Best Mistake

By allhailqueendani

17.4K 371 47

"Love has this aura of being beautiful. Passion. Precious... But in reality, sometimes it hinders you. Confus... More

Chapter One: City of Angels
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three.
Character List
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six.
Chapter Thirty-Seven.
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One.
Chapter Forty-Two

Chapter Two

908 15 0
By allhailqueendani

Just a heart broke bitch, high heels, six inch
In the back of the nightclub, sippin' champagne
I don't trust any of these bitches I'm with
In the back of the taxi, sniffin' cocaine
Drunk calls, drunk texts, drunk tears, drunk sex
I was lookin' for a man who was on the same page
Now it's back to the intro, back to the bar
To the Bentley, to the hotel, to my old ways

RAYE- Escapism

After spending two hours getting dressed, singing in the mirror and doing my makeup, I was ready. I stood in my mirror, looking at myself. I wore a brown mini dress with a deep slit on the side and had one sleeve . The ensemble was sexy, fun, and flattering. I thought I looked gorgeous.

"Damn, I look great." I hyped myself up while dancing to the chorus of the song playing on my phone.

My samba came to a halt as my phone rang. I went over to my bed to grab it, expecting it to be Santos, but it was an unknown number calling.

I wouldn't answer, but my gut told me to. "Hello." I answered, skeptical.

"Hello!" the caller responded, but it resounded muffled, so I couldn't tell who it was.

"Uhh, hello?!" I tried again.

"Jazz! "This time the person on the other end sounded familiar.

"Ashley?" I asked, confused why she was calling me.

Ashley Johnson was the bestest best friend I could ever have. We met in grade school, and we've been stuck together like glue ever since. We tell each other everything, so it's no surprise that we know more about each other's lives better than the others.


"Ashley, why are you calling from an foreign Caller ID?"

"Huh?" she said.

"Your contact is saying 'Unknown Caller'!" I told her.

"I don't know why, gosh, I swear my phone has been acting crazy. I need to call my phone service and find out what's going on."

"Yeah, you do that." I chuckled.

"So, why are you calling?" I asked.

"I wanted to see what you were doing."

"I'm getting dressed to go out on a date." I beamed.

"Really? With whom?"


"Ohhh, good for you!" she said into the phone.

"Show me what you're wearing."

"Alright, I'll send you a picture."


"Hold on..." I told her, while putting the phone on speaker.

I started walking to my bedroom, I went over to the mirror, and taking full-body pictures. After I was done, I selected the top five I thought were cute, before sending them.

"Geez! Girl, you look hot, I would tap that if I were a guy." she compliments, making me laugh.

"Thank you. I like to think that I do a little something." I said, proudly. My skills were unmatched.

"Alright, I see you're all dolled up, but do you have any idea of where he's taking you?"

"I don't know."

"Sounds fun," she said, sarcastically.

"Will you tell me how your date went afterward?"

"Later? You know, I don't kiss and tell...."


"I'm just kidding, you'll be the first person I tell, promise." I told her, as if she wasn't my only friend.

We spoke for a little while longer until it was time for her to get back to work. It horrified me when I found out she snuck off to call me.

After ending the call, I was happy as fuck and ready to turn up. I went over to my fridge and pulled out my bottle of tequila, I put the glass to my mouth and guzzled it. I drank until I couldn't take the burning in my throat anymore.

Suddenly, my music stopped playing because I was getting a call. This time I was pretty-sure it was Santos. I sauntered over to where my phone was.

"Hello" I said, answering the phone.

"Hola, beautiful..." I blushed at his words.

"How was the rest of your day?" he asked.

"It was okay. You know how it is, new clients, more work!" I joked.

"How was yours?"


"That's good." I hummed.

"So, where are you?" I sought, hearing the heavy wind blowing in the background. He was still driving. , it was almost fifteen minutes past nine, and he was supposed to be here already.

"That's what I'm was calling you for. There's so much traffic coming in to the city. It'll take me at least forty-five minutes to get to you."

"And?" I questioned.

"Would you mind driving yourself, and I meet you there?"

I thought about it for a second, my intrusive thoughts were telling me to just cancel because what kind of guy doesn't pick up his date? ;but part of me was saying just go out and have fun.

"Sire, how long before you think you'll be there?"

"Whenever I get off the freeway, I'll call and let you know."

"Send me the address," I told him.

"Okay, bye,"

"Adios." He said, as I was taking my phone off my ear and hanging up.

I walked over to my dresser and sprayed some of my Chanel no.9 perfume on before grabbing my hourglass handbag and strutting out of my room. I shut off all the lights around my apartment. And blew out the scented candle that was making my condo smell so good before walking out the door. Locking it behind me.

I went outside to the parking area, where there were more than several automobiles filling up the lot, mines being one of them. I used the key fob to unlock my door. My car was small but perfect for me, although I always have a fascination with bigger cars, which is why I intended to buy me a truck in the future.

I hopped in the car and started it up. I speed off to the destination using the GPS, careful not to take the freeway because it was heavy traffic.

Pulling up at a club named "Phoenix", I could see the parking lot was already packed. I found whatever was open and stepped out of the vehicle and made sure I locked my doors before I proceeded.

I could already tell the place was hot from here. I heard loud music and countless people yelling.

I walked up through the parking lot, past a group of men, there were trying to get all up in my personal space. But I just kept walking. Annoying, I thought.

"Damn little lady, you're looking good tonight!" the dude with some crooked teeth shouted. I will never understand why men like feel like they have a chance with me. I just laughed and kept it moving.

There was a line outside, so I had no choice but to wait and listen to misogynistic opinions about women, before I made it to the front entrance.

After the bouncer checked my ID, I continued up the steps through the door.

Upon entering, I looked around. The place was indeed crowded. I do a little spin, stunned at the remarkable club. But it was better than most places I had been to. There was a dance floor with a DJ booth and plenty of lights. There was also an enormous bar with a massive variety of liquor.

A few people brushed past me, which I ignored as I glanced down at my feet. I just knew I would not be able to stand for a long time. I curse myself, 'designer shoes are never comfortable'. I needed to find somewhere to sit.

I looked around again and spotted an empty seat at the bar. It was the best place to be until Santos came. Besides, I needed a drink.

I made my way over to the bar and sat down. I grabbed my phone and checked the time: 10:03. I shot Ashley a brief message telling her I arrived.

She texted back, 'Was I having fun?' I was about to respond when a hand tapped the counter in front of me, grabbing my attention, and I peered up. There was the bartender waiting for me.

"Can I get you something?" and for a second, I stood still because he mesmerized me. He looked like someone that shouldn't be working behind a bar.

"Ma'am?" he said.

"Uhh, a vodka cranberry"


"That'll be twelve dollars and thirty-five cents."

Once he gave me my total, I scavenged through my purse for my wallet, then pulled out my credit card, and slid it across the bar to him.

He swiped my card on the reader, then went to make my drink, I watched as he poured one to two ounces of vodka, which was followed by cranberry juice, he placed a lime wedge on the edge of the glass and then dropped a straw in before passing it to me.

I thanked him and I thought about how fast he could make it while I took a sip from the straw.

My phone buzzed, and I checked to see who it was, and it was Ashley again.

'How's it going?' I read the message. I inhaled because I didn't know how to respond. I did not know where Santos was. He invited me out and hasn't shown up or even bother to text or call. I didn't know rather to be worried or angry.

"Can I see you another?" the bartender asked, leaned against the bar.

"Uhh yeah."

I pulled out my phone to text Ashley back and inform her about Santos bailing on me. When I felt a presence, I looked over and there was a woman seated on the barstool beside me. I didn't stare at her for long, so I didn't get a proper peek at her face. But I noticed her sandy brown hair that you could tell were extensions, and her tanned skin. I decided to just mind my business and went back to my phone when I heard her say.

"Hi," I snapped my head up and gaze over to the woman, getting a solid look at her as she scooted her barstool closer to me.

"What are you drinking?" she called for.

I glanced over my shoulder to see who she was talking to because it wasn't me. Why would she come chat with me, out of all these people here?

"Are you chatting to me?" I asked, giving a soft smile.

"Umm, well, who else would I be chatting to, querida." She said, with a very thick Spanish accent?

"You're the only other person right here."

"I... uhm...right." I raised an eyebrow.

She was smiling at me a bit too sweetly. What was going on?

"Vodka Cranberry!" she glanced at my glass.

"Is it good?"

"I guess it's my second one tonight, but I'm sure the more I drink, the less likely I'll care what it tastes like."

"True. Do you often drink?" she asked as a follow-up question. 'The fuck is this twenty-one questions? I thought.

"Occasionally." I answered.

She sat her empty cup down and the bartender came over and replaced it almost immediately. Who is she?

"What's your name?" I just had to ask. She looked very familiar, and she must recognize me from somewhere because why would she approach a stranger?

"A'Leia Rivera." she introduced,

"But I prefer to be called Leia." she added.


"Jazmin Biltmore."

"Jazmin Biltmore." she repeated

"I like how that sounds. It's very sophisticated."

"It can be a mouthful sometimes."

A lot of people pronounce my name wrong, and it was very rare for people to spell it correctly, too.

"It's not. It's a beautiful name."

"Thank you, my mother gave it to me" I told her and she laughed.

"Your funny, I admire that."  She likes that, what is that even supposed to mean? Was she hitting on me?

Glancing down at the time on my phone 11:15, I gulped. It was growing late. I should be leaving.

"Bartender, can I get my bill?"

The barkeep looked over at us. "Just add her to my tab and bring us two more." Leia said, pointing to my vodka cranberry, he nods before going back to work.

"You don't have to do that." I told her.

"Do what?"

"Pay for my drink" I explained.

"I have money."

"It's no biggie." she insisted, placing her hand on my arm to keep me seated.

"It's fine. My brother owns the club, and I was going to buy you a a refreshment anyway." When the bartender slid the drinks toward her, she thanked him.

"You've been here all night. Alone?" she asked.

"Yeah, I....uhh..." I sipped my drink. "I had a date, but he bailed on me."

"He left you at a crowded club alone? Doesn't sound like a winner."

"He's not." I said, omitting that part where I had only been seeing him because he was a decent guy who spoiled me with gifts.

"But he takes care of me...sometimes."

"Sweetheart." she murmured, inching closer and leaning against the bar. Tequila lingered on her breath, her eyes hazy as if she had a bit too much to drink tonight.

If her brother truly were the owner, they wouldn't cut her off, so it didn't matter. She brushed her fingers against my forearm. "If he cared about you, he'd be here. Not leave you in a place where strangers like me could come hit on you."

Almost immediately I realized what she said, I widened my eyes and stiffened. She noticed and burst into a fit of laughter.

"I'm just kidding, girl."

"I mean, you are very attractive, but I've never been into women."

I exhaled.

"Me either." I replied, shaking my head.

"I could tell by your reaction." she chuckled

"Actually, I'm engaged to be married." she spoke waving her hand. On her ring finger was this massive diamond ring.

"That's gorgeous." I compliment.

"Thank you!" she cooed, holding it out in front of her face.

"My fiancée's over there!" she added, pointing to a man across the bar. It was a little dark, so I couldn't make out his face, but I could see he was in a deep conversation with some other dude.

"Want to meet him?" she asked. I thought it was pretty odd that she wanted to introduce me to her partner, being that we barely knew each other "Barely. '' being an understatement. 

"I'm okay. I don't wish to lose my seat." I declined. She nodded.


"Funny story. He was the one who told me to come over and talk to you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Really? Why?"

"He insisted I make new acquaintances outside my..." she glanced over at him. "... Family."

"He thinks I'm too comfortable within my circle and I should get out more."

"What about you? Do you have friends?" she sought.

"Only one, and I've known her for years, so she doesn't count."

"Why don't you have any other friends? Are you like the messy type? "She asked.

"No, I just never tried to make any. I prefer keeping my life simple and my circle small. All I do is work and go home."

"God, you sound just like my brother. I could never. I always have to be doing something, even if that means I have to take a vacation or two just to spice up my existence."

"Don't you work?" I asked, and she looked down at her hands before replying.

"Yeah, I'm a painter."

"What do you do?!" she asked.

"I'm an event planner."

"What a coincidence! An artist and an event planner, we could make some magic."

"Sure could." I chuckled.

"We should exchange number, I'll call you whenever I need something planned or if you prefer to hang." she suggested. I would rather not decline she had been very nice, and seemed to have good intentions.

"That would be nice." I smiled.

"Here give me your phone." she insisted. I unlocked my phone and placed it in her palm.

She typed her digits in and gave it back.

"Here..." she said, handing me her phone, and I put my phone number in, putting my name as.... Jazmin (bar friend) 💛 then passed her phone back, "Look up for me." she spoke, and I glanced at her. Next thing I know a camera flashed in my face, nearly blinding me.

"Cute." she gushed, staring at the photo.

"Warning next time." I blinked, regaining my sight.

"Sorry, I needed a face to match the contact." she said, before slipping her phone in her clutch.

"Anyway... thank you for the drinks, but I should really get home." I spoke, grabbing my purse off the bar. It was becoming later and later, I had to get up at dawn, which means the later I stayed here, the less time I would get to sleep off the alcohol I had in my system.

"Aww, don't go. We're just having fun," she pleaded.

"I have an early morning tomorrow." I insisted. She sighed.

"Okay, well, I can have my guard escort you to your car." before I could object, she started calling for this massive guy.

"That's unnecessary."

"Nonsense, it's for your safety. I'll rather have him show you out than you walk alone. It can get dangerous around here at night"!

I bit my lip. She was right. I was a little tipsy, and it would be much safer if I had an escort.

"Okay, fine." she cheered and hopped out of her seat and instructed the guard to bring me to my car. He responded with a head nod, before walking over to me and waiting for me to lead him out.

"It was such a pleasure meeting you," I told Leia, putting my hand out for her to shake it. She didn't but replieed. "Pleasures all mine" before opening her arms and hugging me. It was awkward because I didn't know her, but it wasn't bad.

"Okay." I declared, pulling away and walked distantly when she shouted "Bye!" I waved, embarrassed but continued to walk. She was an odd girl, friendly but odd.

On my way out the door, I glanced behind me just as Leia was approaching her fiancé. 'Well at least she wasn't lying, I thought.

This time around, there weren't any guys blocking the way into the club. Instead, it was surprisingly empty. I'm guessing everyone had made their way inside now.

"Where is your car?" the guard spoke in the same accent as Leia.

"Not far, it's just over there" I responded, pointing directly where I was parked at.

From then on, he didn't speak again, and I didn't start a conversation with him either. He followed quietly behind me and if I didn't keep reminding myself he was there, I would have forgot.

"This is me!" I exclaimed, grabbing my keys out my clutch. I thought he would say something, but he didn't I just shrugged my shoulders and unlocked my doors.

"Have a great night."

Again. No Response!

I got in my vehicle and glanced in my review mirror to discover if he was still there, which he was. I started up the car, checked again, and I could see he'd move. He disappeared fast, I thought, but not too hard on it. I buckled up and pulled out of the parking lot, making my way to the nearest exit. Honestly, I was glad to be going home. I couldn't wait to get into my California king because today was CHAOTIC.

Author Note: Next Chapter introduces male lead🤔🥳

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