Pokemon Trainer of the Strawh...

By chu1luc

266K 8.1K 2.5K

What if a Pokémon Trainer found herself in the world of One Piece? What if she found herself with the Strawha... More

Chapter 1
Usopp Interview
One Piece Op sequence
Meeting Apis! Journey to Warship Island!
The Sea King Nest!
Warship Island and a Great Encounter!
Eric the Mercenary
To the Summit of Lost Island
Location of Lost Island
The Return of Lost Island
The Final Battle! Yukiko's Rage!
Finally! Entering the Grand Line!
Setting foot on Whiskey Peak
Deliver Princess Vivi!
Walk the Dinosaur! And there are Giants too...
Defending the Honor of Giants
Nami's Sick?! Search for a doctor!
A Sick Country
A Little Reindeer
Vs Wapol!
Finally! Alabasta at Last!
Meeting Ace pt 1
Meeting Ace pt 2
Travel Across the Desert pt 1
Travel Across the Desert pt 2
Rain Dinners and Crocodile
The Rain Returns
Pirate Party! News Spreads!
Nico Robin
The Rainbow Mist
Dead End Adventure
Falling ships
Bellamy and Cricket
Playlist for Luffy x Yukiko
200 Million Power Couple
Up the Knock-Up Stream!
A Predicament
To End a 400 Year War
Prelude to Water 7
Arriving at Water 7
Bad News
End of Enies Lobby
Meeting Garp
A Crew worth over a Billion!
News Around the World
A strange pirate crew
The Don Accino Family
Ghost Ship
Dead Bones Brook
Thriller Bark
New Powers and News
Oz: Enemy or Ally?
Yukiko's Devil Fruit
Special Chapter! Enter Toriko! pt 1
Special Chapter! Enter Toriko! pt 2
Spa Island Filler
The Red Line and....A Mermaid?!
Two Sanjis?!
Sanji vs. Duval
Sabaody Archipelago pt 1
Sabaody Archipelago pt2
Sabaody Archipelago pt 3
Chaos at the Auction House
Chaos at the Auction House pt 2
Prepare for War
War of the Best! Return of the True Gods! pt 1
War of the Best! The Return of the True Gods! pt 2
SBS for Yukiko
A message
2 Years Later
Escape beneath the ocean
Under the Sea pt 1
Under the Sea pt 2
Under the Sea pt 3
Yukiko's 2 year skip look
Fish-Man Island
Found Out
Unexpected Encounter
To Stand Up
Vs. New Fishman Pirates
Climax! Saving Fishman Island
Pirate Halloween in Twisted Wonderland
Toriko/One Piece Episode 2
Toriko/One Piece Episode 2 part 2
A Sea of Fire?!
Punk Hazard
Dr. Heart Stealer
Alliance and an old friend!
God Au! Part 1
God Au! part 2
Side stories 1
The Plan
Xiaolin Showdown Crossover pt 1
Xiaolin Showdown Crossover p2
Xiaolin Showdown Crossover pt3
To Dressrosa
The Birdcage
Bloody Games
Gear 4
Onward To Zou
Zou is an Elephant?
Enter Totto Land
Seducing Woods, Mirrors, and Biscuits
Katakuri pt 1
Katakuri pt 2
Escape from Totto Land
Entering Wano
Encounters in Wano
The Plan
Life in Onigashima
Ever After High X-Over pt 1
Ever After High pt 2
Ever After High pt 3
Ever After High pt 4
Ever After High pt 5
Page One and Ulti
Before the Raid
Valentine's Special
Nika and Kazuya pt 1
Nika and Kazuya pt 2
A New Age for Wano
One Piece x BNHA pt 1
One Piece x BNHA pt 2
One Piece x BNHA pt 3: Zoro
One Piece x BNHA pt 4: Nami
One Piece x BNHA pt 5: Usopp
One Piece x BNHA pt 6: Sanji
One Piece x BNHA pt 7: Chopper
One Piece x BNHA pt 8: Robin
One Piece x BNHA pt 9: Franky
One Piece x BNHA pt 10: Brook
One Piece x BNHA pt 11: Jinbei
One Piece x BNHA pt 12: Bonney
One Piece x BNHA pt 13: Ace and Alina
One Piece x BNHA pt 15: Luffy and Yukiko
One Piece x BNHA pt 16
One Piece x BNHA part 17
One Piece x BNHA part 18
One Piece x BNHA part 19
One Piece x BNHA part 20
One Piece x BNHA pt 21
Extra: Gear 5 silliness
Extra: Tamato Berry Victims!
Departing from Wano
One Piece x BNHA pt 22
One Piece x BNHA pt 23
One Piece x BNHA pt 24
One Piece x BNHA pt 25
One Piece x Hazbin/Hellava
One Piece x Hellava/Hazbin pt 2
One Piece x Hazbin/Hellava pt 3
One Piece Epilogue pt 1
One Piece Epilouge pt 2
One Piece Epilogue pt 3
Happy Birthday Luffy!!!!
One Piece Epilogue pt 4
One Piece Epilogue pt 5
Voting Announcement!
One Piece x Hazbin/Helluva Xover pt 4
Honeymoon: Day 1, Day 2
Honeymoon Day 3 and 4
Honeymoon Day 5 and 6
Honeymoon Last Day: ⚠️ 🥵
One Piece: A little visit
One Piece Suspicious
Gear 5 Shenanigans pt 2
Yukiko's Wrath and Rashta's Trial
Toriko x One Piece x DragonBall
One Piece x BNHA pt 26
One Piece: Finally!!
One Piece x Helluva Boss pt 5


1.4K 59 11
By chu1luc

The ship bursts through the clouds and the temperature suddenly drops and all the crew could hear is the wind.

Finally, there's a burst of light and the wind comes to a halt, letting the ship drop with a loud crash.

Yukiko and Pachi were gasping for air and coughing as they were soaked.

"That was a rush." Yukiko said as she looked over at Luffy who was gasping for air.

"You OK?"

"I'm fine..." Luffy breathes. "You...okay?"

Yukiko nods, too focused on breathing to give a straight answer.

"Everyone alright?" Zoro asks breathlessly. Everyone makes a noise meaning they all survived; that was a good sign. Once they get their breath back their gazes are met with a sea of clouds.

"Wow! Look at all the clouds!" Chopper squeals excitedly.

"But how?" Nami wonders. "Why aren't we falling?"

Luffy shrugs, "Clouds float, boats float, same thing."

"No, it's not." Zoro, Sanji, and Chopper deadpan.

"Well maybe there is something different about these clouds." Yukiko said.

"Ah! Usopp's not breathing!" Chopper yells, kneeling over Usopp.

"He's not?! Quick do mouth to mouth or something!" Luffy yells.

"I'll do mouth to mouth on Nami!" Sanji yells and Pach sweeps her tail under him.

"Idiot..." Zoro mutters.


Although Usopp was still unconscious, Chopper presses on Usopp's chest a few times and he wakes up; should've known there was nothing to worry about.

"But still, this is amazing! We're basically in a n ocean in the sky!" Yukiko said.

"But wait, the Log Pose is still pointing up!" Nami says.

"Then we must still be in the middle of the Cumulo Regalus cloud." Robin says.

"Wait, so we have to travel even higher?" Chopper asks.

"That's what the Log Pose says." Robin says.

"Well, if we're not falling I think we can get higher into the sky. This must be the White Sea Noland mentoned in his Log book." Yukiko suggested.

"Here I go!" Usopp says taking his shirt off and posing on the railing, Luffy and Chopper cheering happily. "Cloud ocean swimming champ Usopp!"

"Wait, are you sure this is a good idea?" Yukiko asked.

"Yuki-chan is right. We have no idea if this is safe or not." Sanji said.

But Usopp slips on his goggles and dives into the clouds. "He did it!" Luffy exclaims.

"He's so brave!" Chopper squeals.

Luffy and Chopper then pout and lean on the railing.

"I wish I could swim..." Luffy whines.

"I bet it's the funnest thing ever..." Chopper agrees.

"Um, he's not resurfacing....." Yukiko said after a while.

"You know...this ocean might not have an actual bottom." Robin remarks.


"You're telling us this now?!"

"USOPP!" Luffy yells and stretches his arm into the clouds.

"Luffy, keep stretching as far as you can!" Robin orders.

"I am, but I can't see where he is!" Luffy cries desperately.

"Leave that to me." Robin crosses her arms and closes her eyes. "Ojos Fleur!" Robin stays silent in concentration while Luffy keeps stretching.

After a few moments, Robin tells Luffy where to go and Luffy starts pulling back up.

"Is he happy?" Chopper asks.

After a while, Usopp comes flying out and back onto the ship. "He's back!" Nami exclaims happily.

"But he's not alone!" Luffy yells as a giant octopus and sea serpent emerge from the water.

"There are sea beasts up here?! Or are they Sky beasts?" Yukiko wondered.

Zoro runs and jumps towards the closest tentacle of the octopus, giving it a few good slices. But instead of being cut into pieces, the tentacle popped, like a balloon.

"What the?" Yukiko said and Pachi tilted her head. "Pa?"

The serpent lunges towards the ship, but Sanji flips up and gives it a good kick making feathers fly off its body.

"Feathers? Guess they are sky beasts." Yukiko said.

"This is no time for observations!" Nami yelled.

The serpent flops over and ends up being hinged on the side of the ship by its fangs. Yukiko took a closer look.

"Whatever this thing is, it is covered in purple feathers, but they aren't fluffy. But they aren't like feathers you would find on a bird. They're smooth and flat, almost like furry scales." Yukiko said.

"How can there be fish up in the clouds?" Nami asks.

"You said best yourself; it's basically an ocean in the sky." Robin says.

Just as Usopp is finally coming to his senses, he jerks up with a yelp and starts flailing. "What is it this time?" Sanji asks.

"Th-There's something in my pants!" Usopp yelps. He pulls something out, flings it towards someone and proceeds to continue his breakdown.

The object was a decent sized but strange looking fish flopping about. It's sky blue and flat as a pancake, and it has those same feather scales as the serpent.

"Well, would you look at that?" Robin comes over and picks up the fish. "This must be one of the Sky Fish Noland described in his Log."

"Really?" Yukiko asked.

"It seems that the fish here somehow evolved to survive up here in the clouds." Robin says.

"You mean they turned all flat and balloony?" Zoro asks.

"To make themselves lighter." Robin confirms.

"Well, I guess you would have to be pretty light to be able to swim in the sky without falling like Usopp almost did." Yukiko said asLuffy takes the fish and brings it to Sanji. Literally ten seconds later, Luffy's holding a plate with steaming hot Sky Fish.

"I tried sauteeing it." Sanji says as Luffy eat a forkful of the fish. "Delicious! Yukiko, you gotta try this!" He then holds the fork to Yukiko who took a bite, making Sanji weep in a corner in jealousy muttering about indirect kisses. "Wow! It's as delicious as that Bluefin Elephant Tuna!"

"Let's cook the big one next!" Luffy says.

"Hey guys!" Chopper calls. I turn to see him looking out with the binoculars. "I see a-" He cuts himself before shrieking.

"What is it?" Nami asked.

Suddenly, a figure is already zooming right towards the crew.

"Hey! What do you want?" Sanji calls.

"To destroy you!" The figure says. He's wearing wings, a weird mask, and carrying a shield and a bazooka.

"Oh, is that all?"

"He's mine." Zoro says, getting his sword ready.

I blink as I take in his speed and hurry of the railing just in time for him to nail Sanji with a kick to the head.

Zoro goes in to attack, but the masked man gives him a sharp kick in the chest before he can retaliate and jumps up to strike Luffy as well. 'They must still be getting used to the thin air, 'cause they're going down like flies!' Yukiko thought.

"Pachi, Swift the Aerial Ace!" Yukiko said as Pachi did so hitting the man.

Pachi's breathing was also normal, so she's okay, but to be sure.....

"Shiny, I'll need you!" She threw a Pokeball and her Swablu came out. "Blind him with Mist!"

Shiny did so and the man found himself in a thick mist looking around.

And suddenly, Shiny had evolved into Altaria!

"Great timing! Shiny, Hurricane! Pachi, Thunderbolt! Combo move: Voltage Wind!" Yukiko said.

At that, Pachi attacked with a strong electric blast and Shiny boosted its power with a fierce wind.

It clearly catches the guy off guard because he isn't able to dodge it. "What the...?" He looks at Yukiko and her two Pokemon through his mask and zooms right towards Yukiko.

But to his shock, a new Pokémon emerges to protect her.

It was a large, avian Pokémon with predominantly yellow plumage. It has small, triangular eyes with black around them and a long, thin, light orange beak. Its wings and tail are a mass of spiky feathers and there are black feathers covering the back of its wings and inner tail feathers. A large crest of spiked feathers surrounds its head. Its thighs are tan, and it has thin, light orange legs. It has feet with three forward-facing toes and one backward-facing toe; each toe has a short talon.

This Pokémon was Zapdos.

"Zaaaaaap!" He cawed as he used a Drill Peck taking out the shield then a Rock Smash to destroy his bazooka.

"Even the White Sea isn't safe from your anarchy, is it?" The man said.

"What are you talking about? We're here to prove that Skypiea exists for Montblanc." Yukiko said suddenly getting the man's attention.

"Montblanc? You know of Noland?"

"We never met him, but we know his descendent. His name is Cricket. He's been looking for the City of Gold and the Golden Bell to redeem his family name."

"Redeem? And how do you know of the Golden Bell?"

"Cricket told us of his ancestor, Noland. He was unfairly executed for defending its existence. Those of his family have also been ridiculed for believing and trying to prove he was right for 400 years. We promised him we would find that Bell and ring it so he knows it is real." Yukiko said.

The man then eased his fighting stance and took off his mask.

"I see, our inability caused much pain for Noland-san," the man said and lost all his hostility. "My ancestor would be deeply saddened at this, to know what his best friend's family has been through. My name is Wiper, and it seems our goals overlap."

Then he looked around up to the sky.

"I wish to hear more, but Enel may be able to hear us here. We must go."

Nami, Usopp and Chopper all breathed in relief that Yukiko got the man to help.

"What of the squirrel and the Thunderbird?" Wyper asks.

"Oh you mean Pachi and Zapdos? They were just protecting me and my Nakama."

"You mean they follow your commands?" He asked.

"Not in a master and slave form if that is what you are thinking. They are my comrades, no my family. But why did you say anarchy about them?" Yukiko asked.

"There is a being known as Enel. He claims to be a God who posseses the power of Lightning, but he's more of a tyrant....." Wyper began telling the crew.

Somewhere on Skypiea......

A man with strange attire and long earlobes had a strange look on his face with his eyes closed.

"What's this? A force of Lightning has descended here? Quite powerful too."

A ways away, was a fortune teller.

"Fortune teller. What do you see?" The man asked.

".............Most curious......A maiden from the Blue Sea with white hair, commanding Titans of Ice, Fire, and Lightning will soon arrive."

That got the man more curious.

"Hmm................send out the Scouts. Tell them to observe, not engage, for now."
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