Take me (WxIntersex)

Af plutowasgay

110K 4.7K 822

"Alekses, why are you doing this," Xhenia cried as she pulled on her chain. Why is she acting as if I'm not h... Mere



4K 135 23
Af plutowasgay

"Ona, she was having a fucking panic attack," Alekses hissed in a low tone.

"I didn't know. I'm sorry," Ona mumbled, looking away from her cousin to Xhenia. She was still sound asleep on the couch in Alekses' office, sleeping the day away. I'm glad she's okay now, but it's my fault she passed out.

Alekses snapped her fingers in Ona's face and growled, "Don't fucking look at her, look at me." She was pissed Ona had the audacity to even look at Xhenia. This was her fault, to begin with.

"Don't snap your damn fingers in my face," Ona growled back, glaring at her cousin. "Look, the best course of action right now is to get the doctor here. She's been out too long."

Alekses sighed and ran her hand through her hair. "Don't bother, I already called earlier. She said Xhenia was sleep-deprived, and I should let her get her rest."

From Alekses' standpoint, she knew Xhenia was getting enough sleep, so how could she be sleep-deprived? Was there something she was missing?

Alekses decided to leave the subject and go back to her desk to finish working. "Let's just let her get her rest."

Ona nodded and turned to leave, but then remembered something. "The masquerade party next Thursday, are you going?"

"Have you forgotten about the family dinner? If I miss one more, that woman will have my head on a silver platter," Alekses groaned, shaking her head.

"So you have to go to both?"


Alekses practically never went to any family functions, which added another thing her mother could shove down her throat. She'd always say Alekses never spent time with the family, and that she needed to do so more often, but Alekses was just too busy.

"You're mother's going to nag about the same thing as always," Ona chuckled, sitting in front of her cousin's desk.

"Don't remind me," Alekses sighed, making Ona chuckle.

After a while, the two became quiet as they got back to work. Ona stayed to make sure Xhenia was alright, but soon the day had come to an end, and Xhenia was still not awake. She'd toss, turn, and groan every once in a while, but that was it.

Ona looked at the time and sighed before looking at Xhenia. "I wish I could stay longer, but I need to get going," she said as she began packing her things. "Once again, Alekses, I'm sorry. If she were awake, I would tell her the same thing."

Alekses nodded in acknowledgment and continued working. She would stay a little longer to see if her little mouse would awaken. It wouldn't hurt to be a little late.

After the acknowledgment, Ona turned on her heels and left, leaving the two in the office by themselves.

"Once again, the perfect opportunity I'm wasting," Alekses sighed as she looked at Xhenia's sleeping figure. She could easily get up and take her missing pet home, but she wouldn't, not now.

Standing from her chair, Alekses walked over to Xhenia and knelt beside her. She pushed Xhenia's hair out of her face and admired the way she slept with her thumb in her mouth. I'm sure she's clueless about that.

Standing up, Alekses rolled her shoulders and placed her arms under Xhenia's knees and on her back, picking her up. She looked at her suitcase and decided to leave it by the desk. If someone decided to take it, oh well. There isn't anything useful in there anyway.

She walked out of the office, carrying her mouse, and called for the elevator. Alekses knew this wasn't the best situation to get caught in. Thankfully, the office was empty. She didn't feel like hearing the office whispering about Xhenia, even though it's none of their concern about what she does.

When the elevator arrived, she pressed the private garage and entered the password. While she was busy with that, Xhenia began squirming in her arms before snuggling her boss' chest. The movement almost made Alekses drop her, but Alekses quickly fixed her grasp and continued.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to drop you."

Once she got to the garage, she walked to her car, opened the door, and gently placed Xhenia inside. Surprisingly, Xhenia whined as she reached out for Alekses, but Alekses only pushed her hands down and bumped her seatbelt.

"Let's get you to your temporary residence."

During her drive, Alekses had called Xhenia's friend and told her not to bother picking Xhenia up.

As always, Amy paid no regard to Xhenia's safety and began asking her own questions, but Alekses ended the call before she could piss her off.

"You need better friends, Whiskers," Alekses mumbled when she got out of the car.

She turned to look at the building and grimaced in disgust. Xhenia lived in a building that was fit for people between the middle and lower classes, yet she was being paid where she could live the upper-class life.

Truth was, most of Xhenia's funds went to her bills, and her mother's debt collectors, but not even Alekses knew this.

Having enough of the disgusting view, Alekses sighed and walked around the car, mumbling, "I should've taken that fucking exit."

She handled Xhenia with utmost care as she removed her from the car and carried her to her apartment. Only when Xhenia sighed in relief did Alekses' anger subside. Are you relieved to be in my arms again?

When she walked into the building, she saw a few people there, and they saw her.

No one questioned who she was or what she was doing carrying an unconscious woman. They simply didn't care, and this further pissed Alekses. Xhenia truly had no one around her that cared except for Alekses and her cousin.

Alekses could tell that Xhenia was used to this treatment. Even at work, she never expected anyone to help her, and she'd let anyone walk over her. This was unacceptable, and Alekses vowed to remove her as soon as possible.

It's not too late to turn and leave with her, you know.

Alekses once again ignored herself and unlocked Xhenia's door, stepping in afterward. She was immediately greeted by the sounds of Paws' paws pattering around. He must be excited to see Whiskers.

Paws came running to the door, excited to see his owner but was met with Alekses instead. Since this wasn't their first time meeting, he continued running towards them.

"Hello, Paws," Alekses greeted the pup after stepping over him. He happily followed her to Xhenia's room with a wag of his tail, nipping at her feet. It had been a while since he saw Alekses, and was excited for her to hold him.

Alekses laid her sleeping mouse on the bed and covered her up. She didn't bother changing her clothes this time because she was running later than expected.

She looked Xhenia over and nodded in approval. She should be good from here. Now, Paws.

Squatting, she scratched under the patient pup's chin and smiled when he almost fell over. Sadly, her smile was devious, and Paws was clueless. She had a plan that she was ready to put in motion, and Paws was just the start of it.

She picked up Paws and kissed his head before turning to Xhenia.

"Good night, Whiskers."

And just like that, Alekses was gone, and so was Paws. It was as if neither was there. As if Paws' existence was just a fever dream because not only was he gone, but so were his belongings.

Sorry for the long wait and short chapter. Since My Principal is almost complete, I have been putting my time into finishing it, but since it has been a while since I updated Take Me, I decided to do something quick.

Anywho, I hope you all enjoy it.

Also, I have created an all-female discord server. If you are interested in joining, you can find the link in my bio or the comments. <3

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