Pokemon Trainer of the Strawh...

By chu1luc

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What if a Pokémon Trainer found herself in the world of One Piece? What if she found herself with the Strawha... More

Chapter 1
Usopp Interview
One Piece Op sequence
Meeting Apis! Journey to Warship Island!
The Sea King Nest!
Warship Island and a Great Encounter!
Eric the Mercenary
To the Summit of Lost Island
Location of Lost Island
The Return of Lost Island
The Final Battle! Yukiko's Rage!
Finally! Entering the Grand Line!
Setting foot on Whiskey Peak
Deliver Princess Vivi!
Walk the Dinosaur! And there are Giants too...
Defending the Honor of Giants
Nami's Sick?! Search for a doctor!
A Sick Country
A Little Reindeer
Vs Wapol!
Finally! Alabasta at Last!
Meeting Ace pt 1
Meeting Ace pt 2
Travel Across the Desert pt 1
Travel Across the Desert pt 2
Rain Dinners and Crocodile
The Rain Returns
Pirate Party! News Spreads!
Nico Robin
The Rainbow Mist
Dead End Adventure
Falling ships
Bellamy and Cricket
Playlist for Luffy x Yukiko
200 Million Power Couple
Up the Knock-Up Stream!
A Predicament
To End a 400 Year War
Prelude to Water 7
Arriving at Water 7
Bad News
End of Enies Lobby
Meeting Garp
A Crew worth over a Billion!
News Around the World
A strange pirate crew
The Don Accino Family
Ghost Ship
Dead Bones Brook
Thriller Bark
New Powers and News
Oz: Enemy or Ally?
Yukiko's Devil Fruit
Special Chapter! Enter Toriko! pt 1
Special Chapter! Enter Toriko! pt 2
Spa Island Filler
The Red Line and....A Mermaid?!
Two Sanjis?!
Sanji vs. Duval
Sabaody Archipelago pt 1
Sabaody Archipelago pt2
Sabaody Archipelago pt 3
Chaos at the Auction House
Chaos at the Auction House pt 2
Prepare for War
War of the Best! Return of the True Gods! pt 1
War of the Best! The Return of the True Gods! pt 2
SBS for Yukiko
2 Years Later
Escape beneath the ocean
Under the Sea pt 1
Under the Sea pt 2
Under the Sea pt 3
Yukiko's 2 year skip look
Fish-Man Island
Found Out
Unexpected Encounter
To Stand Up
Vs. New Fishman Pirates
Climax! Saving Fishman Island
Pirate Halloween in Twisted Wonderland
Toriko/One Piece Episode 2
Toriko/One Piece Episode 2 part 2
A Sea of Fire?!
Punk Hazard
Dr. Heart Stealer
Alliance and an old friend!
God Au! Part 1
God Au! part 2
Side stories 1
The Plan
Xiaolin Showdown Crossover pt 1
Xiaolin Showdown Crossover p2
Xiaolin Showdown Crossover pt3
To Dressrosa
The Birdcage
Bloody Games
Gear 4
Onward To Zou
Zou is an Elephant?
Enter Totto Land
Seducing Woods, Mirrors, and Biscuits
Katakuri pt 1
Katakuri pt 2
Escape from Totto Land
Entering Wano
Encounters in Wano
The Plan
Life in Onigashima
Ever After High X-Over pt 1
Ever After High pt 2
Ever After High pt 3
Ever After High pt 4
Ever After High pt 5
Page One and Ulti
Before the Raid
Valentine's Special
Nika and Kazuya pt 1
Nika and Kazuya pt 2
A New Age for Wano
One Piece x BNHA pt 1
One Piece x BNHA pt 2
One Piece x BNHA pt 3: Zoro
One Piece x BNHA pt 4: Nami
One Piece x BNHA pt 5: Usopp
One Piece x BNHA pt 6: Sanji
One Piece x BNHA pt 7: Chopper
One Piece x BNHA pt 8: Robin
One Piece x BNHA pt 9: Franky
One Piece x BNHA pt 10: Brook
One Piece x BNHA pt 11: Jinbei
One Piece x BNHA pt 12: Bonney
One Piece x BNHA pt 13: Ace and Alina
One Piece x BNHA pt 15: Luffy and Yukiko
One Piece x BNHA pt 16
One Piece x BNHA part 17
One Piece x BNHA part 18
One Piece x BNHA part 19
One Piece x BNHA part 20
One Piece x BNHA pt 21
Extra: Gear 5 silliness
Extra: Tamato Berry Victims!
Departing from Wano
One Piece x BNHA pt 22
One Piece x BNHA pt 23
One Piece x BNHA pt 24
One Piece x BNHA pt 25
One Piece x Hazbin/Hellava
One Piece x Hellava/Hazbin pt 2
One Piece x Hazbin/Hellava pt 3
One Piece Epilogue pt 1
One Piece Epilouge pt 2
One Piece Epilogue pt 3
Happy Birthday Luffy!!!!
One Piece Epilogue pt 4
One Piece Epilogue pt 5
Voting Announcement!
One Piece x Hazbin/Helluva Xover pt 4
Honeymoon: Day 1, Day 2
Honeymoon Day 3 and 4
Honeymoon Day 5 and 6
Honeymoon Last Day: ⚠️ 🥵
One Piece: A little visit
One Piece Suspicious
Gear 5 Shenanigans pt 2
Yukiko's Wrath and Rashta's Trial
Toriko x One Piece x DragonBall
One Piece x BNHA pt 26
One Piece: Finally!!
One Piece x Helluva Boss pt 5

A message

1.9K 50 23
By chu1luc

A large Sea King took up to the air near them, and she noticed something move below the surface of the water. Next thing they all knew, the giant sea kind was down for the count, bleeding heavily. And then a figure was jumping onto the Island.

She was surprised at who she saw. "Ah, Luffy, Yukiko. I thought you'd be on board," Rayleigh said as he began to ring out his cloak that he had.

"Rayleigh!…how did you get here…how did you find us?" Luffy asked, approaching the man that everyone was now gaping at.

"My ship was wrecked during a storm while coming her, so I had to swim the rest of the way," Rayleigh said, taking out a flask from his pants and drinking.

Yukiko and Pachi stared at the man in amazement. 'What kind of stamina does this man have?!' She thought that he had to have wrecked on a different part of the sea, and then swam through the Grand Line to the Calm Belt to Amazon Lily.

Then Rayleigh turned to Luffy. "And Shakky and I put it together with a clue from Kuma. He told us that Amazon Lily was in your path. And you would've needed help to break into Impel Down. It made sense for Hancock to help. This would also be the best place to take you to rest then. Although I was not expecting for Yukiko to lead her own army. Shame I missed them." He said as Yukiko smiled.

"Ah…what are you doing here then…wait are my nakama back?" Luffy asked, a hopeful look in his eyes.

"Nope, they aren't back yet, but Yukiko confirmed they are alive." Rayleigh said.

"Then…what are you doing here?" Luffy asked, although Yukiko had a feeling it was concerning the New World.

Luffy and Rayleigh walked off to the back of the ship so they could be alone. "…what do you plan to do now? Go to the New World and regroup?"

"Yes, I mean…we promised we would meet. And I want to see them," He said, thinking about his nakama.

"Although Yukiko and her commrades saved your skin, and Ace's life, What do you think will happen when facing the New World pirates? More admirals? The New World is a place that does not hold back. If you go there as you are now…you and your nakama will die," Rayleigh said, and she flinched at his words.

"I…I don't know. I don't want to lose them. But I have to go," Luffy said, staring Rayleigh in the eyes. He nodded his head.

"Then how about postponing it?" Rayleigh offered and she tilted her head. "I will train you to use Haki, a necessary skill to survive in the New World. You have already used Haoshoku Haki. I will train you in all three, and you will be able to take on most anything then," Rayleigh said, and she looked him in the eyes.

"How long would it take?"

"It depends on how fast you can pick it up. Two years at most," Rayleigh said, and she took a deep breath. That was a long time.

But…he couldn't risk the lives of his nakama. For now....

"How do we get them this message of a different meeting time though?" Yukiko asked as she appeared and Rayleigh grinned to himself.

"We'll need Jimbei for the task I have in mind. Just the three of us though. Yukiko's gained enough attention and this can provoke some enemies to come after her." Rayleigh said. "We'll get to work tomorrow, tell Jimbei. But no one else. And then we'll get to training. Yukiko, I recommend going to this Island in the Calm Belt. It's a pirate friendly island as long as you dont cause trouble." He said giving her a map.

Yukiko smiled sadly as she understood. Sticking around Luffy would cause a commotion and she had to get stronger, not just her Pokémon.

"Rayleigh, within a year or so, I want to help Luffy overcome environments in my world. Just training won't be enough, he'll need to adapt to all kinds of environments since I hear the Islands in the New World are more dangerous. My world has even tough environments that we accomplish daily." Yukiko suggested.

"Fair enough." Rayleigh nodded.
Yukiko had a sad smile as she had to take off for her destined island with Whitebeard's help.

"You be careful, okay?" Yukiko smiled.

"You too," Luffy said right before they kissed.

Although the Whitebeard Pirates found this sweet, Hancock, who was watching this scene bit her lip in jealousy.

Though with Yukiko gone, she could be able to seduce Luffy.

But she would not understand how strong their love is, but Elder Nyon did.

'*Sigh*, Snake Princess. You may have the power to make others fall over your beauty, but you also provoke feelings of lust, those who are turned into stone by you feel lust, but it is not the same as love. Strawhat is unaffected because his love with Yukiko is stronger. And yesterday, he kept by her side, never turning to you. Even those other tamers knew and none of them were affected by you because you looked down on them.' She thought sadly.

A day later,

Yukiko arrived to her destination as she thanked Whitebeard and Ace.

Her island was called Jewelria, a Jewel Paradise.

She met up with a local woman who happened to be an old friend of Rayleigh's.

"Are you Seraphina?"

"Ah yes, and you must be Yukiko. I've already been told of your situation from Rayleigh. Let's get to the Jewel Desert."

Then a news coo flew over and dropped a paper.

Yukiko looked over it and smiled.

"That's my man."

Ace was frozen is fear when he saw the paper. That little idiot!

Why did he go back to Marineford!?

Then Marco took a look.

Then he smiled as he understood and why Rayleigh wanted to talk with him and Yukiko.

Alina laughed, "My friend chose a real wild card!"

Chopper had been flying back to Sabaody when he read the newspaper. He was shocked when he saw his captain on the front. He had returned to the place he had gone to war. And now it was for another reason.

He read the article twice, and then looked at the picture of his captain. She had something on her arm. He narrowed his eyes. 3D was crossed out, and a 2Y was underneath it. What was it? He thought back on it. It had to be a message. Everything else was just a mess. "Ah!" Chopper shouted as he looked it over more closely. "I got it! I know what you wanted to tell us! Tori-san, please go back!"

Robin was being led off the bridge when she was handed a newspaper from one the revolutionaries. She had read it over and then took in the picture of her captain. "Roger that, captain," Robin said and smiled.

The revolutionaries around her were confused and she smiled. "Do you think I may be able to join you for a limited time? My captain has made a decision." Immediately they all seemed to grow excited with joy.

"We'll call the boss right away, Robin-san!" They said and the carriage moved even faster across the bridge. They sent a note somewhere and were all giddy with excitement.


"I see, got it." Sanji cried out as he looked the newspaper over. His captain had given the order. That stupid Ivankov was hovering around him still though, wondering what he was all excited for.

Bon Clay was also looking at him for answers, but wasn't as annoying as that stupid 'queen'. He would find a way to be stronger. And sadly he already knew these cross dressers were skilled. He would have to endure hell, but it would make him stronger. And that was the best reason there ever could be for going through hell.

At least it didn't hurt as much........

As not being able to meet all those exotic beauties in the war that helped Yukiko.....!


Usopp looked over the newspaper that came to the island and read it over and over again. "I got it! I got it, Luffy!" He was crying, so happy to know his captain was alive.

He immediately got up and began to run. He had to get stronger. A lot stronger. If they were stronger than they were right now in the future, then she would be stronger. And he could do it. He would journey to the end of this sea with their help, and become the Pirate King.


Nami was standing in front of that old weather wizard's house when she noticed the newspaper and went to go get it. She looked it over when she saw Luffy on the front of the paper.

"Geez, you keep giving us a hard time…but, I understand. Haredas-san, teach me now, we've got time for me to learn," Nami said and turned to the old man. He was looking at her quizzically, but she was smiling. She would do as her captain asked.

Franky had just gotten out of an explosion when he got the message from Luffy. "I see, this give me some time, buddy." He now just needed to find where Vegapunk kept his weapons. He had a pretty good idea as to where they were. He had seen them on a schematic back in the base. With those he could really help his crew.


Brook was in his cell like compartment and had just been given the newspaper he asked for. He needed to know if there was any further news on his captain and his state. He was not very surprised to see she was in the paper. And the news on Marineford and Mariejoa shocked the world. He and Yukiko were very well-known people now, near center of the World stage. He was surprised to see why though.

"I understand, Luffy-san," Brook responded and got up. He needed to do what he could in the time that his captain had given him. Get stronger and learn more wonderful music to take away the troubles of the crew in the future.

Zoro was waking up from a nap, that damn ghost woman waking him up from his rest. She was really annoying.

"I brought you the newspaper. There's an update from your captain," the ghost woman told him and he woke up in a moment. He sprung up and towards the woman.

"What did you say?" He asked, but cringed when he moved. It hurt. He had been fighting too much, those damn baboons had sliced him a bit. He clutched the wounds, trying not to scream out in pain. But...... He had to work past this. The ghost woman forced him to lie back down, and she held the newspaper above him while he read. He didn't get it. There had to be a reason.

He focused his attention as best as he could, but he couldn't get it just yet. He knew this had to be Rayleigh's idea, Luffy wouldn't do something like this. Not intentionally. Zoro gritted his teeth. And then he finally understood. He wanted them to get stronger. All of them.

Zoro knew just how to. So he did what he had to.

He bowed his head and begged to be trained by the one man he swore to defeat. He was no idiot. He was no match for Mihawk, a friend of Lucy's, and had to get stronger. And the best one to teach him to defeat Dracule Mihawk, was Dracule Mihawk.

The man agreed finally, after much begging.

He would train Zoro after he was all healed.

And in two years he would show him just how strong he could be, and still have room for growth in the New World.

"By the way, in Water 7, I met Rosella. She said, 'Hello, I recognized your handiwork.'"
Yeah! The two year timeskip is arriving!

I'm also announcing to create a side stories from this separately.

It will contain the Strawhats adventures....in the Pokémon World as Yukiko shows them the wonders of her people!

I will divide them into nine sections and then I'll need reactions for each region by each crewmember.










I will need suggestions of Yukiko's Timeskip look! 

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