13. Embarassing

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"Ama! Ama! Mama!" Haezel was proud to say all of her childrens first words were mama. Also proud that shortly after they all were also saying dada. She scooped up Haemon and kissed him endlessly.

"Yes my honey bear?" Haezel questioned.

"Mama! Mama! Mama!" Haemon sung out smiling into her. Haezel thought haemon liked saying mama. She liked hearing it. She liked it so much it made her cry.

"Are you crying?"

"No. I have a condition where my tear ducts produce an excess of warm, salty water when I'm tired or happy or mad or flustered..." Haezel answered calmly. Gregor stared at her a moment longer before nodding and kissing her temple before heading off.

"Real charmer you got". Sandor remarked. Haezel wiped at her eyes.

"He's just not good with..."

"Communicating? Yeah, I know".  Sandor agreed. "Why are you crying?"

"It's OK you don't have to pretend to care"   Haezel assured as she shifted a babbling haemon in her arms.

"And if I am not pretending ?"

"And that's very sweet of you. But I am OK".  Haezel assured. "Haemon said his first word. Mama. Im just happy is all." Sandor stared at her for a long moment before he nodded, and headed off. She chuckled. "Do you know you and your brother both do that?"

"What?" He barked back.

"The silent once over and a nod". Haezel answered. Sandor grumbled as he continued on his way. Haezel resisted the urge to say you and your brother grumble the same too.

"Haezy. Oh no! No cry!" Tommen declared

"Haemon said mama today. Its happy tears." Haezel assured.

"Ohh." Tommen stared up at her still a little confused.

"Happy. Im happy because this little bundle-" she tickled Haemons tummy and he giggled out. "Said mama!"

"Aunt Haezy?" Tommen interrupted their snuggle fest

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"Aunt Haezy?" Tommen interrupted their snuggle fest.

"Yeah sweetie?"

"You still love me?"

"I love you so much Tommy." Haezel agreed hugging him.

"Im not the baby anymore." Tommen clarified.

"You are always going to be your mamas baby boy." Haezel corrected. "But you are going to be my big strong man helping me with my little boys."

"Your boys are big, Haezy." Tommen remarked.

"I know. They got their fathers genes." Haezel agreed. "But they are still my little boys."

"Okay. I can be your big boy too." Tommen decided.

"Thank you sweetie." Haezel agreed.

Train them young Gregor said sot hats what he was doing. He got the twins swords. Haezel promptly took them away. Gregor got them sparing swords. Haezel again took them away.

"Dull edges for babies!" Gregor objected.

"No" was Haezels only response.

Gregor got them wooden swords and haezel shook her head. Gregor grumbled throwing the wooden sword through a person they wailed out and haezel gave him a pointed look.

"See! Dangerous!" Haezel demanded.

"They need to learn!" Gregor corrected

"They are barely three!" Haezel corrected.

"Yes. They are behind schedule." Gregor agreed.

"No weapons!" Haezel demanded.

"You want them to be weak and pathetic like Joffrey!" Gregor countered.

"Hey!" Joffrey shouted in outrage.

"Toy swords. Toy! Soft!" Haezel demanded. "Dont make me come back here and shove a sword up your ass Gregor!"

Sandor was impressed. Haezel had quite the nerve standing up to gregor theatening gregor even if everyone knew haezel wouldnt do such a thing. Anyone else that stood up to gregor ended up dead.

"Show mama." Gregor instructed nudging Silas and Griffin forward. The boys held up toy cloth swords. They whacked happily at each other.

"Oh gregor this is perfect!" Haezel agreed.

"Its fucking embarrassing is what it is." Gregor corrected. "You cant kill with this!"

"Then they will get the form and learn strength and precision and not kill everyone in sight." Haezel suggested. Gregor rolled his eyes. "Hey!" Haezel declared grabbing his chin forcing him to look down at her. "You did good, Gregor." Haezel assured. He shrugged. "Thank you." He nodded kissing her. She leaned back into him. His arms wrapped around her holding her hostage to him as the boys whacked at each other giggling out.

"Training shouldnt involve this much laughter." Gregor added gruffly. "Not unless death-"

"Okay. Lets not raise little murderers." Haezel countered. "Can we try that?"

"What?" It seemed a foreign concept.

"Training for protection and defending themselves not just the fun of killing." haezel suggested.

"You are no fun," gregor countered kissing her neck. She brought a hand back to the back of his neck and started massaging the base of his scalp.

"Thank you for getting them toys." Haezel whispered as he continued kissing her.

"I lied." Gregor assured.


"You are fun," gregor assured as he picked her up throwing her over his shoulder.

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