Omega In A Comic World

By MyInvisibleButterfly

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This is crazy... As fu***ng crazy as it gets. But I was sucked into a comic book... In to a world where I am... More

Author's Notes And Main Characters
Book Promo (Video)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Nanon's Annoyed Rap (Bonus) 😎
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Finale)
Check Out For More

Chapter 17

1.1K 110 68
By MyInvisibleButterfly


"What?" Jay walked to me with what seemed to be anger on his face. He held my hand and pulled me away. "Am I a joke to you?"

"Jay, I know I..."

"SHUT UP!" He yelled and left my hand. He looked so hurt, and tears started forming in his eyes. "You do this always. I am what? A spare? Whenever you don't know what to do, you will come to me, is it?"

I felt like trash in that moment. I walked to him and tried to hold his shoulder. "Jay, I am sorry."

"You are sorry?" He asked, looking up at me with disbelief. "Tell me, Nanon. Why are you sorry? And what will happen even if you are sorry? You have made up your mind, haven't you?"

"Jay, you don't know what situation I am in. I am not in a state where I can think clearly. I am..."

"It's because of your heat cycle, isn't it?" He held my hand a bit tightly and looked into my eyes with his red tear-filled eyes. "You slept with him, so you started liking him."

"Jay that's..."

"That's what it is, right? Then I can do it too."

"Jay..." I tried to pull my hand out, but his grip was strong. He was trembling with what now seemed to be anger towards me.

"I can serve you well too. So well that you will forget him. Nanon, you know he doesn't love you. And you know I do. Then just imagine how good I am to you as compared to him."

"Jay stop." I tried to push him, but he did not leave my hand. "This is getting out of hand."

"No, I realise why I am the second lead in your life. I am always behind a step. But this time I need to one-up Ohm."

"What the fuck are you saying?" I asked this time, forcefully pushing him and yanking my hand away. He smirked, walked back to me, and pulled me again, this time holding me by my waist.

"Yes, I love you, Nanon. Listen, I will love you always, ok? I can do anything for you."

"JAY!" I tried to push him, but his grip was too strong for me.

Jay's lips were about to forcefully meet mine before I heard a sound of a punch, and Jay was on the ground. "I am sure dad and pa never taught anyone of us to do that forcefully, you scumbag." Ohm hissed and held my hand, slowly pulling me to stand behind him while glowering towards Jay.

Jay's mouth was bleeding from the corner now as he huffed and looked up at me. I trembled under his gaze, and Roy's memories filled my mind.

Again, I hate this world that makes me so weak physically. I held on to Ohm's sleeve when Jay's piercing gaze made me scared of him.

I could smell pheromones. Both Jay's and Ohm's So many alpha pheromones are making me feel dizzy. It's like someone is attacking me from both ends.

"Jay, I heard the whole thing. You better leave him alone." Ohm said that and turned to me. "Let's go."

Jay did not say anything. I turned to see him and saw him crying. He seemed hurt. But I am unable to help him. He is too aggressive, and I couldn't explain anything to him. Maybe someday I will be able to explain and apologise.

Ohm brought me to his room and closed the door.

I had to lean on the wall to calm down. My whole body is feeling hot and itchy. It is due to the pheromones, I know.

Ohm shook his head and sighed loudly before walking to the table and getting me a glass of water.

"Drink up," he said.

I looked at him and took the glass while thinking about what he said to Jay. I gulped the whole glass of water, and then, with the help of Ohm, I slowly walked to the bed and sat there, leaning my back on the headboard.

Ohm loosened a button on his shirt. He too seemed to be hot and bothered.

"Did you... hear everything?" I asked.

Ohm met my eyes and nodded slowly. "I was going out to buy something to drink when I saw you both talking. I couldn't help myself before I started eavesdropping," he said honestly.

I nodded, feeling flustered.

I won't do the fake lover act. And I won't break the engagement with Ohm. In this world, he is my alpha.

I widened my eyes and looked at Ohm, recalling my last statement to Jay before he lost his mind.

And what I saw made my heart shiver. Ohm was smiling at me with his head tilted to the side, as if he were observing me.

"Wh-what?" I asked, folding my legs up to my chest, trying to hide myself unsuccessfully.

Ohm grinned wide and slid closer to me, keeping a hand on my hands, with which I was tightly gripping my knees. But when Ohm gently rubbed his thumb over it, I relaxed a bit. His scent alone always makes me feel relaxed.

"Let's date."


Ohm pressed his lips before slowly pulling himself closer to me and cupping my face in his palms. "It'd be unfair to us if we kept thinking about a future on Earth and did not live in the present. What if we stay here for the next ten to twenty years?"

I blinked at him, confused.

His thumb gently stroking my cheek, his tender eyes looking through me, his soothing scent surrounding me-I couldn't get enough of everything. But still, I was worried. And that worry might be prominent on my face because Ohm spoke up again. "It's not like we don't like each other, Nanon. What we are on Earth and what we are in this world are two completely opposite things. Still, we are drawn towards each other. And it's not just sexual, right? We worry for each other."

I slowly nodded, widening Ohm's smile. I think I must have smiled briefly too.

I closed my eyes as Ohm leaned closer and touched my temple with his breathing on my face, making my senses completely stable. I melted in his touch, tilting my head to the side in his palm. When I opened my eyes, I could see a light blush on his cheek, which looked so cute from this close.

"We may not love each other, Nanon... But who knows? Maybe one day... we will reach there."He said it with his eyes closed. I closed my eyes again and nodded, and we stayed like this for a while till we both calmed down.


"Gun?" I was surprised, looking at the guy standing in front of me and smiling wide.

"Hi Chimon. How are you?" Gun smiled and walked into the studio.

"I am fine. How are you?"

"I am fine, but I will feel much better if you have dinner with me."

"Ummm... Gun, I already..."

"I know you told me that you love your fiancé and that the breakup is not happening despite the rumours." I said it sternly. I guess my previous polite rejection did not work.

Gun pressed his lips and smiled at me. "Very well. Sorry for being rude and making you uncomfortable. I just thought to try my luck once again. I thought since you are a dominant omega, you will understand better who suits you."

Again with the Alpha and Omega. For once, when I think my life is normal and I can get out of the stupid culture, I am back to square.

"You are right. I know who is better for me. And that's why I said that I was not breaking my engagement." I smiled sarcastically.

Gun's smile faltered, but he quickly calmed himself.

"I should ummm... Take your leave now." He said. I smiled at him briefly, relieved.

But then he stopped at the door and turned to me. "I don't think I am going to be able to sponsor this studio, Chimon."

I gaped at him with disbelief.

"I might have approached you for some other motive, and since I am not getting what I wish for, I want you to know the truth. Your art is nowhere near worth putting up in a place like this. It would be better if you packed up and thought about doing something you were good at."

"Hahahahahaha!" I heard someone laughing, and we all turned to the door to see Perth holding his stomach and laughing out loud.

I looked at him, confused. When did he show up, and why is he laughing?

"Haah..." He looked up, wiping his eyes, because he laughed until his eyes turned moist. "I really never thought that I would get to see my childhood story come true in front of my eyes."

"Perth?" I walked to him, still puzzled.

He very gently kept a hand on my waist. "Chimon, do you remember the story of the fox and the sour grapes?"

I paused and pressed my lips because I realised what he was saying. A smile spread on my face, and he squeezed my waist a bit. I smiled at him.

He turned to Gun and walked to him. "Hi Gun. It was nice to meet you. I have heard about you."

Despite the fact that I know Perth is fuming inside, he knows how to keep his demeanour in front of others. That's why he is running Slash's second-most successful business.

But Gun might not know because he did not shake his hand but instead kept glowering at him.

Perth still took his extended hand to Gun's shoulder and patted it. "Chimon belongs to a family that can buy your business in a day. And his fiancé, that is, me, can destroy your business within half a day. But still, just because we did not want this to be a family influence, we refrained from doing so. Chimon's art speaks for itself, and so does your hypocrisy."

"How dare..."

"Relax." Perth left me and leaned close to him with his intimidating aura. "Biologically, you might be dominating, but otherwise, your father owes my family, and we are still your sponsors, indirectly."

This time, Gun's face went from angry to jumbled.

"Get out and never insult Chimon again. Or you will see a face of mine that is completely opposite to the laughing riot you just saw."

It was a warning. Despite the pheromone win, Gun was taken aback and rushed out as soon as he could.

Perth immediately turned to look at me. "Are you ok?" He asked, keeping a hand on my cheek and holding me by the waist from the other.

I nodded and smiled briefly. Yes, I love him. And there is no way that small-small issues can change that fact.

He hugged me immediately. "Are you sure? The pheromones and..."

"I take my medicines daily because I have to deal with all kinds of people in the studio." I said, hugging him back. "Still, thank you so much."

We stayed like that for some time while my secretary and his assistant left us alone in private.

His heart is beating as fast as mine, and still we are in sync. I love it.


Days like these are rare.

We are on our fifth official date in the last three weeks.

We will talk to our families and explain everything, like it was a misunderstanding. But Nanon suggested that we spend some time together first. He doesn't want everyone to worry about us. We spent two weeks arguing and running away, and we involved Jay in between too. But now, we are simply spending time together without anybody in between. Trying to understand each other.

We talked about our lives back on earth and our professions and families. And everything is more or less similar to this world, maybe because he thinks our sisters co-wrote this comic.

But whatever it is, here I am with this crazy feeling again. Nanon is a guy-a guy with cute dimples, pale skin, pink cheeks, a lean body, a beautiful smile-who has somehow captivated me in this world.

I am so content just looking at him.

When his hand brushes against mine or when I squeeze him in my arms, when I flirt and he blushes, or when he leans on his own and holds me close to him, these are the moments that give me a feeling of being a teen from school days.

I am attracted to him. I want to be closer to him. But... there is a huge gap in between. We are both straight. It may be the pheromones that are making us feel this way. But we are both not able to initiate much.

Sometimes I am so drawn to him that I feel like kissing him and doing more. And then, in the other moment, I am just unable to do so.

Whatever happened between us was in the heat of the moment; we were both not thinking straight or feeling normal.

I am not able to think of what will happen from here on, but all I know is that we both can't stay away from each other. Maybe we are in between the feelings of companionship and love. We both feel connected because we are both trapped, and we have both shared a physical bond. But an emotional bond beyond that is something that can only build over time.

I am not sure what will trigger it, but we cannot do anything. We will just have to wait.


While I was lost in my thoughts, I heard a sound behind me, only to turn and see Nanon fall to the ground.

"NANON!" I rushed to him and picked him up. "NANON?"

I tried to shake him, but he was half unconscious.

I immediately rushed to my car, driving straight towards the hospital.


"Stay with me, Nanon. I am here." I said that and held his hand.

He squeezed it back lightly before he went entirely unconscious.

As soon as I drove into the parking lot, I picked him up again and ran into the hospital.

"Doctor? Nurse?" I called out, and someone brought a stretcher.

I am scared. What is happening to him? He was smiling and laughing fine just a moment ago.

The doctor turned to me after checking. "He is just weak. He needs hydration."

I sighed in relief.

"Mr. Ohm, you should take care of your partner during this stage. You shouldn't be roaming out in this hot weather during the first trimester."


The doctor looked at my frozen face for a moment and then frowned. "Oh. Don't you know? Your omega is pregnant. Congratulations."

And then suddenly, there was a flash of light. It was so powerful that I felt blinded by it. Everything around me became blurry. I was unable to hold the ground. I felt like I was floating in the air somewhere in the white light.

What is happening?

Am I dying?

What is wrong?

There is wind... such strong wind that I think I am in the middle of a tornado.

No, I cannot die. Then?

What is this?

This feeling...

The light is dimming. I am seeing dark... Darker... Darker... Suddenly, it's pitch black.

I can't... see... anything...


I heard a faint voice.


It's getting clear.

"Oh my god!"

I heard the voice again. A light came into my closed eyes.

I tried to open my eyes again. Slowly. And then I saw a familiar ceiling.

"Ohm!!! Mom, Ohm is awake!"

I scrunched my eyes and observed. I know this room. I know this voice.

I looked to the side. And I met the eyes of the person whom I love the most. My sister. "A... Aim?"

"Yes!" She grinned. "Oh my god." She jumped and hugged me.

My mother came running and hugged me too.

What is this? Am I back? On Earth?

My purpose is to give this family an heir.

Was it really my purpose there?

Then... What about... Nanon? And...

Your omega is pregnant. Congratulations.

What about... the baby? M-m-my... baby?

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