Best Mistake

By allhailqueendani

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"Love has this aura of being beautiful. Passion. Precious... But in reality, sometimes it hinders you. Confus... More

Chapter One: City of Angels
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three.
Character List
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six.
Chapter Thirty-Seven.
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One.
Chapter Forty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

284 7 3
By allhailqueendani

I must've fallen asleep after we returned from our shopping trip because the next thing I know, I'm being shaken awake.

"Jazmin. Get up." Fernando's deep voice invaded my ears and interrupted my peaceful sleep.

"Why?" I grumbled, but didn't open my eyes.

"You need to get ready ... We have to be out of here by eleven." He told me.

"What time is it?"

"Almost ten." He answered. I opened one eye and glanced at the alarm on the nightstand.

"The clock just struck nine. I got time." I said, rolling over.

"And it's going to take you forever to even get dressed, so get your ass up!" He shouted ... Smiling internally. I ignored him and continued to fake sleep. Next thing I know, I'm being lifted off the bed and carried bridal style.

"What are you doing?!" I shrieked.

"Carrying you, I told you to get up, and you didn't listen, so you left me with no choice." He responded, unfazed by my yelling.

"I'm up now, so let me down!!"

"As you wish," He says, and just like that, he opens his arms and allows me to free fall to the floor.

"Ow, that hurt!" I whined, rubbing my bum.

"I'm sure that ass was cushion enough." He replied with a smirk. I rolled my eyes, got up off the floor and head into the bathroom.

For the next hour, Fernando and I took turns going in and out of the restroom. While it was inconvenient, it worked for us, and by the time the clock struck ten, I was able to ascend from the bathroom fully clothed.

"It's fun to be right." Fernando spoke as he examined my body with his eyes. I had gone with his choice. The dress was brown and midi length. It had a ruffled hem, a high scooped neckline with a low back, and the soft mesh fabric felt delightful against my skin. I paired this with black padded heels, and pinned my usual wild tresses back into a modest bun.

"Can we just go?" I spoke, dully.

"Eager to go out, are we?"

It tempted me to say 'eager to get this over with' but I just opted for a gracious smile and a simple yes.

Realizing that if I just played nice, this weekend would end faster, and then I could be on the first flight home to my family.

We hopped in the car and head to the restaurant, where his associates were already waiting.

We were seated, and I glanced around the table, taking in my surroundings ... The room was already filled with well-groomed Japanese men. The only other face I recognize was Mateo. Everybody engaged in light conversation, drinking and enjoying themselves ... Nando had his hand on my thigh, gripping and releasing it as he talked with some of the guys.

He didn't bother introducing me. It seemed nobody cared, which was fine because I didn't feel like engaging, anyway.

When dinner arrived, I ate in silence and when I was done, I pushed around the leftover food on my plate, irked.

"You look disinterested, ángel." Fernando's voice broke me from my bored trance.

"Well, I am," I spoke, truthfully.

"Why aren't you interacting?"

"I don't want to."

"Why not? Are you shy now?"

"Of course not."

"I'm aware. So why aren't you smiling?" Fernando asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Why would I bother showing any emotion to a bunch of scumbags who do awful shit just for the hell of it?"

"Language." he warned, making me roll my eyes."...and well, for starters, I'm one of those scumbags."

"As if that were supposed to make it any better." I told him and he chuckled.

"Let's make a deal. If you give me a smile, I promise you can order all the dessert you could ever want."

I thought for a second, and 'weighed out the options' before giving him a precise answer.

"How about no...but since I got your attention, how about you make yourself useful... And get me a drink?" I told him, tapping my glass, he frowned at my rudeness but waved over the server, and he nodded towards my empty cup ... Making him pour me some wine. Instead of sending the bottle back with him, Nando requested it be left at the table.

I sipped my liquor and kept my head down.

Sometime throughout the night, I raised my gaze to meet the men across from me. His eyes land on my distinguished features and he ogled. He didn't even bother being discreet about it, just flashed me a wicked grin and tipped his drink at me.

Fernando's hand was still working on my thigh, so I grab ahold of it and squeezed lightly. In an instant he turned his attention toward me, questioning me with his eyes.

"I need to use the ladies' room."

"Okay, go ahead." He told me, and I was about to get up when his grip on my femur tightened, stopping me from going anywhere.

"What?" I sought. He leaned over and my breath hitched in my throat as he pressed a kiss to my temple. It might've appeared to be an innocent gesture to the watchful eye, but it was the furthest thing from it.

"Don't try anything stupid. Remember, someone's always watching." He whispered, and I nod my head. Nando pulled away, releasing his tight grip on my thigh, and allowed me to get up.

While in the restroom, I thought about my family.

I needed my best friend. Right now, she would know how to deal with such a situation. Hell, Ashley wouldn't be in the mess.

If I made it out of here alive, she would be the first person I tell... I could trust her with my life, so I knew I could entrust her with this.

As I washed my hands I played with the idea of escaping but thought if successful what the consequences might be. I could put my family and friends in danger, that being the last thing I'd ever want to do. I sighed, turning off the water, then dried my hands.

When I returned to the room, it was swirling with smoke. I guess there were a few people at the dinner table that turned this private area into their very own cigar lounge.

I sat back down, inhaling some smoke, resulting in a cough escaping my mouth.

Fernando snapped his head towards me, gazing at me through the haze of pollution.

"You want some more to drink?"

"Uh ... yeah." I rasped, he poured some more wine into my glass and I picked it up, taking a well needed sip.

"Better?" He asked and I nod, immediately after he lifted his eyes off me and switched back into boss mode.

Soon, it was time for us to leave, and I couldn't be more relieved, I wanted nothing more to take a hot shower and get into bed, even if that meant sharing it with Nando.

"Is holding hands really necessary?" I asked him as we waited outside for the valet to return with our car.

"I thought you might think it was romantic."

"I don't, not when you're doing it, only to keep me from running away." I rolled my eyes and his grip on my hand tightened.

"If you were already aware of what I was doing, why would you ask me if it was necessary?"

"I don't know, to see if you would come up with any better excuse, and you did not disappoint." I told him, and he grinned.

One of his associates approached from the side, well over intoxicated but capable of holding himself upright.

"... Remember Astrid Gentleman's club? We'll meet you there," the drunken men slurred and received a nod from Fernando in return. He was then stumbling off to join the rest of his friends.

"Gentlemen's Club? What is he talking about?" I questioned.

"Gentlemen's Club? What is he talking about?" Jazmin asked as one of Tanaka's men blurted out our next destination.

"You heard him."

"How could you possibly be going to a strip club? Aren't you like tired? I haven't seen you sleep a wink since we arrived?"

"I'm used to the night-life. Besides, with you there, I'll certainly be on high alert."

"What?" she snapped her head in my direction.

"I can't go to a gentleman's club. It's inappropriate for a lady, besides even if I did want to go I don't have any identification."

I sighed and dipped my hand in my pocket, removing my wallet and reaching inside to grab her ID.

Her face blanched as I dangled it in front of her.

"Why do you have my ID in your wallet?!"

"Same reason I have your phone and credit cards. It's for safekeeping. Now I think your forgetting your place in this dynamic, beautiful. You were a lady, but tonight you're my little pet and as my pet, you're required to do whatever I tell you."

"Well, I don't care what you expect from me, I contest to this," she said, dropping my hand.

Now I was infuriated, I grasped her hand tightly and pulled her flush against my chest, resulting in me knocking the wind out of her, before she could protest this I interrupted.

"Keep acting like a brat, I'll bend you over my knee and give you a well deserved spanking." I told, and her cheeks flushed red.

"—Your bottom would probably be red as your face." I added, I was absolutely loving every part of this, my words left me tempted to skip the club and head back to the room, so I could punish her all night but I knew better.

"Let go. People are staring," she muttered, trying to escape my grasp but all it did was force me to hold tighter.

"The more you fight the more, I want to fuck you."

Her mouth falls open, and she stares at me for a moment.  "You know, you're an-"

"—culo, Si mami I'm aware. Now come on our car is here and the strip club won't be open all night." I smirked.

"Fine." she muttered.

Sometime Later...

"The music is so loud," Jazmin complained, holding her hands over her ears.

"Relax." I advised her.

"Don't tell me what to do." Jazmin scowled.

"I speak to you, however I sit your ass down."

"No." she challenged. I inhaled a breath of air to stop myself from blowing up on her.

"Don't start, Jazmin." I warned her, and she folded her arms in defiance.

"I want to go back to the hotel, NOW!" she demanded.

Stubborn little cunt.

"We've only been here ten minutes."

"I don't care, I'm ready to go..."

"Fine. You can go. I'll have Jax , bring you back to the hotel."

"Seriously, b-but what about you?"

"Yeah, you go get some rest don't worry about me..angel, I'll stay for a few hours. Enjoy myself and if I happen to get bored, I'll just have one of these lovely ladies accompany me for the rest of the evening."

The color drained from Jazmin's face and I could just see the jealousy bubble in her.

"Okay." she breathed, and I assumed it was in agreement, but then she pulled back a chair and took a seat.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Watching the show."

"I thought you wanted to leave."

"I changed my mind. Now I'm just dying to see what all the fuss is about."

"Suit yourself." I told her.

"Excuse me, I'll have a glass of your best chardonnay." She requested from a server who was walking past.

"Of course, ma'am."

I watched Jazmin in amusement, and she ignored my gaze, placing her arm on the filthy table and when she realized, she hurried removed it and put her hands in her lap instead. I laughed at her reaction.

Jazmin was always so conservative, so she seemed improper in this scenery. If I wasn't such an asshole, I would've allowed her to leave, but I was, so I was going to enjoy watching her squirm in discomfort.

We had been here for less than two hours and had thrown so much money the floor itself had disappeared under our feet.

In front of us were two leggy brunettes soliciting to dance. Attempting being the key word. Not that they weren't attractive, they just weren't entertaining enough.

I glanced over at Jazmin, and she stared ahead, bored at the half-naked girls.

"Enjoying yourself?" I mused, and she brought her eyes to me.

"Not really. I'm curious to know, as you fantasize about these women, do you ever stop to think how they came to be in this here strip club?"

"That's someone's daughter up there, and that someone probably had a lot of dreams for her."

"Dreams that didn't include a thong and pole."

"No, I tend to not care about other people's aspirations in life."

"God, knows what she's had to deal with...object poverty, drugs, domestic violence, maybe even molestion."

"It's not going to work okay, so cut it out." I warned her.

"She probably treats herself the way men treat her, like an object. A piece of meat," she continued despite my demand.

"Jazmin, stop it with the endless babbling."

"In a business run by men, she's likely always silenced."

'I could use some silence.' I thought.

"A wise woman knows when to be silent." I told her.

"It's sad that you think that. You know, how would you feel if that was me or Leia?"

Her words irked me.

"That's it." I lift myself from my seat and grabbed her arm, pulling her toward the exit.

"Take her back to the hotel!" I ordered Jax once we were away from the prying eye.

"Wait... Why? I wish to stay," she pouts, and I narrow my eyes at her.

"I don't think so. You've already ruined my mood."

"I'll play nice," she exclaimed, snatching her arm from Jax's grasp.

"I promise."

"I'm going to give you one more chance and I don't want to hear another remark about you or anyone else being on a pole, okay?"

"Okay." she nodded.

"As a show of good faith, how about we do a private dance together?" The concept fell from her lips so fast it took me a minute to process them.

"Wha...?" I said.

"Hey, darling." Jazmin stopped a pretty blonde with big boobs.

"We'd like you to have a private dance with both of us," she requested, and the dancer examined her.

"We don't do that here, ma'am. It has to be one at a time..."

"Come on. How's a thousand dollars?" Jazmin offered.

"Sorry, hon, but that's the rules." she shook her head.

"How about two thousand?" I stepped in.

"For you, handsome, of course." she purred.

"Right this way."

"Come on." Jazmin grabbed my hand and the stripper escort us to a private room.

"How about you go first?" she insisted, and I grew a little suspicious of her sudden willingness to take part.

"I'll sit here and watch." she said, reaching the seat across from me.

The dancer changed the music and made her way over to us. With a graceful sway to her body, she danced. It took less than fifteen minutes for her to remove her top, and I found myself engaged in the sex worker performance, noting how skillful she was.

Little did I know, while I was busy focusing on her, Jazmin was slipping away and when I looked over, expecting her to still be seated, she was gone.

"Fuck." I growled, shoving the whore from me and sprinting towards the exit, somehow catching up with Jazmin.

"Where are you going?" I questioned as I captured her elbow, forcing her to turn around to me.

"I'm finding Jax and leaving."

"Why? I thought we were enjoying ourselves."

"No, clearly you were the only one having fun," she spat, and I laughed.

"Well, you were the one who suggested a lap dance together."

"That was far from a private dance, you were practically screwing her without screwing was repulsive." she admits, her words making me chuckle.

"Please, if I wanted to fuck her, I would, but I don't. Why are you jealous of a dancer, anyway?" I mused.

"I'm not, do whatever you wish," she said, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, avoiding eye contact.

"Mhm you know, if you wanted me for yourself, all you had to do was say it. I would've politely kicked her out of the room." I told her, taking my bottom lip in between my teeth, doing a once over of her sexy ass body.

"I don't want you or any of your body parts near me, especially after that." she pointed an angry finger toward the private room.

"You don't, huh? So you don't crave the type of attention I gave her, and you don't wish me to touch your body?" I questioned, and she rolled her eyes at my mockery.

"Don't gibe at me."

"You don't want me to treat you like a whore?" I challenged, noticing the tainted red on her cheeks as she became embarrassed.

"No." she shook her head. She wouldn't admit it now because of her high and mighty attitude, but she enjoyed being slutted out.

"So, how come you relished being bent over my knee like a good little slut?"


My head turns to the side as her palm connects with my cheek. "Mind your tongue," she yelled at me. Anger rushes through me, and before I knew it, I was wrenching her arm behind her back and pushing her up against the wall.

"Nan-" her meek voice went to plead, fear embedded into her prickly tongue.

"I warned you of what I would do if you struck me again." I expressed firmly into her ear.

"Please." she wept.

"Please what?"

"Please don't hurt me," she pleaded.

"Apologize." I demand.

"I-I'm sorry..." she whimpered, and I inhaled. Deep down, I felt bad. I didn't want to harm her, but she had to learn.

After a second of contemplating a well deserved punishment, I leaned down so that I was once again muttering in her ear. "I'll deal with you when we get back to the suite."

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