Liam Payne sickflicks part 2...

By HPandGWforever2

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Part 2 of Liam Payne sickflicks More

Liam memory loss (Request)
Liam hurt whilst filming naughty list
Liam IBSC (request)
Liam sick
Liam hurt at the All of those voices premiere
Liam paralysed part 2
Liam sick at school
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Kid Liam stomach bug

Liam sick from one of the kids (Request)

107 3 1
By HPandGWforever2

Prompt- Liam is looking after the kids when one of them gets sick. He takes care of them but then catches it himself.

Requested by- ilangel1
Niall- 30
Liam- 29
Luna- 6
Oscar- 2

Liam's pov

It has been a few months since I have last been sick. I am glad I haven't been sick in a while. It is about 3am and I have been woken up by Oscar crying. I carefully get out of bed knowing Niall needs to get up early in the morning for work. I quietly leave the room and go into Oscar's room. I see him sat up in his toddler bed crying. I say "Hey buddy. Why are you sad for?" He looks up at me and says "Papa. Icky tummy." I pick him up and gently walk around the room with him to try to calm him down.Soon his sobs turn to sniffles and he says "Monkey papa." I pick up his monkey from his bed and give it to him. I ask "You have an icky tummy Ozzy bear?" Oscar nods and says "Yeah papa." I ask him "Osc do you want to sleep with daddy and papa?" Oscar nods

I take him into the bathroom and I grab the thermometer and the Calpol out of the cupboard. I then carry him into my bedroom and I see Niall sat up in bed. He asks "Is everything alright Li?" I say "We have a poorly two year old" Niall pouts and says "Oh Ozzy. You feeling Icky?" Oscar nods and says "Uh huh" I sit Oscar down on our bed and put the thermometer in Oscar's ear and press the button once the thermometer beeps I take the thermometer out of Oscar's ear and say "38.5. Let's get some Calpol in you before your temperature gets any higher." Oscar nods and I measure out 5 ml of Calpol and say "Open up then Oz." Oscar opens his mouth and I put the syringe in and he takes the medicine. I say "Why don't you try to get some sleep Ozzy" Oscar nods and says "Papa cuddle" I nod and lay down next to him. He cuddles into my side and falls back asleep.

A few hours later still Liam's pov

I get woken up by Oscar crying again. I sit up and see him covered in vomit. Niall walks into the room and says "Oh buddy. I'll call Oscar's nursery and your management then take Luna to school." I nod and Niall leaves the room. I say "Let's get you cleaned up buddy." He nods and I pick him up and carry him into my bathroom. I run a bath for him and help him to get undressed to his nappy realising he has had diarrhoea. I put his soiled clothes in the washing basket . I take off his soiled nappy and put it in the bin. I gently wipe him down. He cries and I realise he is really sore. I say "I'm sorry buddy." I quickly finish wiping him and say "Let's get you in the bath." Oscar nods and I put him in the bath and gently wash his hair. Niall walks into the bathroom and says "I have called your management and Oscar's nursery. They both said that they hope Oscar feels better soon." I nod and Niall says "I better get Luna to school. I'll get out of work early to pick Luna up from school" I nod and say "Have a good day at work" Niall nods and says "If you need any help just call." I nod and say "See you later" Niall nods and says "See you later" he leaves the room

Once Oscar is clean I say "Let's get you out buddy." Oscar nods and reaches up to be carried. I smile sadly and I grab a towel and unplug the drain. I gently lift him up wrapping him up in the towel. I carry him into my bedroom and then out to his room. I put him on the nappy unit and grab out a nappy and put it on him. I gently rub nappy cream on him then tape up the nappy. I then pick him up and then say "What pyjamas do you want to wear buddy." He says "Toy stowy pwease papa" I nod and grab his Toy Story onesie and put it on him

He then yawns and I ask him "Do you want to stay with papa?" He nods and says "Stay wif you papa." I nod and carry Oscar into mine and Niall's room. I put him down on the floor and strip our bed and put it in the washing basket. I then put new bedding on. I then say "Let's go downstairs and snuggle on the sofa" Oscar nods and I pick up the washing basket and say to Oscar "Can you walk for papa. I'll hold your hand" Oscar nods and takes my hand. I lead him downstairs and into the kitchen. I put the washing in the washing machine and turn it on to wash. I then get a cup of water for Oscar and I say "Let's go snuggle on the sofa then." Oscar nods and reaches to be picked up. I pick him up and carry him to the sofa. I gently put him down and give him the cup. I say "Can you have a little water for me bud?" Oscar nods and drinks a couple of sips of water. He then hands me the cup and snuggles into my side. I put on Toy Story for him and soon he is fast asleep. I smile and soon feel my eyes drooping.

A few hours later Niall's pov

I have just got home from picking Luna up from school. I say to Luna "You need to be quiet when we get in Luns because Oscar is feeling poorly and might be sleeping." Luna nods and says "I'll be quite daddy." I nod and we walk into the house. I can't hear any noises. We go into the living room and I see Liam and Oscar asleep cuddling together. I smile and take a picture. Luna says to me quietly "Daddy, papa is sleeping as well." I nod and I gently rub Liam's arm trying to rouse him from sleep. His eyes slowly opens and I say "You can go back to sleep in a minute just wanted to see how Oscar was." Liam yawns and says "He's been alright. I think it might only be a 24 hour bug he hasn't been sick since about 10am this morning but he has been awake a few times since then." I nod and ask "Hew are you feeling Lili?" Liam shrugs and soon his eyes start drooping. I instantly know something is wrong with him he doesn't normally fall straight back to sleep. He could just be exhausted from looking after a poorly 2 year old but I'm going to keep an eye on him.

I grab the thermometer and put it in Oscar's ear and press the button. Luckily it doesn't wake Liam or Oscar up as it beeps. I take the thermometer out of Oscar's ear and read 37.5 a very slight temperature so not too bad.

A few hours later it is now 9pm Luna and Oscar are both in their own beds. Oscar is definitely feeling much better than last night and this morning which is good. He is still exhausted even though he slept pretty much all day. Liam is still asleep on the sofa. I go into the living room and gently shake Liam "Li baby wake up." Liam whines but opens his eyes. I say "Let's get you up to bed babe." Liam nods and sits up he asks sleepily "Where's the kids?" I say "It is 9pm babe. They are both in bed. Oscar is definitely feeling much better. He is still exhausted though." Liam nods and I ask "Would you like something to eat?" Liam shakes his head and I ask "Are you sure?" Liam nods and yawns sleepily. He slowly starts to stand but his knees buckle. I catch him before he falls. I lead him to the stairs and we slowly walk up them.

Once we are at the top Liam leans against me more. I say "Only a few more steps Li you can make it." I lead him to our bedroom. He crawls into his side of the bed and instantly falls asleep I smile and shake my head. I get into bed next to him and he cuddles into me. I smile and mess around on my phone for a while.

The next morning Liam's pov

I get woken up by Niall shaking me. I open my eyes and he says "Li wake up for a minute" I whine and he says "You can go back to sleep in a minute. I'm going to take Luna to school and head to work. Oscar is still asleep" I nod and Niall leaves the room. My eyes close and soon I am back asleep.

I get woken up a couple of hours later by Oscar jumping on my bed he says "Papa I go nursey" I say "Ozzy you can't go to nursery. You were sick yesterday." He pouts and I say "Let's cuddle for a little bit." Oscar says "No papa. I wanna pway" I say "You need rest if you wanna go back to nursery." He says "But pway papa." I sigh and sit up. I am instantly met with pounding in my skull and a wave of dizziness plus feeling nauseous. Oscar climbs off our bed and I slowly get out of bed and I take him into the play room.

About half an hour later I am still feeling really nauseous. I suddenly get an overwhelming urge to vomit. I say to Oscar "Back in a minute bud" Oscar nods and continues to play with his toys.

I rush out of the room and into the bathroom. I shut and lock the door behind me and I crash to my knees in front of the toilet and I gag and throw up. I continue for another five minutes. Once I have finished I slowly stand up and flush the toilet and then wash my hands. I unlock the door and I slowly walk back to the playroom holding onto the walls as I walk. I know I have the same bug as Oscar had.

Once I manage to make it to the playroom Oscar says "Papa I'm hungry." I nod and say "What would you like to eat bud?" He says "I don't know papa." I nod and say "How about some crackers." Oscar nods and we both leave the playroom and go into the kitchen. I have to hold onto walls otherwise I will fall over. Once we get to the kitchen I grab Oscar some crackers and give them to him. I need Niall to come home. Even the smell of crackers are making me feel sick. I say to Oscar "I'm just going to ring daddy alright bud." Oscar nods

I grab my phone and log in. I quickly find Niall's contact and press the call button. He picks up after the third ring and says "Hi babe, how's Oscar?" I respond "He is currently eating crackers." He asks "Are you alright? Your voice sounds different." I say "I don't feel well Ni. I have been sick already this morning. Please come and help me. I feel really poorly." Niall says "Oh my poor baby. I will just ask my management. I'll let you know when I know what is going on." I nod and say "I need you." Niall says "I'll try to be home soon. I will call you when I know what is going on alright love." I nod and say "Please hurry." Niall says "I'll be as quick as I can babe." He ends the call.

Niall's pov

As soon as I end the call I go to my management and say "I need to go home. Liam is home sick with Oscar who is also sick." My manager says "You can't leave. You need to finish songs." I say "I have. I've finished a few songs. Li really needs help. Please." My manager says "Fine, go." I nod and say "Thank you." I leave the studio and I get to my car. I get in the car and call Liam. He picks up on the third ring and he says sounding like he is close to tears "Ni. Please hurry." I say "I'm on my way home now babe. What's up?" He says "I've been sick again. I'm still in the bathroom and Oscar is right outside the door upset. I can't get off the floor otherwise I will be sick again." I say "Oh baby. I'll be there soon. I promise." Liam says "Please hurry." I respond "I'll be there soon. See you in a little bit." He responds "See you in a bit." I end the call and start the car.

I drive home and go into the house after locking my car. I head Oscar crying and saying "Papa, papa." I rush upstairs and see Oscar out in the hall by the bathroom door which is locked. I say "Hey bud." Oscar reaches up for me to pick him up and he says "Papa icky tummy." I say "I know papa has an icky tummy." I knock on the door and say "Li babe, are you alright?" The door unlocks and slowly opens. I take one look at Liam and know he is really poorly. He starts swaying. I put a steadying arm around his waist and say "Whoa li, let's get you laying down. Would you like to lay in bed or on the sofa with Oscar and I." He points at me and I nod understanding. I say to Oscar "Osc could you walk for me please?" Oscar nods and I put him down and say "We are going downstairs bud." Oscar nods and starts to slowly walk downstairs.

I support Liam downstairs and lay him on the sofa. He pouts and I say "I'll be back in a minute babe. I'm just going to get the thermometer and a cold cloth for you." Liam pouts more and I quickly go and get the items and a bowl of cold water. I then walk back into the living room and see Liam struggling to keep his eyes open. I quickly put the thermometer in Liam's ear and press the button. Once it beeps I take the thermometer out of Liam's ear and read "39.3. No wonder why you feel so rough babe." I put the cloth on Liam's head and he looks at me and pouts. I say "Would you like a cuddle?" He nods and I sit on the sofa and Liam cuddles into me and falls asleep. Oscar sits on the other side of me and I say "Osc bud could I use this to check your temperature?" Oscar nods and I put the thermometer in his ear and press the button. Once the thermometer beeps I take the thermometer out of his ear and say "36.6. Perfectly healthy buddy. We just need papa to be healthy now." Oscar nods and I ask "Would you like to watch a movie buddy" Oscar nods and says "Toy stowy pwease daddy" I nod and put Toy Story on for him.

A few weeks later no one's pov

Oscar went back to nursery the next day. Liam recovered after a week of feeling really poorly. Luckily no one else in the family got the bug.

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