28. Grumpier Than Usual

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"You good?" Haezel questioned. Gregor stared back at her. "You killed your horse, it wasnt your horses fault, Loras was being a cunt."

"I know." Gregor mumbled.

"Use your words, dont hurt animals honey."

"I know." Gregor repeated. She climbed into his lap, draping her arms around him.

"The kids want to see you, said they are sad you lost, were really confused that you lost, said you never lose."

"He cheated." Gregor shouted. "You tell them that?"

"I did." Haezel assured.

"Good." Gregor barked.

"You calm?" Haezel questioned. "The kids want to see you and you are being grumpier than usual." She added.

"I'm fine." Gregor assured.

"Are you though?" Haezel countered.

"He fucking cheated Haez." Gregor snapped. "I should have won. Im better than all of them fuckers!"

Gregor didnt like to lose. He was a poor loser but when it was fair he didnt look as murderous. Sure he was in a mood but he lost so rarely that haezel didnt have to baby him about this. She didnt want to baby him. She had four actual babies that gregor never babied, except Haven. He treated her like anlittle princess.

So haezel decided to use the gregor parenting method on gregor.

"Stop your whining." Haezel demanded. "Whats done is done. Cant change it now. Dont be a big baby about it." Gregor stared back at her silent and deadly look on his face.

"Not a big baby." Gregor grumbled.

"Whats that?" Haezel countered bringing anhand to her ear.

"Im not a big baby!" Gregor shouted.

"You are grumbling like Silas and griffin after a few minutes in a time out." Haezel challenged.

"You are mean." Gregor remarked getting up nhaezels gaze followed up. "I like you mean." He added a smile quirked his lips.

"Boys get in here!" Haezel shouted. "Daddy wants to see you." Gregor kissed her quickly before piling the boys in his arms.

"You lost! It was awful!" Silas declared.

"Daddy dont lose!" Haemon babbled out.

"You gonna kill that fucker?"

"Griffin!" Haezel demanded.

"Sorry," griffin mumbled. Gregor laughed out though. "Are you daddy?" Gregor looked to haezel as she moved to the crib picking up Haven. She babbled and giggled in Haezels arms.

"Nah," gregor corrected. "Fucker gets to live knowing hes a fucking cheat-"

"A little less of that word around them please!" Haezel demanded. "Surprised their first words werent-"

Gregor sat on the ground legs criss crossed haezel in his lap as Haven stared back at them from the other side of the room. Haven stood on little legs smiling and waving as she held tight to the chair leg.

"Come to mommy!" Haezel cooed arms outstretched for her.

"Cone here princess." Gregor instructed his one hand up haezels sweater the other on her knee.

"You can do it! You can do it!" Haezel chanted. Haven shook her head.

"Walk kid. Come on! Dont get all d-" gregor began and haezel slapped his chest.

"She will walk when Shes ready."

"Its not that hard." Gregor reminded her. "The boys were practically sprinting at her age."

"Shes got little legs." Haezel reminded him gently

"Little princess she is." Gregor agreed.

"Aaaa-maaaa!" Haven whined deciding she didnt want to try to walk to any.

"Let her try. Dont go to her rescue," gregor instructed.

"Maaa maa!" Haven whined.

"Come here baby girl. Come here!" Haezel encouraged. Haven shook her head a big pout on her lips.

"Let her try." Gregor repeated when haezel began to get up.

"Maaaa!" Haven whimered reaching for her from her spot.

"You can do it. One step baby. One step."
Haezel encouraged trying to scoot closer.

"Da?" Haven questioned and gregor practically threw haezel off him as he got up she tumbled over as he ran to Haven scooping her.

"One. Ow. Two. Make me the bad guy?"' Haezel demanded.

"She called for da." Gregor agreed as haven snuggled into him.

"Make me the bad guy?" haezel repeated. He offered her a hand up.

"I kiss it better later." Gregor assured kissing along her jaw.

"You try again later?" Haezel questioned. Haven shook her head. "Crawling is faster." She supposed. Haven nodded but she wiggled in gregors arms seeing silas and griffin march by. Haemon chased after them. Gregormput her down and she waddled after them.

"Ait or me!!" Haezel shouted. "I ot ittle eggs!"

"Wait for me..." gregor translated

"Our baby is walking!"

"I got little legs." Gregor chuckled. "Little stinker butt."

"Oh haven!" Haezel chased after her. "Look at you go snuggle bug!" Haven giggled back at her before falling. She whined out and gregor swooped in to save the day.

"Owww," haven whispered into his neck.

"My little princess." Gregor mumbled kissing her forehead.

"I ell," haven whispered

"You fell but you get back up." Gregor agreed.

"Ou up!" Haven giggled back kissing him.

"Yeah I got you up." Gregor agreed. "Dont tell your brothers but you are my favorite."

"I da est!" Haven shouted.

"You the best." Gregor agreed tickling her. Haezel smiled leaning into gregor. He was her murderous teddy bear and she loved him more and more every damn day.

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