Case Filed (KDA x Male Reader)

By WoffleStomp

58.8K 2.1K 266

Y/N, a detective, and a damn good one at that, has had multiple cases on his desk, and has solved them all th... More

Act 1, Ch. 1: A Job Well Done
Ch. 2: Promotion
Ch. 3: Making Changes
Ch. 4: The Otter Box
Ch. 5: Rusty's Great Escape
Ch. 6: Reach Out, Touch Faith
Ch. 7: Violet Days
Ch. 8: Demonic Presence
Ch. 9: A Quick Diversion
Ch. 10: The Meet and Greet
Ch. 11: Down to Investigation
Ch. 12: Rusty Cage
Ch. 13: Unexpected Visit
Ch. 14: Spark of a Flame
Ch. 16: Look What I Found
Ch. 17: Good Mourning
Ch. 18: The Unforgiven
Ch. 19: Bedded
Ch. 20: The Diary
Ch. 21: Laying Low
Ch. 22: Never Mind
Ch. 23: Kai Time for Me
Ch. 24: Working From Home
Ch. 25: Chain Reaction
Ch. 26: Kunai Through the Heart
Ch. 27: Our Darling
Ch. 28: Call From the Void
Ch. 29: Back to the Fox
Ch. 30: Lüx
Ch. 31: Back to Work, Really
Ch. 32: Scratchy Throat
Ch. 33: A Different Perspective
Ch. 34: Come Home
Ch. 35: Jester a Pawn
Ch. 36: Shower Time
Ch. 37: Prime Police Work
Ch. 38: Scratch-off
Ch. 39: Hextech Weaponry
Ch. 40: Raise Some Lumps, Boy
Ch. 41: Geary Point Party
Ch. 42: Party's Over
Ch. 43: Peace and Quiet
Ch. 44: Poptrio
Ch. 45: More Girl-Time
Ch. 46: Frozen Homage
Ch. 47: To Freljord We Will Go
Ch. 48: So Long
Ch. 49: On the Loose
Ch. 50: The Endgame
Ch. 51: A Finale Well Done
Act 2, Epil. 1: Tragedy
Epil. 2: Party
Epil. 3: Discovery
Epil. 4: Enhance
Epil. 5: Revival
Epil. 6: Back From the Dead
Epil. 7: Testing the Waters
Epil. 8: Old Habits
Epil. 9: Behind the Mask
Epil. 10: Reunited With One
Epil. 11: A Kiss to Remember
Epil. 12: Breaking Her In
Epil. 13: Roping in the Demoness
Epil. 14: Freshly Divorced Divorcee
Epil. 15: Rusty's Great Return
Epil. 16: Got Straight to F***in'
Epil. 17: Foxy's and Demon's Playtime
Epil. 18: A Life Well Lived

Ch. 15: Sorely Mistaken

1.3K 49 3
By WoffleStomp


I wonder if I'll ever get another bad dream, or forbid I get another hallucination from my withdrawal. However, this drink seems to ease it just a little bit. I'm trying the one and done that Zilean recommended. I have one drink of choice, and that's it for the night, no more. I got nothing to drink for, so why drink a bunch and feel awful the next morning?

What helped me forget was only making me remember...

Sera: Y/N, it's obvious...

Y/N: Nope.

Sera: You even started drinking again!

I pause for a moment, then lean over at her.

Y/N: How did you know that?

Sera: Evelynn and I both know you're overcoming a problem. A free, complementary bar at the show where you met us both, and you didn't have a drink? I swear you mentioned it also...

Y/N: Ah... well... damn, you got me.

Kai: Sera... just let him be, he's not doing anything. Are you jealous, sweety?

Sera: I'm not jealous! *Scoff*

Kai: Yet you had to tell Eve at the dinner table that you fucked him in his car. You don't want them to be together.

I set the empty glass on the table, ready to spit absolute fire as my pot finally boils over.


Sera: Oh, but you had no problem-


She shuts right up; you could mistake her for being frozen. That last yell made my head start to hurt. I look back and the other girls are just staring at me. I need to get out of here.

Y/N: I'm sorry... *sigh*

I fast walk right to the elevator, taking it all the way down to the garage, rushing to my car. I open the door and step inside.

This isn't like me, what the fuck is my problem?! Why did I just scream at them?! They're very fragile as is and the person that's trying to help them pulled some dumb shit!

Ugh... and why... my fucking head...


Goon: A... servant... to the plaything...


I slam my head against the steering wheel in hopes to get some stability, but to no avail. I can see the men I shot when I close my eyes, past and just today.

Ashe: Thank you...

Rusty: Eck! Eck! *Squeaking*

Braum: Men, we should be proud of what we did today...

Oh shit...



G1: Slug's effective! We're good to go!

Braum: Y/N, you're up!

Y/N: Yes sir!

I hold up my rifle, hesitating to make the spark. We were all in a compound, mid-blizzard, and our task was to light it up, destroying any research they could possibly have on us or other people.

The... amount of innocent scientists lost working for the wrong cause... I... it was another memory that was hard to accept.

Braum: WELL?!


I shoot off one of the prototypes, creating sparks and lighting the room ablaze from the gas leak. The sound of screams end up getting drowned out when Braum opens the door outside, where we disappear into the blizzard.

This wasn't the only times I killed innocent people, but... in my government's eyes, they weren't, so I guess not.

They seemed harmless to me. Now, all I do is hope to protect those who are innocent, even those who aren't, because death isn't something that just anyone deserves.

I also feel like I have to do something to make up for what I've done.


What I did to Seraphine was just unacceptable, same with the rest of the girls. They didn't need that little show I put on.

Am I crying? Yep, I am-

I get cut off by the sound of knocking on my window, so I put it down to my surprise, Sera.

Sera: Y/N... I'm sorry... the truth is yes; I am very jealous. I liked you and I respected, understood your boundaries and your protocols that you like to follow. Then, I feel straight-up lied to when I caught you carrying Evelynn into her room.

Y/N: I know, and I'm sorry you got that impression. The truth is Evelynn was extremely startled, shocked, she needed someone to hold onto. That only someone she had was no longer with her, so, I had to step in, because I was the only person, she considered trusting at the time. I think it's very sweet that you like me, but... I just... it feels so wrong...

Sera: I get that, it's like some of the boys I meet for show-business, background dancers and junk. Like dating people from work.

Y/N: Yeah... kinda...

Sera: Well, where are you gonna go?

Y/N: Dunno, I just... I needed to be alone, can I come back up?

Sera: You kidding me? You don't even have to ask! *Light snicker* But... yeah, sure, come on.

I get out of my car and lock the door, windows back up.

Sera: And you don't need to leave the penthouse for your alone time...

Y/N: Good, because I don't think that'd be a good idea right now.

Sera: Wait, are you... are you going to stay here?

Y/N: Can I? That way you know I'm still alive and anyone trying to kill me won't expect it.

Sera: Uhm... w-well, take it up with Ahri, I guess.

Sera and I walk up to the elevator, relationship bridge between us absolutely smashed, so she shouldn't like me anymore.

I... really do like her, I like Eve too, but it's wrong, I can't do that. It doesn't help that all of these girls look better than any woman ever put on a screen.

I like all of them... correction.

I might... I... I don't know, my minds telling me no... but my body's telling me yes...

The elevator opens and I go join the rest of the girls in the lounge.

Y/N: Sorry guys I was having a moment... Getting shot at is no fun, and... with how shit's going for me, it's icing on the cake, but less about me-

Eve: Nuh-uh, more about you, now.

All girls look at me stern, including Ahri, whose tails are stagnate now.

Y/N: *Sigh* If it'll make up for screaming at you guys... what do you want to know?

Twenty questions with the K/DA, a fanboy's dream...

Sera: Why you screamed at us, first.

Y/N: Repeated advances from your guys' part, which I just don't think I'm ready to admit it yet... I... I have mixed feelings about dating my victims. It's wrong, so wrong, it takes advantage of their feelings and issues.

Eve: Well, what if the victims are coming onto you?

Y/N: I... I don't know...

Ahri: That fit sounded like you were awfully insecure.

Y/N: Maybe just a little bit. I mean, don't get me wrong, you guys are... attractive, to say the least. I see myself being better than... okay, I'll stop right there, I won't bad-mouth Yasuo.

Akali: Pfft, go ahead!

Ahri: Uh! No!

Akali: Oh, of course not... "because he loves us both!" You know it's bullshit, open your eyes bimbo, you're clearly the favorite, he didn't even mention my name in his questioning from Caitlyn!

Y/N: There's enough evidence to the fact that Akali's claim is quite true.

Ahri: Enough about us! What's wrong with Yasuo?

Y/N: He seems like a nice guy, just... a little self-absorbed. I'm not that self-absorbed. I'm not as busy as you think I am, I got time to give. I don't quite have the... "What do I not have that he does" mentality yet, but we're getting there.

Ahri: So, you admit it, you like us?

Y/N: No, that was just with Evelynn, sorry.

Eve: Do wait your turn, honey... *Sly giggle*

I could lay on a bed made of that laugh.

Kai: Can we stop attacking him about whether he likes us or not and ask him why he was so damn stressed?

Y/N: I'm responsible for the safety of five girls. All of which have different backgrounds, all backgrounds containing different threats, and aren't normal ones in the slightest. Except Eve, who had her records deleted from the archive from our little TF friend.

Eve: So... I maybe... kidnapped a boyfriend, but I paid for it!

Y/N: See, you can't just do that. Anyway, I also made a discovery that I didn't want to make. Six hitmen came to my door and gunned down my apartment. I saved Eve's life, a split second too late and she could've died.

Ahri: And we thank you for that...

Y/N: This discovery... is that this culprit or culprits are resourceful, powerful, and scare the shit out of me. I never thought I'd meet someone that has as much influence as a military figure. I thought I left shit like this behind me back in my service.

Akali: Your... service?

Y/N: Freljordian Task Force. My team was famous for saving Madam Ashe from losing her organs, and the annihilation of the Gang Four outcasts up in the mountains. I'm very lucky because I didn't get frostbite or shot. But... the nasty deeds I've done only motivated me to leave that world of corruption. So, I immigrated here, where I applied to the police academy. Fast forward a couple years and here I am... Now, I'm more accepting of what I did in the past, and that's where my drinking problem originally came from.

Eve: PTSD... booze... don't mix too well.

Y/N: Yeah, thanks, tell that to the more broken Y/N a few months ago. I'm easing back into it now. And... I'm very good at what I do. The skills I picked up during my time in service allow me to make predictions and provide good if not then enact the best possible outcomes.

Eve: Is that how you were able to shred six people like it's nothing? It's like... you knew where they were before they even step foot in your apartment, a... head shot... each...

Kali: Now that's impressive, when are you taking me to the range? 

Ahri: Akali... 

Kai: So, I guess we're all caught up now? 

Y/N: Went through therapy. I call my therapist once a week and we check in with each other. He helps me detox-

Kai: DETOX?!

Eve: Oh, for fuck's sake, don't get her talking about tea-

Kai: TEA?!

Y/N: Calm down, girl... calm... anyway, I seriously cut back on my drinking, and I've grown to accept what I've done has been done for a purpose. Without it, I wouldn't be here, and... if I'm being honest. I have a lot of pleasure built up in working for you guys. 

Eve: Well, don't "finish" yet... but...

I can hear the crickets chirping at that bad joke. 

Y/N: It's far from over, but at least we're presumed dead by that mystery clown... plaything... person. Now, can we watch the trial if it's even on air? 

Shockingly, the "private" hearing was on air, and we were able to watch it on a more secure channel.

Ahri snags the remote with her tail, throwing the remote at the tv and it magically changes to the right channel when it hits the shelf, flinging back at its audience. 

Y/N: Huh... okay... 

The remote comes back and hits Sera in the chest, where she catches it and frantically places it back down on the coffee table. 

Y/N: That's not how to use a remote...

Ahri: Nuh-uh...

Y/N: Alright.

We watch through the introductory bogus, mostly just presidential advertisements and some misdemeanors, it's like how they hype up cage fights by having the small fights up first.

Judge: Now onto most recently. Your collaboration with an unknown entity, you said.

Tobias: That's correct.

Judge: Now, you are accused of all the other things I've listed as well. But if you plea, we may able to reduce our sentence if you can tell us who and how you were not involved in the attack against Evelynn and her associate!

Associate being me, thank you for keeping my identity hidden, Camille.

Tobias: I... They'll kill me!

Judge: And you're looking at three life sentences! Which can be reduced to one provided you cooperate with the court...

Tobias: What's the point?! I'd be dead in prison, I'd be dead here right after if I blabbed...

Judge: If you consider yourself dead either way, then why not leave a crucial detail that can help the ones trying to fix your mess, trying to make the world a better place!

Tobias would be killed or shanked by people he's fucked over with his tricks in prison. He would be assassinated if he chooses to speak about who was responsible. I'd know they'd try to kill him, simply because they sent six dedicated worshippers to try and kill us.

Tobias: Okay... *Long exhale*

He rubs his head, rubbing the tears out of his eyes to speak.

Tobias: Shaco, his alias is Shaco, and I never fucking met him! I only talked to him over the phone and he sends me my payment in the mail! He's horrible, ruthless, and a man of sheer fucking focus! I... I'll leave you with only that.

Judge: How convenient, your phone is fried, very well!

Camille nods in the background.

Judge: How do you plead?

Tobias: Guilty... I'm truly sorry, to anyone that I harmed, everyone, everything...


And that's that... Now I need to look into Shaco, maybe I could get Shen to dig through some stuff for me...

Author's Note:

Yo sorry guys for the little wait and uploading it before it was done, like some sort of edging thing. Anyway, there might be a little wait as I'm busy this weekend with a lot of stuff. I wonder how they'll catch this... Shaco person...

Song rec: Living Dead Girl - Rob Zombie

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