(httyd x monster hunter, vals...

By DragonsBain1

103K 2.5K 1.1K

what would happen if monster hunters very own crimson comet crash landed in the Barbarick archipelago? find o... More

(1) arrival of the crimson comet
(2) over the edge
(3) hostel talks
(4) trust exercises
(5) training begins
(6) growing pains
(7) trial and error
(8) reign of fireworms part 1
(9) reign of fireworms part 2
(10) reign of fireworms part 3
(11) have dragon will travel, part 1
(12) have dragon, will travel part 2
(13) have dragons, will travel part 3
(14) have dragon, will travel part 4
(15) have dragon will travel part 5
(16) the next big sting part 1
(17) the next big sting part 2
(18) hunting hazards
(19) fuzzy frenemies
(20) total nightmare
(21) team Astrid part 1
(22) team Astrid part 2
(23) team Astrid part 3
(24) rest and realization
(25) memories
(26) night of the hunter's part 1
(27) night of the hunter's part 2
(28) night of the hunter's part 3
(29) the zippleback experience part 1
(30) the zippleback experience part 2
(31) birth of the silver comet
(32) up with a bang
(33) ghosts of the past
(34) friends and foes
(35) foreign feelings
(36) frenzied fight
(37) rest and relaxation
(39) snow way out part 2
(40) silk and scales
(41) a time to skrill part 1
(42) a time to skrill part 2
(43) maces and talons part 1
(44) Maces and Talons part 2
(45) maces and talons part 3
(46) maces and talons part 4
(47) trials of the old world
(48) from training to trouble
author question 2
(49) flames and ash
(50) wrath of the silver comet
(51) crash course part 1
(52) crash course part 2
(53) crash course part 3
(54) hunting hunters
(55) fuzzy friends?
(56) Buffalord soldier part 1
(57) Buffalord soldier part 2
(58) Buffalord solider part 3
(59) Buffalord solider part 4
(60) Buffalord solider part 5

(38) snow way out part 1

975 27 5
By DragonsBain1

Monsters / dragons talking = "bold"

Humans talking = slanted

Thinking = slanted and bold


y/n / Strax pov

I was sleeping peacefully in the stables when I heard something outside. Groggily getting up i opened my eyes to see that the dragons were gone, looking outside it was late afternoon, i heard a commotion coming from Astrid's house and as i looked over there i saw Snotlout on the ballista, with the other riders and dragons on the ground using various weaponry to try to hit Hiccup and Toothless who had some form of armor.

y/n / Strax : "huh... that looks mildly entertaining."

Walking over there I saw a piece of Toothless's armor fly off into the water below and as he tried to dodge more the more armor came off until his entire underbelly was exposed. Snotlout with surprisingly good aim hit Toothless stomach with a paint filled arrow which turned his stomach an orange color.

Snotlout : "snotlout, snotlout, oi, oi, oi!!!"

Hiccup : "nice shot snotlout..."

As Hiccup said that Snotlout had an evil grin on his face as he fired another paint-filled arrow hitting Hiccup square in the chest much to his dismay, meanwhile me, the riders and the other dragons were trying our best not to laugh our heads off.

Hiccup : "oh come on... really?"

At Hiccup's reaction Snotlout simply laughed more earning him a small plasma blast from Toothless which hit the ballista knocking him back and off it making me laugh even more, not bothering to even try to contain my laughter this time. Eventually it started to get dark and for once i didnt feel all that tired...

y/n / Strax : "probably due to me sleeping all day. Oh well no harm done."

Eventually everyone went to the stables, well everyone aside from Steve who was strangely nowhere to be seen. Just as I was about to ask where he was I saw Stormfly and Astrid walk out of the stables and knock over Snotlout making me chuckle which drew Stormfly's attention who smiled at me as I slightly blush and smiled back making Hookfang chuckle slightly.

Stormfly : "hey y/n, good to see you awake now."

y/n / Strax : "it is good to see you as well."

Hiccup : "astrid! You're back from Berk already?"

Astrid : "never made it there. I ran into trader johan on the way there and he had some interesting news... Hiccup we need to talk."

At that the riders went off to the clubhouse as the dragons and I headed into the stables. As the other dragons started to settle in for the night I went up to Stormfly and laid down next to her.

y/n / Strax : "so, if I may be so bold, what had Astrid so concerned?"

Stormfly looked over to me with a look of concern on her face.

Stormfly : "Johan said something about the dragon hunters buying a lot of cold weather gear and that they were looking for a rare bone, or spike or something."

At that the rest of the dragons turned their attention to Stormfly in concern.

Toothless : "wait... you don't think there is after a snowraith tooth do you?"

Stormfly : "that was my guess..."

y/n / Strax : "pardon my intrusion but, what's so important about a tooth of all things?"

Stormfly : "a snowraith tooth is the key to the dragon eye, and after they have that they'll probably come here and try to take it..."

y/n / Strax : "ah... that is bad... well let us not dwell on this, it will only make everyone more restless, besides more than likely we're going to handle it soon so let's try to get some rest."

Stormfly : "right. night everyone."

Toothless, barf and belch, hookfang, meatlug : "good night."

At that we all drifted off to sleep.

*time skip*

After waking up and getting something to eat we all flew off and headed to the island of the snowraith, glacier island. Flying over the sea I did a barrel roll enjoying the cool morning air against my scales. Thankfully the dragons were going faster this time so I wasn't as tired as usual from flying at such a slow speed.

Tuffnut : "hey can i ask a stupid question?"

Ruffnut : "sure you can, better than anyone I know!"

Tuffnut : "thank you sister!"

Ruffnut : "your welcome."

Tuffnut : "Hiccup, are we really trying to protect a dragon that the last time we saw it tried to kill us? From dragon hunters, who everytime they see us try to kill us?"

Ruffnut : "and heather and her dragon! Don't forget them they like to try to kill us to."

Astrid : "heather won't be a problem."

Fishlegs : "why wouldn't heather be a problem?"

Astrid : "just that we... we outnumber her! Right?"

At astrids statement i have a questioning look on my face as i slow down slightly to be next to stormfly to which she smiles at me slightly nervous.

Hiccup : "look heather or no heather all we have to do is find the snowraith first and relocate it to a different island where the hunters won't find it."

Ruffnut : "oh! That's all!?"

Tuffnut : "uh, that sounds like the sort of extremely dangerous plan I would come up with, even with Strax! and no I do not mean that as a compliment."

Hiccup : "i didn't think so, come on, let's head over to where we saw the snowraith last time."

Snotlout : "oh you mean where it found us..."

Hiccup : "That's one way of putting it."

Snotlout : "yes the only way."

After that we all landed on glacier island, it was cold... really cold tho that's to be expected from a place called GLACIER island... either way i activated my jets which heated me up more as Toothless started... doing something? It looked like he was roaring in each direction, walking over to him i watch him for a while before i eventually speak

y/n / Strax : "What in Fatalis name are you doing?"

Toothless : "I'm using echolocation."

y/n / Strax : "pardon?"

Toothless : "oh, i use sound to see my en-"

Using my paw I shut Toothless's mouth gently preventing him from continuing.

y/n / Strax : "i know what echolocation is, i was just surprised you could use it. It's a rare ability."

Toothless : "oh... thank you?"

I nod at him and then walk away with my jets still active.

Hiccup : "anything out there bud?"

Toothless simply shakes his head no as ruffnut walks over to them clearly cold.

Ruffnut : "this is summer on glacier island? No wonder they don't get any tourists."

Tuffnut : "what would their slogan be? If the snowraith doesn't kill you the weather will."

Ruffnut : "Hey, that's a good slogan."

As ruffnut says that she and Tuffnut notice my jets keeping me warm and make their way over to me and start climbing up onto my jets, much to my irritation and dismay.

Hiccup : "That's a terrible slogan. But the good news is that with this weather they won't have much luck with those dragon root arrows."

Snotlout : "and the bad news is."

As he says that he points over to the twins who were warming themselves on my wings prompting Hiccup and the others to walk closer and earning me a chuckle from Stormfly making me grin in embarrassment.

Hiccup : "what are you doing?"

Ruffnut : "Strax's wings are soooo warm~~ they feel really nice~"

Tuffnut : "you can say that again~ you guys should try this!"

Hiccup : "o-ok then... why don't you guys set up camp, astrid and i will scout the island."

Snotlout : "gladly."

At that Hiccup and Astrid mounted Toothless and Stormfly and flew off as the twins thankfully got off of me after they were warm enough. Letting out a sigh an idea comes to me.

y/n / Strax : "the entire island is ice correct?"

Hookfang : "yeah... Why do you ask?"

y/n / Strax : "I've an idea that I'm going to test out."

Moving my jets to the front of me I walk over to a wall of ice and I slowly increase their heat which melted some of the ice and snow, increasing my jets even further I start to make a tunnel in the ice and snow which catches the attention of the other riders and dragons.

Snotlout : "alright!!! That's more like it!"

After a while of this I made an ice cave that could hold the riders, myself and the other dragons. As soon as I was finished the riders and dragons immediately went into the cave and started setting up as I laid down to rest.

*time skip*

After a while I heard the sound of something landing on snow, deciding to go and investigate, I got up and headed to the entrance which was covered with snow. Letting out a sigh I fired a volley of dragon bolts which tore through the snow. As I walked out I saw a surprised Hiccup and Toothless.

y/n / Strax : "well?What are you waiting for? Do you intend to stay out and freeze?"

Toothless : "uh n-no."

As they walked inside I noticed that Stormfly and Astrid were missing which made me worry slightly.

y/n / Strax : "Toothless, where are Stormfly and Astrid?"

Toothless : "we got separated in the storm and we couldn't go back and look for them without serious risk."

y/n / Strax : "i see..."

*time skip*

After a while Stormfly and Astrid returned safely and entered the cave I had made. I was resting on some ice which really wasn't comfortable, even with my jets... but as i rested I felt a familiar pressure against me, opening my eyes i saw that it was Stormfly resting up against me.

Stormfly : "I'm guessing this cave is your handwork?"

y/n / Strax : "you're as astute as usual."

At that Stormfly chuckled slightly as I moved my wing over her to try to help keep us warm.

Stormfly : "uhh... y/n? What are you doing?"

y/n / Strax : "Ah! Um... w-well i thought it would be more comfortable if my wing were over you so that it wouldn't be quite as cold... I apologize I should have asked first."

As I started to pull my wing off of her I felt her grab my wing gently and pull it back over her.

Stormfly : "no, no, it's alright, you're really toasty, it feels nice, even with a bed of ice."

As she said that she chuckled slightly making my face become a bright red as I looked away in embarrassment making Hookfang and Meatlug chuckle as well. Eventually after we all warmed up, we all got up and followed Stormfly and Astrid up the mountain, thankfully the harsh winds and snow had subsided, for now at least. As we climbed up the mountain i used my talons to help climb up, while the dragons were light enough to simply walk without sliding down with the aid of their claws and talons.

Astrid : "So when I spotted the cave from the air it got me thinking, last time we were here the snowraith was on us right away, remember? Why not this time? Maybe because it's hiding out or hibernating or something in that cave."

Fishlegs : "yeah! That's not a bad theory."

Hiccup : "i agree...i-im just wondering how it is that you came all the way up here when you and i were scouting in the opposite direction."

Astrid : "I must've gotten lost..."

Hiccup and y/n / Strax : "lost?"

Astrid : "Fine, I got carried away ok? You know how I am."

y/n / Strax : she's hiding something...

Hiccup : "Yes I do. But you can't just go off on your own like that Astrid, I rely on you."

At that Astrid's eyes went wide for a moment in what seemed like realization as they both stopped. Eventually Hiccup and Toothless pushed forward towards the cave.

Astrid : "ok..."

Eventually we climbed up to the summit of the mountain.

y/n / Strax : "why *pant* we didn't just fly up here ill *pant* never know..."

As we rested for a moment outside the entrance to the cave there were sounds of life around putting everyone on edge as they prepared to fight, I aimed my wings at whatever would come out and started charging bolts of dragon energy.

Hiccup : "make the first shot count bud..."

Toothless : "right."

As everyone was preparing for battle i recognised the sound, lowering one of my wings i fried a blast of dragon element into some snow making three boar rush out making Fishlegs scream, at his reaction i simply chuckle.

Astrid : "there it is!"

As Astrid speaks she points to the cave mouth which looked big enough for me to fit through, just barley...

Astrid : "ill go check it out!"

Hiccup : "we'll all go check it out."

At that we all started to walk towards the mouth of the cave.

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