recognition in Lorenzo's eyes. This was no mere coincidence - the pieces were falling into place, and the stakes had just been raised.

Emperor Phil let out a heavy sigh, his expression grave. "The only thing we can do," he said, "is prepare for battle. Lorenzo, ready our defense army. Eret, take your group and spy on the enemy - you know what to do when they attack. William, evacuate the villages near Fanculo and take them to Wingardia."

The trio of assassins nodded in unison, their faces set with determination as they set out to carry out the emperor's orders. You, on the other hand, remained rooted to the spot, your mind racing with a thousand questions and a growing sense of dread.

As the trio of seasoned assassins prepared to carry out the emperor's orders, a voice suddenly cut through the tense atmosphere.

"What about me, Phil?" Thomas stepped forward, his expression one of determination. "I'm a royal assassin too, why am I not assigned to anything?"

Emperor Phil's lips curled into a slight, almost imperceptible snicker, though his voice remained composed as he addressed the young boy. "Thomas, you've only been a royal assassin for a week, and you're still a twelve-year-old child. I don't think you're capable of fighting against the enemies."

Thomas's brow furrowed in defiance. "But Phil, I know I'm young, but my mind is well beyond my age. This could finally be the chance I have to prove myself."

"ENOUGH!" Phil's voice boomed, cutting off the boy's protest. "You will do no such thing. To your room, now!"

Thomas glared at the emperor, his frustration evident, before turning on his heel and storming out of the throne room, Toby trailing closely behind him.

Emperor Phil's gaze then fell upon you, his expression softening ever so slightly. "(Y/N)," he said, "please watch over Thomas for me. He's a bratty little kid, but we all care about him. Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

"Of course, my Emperor," you replied, bowing low before following the two boys out of the room.

As you made your way through the grand halls of the palace, a sense of unease settled over you. Emperor Phil had entrusted you with the task of bringing Thomas some books and toys, hoping to distract the young boy from the brewing conflict in Fanculo.

However, as you approached Thomas's room, you were met by an anxious-looking Toby, who quickly pulled you aside.

"(Y/N), I have something to tell you," he said in a hushed voice, his eyes darting around nervously. "It's about Thomas. He... he did something very foolish."

Your heart sank, a surge of fear gripping your chest. "What did he do now?" you asked, struggling to maintain your composure.

Toby's words only served to heighten your concern. "He disobeyed the emperor's orders and rode a carriage heading to Fanculo," he revealed. "He said he wanted to go fight the enemies. He said he wanted to be a hero and prove to everyone that he's not a burden."

You gasped, the implications of Thomas's actions weighing heavily on your mind. Fanculo was a dangerous, war-torn region, and the presence of Kaide Ledger only added to the peril.

"Toby, we have to tell someone," you said urgently. "We have to tell the emperor. He'll send William or Lorenzo to bring him back."

But Toby shook his head vehemently. "No, no, we can't do that," he insisted. "The emperor will be furious. He will punish Thomas. I can't let him do that. Tom's been going through too many things already."

You swallowed thickly, acknowledging the truth in Toby's words. The emperor's wrath was not something to be taken lightly, and Thomas had already endured more than his fair share of hardship.

"Then what do we do?" you asked, feeling utterly helpless.

"We go after him," Toby declared, his eyes burning with determination. "We find him and bring him back ourselves. We won't tell anyone. We'll make it look like he never left. We'll make it look like he was in his room all along."

You stared at Toby, incredulous. "Toby, are you crazy?" you exclaimed. "We can't do that. We can't leave the palace. We can't go to Fanculo. We can't face the enemies. I'm just a maid, and you're just a child. We have no weapons. We have little to no skills. We have no chance."

But Toby's gaze remained unwavering, his voice tinged with desperation. "Please, (Y/N)," he pleaded. "Please, help me. Thomas is like a brother to me. We can't let him die, we can't just leave him there. We have to save him. We at least have to try."

As you looked into Toby's sincere, brave, and foolish eyes, you saw a reflection of Enzo's own determination and loyalty. And in that moment, you knew that you couldn't abandon him, couldn't betray him, couldn't ignore his plea.

Letting out a resigned sigh, you nodded. "Okay, Toby," you said. "I'll help you. I'll go with you and I'll try to save Thomas."

Toby's face lit up with joy, and he threw his arms around you. "Thank you, (Y/N), thank you. You're the best! You're my hero!"

Hero, you thought wryly. You felt more like a fool.

Nonetheless, you followed Toby to the stables, where you both saddled up horses and prepared to embark on a perilous journey to Fanculo, your heart racing with a mixture of fear and determination. You had no idea what awaited you, no certainty of finding Thomas, and no guarantee of survival.

All you knew was that you were in for more trouble than you had ever bargained for.


As you and Toby reached the outskirts of Fanculo, your eyes scanned the town, searching desperately for any sign of Thomas. The air was thick with the acrid scent of smoke and the cries of the terrified civilians, and the clash of steel against steel echoed through the streets.

Your heart raced with a mixture of fear and determination, the uncertainty of Thomas's fate weighing heavily on your mind. You couldn't bear the thought of him being caught in the midst of this chaos, his young life snuffed out before he had the chance to truly live.

Consumed by your worries for the boy, you failed to notice the ominous presence that crept up behind you. It wasn't until a gloved hand clamped over your mouth and the cold press of a blade against your throat that you realized the gravity of your situation.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" a familiar voice purred in your ear, sending a chill down your spine. "A couple of rats from the emperor's palace. How nice of you to come to my trap."

Your blood ran cold as you recognized the voice - Geron Flitch, a notorious royal assassin from the Ervanszian Empire. A man known for his cruelty, cunning, and unparalleled skill. You had encountered him before, when you had been trapped in Ervanszia after your failed attempt to steal the emperor's crown. He had always looked upon you with contempt and disgust, treating you as nothing more than a worthless insect.

You struggled against his iron grip, but his hold only tightened, a mocking laugh escaping his lips. "Stop squirming, you little worm," he hissed. "You are not going anywhere. You are coming with me. I'm bringing you to him."

Your heart pounded in your chest, a surge of fear and anger coursing through your veins. You didn't want to face that man again, the one who had betrayed you, offering you freedom only to snatch it away the moment he had what he wanted. If you were to meet him now, without anyone to stop you, you didn't know what you might do.

Glancing over at Toby, you saw the same terror and confusion reflected in his eyes. He tried to speak, but Geron's hand muffled his voice. You, too, attempted to break free, but the assassin's knife pressed harder against your throat, a warning to cease your struggles.

"That's enough struggling, you little worms," Geron chuckled. "It's time for you to join the other one."

The other one? Did that mean he had Thomas with him? Your heart sank at the implication, and you redoubled your efforts to escape, even as Geron's men bound your hands and feet, unceremoniously tossing you and Toby into the back of a waiting wagon.

As the vehicle lurched forward, you knew that you had to find a way out of this predicament, with or without Thomas. You didn't care if you had to face Kaide Ledger again - you were determined to do whatever it took to escape this situation and ensure the safety of your friends.


As Geron led you and Toby through the sprawling Ervanszian encampment, the hostile glares of the soldiers sent a chill down your spine. Your bound hands struggled against the restraints, while Toby's panicked gaze met yours, conveying the same sense of dread.

Geron yanked the chain connecting you, forcing you both to march forward. The center of the camp loomed before you, and you knew that the largest tent there could only belong to one person - Kaide Ledger.

"Kaide," Geron called out, adjusting his glasses. "Come out, I've got a surprise for you!"

The flap of the tent parted, and a tall, cloaked figure emerged, its eerie green eyes locking onto you. Your heart sank as you recognized those haunting orbs, the face they belonged to forever etched into your memory.

"Well, well, well, look who's alive," Kaide purred, his voice dripping with amusement. "I thought I made sure the fire would've burned your useless body alive."

Geron yanked the gag from your mouth, allowing you to speak. "You son of a bitch, I'll kill you!" you spat, your fury fueling your defiance.

Kaide's laughter echoed through the camp, his expression one of pure condescension. "That's funny," he mocked. "Look at your situation now, all tied up in a camp full of enemies with nothing by your side besides a bunch of useless kids."

"Kids? I've only got one," you corrected, your brow furrowing in confusion.

"Oh no, honey," Kaide said, shaking his head. "Look over there."

Your gaze followed the direction of his outstretched hand, and your heart sank as you spotted Thomas, bound to a tall cross in the center of the camp. His body was battered and bloodied, but he was still alive.

"What did you do to him?" you demanded, your voice laced with anguish and fury.

"The same thing I'm about to do to you," Kaide smirked, turning to one of his men. "Jeo, tie them up."

With that, the blonde villain retreated back into his tent, leaving you and Toby at the mercy of the Ervanszian soldiers. As one of them raised his spear, ready to strike, a sudden intervention stayed his hand.

As the Ervanszian soldier raised his spear, ready to strike, your eyes widened in a desperate plea for help. Suddenly, a familiar face stepped forward, halting the attack.

"Jeo," you breathed, recognition dawning in your gaze. This was the same man who had shown you kindness during your previous ordeal in Ervanszia.

"Jeo, please, help me out of this," you implored, your voice laced with a glimmer of hope.

Jeo's expression was one of conflict, his eyes downcast as he muttered, "I'm sorry, (Y/N). But I have to do this."

He turned to his men, ordering them to tie Toby down first. Your heart sank, the realization that Jeo would not be the savior you had hoped for settling heavily upon you.

"Jeo, come on, listen to me," you tried to reason. "You're a good person, Jeo. Please, just tie me up, and let the kids go. They have nothing to do with this."

Jeo's shoulders slumped, a sigh of defeat escaping his lips. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice tinged with regret. "Look, (Y/N), if there was something I could do to help you, I would've done it. But I can't, okay? I'm sorry."

With those words, Jeo began to drag you towards the cross where Thomas was bound, your own restraints being untied as he positioned your body. Just as he was about to secure you, a sudden arrow flew through the air, striking Jeo in the shoulder.

The unexpected attack caught the soldier off guard, and in that moment of distraction, you seized the opportunity. Summoning every ounce of strength, you kicked Jeo in the leg, causing him to stumble and release his hold on you.

Without a moment's hesitation, you broke free from the loosened bindings and made a desperate dash for freedom, your eyes scanning the chaos of the encampment for any means of escape.

As you ran, your mind raced, the weight of the situation bearing down on you. Thomas was still captive, Toby was left vulnerable, and you were now a fugitive in the heart of enemy territory. But you refused to give in to the overwhelming odds, your determination fueling your every step.

Wherever this path led, you knew you had to find a way to save your friends and confront the demons that haunted you. The future was uncertain, but in that moment, all that mattered was survival - and you would stop at nothing to ensure it.



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