By johnmr01

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When five guy meet each other and find out their all bin kicked out unwanted and a nobody but when they work... More

Team COMBAT song
How we got to beacon
The First Step
Players and Pieces
The Badge and The Burden
Forever Fall
The Stray
Black and White
Best Day Ever
Welcome to Beacon
Painting the Town
Burning the Candle
Dance Dance Infiltration
Field Trip
Search and Destroy
Mountain Glenn
No Brakes
COMBINE for round one
It's Brawl in the Family
Lessons Learned
Never Miss a Beat
Fall: Onslaught vs Sun
Battle of Beacon
Heroes and Monsters
End of the Beginning
A feather of a rose
Rose and feathers 2
FireRocket and snowflakes
RPG and shotguns
Leader, Monkey and a Cat
The sly Fox in the White fang
A Fox, Cat, Monkey and a leader
Bird, feather, rose, ninja, knight, hammer
Fight for the lamp
The brothers reunited
Argus Limited
So That's How It Is
The Coming Storm
Alone in the Woods
The Grimm Reaper
Dead End
Stealing from the Elderly
The Lady in the Shoe
Seeing Red
Our Way
The Greatest Kingdom
A New Approach
Ace Operatives
Pomp and Circumstance
A Night Off
Worst Case Scenario
Cordially Invited
As Above, So Below
Out in the Open
With Friends Like These
The Enemy of Trust
Ruby team
Jail time
Team Yang
Worthy Of These Final Word

The Emerald Forest

117 3 0
By johnmr01

(Emerald Forest where onslaught and his team walk through the forest fallowing blastoff to where the relics are)

Brawl: Ah all this walking is giving me itchy fist.

Vortex: Yeah how much farther is it?

Blastoff: Not far just past his clearing.

(We then here rustling in the bushes)

Swindle: you guy hear that?

Onslaught: Yeah everyone back to back.

(We then all form a courcule and draw are weapon and we then see five bear Grimm come out)

Vortex: Well brawl look like you going to get that fight you want after all.

Swindle: look like we each get one.

Blastoff: we wait on you command.

Onslaught: Attack.

(Meanwhile across the Forest, Pyrrha, and Jaune are making their way through the bushes. Jaune hears a noise far away and turns his head)

Jaune: Did you hear that?

Pyrrha: Gunfire. It seems some of our comrades have encountered the enemy.

(They keep moving forward, Jaune still staring in the sound's direction as Pyrrha raises a branch to pass by and accidentally releases it right at Jaune's face, flooring him instantly and having a gash on his cheek)

Pyrrha: Jaune! I'm sorry!

Jaune: It's okay. Just a scratch!

(gets back up when Pyrrha approaches him)

Pyrrha: Why didn't you activate your Aura?

Jaune: Huh?

Pyrrha: Your Aura.

Jaune: Gesundheit.

Pyrrha: Jaune, do you... know what Aura is?

Jaune: (waves the question off, avoiding eye contact) Psch! Of course I do! Do you know what Aura is?

Pyrrha smiles at him and gets ready to explain as the scene changes to Lie Ren's trek through the forest's tall grass.

Pyrrha (off-screen): Aura is the manifestation of our soul. It bears our burdens and shields our hearts. Have you ever felt you were being watched without knowing that someone was there?

Jaune (off-screen): Uh... yeah.

(Ren stops and narrows his eyes, looking around him while a huge black Grimm serpent rises up from the grass behind him and quickly surrounds him with its large, hissing body. Ren adopts a fighting stance as the snake coils together in front of him and attacks with its long fangs)

Pyrrha: (back on screen, walking around Jaune) With practice, our Aura can be our shield. Everyone has it, even animals.

Jaune: What about monsters?

Pyrrha: No.

(switching back to Ren as he leaps out of the way, the snake's mouth hitting the ground and instantly coming up again to hit a jumping Ren back with its snout)

Pyrrha: The monsters we fight lack a soul. They are creatures of Grimm, the manifestation of anonymity.

(Ren lands in a crouch when the serpent encircles him again, and he unleashes his StormFlower before jumping up and firing at the creature)

Pyrrha: They are the darkness, and we are the light.

Jaune (off-screen): Right, that's why we fight them!

(as Ren kicks the snake's snout and slashes at its head)

Pyrrha (off-screen): It's not about why; it's about knowing.

(the snake flows around Ren and tries to bite him again, but he flips over it and drives his weapons into its head, pausing a moment without sensing the serpent's white head behind him)

Pyrrha: Understanding dark and light helps us manifest our Aura. Everyone has some of both.

(Ren turns and looks up at the white head as it launches itself at him, dodging it and landing just in time to see the head slither towards him. As it gets closer, he runs at it and leaps onto the black head, sliding over its body and blasting the other head)

Pyrrha (off-screen): By baring your soul outward as a force, you can deflect harm. All of our tools and equipment are conduits for Aura. You protect yourself and your soul when fighting.

(Ren is unprepared for the white half to hit him with its head, knocking him off as he drops his weapons, and leaving him to merely raise his arms and distantly cry "No!" to the mouth of the black head)

Jaune: It's like a force field!

Pyrrha: Yes, if you want to look at it that way.

(Ren is now holding the front fangs of the colossal snake in his hands, glowing a faint, pulsating pink as he grips the teeth and yanks them from the monster's mouth, causing it to flail away. It attempts to bite him again, but Ren spins to the side and stabs a fang into its eye, rotating his arm to deliver a final blow that drives the makeshift weapon into its skull, which ripples, expands, and blows apart in a dark mess as its headless body falls over its fellow creature. Wasting no time, Ren runs right at the white head)

Pyrrha: (walking up to Jaune and touching the side of his head) Now, close your eyes and concentrate.

Jaune: (complying) Uhh... Okay.

(Pyrrha smiles and closes her own eyes, opening them as her skin glows and her irises shrink before shutting them again. The two stand there, now with Pyrrha glowing a faint red and Jaune a bright white)

Pyrrha: For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death.

(placing a hand on his chest)

Pyrrha: I release your soul, and by my shoulder protect thee.

(Pyrrha stops glowing red and hunches over in tiredness)

Jaune: (still glowing, concerned) Pyrrha?

Pyrrha: (getting back up) It's all right. I used my Aura to unlock yours, but the energy that protects you now is your own.

(grins as she watches the scratch close up and vanish)

Pyrrha: You have a lot of it.

Jaune: Wow.

(At the same time, Ren stands atop of the body of his enemy, sliding the weapons into his sleeves and brushing them off before a strange, animal-like noise is heard above him twice. He looks up and meets the upside-down eyes of Nora)

Ren: (chuckles) I still don't think that's what a sloth sounds like.

(In response, Nora gives her friend a "Boop!" on the nose, causing him to smile)

(On the cliff view of Professor Ozpin watching the students on his Scroll at the Beacon Cliff overlooking the Emerald Forest when Glynda walks up behind him, holding her own tablet)

Glynda: The last pair has been formed, sir.

(taps the screen to show the ending scene of "The Emerald Forest")

Glynda: Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren. Poor boy... I can't possibly imagine those two getting along. Still, he's probably better off than Miss Nikos.

(the video changes to Pyrrha Nikos and Jaune Arc's trek through the woods)

Ozpin: Mmmm...

Glynda: I don't care what his transcripts say. That Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat. I guess we'll find out soon enough. At their current pace, they should reach the temple within just a few minutes.

Ozpin: and how are they doing.

Glynda: The five of them are fighting Grimm and have found each other I still don't know why you want a five man team though?

Ozpin: Well let's just say that me and ironwood have a bet and where going to see who five person team is better his ace-ops or are new found allies.

Glynda: Speaking of which, what did you use as relics this year? (silence) Professor Ozpin?

(Ozpin doesn't answer, watching his tablet with a contemplating interest as it shows the footage of Ruby sitting in the grass while her partner Weiss walks in random directions)

Weiss: (walking right) It's definitely this way. (stops and starts walking left) I mean... this way! It's definitely this way. (stops in front of Ruby) Alright, it's official: We passed it.

Ruby: (stands up, slightly annoyed) Weiss, why can't you just admit that you have no idea where we're going?

Weiss: Because I know exactly where we're going! We're going... to... the forest temple!

Ruby: (sighs, frustrated)

Weiss: Oh, stop it! You don't know where we are, either!

Ruby: Well, at least I'm not pretending like I know everything.

Weiss: What is that supposed to mean?

Ruby: It means you're a big, stupid jerk and I hate you!

Weiss: Just keep moving!

Ruby: Oh, just keep moving! Hurry up! Waaaah! Watch where you're going! (in her normal voice) Why are you so bossy?

Weiss: I'm not bossy! Don't say things like that!

Ruby: Stop treating me like a kid!

Weiss: Stop acting like a kid!

Ruby: Well, stop acting like you're perfect!

Weiss: I'm. Not. Perfect! Not yet... But I'm still leagues better than you.

(She then continues to walk away)

Ruby: (to herself) You don't even know me.

(From the forest, Yang and Blake step out into a clearing that reveals the circular stone temple, broken and decrepit but for the platforms around its inside, holding several black and gold objects)

Yang: Think this is it?

(In response, Blake gives Yang an incredulous look and heads down the hill, her partner following. They walk across the floor and observe the items on each pedestal, now shown to be familiar shapes)

Blake: (looking at a black king, confused) Chess pieces?

Yang: Some of them are missing. Looks like we weren't the first ones here.

Blake: Well, I guess we should pick one.

(Jaune and Pyrrha are standing at a cave)

Jaune: Think this is it?

(They walk inside the cave, Jaune holding a short, burning torch to light their way)

Pyrrha: I'm not sure this is it.

Jaune: (sighs) Pyrrha, I made the torch. Could you at least humor me for, like, five more feet?

(Suddenly and completely unexpectedly, Jaune trips on the ground, and the torch flies into a small puddle, extinguishing the flame so the two are cast in darkness with only their eyes visible)

Pyrrha: Do you... feel that?

Jaune: Soul-crushing regret?

Pyrrha: No, it's... warm.

(Back at the temple, Yang approaches one of the relics)

Yang: Hmmmm...

(looks at the golden knight, then picks it up and shows it to Blake)

Yang: How about a cute little pony?

Blake: (smirking) Sure. (they walk towards each other to the center of the temple floor)

Yang: That wasn't too hard!

Blake: Well, it's not like this place is very difficult to find.

(Jaune and Pyrrha continue onward through the cave until they see a large glowing point of gold right in front of them, illuminating Jaune's excited features)

Jaune: That's the relic!

(he slowly reaches out to grab it, but it moves away from his swipe)

Jaune: Hey! Bad... relic!

(he tries to get it again, then jumps forward and hangs onto it as the object raises him above the ground)

Jaune: Gotcha!

Pyrrha: (worried) Jaune...?

(Jaune's catch lowers itself so he is dangling right in front of the now-glowing red lines and eyes of a Death Stalker)

(Jaune's scream is heard all the way from the temple, where Yang turns towards the direction of its source)

Yang: Some girl's in trouble! Blake, did you hear that?

(Blake doesn't answer, staring at something in the sky)

(At the cave entrance, Pyrrha rushes out right before the monster crashes through the hole, roaring and waving its grass-encrusted claws as Jaune hangs from the stinger, calling from help and continuing to scream)

Jaune: (sobbing) Help! Whoa-ah-ah-ah-ah! Why?! Pyrrha! He-e-e-elp! Pyrrha, this is not the relic! It's not!

(continues to cry and get shaken around)

Jaune: Do something!

Pyrrha: Jaune! Whatever you do, don't let—

(before she can finish, the Grimm hurls its tail back and launches a still-screaming Jaune across the forest as she watches in dismay)


(she turns back to the scorpion as it continues to snap its claws at her, and she smiles embarrassedly before turning and rushing away in a burst of green leaves)

(With Onslaught and his team finishing off the Grimm swindle using his weapon to stab into the Grimm neck brawl putting his Grimm in a chock hold till he breaks it neck blastoff shoot his Grimm in both legs then setting it on fire vortex using his metal wing as a shield then stabbing the Grimm in the gut and slicing it in half meanwhile Onslaught shoot at his Grimm with his gun sheaf and uses ice to freeze it in place)

Onslaught: Swindle shotgun.

(Swindle uses him sebalens and takes out a sawed off shotgun and throws it to Onslaught and he puts it right up to it face and pull the trigger)

Onslaught: Well that was fun.

(Then a girl with red hair run past them)

Vortex: Hey what the big rush?

(They then see trees fall down and see a death stocker)

Onslaught: retreat we need to get it in the open.

(Blastoff and vortex fly off while the we three run and keep are distance)

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