Shape of you (Daniel Ricciard...

By Lieke4043

160K 6.2K 4K

Stephanie (Stevie) has to deal with the aftermath of a life threatening disease and two young kids by herself... More

Curly brown hair
Just a rough patch
Summer break (ups)
Take a good nap
Scarred for life
New paths
Paddock passes
Lightning strikes
Meeting Christian
Take that chance
Sweet dreams
An offer you can't refuse
Fingers crossed
Surprise surprise
Unexpected encounters
First date
It's getting hot in here
Brown eyed girl
Come on over
The first
He's one of the good ones
I found you
Three words
I'll keep you safe
Drop em out
A family of your own
Absence makes the heart... miss you
It's time
The ultimate connection
Happy and loved
Ghost from the past
Starry nights
I'm on my knees
Between fear and hope
Your intentions?
Family times.
Don't let them get to you
The office
A special day
Let's tell them
Clearing the air
Think about it.
It looks bad
The fight is on
Not for sale
Win or lose?
They're ours
Return down under
You win some...
Just a scare
Dress for the occasion.
Bright skies, or....
Tomorrow 10 o'clock
Private clinic
Calling the parents.
It keeps getting better
Married at First sight
Letting him know
Upside down
Black and blue
Love and lust
Celebrating a win.
Officially yours
Birthday flutters
It's time for family
My endless love
I'm gonna love you
There's alwsys that one person
Last one for now
Not ready
One more push
Isn't she lovely?
Look after yourself
More than a couple of weeks
Family together
Three nights
One step forward, two steps back
Mom's here.
Another day, another battle
What now?
A new chapter
Las Vegas surprise.
Pole position
Who is the champion?
She's ready
It's good to be back

Melissa and Seb

1.8K 62 46
By Lieke4043

When Melissa and Tina come back from grocery shopping they arrive back in a tense vibe hanging in the house.
Stevie is sitting on the couch, white as a ghost with Daniel holding her.
They can tell she has been crying and she looks like a mess.

Outside they find Seb with Zara in his arms and Charles who is playing with Cole. But still everybody seems more quiet than when they left.
"You guys look like somebody died. What is going on?" Melissa asks and she sees Seb swallow.

"Seb? What's the matter? Did somebody actually die?"
Sometimes she could just stuff her fist in her mouth, she can say things without thinking first.
But then she sees Seb shake his head.
"No, nobody died. We just had a bit of a scary moment when Cole fell in the pool."

"What? How did that happen? Stevie watches her kids like a hawk." Melissa has seen what an amazing mother Stevie is, never leaving her kids out of her sight unless they are with somebody she trusts.

"Zara woke up, so she took Cole upstairs with her, then she had to change her nappy and Cole took that opportunity to sneak away and go back to the pool. He fell in but we were just coming back so we saw him fall. Daniel jumped in and got him out within seconds. Stevie was already downstairs, so Cole barely had time to get wet, but Stevie is very shaken up and blames herself." Seb brings both women up to date.

"Oh my god poor Stevie. She must have been so scared." Tina immediately feels for her friend who is supposed to be her boss, but it never feels like that.
"Yeah she feels horrible, but Daniel is there for her so let's hope she will be ok soon." Charles says holding his girlfriend who also seems startled.

He knows how much she loves Cole and Zara and to be honest so does he. He has been spending some time with them and they are amazing. But he has always loved kids and at some point he would want to be a father himself.

Seb and Charles take care of the barbecue that night. Stevie and Daniel join them, but Stevie is still very quiet even though everybody tries to include her in their conversations.
She goes upstairs early and Daniel follows her about an hour later. She said she wanted to be alone for a bit so he respected that.

When he comes up she is not in the bedroom or in the bathroom.
Zara is sleeping in the cot so he goes to search for her, even though he can imagine where she might be.

When he opens the door to the room Cole is sleeping in he sees her on the floor with her upper body resting in the mattress next to Cole.
She has fallen asleep in this position, but he can't imagine it being very comfortable.

He walks in the room and when he comes closer he can see the dried up tears on her face. He sighs, hoping she will stop blaming herself, it wasn't her fault at all, if it was anybody's fault it was his for not having fences around the pool. That's something he will take care of first thing tomorrow morning.

He will call a company to place fences around his pool with locks so this can't happen again.
But first he has to get Stevie to bed so she can sleep without waking up with an aching body tomorrow.

Very careful he puts his arms under her knees and behind her shoulder and lifts her up. She sighs and mumbles a bit.
"So sorry Cole." He can hear her say and he gives her a kiss on her hair.
"Cole is fine baby. You sleep now."
She relaxes in his arms and after tucking her in bed he quickly gets himself ready and climbs in with her.

She immediately moves closer to him, as if she needs his embrace now more than ever. He is happy to oblige, so he pulls her close placing soft kisses on her temples.
"Everything is ok baby. I've got you." He whispers. She is fast asleep now but snuggles even closer.
"I love you Stevie." He sighs before falling asleep himself.


Downstairs the other four are still having a final drink before getting ready for bed themselves.
"I feel so bad for Stevie. Can you even imagine the panic she must have felt when she couldn't see Cole." Melissa says as a shiver goes down her spine.
"I don't think we can. Unless you have kids you won't be able to imagine that terror." Seb says.

"I guess you are right. Hopefully she will feel a bit better tomorrow."
Neither of them really feels the need to talk much and very soon Tina and Charles leave for bed.

"Want to turn in as well?" Seb asks Melissa as he puts his hand on her leg.
He is so crazy about this woman, they never really had the chance to actually go on a date, but they spend every free moment together and he knows his heart has healed since he met her.

He never even thinks about his ex and her betrayal anymore. Melissa made him very clear at the beginning that if he wants to be with her there is one thing she asks of him and that was that he never compared her to his ex.
If they want to build a relationship together he will have to trust her, because she isn't the one who cheated on her and she doesn't want to be treated as if she can't be trusted.

Melissa has never cheated on anyone in her life and never will. She adores Seb even more now than she already did before getting to know him.
He is a loyal, sweet man who happens to be hot as fuck.
And boy can he fuck.

They put the glasses away before going to the guest room they are staying in.
Before Melissa knew Stevie she would just fly back and forth between races. Especially if they had a weekend without a race. Never in her life did she expect to be in LA in Daniels house, being together with Seb, Charles and Daniel.
And even more being actually together with Seb.

She is the one who he falls asleep with at night. She is the one who he makes love to or fucks, depending on their mood. She is the one who is crazy in love with him and who he is in love with as well.
She is also the one he invited to Switzerland for winter break to celebrate Christmas with him and his family.

She's going of course. She has seen his parents when they visited races before and they always seemed very friendly and kind. Just like Seb. So she would love to meet them, it would definitely make their relationship even more official.

After putting her phone on the charger on her nightstand she goes into the bathroom where she finds Seb staring in the mirror but not seeing anything.
"Are you alright Sunshine?" She asks him.
"I'm fine. I'm just a bit shaken up I guess. Seeing that little boy fall in the pool was absolutely terrifying." He admits.

"I understand. Luckily Cole is fine and he will forget all about this when he's older. He didn't really seem too spooked by his little adventure."
She rubs Sebs strong back and feels the tension in his muscles.
"No the silly boy said he was just going for a swim even though he hasn't got a clue how to." A slight smile breaks the serious face of her German lover.

"At least he won't be afraid of water. I know it was scary to see, but he is fine and Stevie will be as well. How about I help you release some of that tension I'm feeling in your muscles?"
She looks at him in the mirror and their eyes meet.
"What did you have in mind?" He asks with a grin.

He has never met a woman who had such a high sex drive before. He thought his was through the roof, but he sometimes struggles to keep up with her.
"Well I can think of a few things. Lets get ready for bed and I'll show you. I promise you will forget all about today once I'm getting started with you."

That's all he needs to feel his cock growing in his shorts.
She hasn't even touched him and he becomes rock hard, but that's just what she does to him.

In record speed he brushes his teeth. Before he can start taking his clothes off he feels her hands coming from behind him under his shirt.
She runs them over his abs and pecs before pulling his shirt over his head.

"Hmmm such an amazing body." She hums pleased when she sees his chest which is covered in blonde hairs.
The tips of her fingers go through his chest hair, relishing the feeling of his muscles under his skin.
She draws some circles around his small nipples and she can feel them hardening.

He feels her lips on his shoulder, going down over his spine until she reaches the waistband of his shorts.
Her hands have followed her path down but on the front of his body where they now start to open his button and zipper.

Behind him he can feel her get back on her feet, but her hands are still on his lower abdomen after opening up his shorts.
Her nails gently scrape over his abs and his cock is about to burst out of his boxers.

"You always know what to do to get me fucking hard." She hears him groan softly when her fingers find their way underneath the waistband of his shorts.
She pushes them down and his black boxer briefs become visible.

Through the mirror she can see the impressive bulge and she knows what he is hiding there.
The sex between them has been mind blowing and amazing. He's not only big, but he has skills.
What that man can do with his hands and mouth is nothing she has ever experienced before.
And when he is inside her she feels every inch, every vein and every thrust deep into her core.

Often he will be the one pleasing her mostly, but tonight she wants it the other way around. He could use a bit of distraction and she is more than happy to give that to him.
When he steps out of his shorts, she lets her fingers slide under the elastic waistband of his boxers.

First she meets his nicely trimmed pubic hairs. The dark blonde hairs tickle the tips of her fingers but she also feels his slick, hot mushroom shaped head of his cock almost poking out of his boxers.
Pushing in further she rubs his shaft up and down while he holds himself up on the edge of the wash basin.

Her hand is now also slick with his precum, which makes it slide over his shaft smoothly.
"Jesus Mel, you are driving me crazy." He moans, but she chuckles.
"As if you have never done that to me before."

Giving him a slight push she makes him turn around so he is now facing her.
His beautiful blue eyes have turned a bit darker as his pupils are dilated with desire.

They've only been together for a couple of weeks, but there is just this comfort between them, it feels as if they have known each other for so much longer than that.
She can't even imagine being too scared to even talk to him, now she isn't even afraid of getting undressed in front of him.

With her hand still on his cock she stands on her tippy toes and her lips find his.
Without hesitation her tongue slips into his mouth and their tongues explore each other in a passionate dance. Their kiss is one filled with the love they feel for each other and the promise for their future together.

She starts to push his boxers down to finally release his gorgeous penis from its confined space.
"Let's get to bed so I can prove you how well I can take your mind off of things." She says in between kisses.

"Aren't you a bit overdressed though?" He asks her looking at her still wearing the summer dress she had on.
"Good point. Let's fix that."
She lets the straps slide down her shoulders and shakes the dress down over her curvy hips.

She may not be the skinniest woman and at first she was a bit nervous. It's Sebastian Vettel, a man who can have tons of super models with perfect bodies. But instead he wants her, just a dessert chef from Brackley who has curves and some stretch marks on her thighs.

His eyes show how beautiful he thinks she is when she is standing in front of him after taking off her bra and panties as well.
"Fuck Mel, I don't know what I did to deserve such beauty, but it must have been something really good."

"That counts for me as well. I never expected to be standing here with you, naked and about to have amazing sex." She licks her lips before gently nudging him towards the bedroom.

"Now you lay down and I will take care of you."
With a slight push from his stunning girl he lets himself fall back on the bed.
On her hands and knees she crawls over the bed until she is straddling him.
She leans in to kiss his plump, soft lips. Her tongue sliding over them until he parts them so they can continue where they left off in the bathroom.

Seb lets his hands travel over her waist until he reaches her soft, full breasts. He feels her hardening nipples under the palms of his hands.
He can not get enough of her and her soft, curvy body.

She starts to move her lips over his jaw which is covered in his short, trimmed beard.
Getting to his neck, she is careful not to leave a mark, they haven't been a couple out in the open, so she doesn't want to do something that will start the rumor mill.

"Leave your mark if you want. I want us to show the world we are together." He sighs. "We are together right? I mean if you want, I would love to walk through the paddock holding your hand."

Melissa sits up, surprised by his suggestion. He is such a private guy and now he wants to go public together.
"Are you sure Seb? I mean you've never really been showing off your relationships in the past."

"I haven't. But I want to show you off."
Her heart melts when she hears him say that and she nods.
"Ok but first..."
She leans back over and sucks a piece of skin in his neck between her lips.
When she checks her handiwork she can tell he will have that small bruise for a while, so there will be no doubt he is taken.

Slowly but surely she makes her way down over his body, she tickles his nipples with her tongue and feels them getting harder with every flick.
His breathing is shallow when he feels her lips traveling further down, placing soft kisses at some spots but also leaves some marks on others.

He will look very colorful tomorrow that's for sure and he loves it.
When she reaches his throbbing cock she wraps her hand around his thick shaft.
With her thumb she spreads the beads of precum over his tip which makes him suck in his breath.
She pulls back his foreskin so his mushroom shaped head is completely exposed.

For a short moment she admires him, she never really thought a penis could look beautiful, but Seb has proven her otherwise.
She lets her finger follow the bulging vein on the side before running her finger around the edge of the head.

"You're such a tease, driving me crazy like this."
She grins, "you're loving it aren't you."
"Fuck yeah."
After making sure his entire tip is coated in his precum, she runs her tongue over it tasting the saltiness.
It's so fucking delicious and she is done with the teasing. She wants to taste him properly.

As she lets him slide into the warm, wet cavity of her mouth she wraps her lips around him and lowers her head as much as she can.
He's just so thick and long that she is not able to get all the way to the bottom. That doesn't mean she doesn't try though.
With her hand wrapped around his shaft she moves her head and hand simultaneously sucking on the head every time she comes to the top.

He has one hand on the back of her head, holding a chunk of her hair, but he's not putting any pressure on her. He doesn't have to because she knows exactly what she is doing and she is doing it amazingly.
"Oh Melissa you are so fucking amazing." He groans when he feels her tongue flick the little hole where his precum is oozing from richly.

Then he suddenly feels her hand cupping his balls and he is about to lose his mind.
Gently she massages his scrotum while she keeps sucking him as if it's the last thing she will ever do.

If he had any stress left of today, it's definitely gone now.
The sensation of her hot, wet mouth around him, her tongue lapping up his juices and the soft moans that are escaping from her throat are all he needed to forget all about anything scary that happened today.

He will have to stop her soon though, the way she is going he will be filling up her throat with his seed in no time.
Grabbing her hair a bit tighter he carefully pulls her head up so she has to release his cock from her mouth.
"I wasn't done yet." She pouts.
"Well I almost was." He pants. It took him a lot of self control not to thrust his hips up to fuck her delicious mouth.

Maybe some other time, but how he knows her now, she wouldn't even complain if he became a bit rougher with her.
Maybe next time, he knows she wants to be in control tonight.

In the mean time Melissa has moved back up a bit and is now hovering over him with her soaking wet core, dying to have him deep inside her.
He hasn't even touched her, but right now that's not what she needs. All she needs is to ride his cock until they both cum so hard they forget everything around them.

He is so hard she doesn't even need to guide him in, so she lowers herself until she feels his tip sliding between her labia, pushing her entrance.
Slowly she goes even lower as he enters her, her muscles stretching to accommodate his size.
"Fuck Seb!" She moans.
They have been doing it almost every day since they started to sleep in the same hotel room, but she will probably never get used to the feeling of him filling her up.

She begins to rock her hips back and forth adjusting to his size before picking up the pace.
He grabs her hips tightly when he feels her internal muscles squeezing around him.
His fingers buried deep into her soft flesh, probably leaving some bruises.

Once she is accustomed to him again she starts to ride him, lifting her hips until he's almost out but then coming back down on him hard.
The room is filled with the sounds of her bum smacking on his thighs.
His amazing, muscular thighs.

Their moans, soft whimpers, groans and little words of encouragement create an erotic symphony in which they both get lost.

"Oh god Seb!" She cries out when he starts to thrust his hips up when she comes down, coming inside her even deeper.
"You're so fucking sexy riding me like that." Seb groans, his hands now on her breasts gently squeezing them.

Melissa can feel herself getting pushed closer and closer to the edge, her orgasm closing in with ever single thrust.
"Seb I'm close, I'm so close!" She pants just before he pushes himself up hard and she falls over the edge. Her body trembling on top of him as she cries out his name.

He is fighting not to follow her, because he is not ready to end this yet, so with his jaws clenched he  holds her tight and flips her over so she is now on her back and he is between her legs.
"Seb please fuck me hard!" Melissa whimpers as the waves of her orgasm slowly fade away, but still lingering in the background ready for round two.

"Oh you want it hard?" He asks with a naughty grin.
"Give me what you got my champion." She encourages him, bracing herself with her hands against the headboard of the bed.

He puts his arms under the back of her knees, pushing her legs up and wide open, before slamming himself back in to her with no mercy.
Her back arches to meet him as he pulls back, only to pound in her even harder.
She can feel his tip just nudging her cervix as he bottoms out into her.

"Oh my god! Yes, fuck yes!" She moans while he pounds into her.
It's a good thing she is holding herself steady against the headboard or he would have pushed her straight through it.

Small droplets of sweat are forming on his forehead as he is showing that he is a professional athlete. His abs contracted and his thighs trembling from the work out he is giving the both of them.

"Get on all fours." He barks as he pulls out so she can turn around.
"Yes sir!" She almost salutes him, but doesn't have time as he turns her over and pulls on her hips so she ends up on her knees.

"Now that's one fucking nice view." He groans before he grabs her butt cheeks and pulls them apart. Her soft thighs are glistening with her juices combined with his.
He looks at her dripping pussy and enjoys it for a moment before he positions himself in front of her opening and thrusts back inside her.

"Ooooooh fuck!" She moans grabbing the sheets in her clenched fists.
He makes a ponytail from her long brown hair and pulls it so her back is hollowed and her bum is forced even closer to him.
"So you like it rough?" He asks her thrusting deep inside her.
"Only with you sunshine." She replies realizing she is closing on her second orgasm with every thrust.

"Good because I want to give you whatever you want, however you want it."
"Seb! I'm coming again! Oh my fucking god!"
Melissa's toes curl when an even more intense orgasm slams into her.
Her body contracts around him so tightly he can barely move, but it makes him cum only seconds later.

"Fuck! Mel! Jesus!" Seb can't even put two words together or form a sentence when his cock begins to shoot string after string of his seed deep inside Melissa's pulsating pussy.
He grabs her bum so hard he is probably bruising her there as well, but he just can't control it.
His body shakes when he is finally completely empty and he struggles to catch his breath.

He might be fit and have great stamina, but this definitely wore him out.
Melissa's limp body slumps onto the covers of the bed and his spent cock slips out of her.

A mixture of his seed and her juices start to run down her thighs. On legs that are almost unable to carry him he quickly grabs a towel to put under her so the sheets don't get ruined more than they already are.

Then he lets himself fall on the bed next to her as he slowly catches his breath.
"That was..." he starts.
"Fucking amazing." She finishes his sentence.
"Yeah definitely."

He looks next to him where Melissa is still on her stomach, her head turned so she can look at him and a satisfied smile on her face.
And then it hits him.

"Hmm yeah sunshine."
"I love you." He says.
She lifts her head off the bed and looks at him in shock.
"Really? It's not just the post orgasm Seb that is talking now?"

He shakes his head, dead serious.
"No, I really love you."
Her eyes fill with tears of joy. He loves her, he just told her he loves her!
"I love you too."

Somehow she pushes herself up and falls on top of him.
"I love you so much." She says over and over again.
He cups her face before their lips find each other in a kiss. A kiss in which they prove to each other how deep their feelings are. A kiss that is filled with all the love they have inside each other.
A kiss that tells them, this is just the beginning.

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