Wildflowers / Gregor Clegane

By rissarosewrites

80.4K 4.3K 203

Haezel Hightower fell in love with most unlikely man. Can she save him from his fate? Or will the wildflowers... More

1. Secret Admirer
2. Petal
3. Monsters
4. Sister
5. Not Soft
6. Words Not Spoken
7. Romeo & Juliet
8. Satisfy
9. Witch!
10. Flirt, Fuck, Flowers
11. Large
12. Alone?
13. Embarassing
14. Wilt
15. No
16. Littlest Love
17. Daddy's Girl
18. Protect Mommy
19. Rage
20. Snowflake
21. Snow
22. No Flowers
23. Outsider
24. Grotesque
25. Swords
26. Calm Your Tits
27. Haze of Darkness
28. Grumpier Than Usual
29. Octopus
30. False Knight
31. The Clegane Way
32. Killing is a Noble Profession
33. Lowest of Us
34. Cinnamon Bun
35. Tucked Tail
36. Lotus
37. Adopt Me
38. Valyrian Steel
39. Ancient History
40. Oberyn
41. Let's Get Drunk
42. Take Him
43. Justice
44. Different Breed of Woman
45. Testimoney
46. Be Scared
47. Under Your Skin
48. Stay With Me
49. Best Shithead Ever
51. Magic Cock
52. Stupid
53. Fuck It. Try Again Tomorrow
54. Wildflowers
55. Love You

50. Rock

983 60 3
By rissarosewrites

Haezel and gregor went to the rock. Clegane keep was their destination but cersei said they could have casterly rock. So that's what they did and they spent a good year healing and loving and raising their childen. It was an adjustment but it was for the best.

Gregor didnt like being babied. Didnt like his children seeing him as weak. Gemma loved playing nurse and gregor dodnt have the energy to tell jer to fuck off.

"I like this side of gregor." Gemma said often.

Gregor grumbled and complained more than usual but haezel was just happy he was alive.

Moons passed and Haezel's stomach grew and grew. She was worried as the moons passed, Gregor got stronger but with her last birth Lotus was little and weak and she worried that the maesters on the rock wouldnt be able to save her baby if something bad happened but the moons passed and Haezel was now late. Gregor was stronger, he wasnt to his former lifting weight, he couldnt lift a tree without stretching but he was getting stronger and back to his old self. Haezel was so glad. 

Especially when her water broke. It was time. 

Couldn't she have one little baby? One petite and small and not clegane large? One healthy and not early? Apparently not. Little Primrose was born and Haezel was once again ripped apart.

"A little girl!" Gemma cooed. Gregor smiled down at the baby.

"Tough little fucker". He said that when each of their children were born. Haezel nodded as the baby wailed out. Tough fucker to get out indeed.

Griffin and Silas were six years old it was hard to believe how fast they grew and how much damage they could do now that they were bigger. 

Haemon was still Haezels little honey bear, he still snuggled up into Haezels side, he was four years old but he looked bigger. Older. 

Haven was three and strut around like a little superstar. She owned every room she walked into. Gregor loved her most. Haezel didnt have favorites, she loved all her babies but Gregor definitely loved his Haven. 

Lotus had just had her first name day and was attempting to run her way through the halls.  Her little babies were all so beautiful. Lotus never got big like her brothers. She was still a little thing. Haven was even bigger at this age, Haezel wondered what little Primrose would be like, she wasnt so little either. Haezel smiled down at her chubby legs and chubby cheeks. 

They fell into a routine at the rock and Haezel could see them growing old here, she woke up snuggled beside Gregor every morning after he fucked her mercilessly every night. She started making teas she was done with babies, done being ripped apart. She loved her babies. But the baby shop was closed. 

Gregor held little Lotus close, he was gentle, he had to be but he liked her closer. Haezel still loved how he showed affection to the babies, how he tapped his finger down their little self. Primrose stared up at him with wide eyes as he tapped her nose, tapped her chest, tapped her knees, tapped her toes with a boop. She shrieked out with laughter reaching up for him. 

Everyone saw the monster that was Gregor. Oberyn had screamed it loud and Gregor confirmed what he did but that was the old Gregor. This gregor was the gregor that only Haezel got to see. The one that was the best father and the most protective and loving husband. 

Haezel smiled as she moved to the bed chamber after a long time, the kids in bed, hopefully asleep when she saw a flower on the bedside. He still brought her flowers, every day after all this time. 

Haezel moved to her bookshelf taking out the first book, the book that had the first flowers Gregor had given her. SHe had pressed them down. This was her memory book, she wrote in the margins, anniversary flowers, babies first flower, name day flowers. This had become her scrapbook of flowers, her most favorite flowers and memories attached to each one. It felt like happiness holding the book in her hands. 


Haezel was making breakfast when jaime came barging in.

"Jaime!" Haezel declared hugging him tight dropping her spoon in the process.

"Haezel, its so good to see you." said Jaime against her, breathing her in. "I saw the boys training outside, didnt want to bother them." 

"Didnt want to get hit." Haezel countered with a laugh. "What are you doing here?" 

As jaime explained Haezel shook her head confused, she didnt understand, the words he was saying here plain and easy. Leave the rock but it didnt make sense, she couldnt, they couldnt abandon their home.

"Abandon casterly rock?'' Haezel didnt understand, "This is your home." 

"Its just a place, the people make a home." Jaime corrected. 

"But what-"

"Tyrion is working for Daenerys Targaryen, he is her hand, I know how he thinks. They are going to try and take down the capital, take down Cersei." Jaime informed her. "They are going to hit the rock. I know it with complete certainty, I need you home." Jaime begged. "All of you." 


 "Haezel we need you to come home. Where its safe. Please. Cersei would have come herself but-"

"The dragon woman is here already. Isnt she?" Haezel realized. "She's not far away, she's in westeros, they are close." 

"Yes. And she has tyrion assisting her. He will take the rock. I know it. I know how he thinks." Jaime reiterated.  "Haezel please. Pack up the children and come home." Gregor came marching into the kitchen. He stared down at Jaime. "Gregor. Nice to see you again. Have you gotten bigger?"

"He trains every day with the boys." Haezel agreed

"He cant fight an army of unsullied or dothraki savages by himself. Please. All of you. Come home." Jaime begged. Just then lotus ran up a silly smile on her face as she stared up at jaime.

"You remember uncle jaime?" Haezel questioned scooping her up. She giggled hiding her face in haezels hair.

"Come home. If not for Cersei and I then do it for your children, Haezel. Do it for them."

So they left. Left the life they had built at the rock and went back to the capital to try and start again.

It wasnt long before they got a message from Tyrion requesting a truce. They dragon woman was coming to the capital. 

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