Anchor Grind (H.S. / A.U.)

By hardcandy92

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Started: June 2023, Completed: June 2024 Alanis and Harry are living their best lives at the hottest skate pa... More

Intro / Warnings!
The Trailer!!!
Meet Everyone!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14*
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43*
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47*
Chapter 48
Chapter 49*
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Bonus & Author's Note

Chapter 17

144 4 73
By hardcandy92


"Don't you have literally anyone else to bother?" I mutter under my breath but loud enough that I knew Harry could have still heard it.

Harry chooses to ignore it and continues pointing things out to me as we walk. His one arm is still casually draped over my shoulders in a nonchalant way, while his right arm extends over me to point at something in the distance while he annoyingly keeps talking.

Maybe I would be able to ogle over him and notice his charm and his accent if it weren't always being used to annoy and torment me since the moment we met.

I just wanted to be able to have some fun and see some things, but I knew with Harry looming over me that chance is probably going to be shot to hell. I barely listen as he tells me about the last time he and Clarissa came here with Poppy and Liam to go to some epic beach movie event where you get to be out on the water. Essentially he is describing a drive in but with boats. "Harry." I grab at his arm around my shoulders to drop between us as I spin to face him head on in the midst of other people passing by in the walkway. "Read the room here. I clearly didn't want to hang out with you, and it just makes it worse if you are going to sit here and talk about Clarissa to me honestly. I don't like her, and you know it. Also, it isn't like Poppy is her biggest fan either after everything. Pretty sure of you to even stay with her, but that kinda' also checks out, so not my problem really." I take a deep breath to try and pretend I am holding it together for the sake of telling Harry off, something I have wanted to do for a while.

But, just like any other time I have tried standing up for myself against him, Harry called my bluff and instead let out an airy laugh at my attempt. "Did I push your buttons blue?"

"No." I say with a huff. I was annoyed at him for trying, but also annoyed that he gave me another nickname. "You know, in most places, a nickname is a term of endearment." I start to cross the street with a final word in, hoping Harry gets lost in the crowd and I can spend the next hourish just having some solo fun adventuring time.

"Why do you think I call you blue?" Harry says while shoving his hands in his pockets and picking up his stride to quickly fall back in tune with me as he ushers me the rest of the way across the street. He completely ignored my tactic to drop him.

The loud clunk Harry's feet in his sneakers made my thoughts even more rattled because I just couldn't get my mind together to find something to tell him in order to get him to leave me alone. Not that I felt like anything would help. Harry was persistent it seemed, which is something I do not understand. The kid acts like he cannot stand me, but yet he is the one that keeps choosing to butt himself into my life every chance he gets.

"This way." I was about to cross another road but Harry caught my arm and tugged me into a different direction. I shook my head and planted my feet firmly on the ground which confused him. Harry whipped his head around and one of the loose curls not tucked behind his bandana had lazily fallen in front of his face. "I want to show you something though?" He sounded almost confused that I would betray him by standing my ground and not going with him.

I shake my head no once again, "I am going this way. There is a food truck down there I see, and it looks like they have some sort of ice cream cone thing, and I want one." I explain myself.

Harry drops the hand he was using to hold my arm to instead bring up close to my face with a sideways fist. "Here blue, how about this," Harry holds up his hands, dimples deep in his cheeks, "you come with me, and I promise I will be on my best behavior and extra nice. I will show you something really cool, and then after that we will go get some ice cream. I will buy even."

With the last word, Harry's pinky finger pops out and he grins at me. His green eyes looked extra crystal clear and bright in the sunlight today and I wanted to compliment them, along with telling him how cute he looked with the disheveled hair and pinky promise innocence. But, I remind my brain that it is Harry, and that would be bad to do.

I weight my choice with a mental pro and con list, but after about three seconds of trying to think Harry gets bored of waiting, "Whatcha' thinking up there?" he says as he rolls his pinky back into his fist and instead brings forward his index finger to tap against my forehead.

I didn't like the action and was slightly shocked by it. My knee-jerk reaction was to swat Harry's hand away. "I was trying to think about what could go wrong if I go with you. So far the only thing that makes this seem like a decent idea is that it will end in ice cream. Spending time with you sucks, but the dessert after will at least be a reward for sticking through it."

"So that's a yeah?" Harry starts to walk off without even letting me fully agree.

I realize, getting lost in Hollywood might not be a good idea, and maybe Harry isn't the worst person I could be stuck with.... Right? I quickly catch up to him and fall in motion with his own strides. I hold out my hand next to him with the pinky out mimicking the earlier motion.

Harry looks at my hand, back to me, to my hand, and once again in my eyes before giving me an approving nod and a toothy grin. That same fucking grin that he does when he actually seems happy. Harry interlocks our pinky's and gives our hands a solid shake motion to seal the deal.

"Here we are actually." I look around and notice nothing.

"Cool. You took me two blocks to nowhere. Thank you so much for this enlightening adventure Harry." I sassily remark while glancing at the buildings nearby, nothing seemed to jump out at me as some sort of a crazy landmark or thing we should be visiting.

"No dummy. Stop looking all around, look down." Harry nodded his head towards the ground.

The sun was warm on my back today, not a single cloud in the sky. The air felt slightly muggy despite the fact it was considered fall time, partially due to how many people were bustling around the sidewalks. There were women being escorted with held hands across street corners, dogs leading their owners across the paths and weaving between onlookers who noticed the street performance artists, but none of that was what Harry directed me towards.

The sidewalk was not pavement, and somehow I hadn't noticed it before. Everything was dark black with glitter, but it wasn't just that. There were stars embedded in the sidewalk and it dawned on me where we were and what we were seeing. It was the Walk of Fame, where all the Hollywood big names get their name in a star and gushed over by everyone. That's where Harry took me.

"There isn't a Nirvana or Kurt one, I already checked. So this was the next best thing I figured. I heard you singing along to 'Girls on Film' that day in the shower at the apartment, so I kinda' guessed that this would be a cool star for you to see?" Harry sounded almost nervous as he shielded his eyes with the back of his hand while using the other to point at the star about five feet in front of me. 

I never even noticed I sang in the shower that day. I know I host singular concerts in there at times, and get caught up in my own little world... but not in front of Harry. I completely must have lapsed that part of memory... but he didn't.

The Duran Duran star was shining in the sunshine directly at me. The golden outline of the letters and star mixed together to create a shimmer in my vision, while the pink sparkle tones of the star itself danced in my vision. I couldn't help but bring my hands up to clasp both sides of my face trying to contain the small excitement that turned my lips upward into the cheesiest grin possible. I loved this, and I loved the sentiment behind Harry trying to actually plan out which star to take me to, as if this was his plan all along. 


Alanis looked excited with her eyes squinting in the sun, her smile taking over and her brown eyes gleaming like a child on Christmas day. It was the first time I really noticed these things about her, like the way her eyes had a bit of a golden tone to them, or how her teeth are almost perfectly straight, her smile is lopsided though just barely. Alanis's fingernails were painted but chipping on the edges, the nail beds had some blue staining as if she recently redid her hair, which, now that I notice, was extra pigmented today. The normal faded out teal tones were replaced today with a little bit of a more blue ocean tone that made her skin look extra pale and her lips and cheeks pink with blushed tones.

Sometimes when I look at Alanis it feels calming, there is a sense of tranquility that washes over me. I guess it only feels like that due to the comparison of what my other options are though, Tommo brings me stress, Niall brings me a lot more stress, Poppy brings me a headache most of the time, but Clarissa brings me a completely fucked up cocktail of every emotion under the sun. At first I thought that was a good thing because when we were young it seemed fun, she brought out the rebellious, rowdy, and empowering feelings I wanted to have as a teen, but now those seem draining. At what age do you decide going in and just being a boring adult is more of the vibe instead of wanting to sneak into a bar or get high on the beach and watch the sunset? Where is the middle ground between those, because I kinda' feel like that is where I am at, but the back and forth with Clarissa doesn't fit into that, and I am not into Alanis like that so this whole comparison of them that keeps happening in my head is getting old and I have to remind my brain to turn off and focus on the now.

I tried to pick the best star to show Alanis, but honestly, it was kinda' nerve racking since I guess I still don't know much about her. "So, is it okay? I have a few others I wrote down in case this one isn't cool enough?" I start to pull the crumpled piece of paper out of my pocket that I scribbled down some other potential stars and their placement on the Boulevard but Alanis stops me by ripping it out of my hands.

Her eyes scan the paper and her nose scrunches up as her smile persists. "You thought these were all things I would like to see?" Her voice was quiet and her eyes remained fixed on the paper. My handwriting is messy, the paper was a random bill I paid and then scribbled on from the back office, and for some reason right now I felt really hyper aware of how much she might be judging me based on how stupid this whole thing seems.

I shrug and give a nonchalant whatever noise to hopefully seem less like this whole thing matters to me, even though it does. I want Alanis to approve of this, but I don't want to seem desperate.

Her outstretched hand meets me to give back my notes and her smile starts to turn back into the usual face of contempt she has around me. "Why did you do that?" She questioned me again.

"Yeah, I just heard you haven't been here so, ya' know, it's whatever. Do you like the star or? I mean, we can just go get the ice cream now, it was just something I figured you should see at least once." I turned and started to walk away because at this point there were nerves building in my stomach and I didn't know how to explain how anxious this whole situation was making me.

Alanis shouted my name but I ignored it and continued walking towards the ice cream cart she earlier pointed out to me. "Hey, idiot!" Her small hands found their way to my arm as she squeezed my bicep and stopped in front of me to cut me off. "I wanted to tell you something so can you just slow down for a second, jeez. Not all of us are like 9' with legs that go on for days okay!"

Her attempt at an insult made me want to laugh because the smallest memory of drunk Alanis talking about my height washed over me. "What curly? Is something funny about that?" I liked when she was annoyed like this because it was never to be mean, but always in a playful manner and it just felt flirtatious and good-natured.

I cycle through the things I could tell her, between mentioning how I actually went and asked her boss the music she actually likes so I could find a star to show her, to paying attention at the park, and even making mental notes to look at the pins and stickers on her water bottles and backpacks she occasionally had with her during the times at Grind when she was riding. But I don't want to come across as weird so I instead continue the theme and just shrug and brush her arm off me. "Here's the deal, you're new. I was new once. Sometimes you just want someone to show you the things and take you places so you can have these experiences. I figured if I didn't you are going to have Liam or Poppy do it, and Poppy never shuts up, and Liam has a stick up his ass so. Figured I owe it to you to make this place a little less miserable since apparently I have done some of that lately. Sorry I make things kinda' shitty. Surprisingly enough, I don't mean to sometimes."

"Sometimes?" Her voice inflicts and we fall back into a rhythm walking down the boulevard passing palm trees carefully planted in certain areas to make you remember you are in California and not just the bustle of downtown Hollywood. I would never want to live here, it's too busy and you are always brushing up against someone when you walk.

"Sometimes. Other times I just don't care honestly."

I can see her in the corner of my eyes studying me. She doesn't tell me her thoughts and instead keeps them bottled up. "What time is it?" she asks and I flash my watch over into her line of vision. "About 40 minutes left." She hums at the end of her sentence.

"What if..." I trail off letting the moment build in suspicion while I notice Alanis is taking the bait, she is staring at me with one perfectly groomed eyebrow arched. I knew this part of the plan would be simple. It's not like I planned it all super far in advance, I mean, it really only sparked about thirty seconds ago when I saw the sign ahead, but now I was convinced this was an activity added to today's schedule.

"What if?" She repeats me in the mock British tone she uses randomly.

I take the chance and slide my hand into hers. I didn't realize how small Alanis's hands were, but they were warm and soft as her fingers intertwined with mine, "come on, I got another surprise." Shocking enough, she was smiling and she complied.

The door was heavy to push open with one hand but I was determined to get us in before she yelled at me. The darkness of the building was a stark contrast to the bright sunshine on the boulevard outside. I can see Alanis's face lit up by the red neon cascading lights from the "Adults Only" sign that hangs inside.

I figured we would at least get two or three steps in the building before she had the chance to get mad at me, but that was not what happened. The clerk with bouncy red pigtails and a black pleather corset top a size too tight for her oversized fake boobs pulled a lollipop out of her mouth while flipping the page of a magazine she had on the counter. "Heyyyyyy, welcome to Flirt Spot, you gotta' be eighteen to be in here and I do check your id's if you purchase stuff."

Alanis was speechless as her jaw dropped and her eyes were wide with what I could only assume was pure shock and horror mixing together into a cocktail of murderous frenzy that she is going to unleash on me later. "Harry!" She hisses while pulling my hand and trying to step back through the door the same way we just entered.

"Come on bluey. Live a little! It's just a store and we have time to kill." Alanis does not like this plan and that is evident. I didn't know what to do other than attempt some sort of comfort to try and calm her down, I really did think this would just be a fun ha-ha moment of us going into a sex shop together and later telling the guys and Poppy about it, but the look on her face makes me think I royally fucked up somehow.

"Hey, hey, hey." I turn to face Alanis and the look of shock and confusion is still there. While still holding hands I rub my thumb on the outside of her hand and bring my other to brush away some hair from her face. I tried to keep my touch gentle but also firm so that she felt safe. Alanis's skin was soft and gentle, just like her eyes looked right now. "I just thought it would be a funny story, I'm sorry if I did something stupid here. It was a joke, Alanis."

Alanis started to falter in her angered demeanor for just a moment and a look of something else washed over her, but I couldn't figure out what it was. "A joke." Her whisper almost is inaudible but quiet enough just for me to hear.

"You guys don't have to just stand in the door, you know. We got more inventory in the back if you have questions. Oh yeah. All the VHS tapes are bogo this week only." She didn't look up at us because she was already engrossed back in her magazine. To her we just looked like some scared teenagers who probably just turned 18 and are excited to try their first couple adventure in a sex store out in Hollywood, oblivious to the actual turmoil that is happening with Alanis right now.

I nod slowly at Alanis, repeating once again the same thing we both have already established, "a joke." Alanis finally breaks the eye contact we have to look around the dark room and take in her surroundings.

I step aside to let her lead us into the store, but also ready to bolt if she is. Before passing me fully, her shoulders aligned next to mine, she raises on her tippy toes and leans over towards me, "I've never been to anything like this... like... a sex store or anything like that, it seems kinda' weird I think?"

Her voice had inflictions at the end and it seemed more curious than put off at this point. The change in her personality from the moment we stepped foot in the door two minutes ago to now is slowly becoming more mild.

The store wasn't dirty, thank god, that would have just stressed her out more I am sure. However, it was a really full store, they could take out a few of the shelves and probably have the whole place look a lot better, but Hollywood seems to go for the jam packed feel and look almost anywhere you turn.

The wall in the back of the store was filled with all different types of toys for female pleasure, along with handcuffs, and some whip type products. To our right was a wall of wigs and giant high heels a stripper would rock all sat behind the cash register area. The other side of the store had one of those cheesy beaded door frames and behind it was a faint glowing blue room that seemed to house all the VHS tapes that she earlier had mentioned.

Through the store there were racks of clothing that ranged from corsets, crotchless underwear, thongs, fishnets and tights, men's underwear that were for sure see through, and some robes. The shelves were all different themes from bachelorette party supplies, dirty board games, racks of lubes, and anything you could imagine in between.

My peripheral vision showed Alanis scanning her eyes across the room just like I had been doing. I don't know which one of us was more nervous right now, but it seemed like it was for different reasons.

The worker closed her magazine to pay more attention to us. I am sure with a body like hers (modified to the extreme and looking like an extra for a 90210 episode) she was hoping to be the next big thing in Hollywood next to Carmen Electra and Demi Moore. However, like most, her time in the spotlight will turn into commercials for car insurance and HIV screenings at the local free clinic before she realizes it just won't happen.

"So are you guys like, looking for something to do together or do you just want to learn how to better please your girl?" Alanis scoffs at the idea of us being a couple and then flips her gaze between the worker, myself, and our hands. The same hands that were still intertwined and had become a sense of comfort so far.

Holding hands with Alanis felt normal, calm, and even natural. It was the way that her smooth skin felt enveloped in mine. My hands were rough from all the work at Grind that I normally get into, meanwhile hers were still nice and gentle.

Alanis realized we were still in such an affectionate and cozy like this and immediately shook her hand free of mine to start walking through the store and slowly browsing different things.

I've been to a store like this once. It was because Clarissa told me I needed to go to find some new ways to spice up our sex life after last summer. I don't know what happened with us, but over the summer she was constantly fighting with me, and our relationship honestly just sucked, but then the end of summer happened and she acted like everything was normal. Besides the main fact of her being bored with me. It felt like I was just a toy to Rissa and one that she had grown tired of but kept around because of the convenience.

Alanis surprised me by speaking up first, "we're just looking. Felt like getting out of the heat for a few and we ended up here, ya' know?" The worker just nods and pops her lollipop back into her mouth. She stuffs the magazine in a rack not far from the register while carefully plucking out a different one to take back to her post.

Alanis takes a finger to slide along the bottom of a shelf she was walking past, and again I notice her chipped polish as her finger glides across the metal framing. She hesitates and pauses in front of something before her head tilts to the side like a curious puppy.

I quickly make my way over to her and notice more clearly what gave her the confusion. Her face was slightly flush with embarrassment and it made her look cute and simple, almost naïve even. "Is that your thing?" I jut my chin to point it towards the same butt plugs that made her stop in her tracks.

A shy Alanis quickly shakes her head no, almost too aggressively. Her messy waves of blue hair were tumbling in front of her face and hiding it from my view. I don't think I have ever seen Alanis look this bashful before. "I don't know what it is."

Normal Harry Styles would laugh, make a joke, mock, potentially poke fun at this. However, I know with Alanis that is not what could happen, because it will only drive her further into thinking I am an asshole and close her off from probably telling me anything today.

"It's uhh, you know, a plug." I carefully choose my words, trying to not speak too loudly to draw attention to us from the worker, because that would mortify us both probably. "Why would someone want a plug in them? Doesn't that just... defeat the purpose of sex?"

"Not for... there." I raise my eyebrows and glance at Alanis's lower abdomen area, "for here." I quickly placed a small spank motion on her butt. Alanis lets out a gasp at the impulsive motion that she completely didn't expect. I take motion in her stunned state to walk to the other side of the shelf quickly before Alanis could bat my hand away from her like usually does when I am too close or touchy with her.

If looks could kill.

The shy moment of Alanis is gone and replaced with a 'how dare you' look right now that could probably slice through me if I didn't find it a little on the funny side given our circumstances. I doubt she wants to tell anyone about this moment so I know my flirtatious behavior is going to be kept between us. Which, for her sake, is good, because Clarissa might murder her at this point.

Alanis and I browse the store for another fifteen minutes. She wasn't really talking or asking questions after the first one, but now it seemed like she was really intrigued by most things in the store in a very inquisitive way.

I caught her glancing at a simple lingerie set that had a turquoise colored bra with black lace over it. The underwear had the same black lace, and the whole thing was completed with a matching turquoise robe made of silk. "Try it on." I encouraged her as her fingers inspected the lace on the bra.

"What? Me? Now? Here?" She looks around the room like a student who just got called to the office by the principal. "No way Harry!"

Her fingers remain on the material though, unwavering and I could sense she was considering the offer despite her immediate reaction.

"Live a little. You clearly like the color, so come on." I grabbed the hanger with a smaller size that looked like it was fitting for her frame. I am getting the hint that the blue family of colors is right up her alley due to her hair and this being the first thing she really focused on at the store.

Alanis was following along behind me while I scanned the room for the glowing neon 'fitting room' sign. She tried reaching for the hanger but I held it above my head which was far beyond her grasp seeing how her natural stature only brings her barely to my shoulder blades anyway.

"Hey, we are gonna try something on, okay?" I yell over to the worker who simply gives us a thumbs up without actually paying attention to us.

There were three rooms with mirrors covering 80% of the room's walls. The door was obsolete with instead a dark blue toned velvet curtain hanging from a golden rod. I hung the hanger on a hook in the small changing room. "If I am trying something on, you have to also. It makes sense."

I bring my hand up to my face to hide my mouth, partially due to a smirk that wanted to come out, but also hiding the slight nerves that build up with this idea. "Naturally, yeah, sure." I confidently try to play off the idea of this. "What do you have in mind, blue?"

Alanis dashes out from the fitting room to quickly scan the racks of men's clothing before a small giggle erupts and she comes trotting back holding the most heinous thing I have ever seen in my life.


"Harry. Come on. I think it's rather adorable. Like come on!" Her smile was beaming and the little shithead knew exactly what kind of reaction she would get from me. She held up the skimpy fabric hanging off the hanger and I regret making the deal to try anything on. This is not going to be as fun for me as it is for her and we both know it.

I snatched the hanger out of her hands with a very pissed off tone apparent. Alanis plays dumb and instead is pleased with her choice while humming 'Girls on Film' to herself and closing the thick velvet curtain.

I could hear Alanis huffing while trying to change from her outfit into the barely there lingerie I talked her into. Meanwhile, I took one more look at the stupid outfit she chose for me. There is no way I am going to make this look cool and now this is going to be the image she has of me in her head forever. I strip off my shirt and throw it over the black stool in the corner of the changing room before repeating the action with my pants.

I slide the glitter hot pink cheetah printed skin tight briefs up while trying to tuck my own black boxers into the material to hide them. The stupid underwear things were a mixture between skin tight briefs and overalls almost. I had to slide the straps up over my arms to secure on my shoulders before glancing at the ridiculous sight in the mirror.

"Lovely." I mutter to myself.

Alanis must have taken that as a sign of me being ready because the curtain parts slightly and I see her peek her head into the room I was currently in. She tied up her hair in some sort of a messy bun that only had a few strands of hair falling down in front of her face and I could see the robe hanging on her shoulders with the sleek silk looking absolutely gorgeous against her fair skin.

"Harry!" she shouts but instantly turns into a furious uproarious laughter that she couldn't control even if she tried.

I do my best to start pulling down the fabric a little bit in hopes that my whole package isn't just on display and making this entire experience worse.

"Spin around for me please, this is incredible!" Alanis is happier than I have ever seen her and she pretends to hold an imaginary camera in front of her face to snap some photos while making a clicking noise with her mouth.

"Okay, yeah, get a good look then because this is never happening again."

"It's so good though. Do you mean this isn't your new look? Like come on, scrap the referee and just go as this!" She waves her hands up and down to drastically embarrass me but draw attention to my outfit.

I can see in the surrounding mirrors that this outfit is just as tight in the front as it is in the back. This is absolutely my least favorite moment in life.

I yanked open the curtain fully to see just what Alanis had on but instead of being able to see I was only met with a tied closed robe. "Uh no way, lemme' see." I try to reach for the silk belt but she gracefully slides backwards just out of reach while bringing up a finger to give me a no signal.

"It doesn't fit. So this is all I can show you. Sorry."

I knew she was lying, but I wasn't sure how I knew. It just seemed like a feeling, but I was going to go with this hunch. "Too big?" I ask, and she shakes her head. "Hmm, so too small?" She hesitates but nods.

"Good. Because there were more sizes. I'll just go grab you one." She didn't call my bluff, because honestly there was no way even in the dead empty store would I head over to the racks dressed like this. Instead she flustered and started stammering her words,

"No. Wait. No. Ugh. Why are you like this?"

Alanis starts fumbling with the belt of the robe and slowly I can see the tie becoming looser.

Only seconds pass but somehow it feels like a lot longer. I'm standing here gawking at Alanis while in this stupid outfit, only noticing how incredible she looks. The lace fabric clung to her skin in such a delicate manner, meanwhile the darkness of the material made her look sultry. I haven't really seen Alanis in anything this revealing at all, because normally she comes dressed for the park.

The only other time I really noted the curve of Alanis's breast was when I tried not to check her out on the first open mic night. She has a really good body with a small frame, a flat stomach that has apparent muscle tone due to how much she skates probably. Her breasts are perky and not sull of silicone like most around here. Her legs are long despite the fact she seems shorter.

"Hey, dummy, say something like 'you look nice' or 'that is really pretty' like don't just leave me here feeling super self conscious and nervous." Alanis looks annoyed at me.

I shrug my shoulders but this pulls at the hem of the stupid men-lingerie-overall situation and instead just ride my dick up with the fabric while stammering out a response. "You look less bad that I would have thought. Like. You look good. Not bad. It's good. You should get it."

God fucking damnit.

The idea of Alanis getting this put a thought in my head I didn't like.

Who would she wear this for? I know Lou has kinda' tried to shoot his shot. I would fucking rather hit my head into a wall than think of Alanis getting dolled up like this for Louis or Liam, or really any of my idiot friends. Only because she deserves better than them, not because I want to be the one she is doing this for, obviously.

"Yeah, I think not. It's kinda' expensive for such little fabric. Plus, like, what would I even wear it for?" I sigh but it was due to the relief of my own thoughts, but Alanis didn't need to know that.

"Good, because I was nervous if you by that, it would mean you are going to try to talk me into buying this." I lie but she gives me a tight close lipped smile that makes her eyes crinkle and her nose wiggle.

"It's your best look yet curly. Don't rag on it."

Before I could think of something witty to say we both heard the chime of the door bells go off and realize someone else would be entering. We give each other a knowing nod and she scurries off to her own fitting room for us to return to our normal clothes.

Once I am back in my jeans and t-shirt I start to feel a bit better and less exposed. Maybe that is how women feel in those get-ups. No way, women should feel empowered, sexy, and like men are putty in their hands. I know that's how I feel when I see a woman like that, because women are beautiful and scared, meanwhile, I looked like a pillsbury dough can of crescent rolls ready to pop my load out of that get-up within seconds.

I try to spend the next fifteen minutes in the store talking Alanis into getting the outfit, but fail each time. We instead smell different flavored lubes and both agree that the cookie dough smelled the best but the strawberry tasted the best.

It was really fun just hearing Alanis laugh and seeing her so happy while we made fools of ourselves trying mint lube, bubblegum lube, and to top it off, she bought us both blue raspberry flavored lollipops that were shaped like dicks.

We realized we spent quite a bit of time in the store and had to head back to the Chinese Theater to meet with the gang. I honestly forgot that I told her we could get ice cream until we got back outside, but luckily she was so excited to make us eat the lollipops she didn't care.

After about 3 seconds both of our tongues and lips were turning blue and Alanis pretended again to take a fake picture of me with a dick sucker resting on my tongue.

I don't know what it is about Alanis honestly but I don't feel awkward and self-conscious around her. Or when I do, it is only because I feel like I am trying to impress her or something. She brings out such a different feeling than others like... Clarissa bring out with me.

"Damn Haz. I thought Lou's dick was the only one you usually are in the back office suckin' off. Turns out my mates gone full gay and forgot to tell us!" Niall pretends one of his hands in a microphone which he taps with his other hand for a fake 'mic test', "Mr. Styles, tell us, how long exactly have you been dating Mr. Smurf?"

Niall noticed the blue dick in my mouth and right away everyone only seemed to care about that. All the conversations halted and the silence was only broken up by a loud laughter that each person joined in on.

"Yeah yeah, shut it." I give Niall a light playful shove but Poppy grabs his arm and brings him right back to her instantly.

"Harry and I decided to actually go over there." Alanis surprisingly points to the store we just left while Poppy looked bewildered. No one else was as shocked as her, except maybe me. I wasn't expecting Alanis to tell anyone where we went I guess, but it isn't like I was going to try to hide it either. I just figured by how opposed to the idea she initially was, that it would become some secret she takes to the grave.

"I never been, so we were like, 'when in Hollywood' ya' know? Also, we saw some stars. Hollywood is pretty sick. I get it now. Anyway, you find a costume finally?" Alanis asks Liam. He gives her a nod and holds up his shopping bag.

Everyone chats only for a few moments while planning to meet back up at my house later that night for some board painting party that the girls are planning and hosting. I simply listen in and suck on my sucker. I glance at Alanis and notice the smile she has had for the past hour hasn't worn off. Is that because of me? It probably isn't but I am hoping it might be.

I couldn't help but start to smile myself while looking at her and thinking of how happy she is, but then I feel Poppy's eyes burning a hole into me that cannot be avoided. I diver my gaze back to the ground but can sense Poppy still giving me a leery stare.

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