Best Mistake

By allhailqueendani

17.3K 371 47

"Love has this aura of being beautiful. Passion. Precious... But in reality, sometimes it hinders you. Confus... More

Chapter One: City of Angels
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three.
Character List
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six.
Chapter Thirty-Seven.
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One.
Chapter Forty-Two

Chapter Fifteen.

424 9 0
By allhailqueendani

I set some files down on my desk, Mateo and Felix coming in behind me.

"The next words that come out of your mouth better be boss. We found your shipment, otherwise get out of my office."

"Shit, we're still trying to track it," he said, sitting down on the sofa.


"But don't worry, we have our ears to the streets and there's been talk."

"Talk? I don't want to hear talk, I want to hear action..."

"That was 2.4 million worth of product... If anybody else finds that container, that's your ass."


"What else is new?"

"Shipments have been going well... The only thing that is holding us up is opening day for the restaurant." He summarized.

"I was thinking we get some of Garcia's girls to work that spot."

"Why? They're a bunch of hookers."

"That they are...but also they're trained professionals who already know the ends and outs of this business. It's better to put them on payroll than some random. We're not even sure we can trust." I proposed.

"You have a good point, but I thought we were looking for dancers, not hookers."

"I changed my mind. I want this place to be a little more sophisticated. If this doesn't work, we can always revert to the original plan."

"Alright, if that's what you want, I'll get on it right now." Mateo stood up and left.

"Guess I'll handle the shipment situation." Felix muttered as he gets up to leave.

"Felix, I want you to hang back for a minute."

My words made him stiffen.

"Look, I'm sorry, boss for interrupting your evening. The other night. I had a few too many to drinks." He explained and when I spoke nothing, he continued to ramble.

"Actually, you know what I'm just going to come out and say it, I was away for one week and I came back and heard you let Saint handle operations in Honolulu after all the hard work I put in and all the connections I set up. I deserved that position!"

"Are you done?"

"Si!" He stood upright, holding his head up high. While his bravery was admirably, I couldn't care less about his or anybody else's feelings. 

"I have someplace to go tonight, and I want you to watch the club."

"Okay?" he said, confused.


"Is that all?" he asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Si." I answered. He nodded before leaving.

After Felix exit, a knock was delivered to the door.

"Come in." I grumbled and Chasity peeked her head in the door before entering.

"Hey baby!" she said, coming over to the desk.

"What do you want, Chasity?" I asked her as she sat in my lap.

"I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner tonight. I'll come over to your place and cook."

"I'm working."

"Okay, well, then I'll just come over after work, and we can just fool around..."

"I don't think so... I might not get back until later, and I should focus on this paperwork. Do you mind leaving?"

She frowned.

"I guess. Are you sure about tonight?"

"I would've said otherwise if I wasn't." I snapped.

"Okay. Well, I'm going to do inventory. Would you like anything before I leave?"


"Okay." she says, before getting off my lap and heading to the door.

As the door closed, my phone buzzed on my desk and I picked it up, seeing it was a response from a previous conversation.

Jazmin: (Okay, I'll order in. Should we do Chinese or Italian?)

Fernando: (You pick.)

I smirked at the message before powering off my phone, stuffing it in my pocket, and getting back to work.

I was at a Lenox Country Club, meeting with my mother for lunch, but first she was to directing a debutant meeting so I was headed towards the room where she was supposed to be in, when I suddenly I spotted a young woman pacing the floor outside the door.

"Excuse me." I spoke, and the girl jumped, startled by the sudden sound of my voice.

"I'm sorry. Are you heading in?" she asked shyly.

"I am, are you?" I smiled.

"I-I will. Eventually."

"Well, what's keeping you out here?" I ask.

"Nerves." she disclosed, putting a strand of hair behind her ear.

"What's your name?"

"Madison Doherty. But my friends call me Maddie."

"Well, Madison, there's nothing to be nervous about."

"I know I'm just not used to doing stuff like this. My parents forced me to." She confessed, and I smiled because I was in her place once.

"My parents did too." I informed her.

"You used to be a Deb...b-but you're so beautiful."

"Thank you... Actually, you see the lady in there welcoming all the girls. That's my mom." I told her and her mouth widened.

"She's going to be very strict, but I promise there's nothing to be nervous about. You'll learn a lot from her in one week, then in a lifetime." I assured her, and she smiled.

"That helps." She spoke.

"Would you say it helped you gain enough courage to go inside?" I furrowed my eyebrows, and she nodded.

"Right on. We can go in together." I said, opening the door. She went in ahead of me, and then I followed.

"Jazmin." My mom said, acknowledging me.

"Hello, mother." I greeted her.

"Who do we have here?" she spoke, averting her gaze to Madison.

"This is Madison Doherty. She's a new deb."

"Well, Ms. Doherty is late."

"I-Im so sorry."

"Actually, I had a talk with her in the hall, so that was my fault." I covered for her.

"I'll excuse it, but expect no more free passes from here on out." she expressed and Madison nodded her head.

"Okay, now please go sign in. Alicia will assign you to a table."

"Good luck." I told her, and she said a quiet 'thank you' before walking away.

"I know you covered for her, she was outside the door for fifteen minutes before you came." My mom said, folding her arms.

"She just needed a little pep talk. Most girls do." I shrugged.

"I taught you well. I only wish you could've been an official big sister." She smiled.

"Mom, I'm twenty-four, you don't think that is a bit childish." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Honey, age ain't nothing but a number." She said, fixing my hair, and I rolled my eyes.

"Keep telling yourself that. What time does this meeting end?" I asked, wanting to get out of here as soon as possible. I was starving.

"Twenty minutes." She answered, looking down at her watch, and I nodded.

"You should sit in." She suggested.

"No, I'll go perch by the pool."

"Nonsense, it'll be a good thing for the girls to see a previous deb sit in, it shows prizing sisterhood."

"Fine." I sighed.

I found myself a seat at an unoccupied table and my mother began the meeting, Midway through I realized how brutally boring it was, wondering how I could ever make it through this.

"Ladies, next week, we're gonna work on posture." my mom announced as she closes out the meeting.

"And, also, each individual makeup base, okay? I promise you, next week will be more fun," she assured the girls, and the young girls 'oohed' and 'ahhed' at the sound of that. I shook my head.

Eventually, the meeting ended, and everyone dispersed and my mom and I got us our table by the pool.

"You know, Mallory's daughter Jenny is getting married this fall, how wonderful is that..." My mom sat down at the table and began gossiping.

Meanwhile, I found myself distracted by a message I'd received from Fernando.

"Jazmin." I heard my name being called.

"Huh?" I said, powering off my phone.

"Sit up straight, will you, dear?" my mom told me.

"Sorry." I mumbled, pressing my back into the back post of the chair.

"What is wrong with you? What on your phone is more concerning than having lunch with your mother?"

"Nothing, I was just messaging one of my an associates."

"Well, text them later. Lunch is on me, so I expect your full, undivided attention." she ordered me.

"Mom, you realize I don't mind paying." I told her as I slipped my phone into my clutch.

"I know, but I insist. I just want to thank you again, for participating in the auction. We raised so much more money than we thought we would because of you." My mom spoke, causing me to smile big.

"You don't have to thank me. It was for a good cause, and my date also went really well."

"Did it really?"


"That's a first." she said, a hint of surprise in her voice.

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"Nothing." she shook her head rapidly, which only made me more curious.

"Has there been a second date?" she changed the subject, which I didn't mind, but I was still going to question her about her remark later.

"Possible." I told her, unsure if I wanted to disclose all the details just yet.

"Possible? Honey, it's either an yes or a no... the man spent five-hundred thousand on you. He must've come back for seconds."

"Gross moms. I'm not a piece of meat."

"Jazmin...don't pretend that it's unusual for you to hear people talk like that or refer to you as food." she rolled her eyes.

"What's that expression you kids have? You look like a snack." she cooed, and I cringed.

"Please refrain from saying that ever again, and enough about my love life. Can we change the subject?"

"Fine. Tell me your great news."

"A few days when I was at the office, I received a call fro—"

She interrupted me before I could finish my sentence.

"Oh, hold that thought, dear. I just sighted Gabriel Holden. I'm going to invite him over..."she spoke, and my eyes widened.

"Mom, No..." I said, but she was already wielding him over. Gabriel spotted her waving and walked over.

"Hello Ladies, how are you all doing this fine evening?" He greeted, towered over us as he stood by the table.

"Good." I responded curtly. I'm not the rude type, but I had a weird feeling I was being set-up by my mother.

"Excellent. Would you care to join us, Mr. Holden?" my mom offered.

"I wouldn't want to intrude." Gabriel insisted, placing his hand on his broad chest.

"No, it's fine. We insist." my mom suggested before signaling over a server, so he could set him up a place at the table.

"Thank you." He said to the server as he sat down.

"So what was the topic of discussion before I interrupted?"

"My daughter was just about to tell me some good news," she said, and he averted his gaze to me in term, making me blush like an idiot.

"Go on, dear," my mom encouraged me.

"Right." I mumbled before sitting upright.

"Well, I was offered a seat on a panel at one of Elitest upcoming events."

"That's great news, honey. I'm so happy for you." My mom cooed, clapping her hands.

"Yes, congratulations. This calls for a bottle of celebratory champagne. On me of course." Gabriel announces, calling over a server and putting in a request for their most expensive bottle of champagne.

"That's very generous of you." my mother told him and I nod my head in agreement, although I was initially against him joining us his presence was quickly becoming less unwarranted.

"You, know I was once apart of that and I can say first hand that's a major accomplishment." Gabriel announced.

"Really?" my mom asked.

"Yeah, at the start of my career," He nodded his head.

"You ladies know how it goes when you get a little momentum of your own and everybody snooping their nose in your business trying to find out any and everything little thing about you... well, the Executive for Elitest were one of those people, but their approach was most impeccable...the people there are some of the nicest people I have ever crossed path with in this business... looking back I can truly say it was a great stepping stone and an outstanding way to get my brand out there..." He explained.

"Wow...that's wonderful. Thank you for that." I told him.

"No problem... If you would like, I could give you some tips to help you prepare for the panel."

"Really? You would do that?"

"No, strings attached?" I raised my eyebrows and my mother kicked me under the table at my insinuation.

Gabriel chuckled, "Of course. I'm always willing to help a friend out."

"But we're not friends."

"Jazmin." My mom said in her warning voice.

"No, it's okay Mrs. Biltmore, she's right. Maybe we can become friends. Why don't you join me for dinner this Saturday?"

"I wouldn't want to pu—" I went to decline, but my mom interrupted me.

"She'd love too."


I was in the kitchen indulging in a nice big tub of ice cream when I heard a knock at the door. I sat the tub down on the counter and I went to open it.

"Hi," I said, a bit pitchier than usual. While I expected Fernando's arrival, I didn't expect him to show up this early, I was still in the middle of cleaning.

"Hola, angel," he greeted, and I exhaled.

"Why do you look so surprised?"

"I wasn't expecting you to arrive this early, but since you're here, welcome!" I opened the door wider for him to walk in.

"Sorry if it's a little messy, I started to clean up, but then I stopped for a quick snack, and you know how that goes..." I confessed, closing the door behind him.

Fernando chuckled.

"How was your day, beautiful?"

"Uneventful, I went to lunch with my mom and came straight home after. How was yours?" I asked.


"How can working at the club be boring? I'm sure you encounter all sorts of things."

"Not as much as you'd expect."

It seemed, just as we were walking away from the door, my buzzer was going off, indicating the delivery man was here.

"Delivery for Jazmine Biltmore." a voice spoke in the intercom.

"That's our food." I said, about turning around.

"I'll go grab it." Fernando offered.

"No, you get comfortable. I'll just be a few seconds." I told him. I slipped my feet into my house slippers and made my way out the door. I made it down to the lobby, tipped the delivery man and made it back upstairs in under ten minutes.

"What are you doing?" I ask him, as I sat the trays down on the counter.

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

He was by the sink, sleeves rolled up, hand dunked in water as he washed my dirty dishes.

"Washing my dishes, and you definitely shouldn't be doing do that!" I said, walking over to him.

"It's fine. You helped me clean mine, so I'm just returning the favor."

"I think we're remembering two separate nights because I hardly recall us being able to clean a single dish."

"Oh yeah, you're right, that was probably someone else," He joked.

"You're an asshole." I told him, dunking my hand in the luke warm water and splashing him.

"I'm just kidding."

"Don't joke like that." I rolled my eyes.

He continued washing the few plates that were in the sink.

"Seriously, you don't have to do that." I told him, grabbing his hand and stopping him from scrubbing.

"It's fine, I've got it."

"Okay, what's your deal? Are you like some kind of simp ?" I folded my arms across my chest.

"Simp? What is that?"

Every so often I forget he's like six years older than me.

"It's basically someone who does far too much for a girl or person they like."

"No, I'm not at all a simp. I just know how to cater to a woman.

"You don't have to cater to me. This is my house, and I am hosting, now go sit down while I grab us some plate."

"Fine." He said, agreeing to my demands, drying his hands before going to sit.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"What did you order?"

"Sushi." I answered, opening one container.

"Let's play a game while we eat..." I suggested, as I walked over to the table, placing our food down in front of our seats.

"You like games, don't you?" Fernando raised his eyebrow as I sat.

"Yes, I like them a lot."

"I'm very competitive, too." I smirked.

"What game did you have in mind?

"Two truths and a lie."

"Okay." He nods his head.

"You go first..." I told him, and he sighed, taking a moment to think before speaking.

"English is my family's second language. I grew up on a ranch. I always order my tacos without tomatoes."

"This is hard, but I will go with the growing up on a ranch, never took you as a farm boy."

"Mhm and you would be correct." He told me and I smiled. After a couple of rounds, the statements started to be more than just surface level comments.

"I lost my virginity at eighteen. Once I entertained somebody because he had good insurance. I've been with a girl before."

"You've never been with a girl."

"How do you know?"

"Leia tried to hit on you when you first met, she told me you freaked out."

"Of course. Leia and her big mouth." I shook my head.

"Why did you entertain a guy for insurance?" He asked, amused, and I grinned.

"I was in a dark place after a breakup. The dating pool wasn't so great either, and once I heard he had dental and vision, he became an option."

Fernando laughed.

"You know, it's all fun and games until you lose a tooth."

"Your something special." He smiled at me, making me blush.

Next it was his turn, and it was easy to predict the answer, at least I thought.

"Incorrect." he shook his head to my guess.

"You do not have a birthmark on your inner thigh."

"I in fact do."

"Yeah, and I have a tattoo on my right ass cheek..." I said sarcastically.

"I've seen your ass, amor, so I know firsthand that tattoo thing is false." He countered, confidently.

"You sure about that?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Very." he spoke, and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, but I've seen you naked as well, and I don't recall seeing a birthmark down there."

"How would you? You were too busy gawking at the size of my cock to notice." He replied, smugly.

"Shut up, I was not." I blushed.

"You were."

"Anyway." I cleared my throat.

"I want to see it."

"Certain, that's the only thing you want to see." He smirked and I nod.

"I don't know. I'm not sure whether you can handle it." Fernando teased.

"I handled you well before...didn't I?"


The words fell upon my ear like a challenge.

"Want to bet on it."

He chuckled, "You sure you want to do that?" He asked. I nodded my head, 'yes' in response, but that wasn't enough for him. "What do I get if I'm correct?" He said, looking into my eyes.

Without hesitation, I said, "Simple. I'm going to make you feel really good."

"Undo my pants." He smirked, and, taking orders from him, turned me on like crazy.

Dropping to my knees in front of him, I undid his belt, unzipped the front of his pants, and then pulled them down.

I curled my manicured fingers around the waistband of his briefs and dragged them down, revealing his huge cock inch by inch. When I got to the tip, his dick sprung out of them.

My eyes settled on the birthmark on his inner thigh. I glanced up at him. He said nothing, just leaned back and watched, waiting for my next move.

I took his full length in both of my small hands and caressed it softly. I then placed my mouth over the head, causing him to grunt, and I tasted his salty, but sweet, pre-cum. It oozed into my cheek as I massage his balls with one of my palms and used the other one to stroke.

I started easing my lip over his thick shaft, taking as much as I could. It wasn't half his length, but I'm sure with practice, I could fit the whole thing. I heard him moan, and I peered up at him, only for him to already be looking at me.

"That's right, keep those pretty eyes on me."

I swirled my tongue around the tip while working my mouth up and down his dick like a pro. I was getting in the groove of it when suddenly he thrust into my mouth and I gagged, pulling away for air.

"Put it back in your mouth." He ordered. I swallowed hard, unable to pull my gaze away from him as I took him in my mouth, again.

"I'm going to have to teach you how to take dick down your throat." He grabbed a fist full of my hair, forcing his entire length down my throat.

I felt my eyes water, the corners of my mouth being stretched to its limit.

He used my head to get his pace, using my throat for pleasure, barely letting me up for air.

When he released me, I gasped, taking in a deep breath of air.

"You had enough yet?" He asked, eye dancing across my face. I rested my hands on his thighs and shook my head no.

"Good girl." He said, pulling my hair back into a ponytail.

"I'm going to fuck you so good once I come. You won't be able to walk tomorrow."

"Okay. "I whispered.

I knew I needed to make a good impression, so I pulled out all my best tricks, but first I had to get something off my chest.

"You don't play fair." I told him.

"Never said I did." He smirked, his grip on my hair tightened, and he thrust his hips so that he was now fucking my face. I felt his hot semen shoot into my mouth and I swallowed every last drop of it.

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