Survival (Yandere Boys X Fema...

By itsryn1221

27.2K 1.1K 420

"𝑰 π’˜π’Šπ’π’ 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒔𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒂 𝒅𝒆𝒆𝒑 π’Šπ’Žπ’‘π’“π’Šπ’π’• 𝒐𝒏 π’šπ’π’–π’“ 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒍. 𝑺𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 π’‚π’π’šπ’π’οΏ½... More

ARC ONE: The beginning
ONE: A Video Game?
TWO: The Deal
THREE: Infiltration
FOUR: Kaide's Betrayal
FIVE: Royal Judgement
SIX: The Truth
SEVEN: Eretrillius Svannigan Vangiance
EIGHT: Bets Made
NINE: Tooth Acquired
TEN: Kaide Khalee Ledger
ELEVEN: Veritas Paper
THIRTEEN: Attacked And Captured
FOURTEEN: Prince To The Rescue
FIFTEEN: Born To Be Brothers, Forced To Be Rivals
SIXTEEN: William And Enzo
SEVENTEEN: Missing Orb
ARC TWO: The Adventures in Del Valeor
ONE: New Lands, New People
TWO: First Day Troubles
THREE: The Male In The Forest
FOUR: Twin Thieves
FIVE: Royal Assassin's Tournament
SIX: Regulus Nightengale
SEVEN: Mary Narvia
EIGHT: A Duel With Raisean Ivory
NINE: Officially A Royal Assassin
TEN: Assassin Specialization
Royal Assassin Specialization Quiz
ELEVEN: Drunken Confessions
TWELVE: The Race
FOURTEEN: Gift Of The Night
FIFTEEN: Cautious Visions And Blurred Memories
SEVENTEEN: Brotherly Bond
Important please read!!!

TWELVE: Lorenzo Hellbringer

736 34 3
By itsryn1221



The night was dark and stormy in the peaceful village of Shiva, nestled within the vast empire of Ervansia. The rain poured down relentlessly, and the thunder roared in the heavens above. In a cozy cottage, Carlos and Maria, a childless couple, slept soundly, their love for each other the only light in their lives.

Suddenly, a loud knock at the door shattered the tranquility of the night. Startled awake, the couple rose from their bed, wondering who could be seeking their aid at such an hour. As they opened the door, they found a basket resting on their doorstep, a sleeping baby boy wrapped snugly in a blanket.

Attached to the blanket was a note, its words etching themselves into the hearts of the bewildered couple. "Please take care of my son," it read. "You can have the pleasure of naming him. But please take note, he is special, and he needs your love. I cannot keep him with me, for his safety and mine. I hope you will accept him as your own. He is a gift from the gods."

Carlos and Maria stood in stunned silence, their gaze fixed upon the child before them. The baby's features were unlike anything they had ever seen – orange hair, gold eyes, pointy teeth, and pointed ears. He was a sight straight out of a fairy tale, and they wondered about his origins and the reasons behind his abandonment.

Yet, as they looked upon the sleeping infant, a surge of love and compassion washed over them. They cared not for his peculiar appearance or his mysterious background. In that moment, they saw him as a blessing, a miracle, a child to call their own. Without hesitation, they brought the basket inside, placing the baby in a cozy crib.

"Thank the gods for sending you to us," Maria whispered, her voice filled with wonder and gratitude. Carlos nodded in agreement, a smile spreading across his face.

"Then we shall name you Lorenzo," he declared, the name rolling off his tongue with a sense of purpose and pride.


Lorenzo, or Enzo as he preferred to be called, was a child unlike any other in his village. With his ginger hair, gold eyes, pointy ears, and sharp teeth, he stood out among his peers, a curious anomaly that set him apart from the rest. Yet, despite his unusual appearance, Enzo knew nothing of his origins or the reasons behind his unique features.

What he did know, however, was the unconditional love and acceptance he received from his adoptive parents, Maria and Carlos. This childless couple had welcomed him into their lives with open arms, treating him with the same kindness and affection they would have shown their own flesh and blood. They were proud of their son, marveling at his intelligence and creativity, and seeing him as a true blessing.

But the other villagers did not share their sentiment. Whispers and stares followed Enzo wherever he went, and he was subjected to a barrage of cruel nicknames – "monster," "freak," and "demon" among them. The villagers blamed him for every misfortune that befell their community, from poor crop yields to outbreaks of sickness. They claimed he was cursed, a harbinger of doom who would bring ruin to them all. Some even went so far as to criticize Maria and Carlos, accusing them of being foolish and wicked for adopting such a child.

Enzo tried his best to ignore the taunts and the glares, but it was a constant battle. He had no friends to turn to, save for a stray dog he had named Spot, and he often found solace in the pages of books or in the simple tasks he helped his parents with around their home. Deep down, he yearned to fit in, to be accepted by the others, and he couldn't help but wonder if there were others like him in the world.

As the years passed, Enzo grew more and more withdrawn, his unique appearance and the villagers' prejudice weighing heavily on his young shoulders. But through it all, he remained steadfast in his love for his parents, who continued to shower him with the affection and support he so desperately needed. And though the path ahead was uncertain, Enzo held onto the hope that one day, he might find his place in the world, and perhaps even uncover the truth of his own origins.

One day, Enzo returned home from school, his face and body adorned with bruises and cuts. It was clear he had been the victim of a brutal attack, his anguished sobs echoing through the small cottage as he ran to his mother, Maria, who was busy in the kitchen.

"Mama, why do they hate me? What's wrong with me?" he cried, burying his face in her embrace.

Maria immediately dropped the spoon she had been holding, wrapping her arms around her son and pulling him close. Pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead, she soothed, "Oh, my sweet boy, nothing is wrong with you. You are perfect, just the way you are. You are beautiful, and smart, and brave, and good. You are our son, and we love you more than anything."

Guiding Enzo to the bathroom, Maria tended to his wounds, cleaning them and applying ointment before bandaging them. As she sang a soft lullaby and regaled him with stories and jokes, Enzo's tears slowly subsided, and a smile began to grace his features once more.

When Carlos returned home from work and saw his son's injuries, his fury was palpable. He wanted nothing more than to confront the bullies and their parents, but Maria gently calmed him, reminding him that retaliation would only make the situation worse.

"We have to be patient, and hopeful, and strong," she said, her voice filled with conviction. "One day, things will change, and people will see Enzo for who he really is. One day, we will find out the truth about his origins, and his destiny. One day, they will be proud of him, and respect him, and admire him."

Though she did not know how or when, Maria felt it in her heart – Enzo was special, and he had a purpose. She had a feeling that he was not alone, that he belonged somewhere, and that he was not a monster, but a miracle.

Embracing her husband and son, Maria smiled, her love and unwavering belief in Enzo shining through. They were a family, and they would always be, come what may.


With a heavy heart, Enzo accompanied his father to the market the next day, hoping to assist in selling the fresh produce and perhaps avoid the prying eyes and taunts of his tormentors. However, his luck was not on his side, for as soon as he entered the bustling marketplace, he spotted Jack Gregory and his gang of friends.

Enzo did not notice the malicious glint in their eyes as he walked beside his father, carrying a basket of carrots and feeling a sense of contentment and safety. He enjoyed the conversations with his father, listening to the older man's stories, jokes, and words of wisdom, which he held in the highest regard.

But Enzo's brief moment of happiness was shattered when Jack and his friends seized the opportunity to strike. Waiting until Enzo and his father were separated by the crowd of customers, the bullies pounced, dragging Enzo into a dark corner and throwing him into a nearby cart. Covering him with a cloth, they drove away, their laughter echoing in the air.

"Ha ha ha, we got you now, you little freak," they jeered. "You're going to rot in here, and no one will help you. You're going to starve, and freeze, and die. And your daddy won't even know where you are. He'll think you ran away, or got lost, or got killed by a thief. He'll cry, and mourn, and suffer. And we'll laugh, and celebrate, and rejoice. Because you deserve it, you deserve it, you fucking deserve it."

Enzo's desperate pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears as the bullies abandoned him in the dark, dank confines of the school's underground bunker, where old books and forgotten furniture lay in disarray.

"Please, please, let me out," he cried, his voice laced with fear and desperation. "I don't want to die, I don't want to suffer. I want to see my father, I want to hug him. I love him, and he loves me. Don't do this to me, don't do this to him. Have mercy, have mercy, have mercy."

But his cries echoed in the empty space, unanswered, as Enzo faced the grim reality of being left to rot, freeze, and ultimately, perish – all while his father remained blissfully unaware of his son's dire predicament.

As Enzo remained trapped in the dark confines of the underground bunker, a devastating turn of events unfolded in the village. Whispers of a rich harvest and abundant wealth had reached the ears of a band of ruthless thieves, who descended upon the unsuspecting community, intent on plundering everything in sight.

The sounds of chaos and destruction soon reached Enzo's ears – the crackling of flames, the anguished screams of the villagers, and the boisterous laughter and curses of the invaders. Enzo's heart raced with terror and confusion, his mind consumed by the uncertainty of his parents' safety and well-being.

Desperate to escape his confinement and reach his family, Enzo frantically tried to open the locked door, his hands growing bloody from the relentless pounding. Time and again, he called out for help, but his cries were drowned out by the din of the ongoing battle.

Just as Enzo was about to lose all hope, a small crack began to form in the metal door, a testament to his unwavering determination. Summoning every ounce of his strength, he continued to batter the barrier, his resolve fueled by the need to reunite with his parents.

Finally, with a resounding crack, the lock gave way, and Enzo tumbled out of the bunker, his eyes wide with a mixture of relief and trepidation. The scene that greeted him was one of pure horror – smoke billowed from burning buildings, bodies lay strewn across the ground, and the clash of weapons echoed through the air as the villagers fought to defend their homes.

Enzo's heart sank, his mind reeling as he tried to make sense of the chaos unfolding around him. He did not understand the reasons behind this attack, nor could he discern the outcome of the battle. But one thing was clear – he had to find his parents, to ensure their safety and well-being.

With a surge of adrenaline, Enzo set off, his eyes scanning the devastation, his ears straining to catch any familiar sound or voice that might lead him to his loved ones. Amidst the smoke and the carnage, he knew he had to remain strong, to push forward, and to reunite with the family he held so dear.

With a sense of urgency, Enzo raced towards the market, his heart filled with the desperate hope of finding his father alive and well. As he navigated the chaotic scene, his eyes scanned the crowd, searching for the familiar face and comforting presence of the man he loved dearly.

But as Enzo reached the market, his world came crashing down. There, amidst the carnage and destruction, lay his father's lifeless body, marred by stab wounds, stabs, and the ravages of fire. Enzo's anguished cries pierced the air as he collapsed beside his parent, clutching the body and showering it with desperate kisses.

"Papa, Papa, I'm sorry. I love you. Please, please, wake up. Don't leave me. Stay with me, Papa, stay with me," he pleaded, his voice cracking with raw emotion.

But the silence that greeted him was deafening, for his father did not stir, did not hear, did not feel. The man who had loved and nurtured him was gone, forever lost to the cruel realities of the world.

Enzo's heart shattered, his grief and anger threatening to consume him. He yearned to join his father, to escape the unbearable pain that threatened to drown him. But then, a glimmer of hope flickered within him – the memory of his mother, and the knowledge that she might still be alive, in need of his protection.

Steeling his resolve, Enzo rose from the ground, wiping away his tears. He took his father's knife and hat, offering a silent prayer and a heartfelt goodbye.

"Papa, I'll miss you, I'll remember you, I'll make you proud. I'll find Mom, and I'll save her," he vowed, his voice laced with determination.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Enzo set out, his grip on the knife tightening as he prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead. He would honor his father's memory by protecting the one remaining link to his family, and he would stop at nothing to ensure his mother's safety, no matter the cost.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Enzo raced towards his family's home, his heart filled with the desperate hope of finding his mother safe and unharmed. But as he approached the familiar dwelling, a scene of unimaginable horror unfolded before his eyes.

There, right in front of him, he witnessed his mother being brutally killed by a thief, her life stolen in an instant. Enzo's world shattered, the weight of his loss crashing down upon him with devastating force.

"No!" he cried, his voice laced with anguish and fury. Without hesitation, he charged at the thief, sinking his teeth into the man's arm, his eyes burning with a primal need for vengeance.

"You, you, I hate you," he spat, his words dripping with venom. "You killed her, you killed her, you took her. You'll pay, you'll die."

But the thief remained unmoved, his callous laughter echoing in the air as he pushed Enzo away.

"You, you, you're nothing, you're nothing," the man sneered. "You're a monster, a freak, a demon. You're a curse, a plague, a pest. You're a joke, a toy, a waste. You'll die, and I'll live."

Enzo's heart sank, the weight of the thief's cruel words cutting him to the core. He had failed, lost, and suffered, and now he was being mocked and belittled by the very person who had robbed him of his family.

Tears streaming down his face, Enzo felt a surge of helplessness and despair. His parents, the two people he had loved and cherished more than anything, were gone – taken from him in the most brutal and senseless of ways.

As the thief turned and walked away, Enzo sank to his knees, the knife in his hand trembling as he grappled with the overwhelming grief and rage that threatened to consume him. In that moment, he knew that his life would never be the same, that the world had become a far darker and more unforgiving place.

But even in the depths of his anguish, a glimmer of determination began to take root. He would not let his parents' deaths be in vain. He would find a way to honor their memory, to seek justice, and to forge a path forward, no matter the cost.

Amidst the chaos and carnage, Enzo's eyes fell upon a gleaming sword, its sharp blade and shiny hilt lying abandoned on the ground – a weapon that had once belonged to a fallen soldier. In that moment, a sense of purpose and connection surged through him, and he knew that this sword was meant to be his.

Gripping the weapon tightly, Enzo felt its weight and power, a tangible extension of his own resolve and determination. With a newfound sense of focus, he turned his attention towards the marauding thieves, his heart consumed by a thirst for revenge and justice.

Heedless of the odds or the risks, Enzo charged into the fray, his sword slashing and stabbing with ruthless efficiency. He cut, pierced, and chopped, his rage and hatred fueling his every move as he systematically eliminated each and every thief that crossed his path.

Enzo did not pause, did not slow down, did not hesitate. He showed no mercy, no pity, no forgiveness – only the unwavering drive to avenge his parents' brutal deaths. The sounds of battle filled the air, the cries of the dying mingling with the deafening clash of steel.

Time seemed to blur as Enzo fought, his body moving with a primal grace and ferocity that belied his young age. He did not know how long the battle raged, nor did he care. All that mattered was his singular mission, his goal, his destiny – to ensure that the thieves who had taken his family from him would never harm another soul.

And so he fought on, heedless of his own injuries, driven by an unquenchable thirst for vengeance. He did not stop, not until the last of the thieves lay dead at his feet, their lifeblood staining the ground.

In the eerie silence that followed, Enzo stood alone, his sword dripping with the crimson evidence of his retribution. He had fulfilled his purpose, avenged his parents, and emerged as the sole survivor of the harrowing ordeal.

But as the adrenaline began to wane, the weight of his actions and the magnitude of his loss threatened to overwhelm him. Enzo knew that his life would never be the same, that the world had become a far darker and more unforgiving place. Yet, even in the depths of his grief, a newfound resolve began to take root – a determination to forge a path forward, no matter the cost.

Enzo sat amidst the smoldering ruins of the village, his body covered in the blood of the fallen thieves. The weight of his actions and the magnitude of his loss had robbed him of any remaining tears, leaving him in a state of numb, hollow despair. He had nothing left – no reason to live, no will to die. He was simply waiting for the end, a passive observer in his own tragedy.

But the end did not come. Instead, Enzo felt a dark, powerful presence approach him, a being unlike anything he had ever encountered. With jet-black hair, violet eyes, and pitch-black pupils, the entity exuded an aura of otherworldly authority and command.

"Greetings, child," the being spoke, its voice deep and resonant. "I am Lord Tazarelleo, the dark lord and a Hellbringer. I am the master of the night, the ruler of the shadows, the lord of the badlands. I am the one who knows your secret, and the one who shares your blood. I am the one who can give you a new purpose, and a new power, and a new destiny."

Enzo was struck by a mixture of shock, fear, and curiosity. He did not know what to make of this enigmatic figure, unsure whether to trust or doubt its intentions.

"Why me? Why do you want me? What do you see in me?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

The dark lord's response was both compelling and unsettling. "I see myself, child. I see myself, when I was young, and lost, and alone. I see myself, when I was hated, and feared, and rejected. I see myself, when I discovered my gift, and my purpose, and my destiny. I see myself, when I became what I am, and what you can be."

Enzo's curiosity was piqued, his desire to understand this being and his own potential growing with each passing moment. "What are you? What can I be?"

"I am a dark Earl, child," the entity replied, its eyes gleaming with power and ambition. "An Earl of the highest rank, the greatest kind, the rarest breed. I am a dark Earl who can summon the demons, and command the spirits, and control the badlands. I am a Lord who can create, and destroy, and transform. I am a King who can defy the laws of nature, and the rules of society, and the will of God. I am an emperor who can do anything, and everything, and nothing. I am a God who is free, and powerful, and immortal. And you can be a like me too, child. You can be a dark Earl like me, and with me, and for me."

Enzo's heart raced, the promise of such unimaginable power and potential stirring a deep, primal longing within him. "How? How can I be an Earl? How can I learn your magic?"

"You already have the gift, child," the dark lord assured him, his words laced with conviction. "You already have the spark, and the flame, and the fire. You already have the blood, and the power, and the destiny. You just need to awaken it. And I can help you, child. I can help you awaken your magic. I can help you become the dark Earl that you are. I can help you become more."

Enzo was torn, his mind racing with questions and doubts. "Why? Why do you want to help me? What do you want from me?"

The entity's response was both alluring and unsettling. "I want to help you, child, because you are my weapon, and my tool, and my vessel. I want to help you, because you are the key. I want to help you, because you are the chosen one. I want you to help me, child, to find all of the magical orbs, and to claim all of their power, and to conquer all of the world. I want you to help me, to fulfill my plan, and my dream, and my destiny. I want you to help me, to make the world mine, and mine alone."

Enzo was stunned, his mind reeling with the weight of the decision before him. He saw the dark lord as both a mentor and a manipulator, a savior and a destroyer. It was a choice that would irrevocably shape his future, a consequence that he could scarcely fathom.

Torn between his doubts and his desires, Enzo looked up at the entity and uttered the words that would seal his fate. "I... I am yours, and you are mine, and we are one."

The dark lord smiled, his expression a mixture of triumph and satisfaction. "Good, good, good. You have made the right choice, child. You have made me proud. Come with me, and I will show you our destiny."

Taking Enzo's hand, the dark lord led him away from the burning village, away from the past and the pain, and into a future that promised power, purpose, and a transformation beyond Enzo's wildest dreams. As they disappeared into the shadows, Enzo knew that he had crossed a threshold, embarking on a journey that would forever alter the course of his life.



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