Shape of you (Daniel Ricciard...

Oleh Lieke4043

157K 6.1K 3.9K

Stephanie (Stevie) has to deal with the aftermath of a life threatening disease and two young kids by herself... Lebih Banyak

Curly brown hair
Just a rough patch
Take a good nap
Scarred for life
New paths
Paddock passes
Lightning strikes
Meeting Christian
Take that chance
Sweet dreams
An offer you can't refuse
Fingers crossed
Surprise surprise
Unexpected encounters
First date
It's getting hot in here
Brown eyed girl
Come on over
The first
He's one of the good ones
I found you
Three words
I'll keep you safe
Melissa and Seb
Drop em out
A family of your own
Absence makes the heart... miss you
It's time
The ultimate connection
Happy and loved
Ghost from the past
Starry nights
I'm on my knees
Between fear and hope
Your intentions?
Family times.
Don't let them get to you
The office
A special day
Let's tell them
Clearing the air
Think about it.
It looks bad
The fight is on
Not for sale
Win or lose?
They're ours
Return down under
You win some...
Just a scare
Dress for the occasion.
Bright skies, or....
Tomorrow 10 o'clock
Private clinic
Calling the parents.
It keeps getting better
Married at First sight
Letting him know
Upside down
Black and blue
Love and lust
Celebrating a win.
Officially yours
Birthday flutters
It's time for family
My endless love
I'm gonna love you
There's alwsys that one person
Last one for now
Not ready
One more push
Isn't she lovely?
Look after yourself
More than a couple of weeks
Family together
Three nights
One step forward, two steps back
Mom's here.
Another day, another battle
What now?
A new chapter
Las Vegas surprise.
Pole position
Who is the champion?
She's ready

Summer break (ups)

2.7K 72 78
Oleh Lieke4043

"Oooooh God Seb! Yes! Don't stop, fuck don't stop!"
Daniel heard the cries of pleasure coming from the adjacent hotel room.
His team mate Sebastian Vettel picked up some girl after the race at Spa where he won and now he's giving her a night she will never forget.

After Sebastian found out his girlfriend cheated on him he swore off relationships and decided he would enjoy the single life. Getting girls wasn't exactly a problem for the German race car driver and at the moment he was using that advantage to the fullest.

Daniel couldn't blame him, Seb was seriously hurt when he walked in on his ex Denise with her 'gay' best friend, who turned out not to be so gay after all.

Daniel grins when he hears the regular banging of the bed against the wall. Let's hope the walls are sturdy enough, because he wouldn't want Seb to bang the entire bed through it and end up in Daniel's hotel room.

"I'm sure we can do better than that." The girl next to him says as she licks her lips.
He looks at her and rolls himself on top of her. Honestly he can't remember her name even if he tried, but she is pretty and it's the friend of Sebs current bed partner. So as the good wingman Daniel is, he flirted with the girl and then took her back to the hotel.

He's not looking for anything serious, his relationship of 5 years ended right before the season started and he is very content being a free man. He just turned 33 and is in the prime of his life. His career is going amazing, Sebs and him both racing for Red Bull racing and they are kicking everybody's ass on track. So why not have some fun with women while they still can?

"Yeah, you think we can do better?" He asks the pretty blonde under him.
She spreads her legs, making it very obvious what she wants.
He quickly grabs a condom from the nightstand, there's no way he wants a little surprise to come from this night of fun.

He sits up, opens the foil wrapper and with skilled hands he rolls the condom over his hard cock.
"Let's show them how it's done then." He smirks before thrusting himself deep inside of her, making her cry out his name while burying her nails in his back.

"I'm guessing you had a good night huh mate." He pokes Seb with his elbow the next morning when they meet up for breakfast.
"Wasn't too bad. But I don't think you have any complaints about yours either." His blonde German friend grins.
"She was alright, a bit fake though. It almost sounded like I was in some bad porn movie. But it was fun for a night."

They both told the women to be gone before morning, because they couldn't really be seen with them at breakfast. The rumor mill would be going mental and both men just wanted to have a nice and quiet summer break.

"Do you even remember her name?" Seb asks him while they sit down at a small table in the hotel restaurant.
"Not really, I think it was Victoria or something. Don't know, it doesn't matter, I'm not going to see her again anyways."

A waiter comes up and they both order a coffee and some fresh orange juice.
"I'm going to have such a huge breakfast today. Michael isn't here so he can't tell me no." Daniel laughs while he checks the menu.
"It's summer break, you can enjoy it for a bit. So you're heading home soon then?" Seb asks him.

"Yeah I'm gonna spend some time with my family. I think I could use some time away from everything to really unwind a bit. Have some fun with my niece and nephew and let my mom pamper me a bit. You know she wants that."

Seb nods, Grace looks a bit like his mom in how she loves to nurture her family. Just like Heike she hates the fact that she doesn't see her son as much, so whenever Daniel is in Perth he gets spoiled rotten by his mom. But he also knows Daniel doesn't take it for granted and he loves to spoil his mom as well.

"What about you? Going home as well?" Daniel asks after they ordered their breakfast and received their drinks.
"Yeah I'm going to make sure Denise has removed all her stuff from my house and then I'll probably change the locks and alarm codes. I don't want her anywhere near my property ever again."

He sips his coffee.
"And of course I'll spend some time with my family as well. I think Fabian wanted to hang out, maybe I'll ask him to come over to my place to work on my cars and then we can go to Heppenheim to see our parents."

"That sounds like a nice way to spend summer break. And then when we come back we will continue kick everyone's ass." Daniel laughs.

They enjoy their breakfast before Daniel has to go to the airport. Daniel will stop in Monaco first to pack his stuff and tomorrow he will start the long journey back to Perth.
It's the first time he's going home since the break up, but it's fine. His mom really liked Kelsey and so did he, but they just grew apart and made the decision to end their relationship.

He never was the type to just sleep around, he'd rather be in a loving relationship, but with his job it's just very difficult to maintain a healthy relationship with somebody. Especially somebody who doesn't really care about racing.
Kelsey never truly understood why all his time went into racing. She didn't really want to come along to watch him race and in the end they both wanted something else in life.

She'll probably end up with some guy who has a 9 to 5 office job, have a bunch of kids and get a dog. As long as she is happy with her life, that's all that really matter.
For him, only time will tell. In F1 you never know how many years in the sport you have left. He's not ready to walk away yet especially now the car is so amazing and they are on the road to getting the constructors championship.

Him and Seb are both very much in the race to win the drivers championship, but so is Charles Leclerc and Lewis is not that far behind.

Seb drove home from Spa, usually in Europe he would take his mobile home with him, but it needed some repairs.
That's the only reason he was staying in that hotel, but he did enjoy himself. He and Daniel always have fun together.

The cheerful Australian definitely knows how to party and he's an amazing wing man when they are out.
Seb never really partied a lot, he was in a committed relationship, or so he thought.
Whenever he thinks about him walking in on Denise with Patrick, her 'gay' best friend, his blood starts to boil.

He trusted her, he trusted Patrick and yet they completely betrayed him right under his nose.
Whenever he was away, Patrick stayed over in his house with Denise to 'keep her company'.
He sure did.

Seb will probably never be able to lose that imagine of Patrick naked ass on top of Denise while he was fucking her brains out. In his bed.

He dragged Patrick off Denise and he punched him in the face. That pathetic son of a bitch.
And then to make matters worse, Denise even dared to get mad at Seb for punching Patrick.
He gave them just enough time to get dressed and then he kicked them out.

Then he somehow managed to carry the mattress outside and called to have it picked up to be recycled. There's no way he would still sleep on that.
He even managed to take apart the bed and he put that in his garage. It's not like that was the only bed in the house.
So now there's one guest room without a bed, but that doesn't matter, he can order a new one and a new mattress for that room.

It's not like he has guests over that often, he's never home anyways.
After that he went through his entire house and packed everything that belonged to Denise in a box and he put that downstairs for her to pick up once he left for Hungary. He had no desire to ever see her again and as far as he knows she left the key in the mailbox so she can't get in again.

Still he's going to change the locks and the alarm codes. He's not taking any chances of her ever coming back and invading his personal space.

When he told his parents they were gutted, they were already seeing him and Denise walking down the aisle and giving them more grandchildren. Well that's not happening now, right now he just enjoys himself with some one night stands.
It's not really how he is, but he is not willing to give his heart to anybody anymore. How would he ever be able to trust women again? Denise ruined that for him and for that he resents her even more.

Really all he ever wanted was to settle down and indeed start a family of his own. He would love to have some kids and a wife. But that just seems impossible now.

Quite some hours later he arrives at the front gate of his property, he presses a button on the remote in his car to open it and once he can fit through he drives down his driveway.
In front of him he sees his house, the house he loves so much, but it seems a bit less like the home he built for him and Denise.

He knows it will be empty when he goes in and that's something he dreads.

Taking a deep breath he parks the car and turns off the engine.
He then opens the door and walks around the car to the booth where he left his backpack.
While walking to his front door he swings the bag over his shoulder.
From his coat pocket he gets the house key and unlocks the barn like door.

When he steps in he is surprised to see he is not alone, not even a little bit.

"Mutter?" He did not expect to see his mom stand in his kitchen, cooking something that smelled absolutely amazing.
"Welcome home, congratulations with your win at Spa. You did amazing." His father comes out of the hallway.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked a bit shocked.
"We thought we would come to welcome you home. We understand it must be strange to come home in an empty house, so we thought maybe we could keep you company for a few days. Fabian is putting his bag in a guest room."

So his younger brother is here as well.
Seb wasn't really sure how he felt about this, but it was very considerate of his parents to make sure he wouldn't come home in an empty house.
"I don't know which room he chose, but there might not be a bed in there anymore." Seb scratched his neck.

"Where is the bed?" Norbert, his father, asks him.
"I put it in my room. I didn't really feel like sleeping in the same bed where I caught Denise and Patrick in."
Heike nods understanding.
"No of course not. Well he can always sleep on the couch."

Seb shakes his head.
"No its fine, we can buy a new bed. If you guys are staying over I'll need one anyways. But I would love some of what you are cooking first mutter. What is it?"

"Sauerkraut mitt bratwurst. It's almost done. Go put your bag upstairs and then I'll make you a plate." Heike waves her hand towards the stairs so Seb runs up the stairs and throws his bag on the bed. Just when he wants to go downstairs to eat he hears his mother.

"Put your dirty stuff in the laundry!"
He sighs but smiles at the same time. He might be a grown man loving his alone time, but it's actually quite nice having his family here.
With the promise of sauerkraut and bratwurst in his head he quickly unpacks his bag.


"Holaaaaa!" Daniel bursts through the door of his parents house in Perth. He had a friend come to pick him up and drop him off there, so he could see his parents before going to his own place to unpack.
"How do you have so much energy after that long flight?" His mom walks towards him with her arms open wide to give him a hug.

"I slept through a large part of it and I'm home so that is enough to get hyped up."
He embraces his mom and lifts her up so her feet dangle in the air.
"Hi mom, how much did you miss me?"
"Put me down idiot. Of course I missed you."

He gives his mom a kiss in her cheek before putting her back on the floor.
"Good to hear. So where's pops?" He looks around but Joe is nowhere to be seen.

"He's out working, but he should be back soon. So tell me how have you been? Did you meet any nice people?" She asks while she fills two glasses with water.

Daniel grins, he should probably not tell her about his one night stands.
"Nah not really. I know what you mean, but I'm not really looking for a relationship right now. I'm fine staying single."

Grace puts the glass in front of him and sits down on one of the bar stools lined up at the kitchen bar.
"So you getting back together with Kelsey is not happening then? I really thought we would be hearing wedding bells soon and maybe even another grandchild."

Daniel almost chokes in his water.
"No mom! Definitely not happening. Kelsey and I were not right for each other and I definitely don't want kids yet. I'm never home, how can I be a good father if I'm not around?"

"Yeah I guess you are right. But what then? Wait until you are done racing? That might be years still." She pouts.
"So? I love what I'm doing right now and I'm not ready to give that up yet. I'm not that old that I'll never be able to start a family. It's just not happening right now."

They hear the sliding doors open and in walks his father.
"Son! It's good to have you home again, how was your flight?"
His dad pats him on the shoulder.

"It was good, always nice to know it's heading home. How are things here?"
Joe walks to the fridge to get himself a beer.
"I'll have one too dad!" Daniel shouts and Joe grabs another.
After opening the cold bottles he sits down with his wife and son to catch up.

"I think Isaac and Isabella will be so thrilled to see you. Don't count on sleeping in tomorrow, they are definitely going to be standing in front of your door very early." Grace tells him and Daniel smiles.
When he's away he always misses his niece and nephew tremendously. Maybe even more than he misses his parents.

His mom kind of hit a nerve when she was talking about him not starting a family any time soon.
It's something he really wants even though he loves his life now, he would actually give it all up if he would meet the right person to start a family with.

For now he will have to give his love to Isaac and Isa which isn't hard at all, but seeing his sister with her family sometimes stings a bit.
He knows he told his mom he's still young and has plenty of time, but he also doesn't want to be one of those men that start with a family when they are way past their forties.

He still has hope he will find what he's looking for, but he's also pretty bummed that it kind of feels like he wasted five years with a woman who was never really there for him. Sure he leads a crazy life, but he just hoped that if she really loved him she would be a bit more supportive. In the beginning she was, but once the novelty wore off she just distanced herself from him more and more.

And that leaves him here today, single, having meaningless one night stands with absolutely no idea how he will find that one woman who he will fall madly in love with and who will love him just as much in return.
If only he knew where that woman is and how he can find her....

"Mitch! I'm going to bring mine and the kids stuff to my parents. Are you going to come with me?" Stevie shouts upstairs where Mitch is doing some work out to make sure he stays in perfect shape.
If he wants to make it in show business he will have to work hard to keep his body as toned as it is now.

"I'd rather stay here, I am not done yet. Are you going to stay the night there as well?" He asks her as he pushes himself off the floor.
He'd rather have a colonoscopy than spend more time with his in laws. Especially his mother in law. God he hates her and he can't wait to be rid of those people.

He just hasn't found the right time to break up with Stephanie yet. It would be really brutal to do it now when she's about to undergo surgery. He may not want to stay with her anymore, but he's also not that heartless.
And then there is the fact that he will have this amazing house all to himself for a couple of weeks while she is recovering at her parents place.

If he ends it now he will have to find another place to stay and he doesn't have that. Unless Tiffany wants him to move in immediately
She still thinks he has that record deal coming up, but actually there's nothing.
None of the record companies he spoke with were interested in him.

He has done so many auditions, but every time he gets rejected, he's either too old or they don't think he's good enough. They just don't understand his talent. And how is he too old? He's not even thirty yet.

Tiffany thinks he's 26, she might not be interested if she knew he will be thirty in a few months. She doesn't need to know, it's not like he's going to marry her or anything. He just needs her because she's an influencer and maybe if he appears in her videos often he will get that break through he has been working so hard for.

He will just have to be careful not to knock her up. Having two kids is way more than he ever wanted, but he couldn't really tell Stevie no. She would have no problems finding some other guy who would love to be with her and give her kids.

He couldn't have that, because in the end she supported him financially and he wasn't willing to give that up. Now with Tiffany he can move on to the next person who can support him and she is young and hot, so good for his image.

Stevie comes up the stairs and sees him do push ups in their bedroom.
"I'm having surgery tomorrow and I was actually hoping you would go with me to take me to hospital. Then Cole and Zara could just stay with my parents. You're going to be there tomorrow right?"

She looks at him with those bright blue eyes and he can tell she's really worried. He has to keep the act up a bit longer.
"Of course I'm coming with you doll. You don't think I would let you do that on you own do you?"

He gets up from the floor and wraps his arms around her.
He feels her full breasts press against him and he is immediately turned on.
His hands slide down over her back towards her bum.

"Now the kids are already at your parents. How about we celebrate those amazing tits of yours one last time? I know you weren't in the mood last night, but maybe you are now?"
He starts to kiss her cheek and down her neck.
She knows it should turn her on, but it's just not happening.

With her hands against his chest she tries to push him away.
"Mitch no, please. I can't. My head is just not in it right now."

He sighs frustrated.
"Jesus Christ. You know what? Go take your things to your parents. I'll see you when you get back."
He turns his back towards her and picks up some weights to train his biceps.

"Mitch come on don't be like this." Stevie pleads but he doesn't react.
Swallowing down the lump in her throat she heads back downstairs and starts to load all the bags in the car.
Before starting the car she leans her head against the head rest and closes her eyes.

Why does her body not reacts to Mitch his efforts? She never had that problem before, but somehow every time he tries to have sex with her she just can't stand the idea of doing it with him.
It's so frustrating, it used to be fine. It never really lasted long and he would play with her breasts a bit, fondle between her legs for a short while and then he would climb on top of her and do it.
But still she never resented the idea, not like she does now.

It's probably just the stress of what's to come. And before all this she gave birth, so she's still a bit hormonal. That won't help either.
It will be fine eventually, it has to be, because she doesn't want to lose Mitch. She does really love him and she knows he loves her too. He just shows if differently.

She turns the key in the ignition and starts the car.
It's only a short drive to her parents house and there she is greeted by the wide smile of her little boy. Zara is probably taking a little nap so it's just Cole downstairs with her parents.

"Mommy!" He runs towards her as if she was away for weeks instead of maybe an hour.
"Hey my handsome boy, what are you doing?" She picks him up and he wraps his little arms around her neck.

"Mommy come, come see!"
He bounces on her hip enthusiastically.
"Alright, where to sir?"
"To the playroom!" He shouts and she skips with him on her hip to the playroom.

Forgotten is Mitch and her growing resentment towards him.
She's exactly where she is supposed to be right now and her heart is full with love for her little boy.

For a while she doesn't think about tomorrow or what comes afterwards.
Right now she is on her knees in the playroom with her boy and her dad where they have been building a fort with his wooden blocks.
The proud smile on that cute face makes all her worries just fade away.

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