9. Witch!

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Queen of Kings / Ned Stark / Gendry Baratheon 

"You fucked him."

"Witch!" Haezel declared.  Cersei smirked. "How did you know!" She demanded before hushing herself.

"You waddled in here like tyrion." Cersei offered. Haezels lips pursed and brow furrowed. "Did he break you?"

"No. He was wonderful. I have never felt so..." haezel searched for the right word to fit how it felt how he felt.

"Full? Engulfed? Worshiped? Consumed?" Cersei pondered.

"All of that." Haezel agreed. "He brought me a flower but when I shed his clothes it fell and he was concerned- after wards that is- that the flower was missing few petals. Said he was going to get me a new one." Haezel remarked and cersei watched her best friend smile a goofy and totally in love smile. "When I woke up he was gone and you know what was beside me?"

"A wildflower." Cersei pondered.

"Two flowers." Haezel corrected.

"To make up for yesterday's even though you would rather him fuck you every day then give you flowers." Cersei added.

"He can do both." Haezel assured.


Cersei noticed Haezels gaze shifting back to Gregor more frequently than not. Almost saw gregor smile for the first time in for as long as cersei knew gregor.

Yet his lips curved up just slightly when haezel looked his way.

Haezel knew cersei was annoyed at losing her friend for a man. But cersei knew this day would come when haezel fell in love got married and started a family of her own. Cersei just never expected it to be gregor Clegane.

"Hey Tommy." Haezel coed. She had started- like a love struck idiot- to plan a future with a man she was seemingly taking things one wildflower at a time.

"Haezy we play?" Tommen questioned.

"Auntie Haezel look at all the flowers! Why do you have so many flowers?" Myrcella questioned.

" they're from her secret admirer!" Tommen declared.

" how do you know that??" Haezel corrected.

" that's what Mama said" tommen declared.

"Well your mama is right." Haezel agreed. "But its not a secret admirer anymore."

"WHy not?" Myrcella questioned. 

"Because I found out who he was." Haezel answered. 

"So hes just an admirer now." Myrcella agreed. 

"He's her boy friend!" Tommen declared. 

"I dont know... its strange having this talk with you two but I'm glad we had this talk." Haezel informed them. 

"I'm really smart about boys." Myrcella agreed. 

"Oh, are you?" Haezel questioned. 

"Yeah, they like when you hold their hand and kiss their cheek and they like to give pretty girls flowers." Myrcella told him. 

"Well then I suppose I will have to hold his hand and kiss his cheek." Haezel agreed. 

"Who is he?" Tommen questioned. 

Haezels gaze shifted to Gregor as he walked by, she thought he almost smiled seeing her. 

"Someone special." Haezel answered. 

Haezel and Cersei were lounging under the stars, drinks in their hands, drunk smiles on their faces that night. 

"You know I think I always knew I would only have three children. "Cersei remarked. 

"What?" haezel questioned, that was taking a dark turn. 

"The baby that... died." Cersei whispered. "I always knew I would only have three, a witch told me. When I was younger but I got a glimpse of that pain when I lost him." 

"Who says you are going to lose your children?" 

"The witch did." Cersei answered. 

"Don't listen to witches." 

"What if a witch told you that you were meant to marry Gregor and have his gigantic babies? WOuld you listen to her?" Cersei countered. 

"A witch isnt going to get me and Gregor married, that is up to me." Haezel corrected. 

"You really like him." Cersei realized. 

"Was that a trap?" Haezel questioned. 

"Possibly." Cersei admitted. "Still getting flowers?" 

"yes... I want to talk to him but he's not much of a talker but he loves leaving me flowers." haezel whispered, a blush on her cheeks. "It will be a fun story to tell our future children one day."

"Already planning children?" 

"I want three, just like you. At least one boy and one girl. The third can be a mystery." Haezel mused. 

"You might change your mind after you push the first one out." 

Wildflowers / Gregor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now