Pokemon Trainer of the Strawh...

By chu1luc

266K 8.1K 2.5K

What if a Pokémon Trainer found herself in the world of One Piece? What if she found herself with the Strawha... More

Chapter 1
Usopp Interview
One Piece Op sequence
Meeting Apis! Journey to Warship Island!
The Sea King Nest!
Warship Island and a Great Encounter!
Eric the Mercenary
Location of Lost Island
The Return of Lost Island
The Final Battle! Yukiko's Rage!
Finally! Entering the Grand Line!
Setting foot on Whiskey Peak
Deliver Princess Vivi!
Walk the Dinosaur! And there are Giants too...
Defending the Honor of Giants
Nami's Sick?! Search for a doctor!
A Sick Country
A Little Reindeer
Vs Wapol!
Finally! Alabasta at Last!
Meeting Ace pt 1
Meeting Ace pt 2
Travel Across the Desert pt 1
Travel Across the Desert pt 2
Rain Dinners and Crocodile
The Rain Returns
Pirate Party! News Spreads!
Nico Robin
The Rainbow Mist
Dead End Adventure
Falling ships
Bellamy and Cricket
Playlist for Luffy x Yukiko
200 Million Power Couple
Up the Knock-Up Stream!
A Predicament
To End a 400 Year War
Prelude to Water 7
Arriving at Water 7
Bad News
End of Enies Lobby
Meeting Garp
A Crew worth over a Billion!
News Around the World
A strange pirate crew
The Don Accino Family
Ghost Ship
Dead Bones Brook
Thriller Bark
New Powers and News
Oz: Enemy or Ally?
Yukiko's Devil Fruit
Special Chapter! Enter Toriko! pt 1
Special Chapter! Enter Toriko! pt 2
Spa Island Filler
The Red Line and....A Mermaid?!
Two Sanjis?!
Sanji vs. Duval
Sabaody Archipelago pt 1
Sabaody Archipelago pt2
Sabaody Archipelago pt 3
Chaos at the Auction House
Chaos at the Auction House pt 2
Prepare for War
War of the Best! Return of the True Gods! pt 1
War of the Best! The Return of the True Gods! pt 2
SBS for Yukiko
A message
2 Years Later
Escape beneath the ocean
Under the Sea pt 1
Under the Sea pt 2
Under the Sea pt 3
Yukiko's 2 year skip look
Fish-Man Island
Found Out
Unexpected Encounter
To Stand Up
Vs. New Fishman Pirates
Climax! Saving Fishman Island
Pirate Halloween in Twisted Wonderland
Toriko/One Piece Episode 2
Toriko/One Piece Episode 2 part 2
A Sea of Fire?!
Punk Hazard
Dr. Heart Stealer
Alliance and an old friend!
God Au! Part 1
God Au! part 2
Side stories 1
The Plan
Xiaolin Showdown Crossover pt 1
Xiaolin Showdown Crossover p2
Xiaolin Showdown Crossover pt3
To Dressrosa
The Birdcage
Bloody Games
Gear 4
Onward To Zou
Zou is an Elephant?
Enter Totto Land
Seducing Woods, Mirrors, and Biscuits
Katakuri pt 1
Katakuri pt 2
Escape from Totto Land
Entering Wano
Encounters in Wano
The Plan
Life in Onigashima
Ever After High X-Over pt 1
Ever After High pt 2
Ever After High pt 3
Ever After High pt 4
Ever After High pt 5
Page One and Ulti
Before the Raid
Valentine's Special
Nika and Kazuya pt 1
Nika and Kazuya pt 2
A New Age for Wano
One Piece x BNHA pt 1
One Piece x BNHA pt 2
One Piece x BNHA pt 3: Zoro
One Piece x BNHA pt 4: Nami
One Piece x BNHA pt 5: Usopp
One Piece x BNHA pt 6: Sanji
One Piece x BNHA pt 7: Chopper
One Piece x BNHA pt 8: Robin
One Piece x BNHA pt 9: Franky
One Piece x BNHA pt 10: Brook
One Piece x BNHA pt 11: Jinbei
One Piece x BNHA pt 12: Bonney
One Piece x BNHA pt 13: Ace and Alina
One Piece x BNHA pt 15: Luffy and Yukiko
One Piece x BNHA pt 16
One Piece x BNHA part 17
One Piece x BNHA part 18
One Piece x BNHA part 19
One Piece x BNHA part 20
One Piece x BNHA pt 21
Extra: Gear 5 silliness
Extra: Tamato Berry Victims!
Departing from Wano
One Piece x BNHA pt 22
One Piece x BNHA pt 23
One Piece x BNHA pt 24
One Piece x BNHA pt 25
One Piece x Hazbin/Hellava
One Piece x Hellava/Hazbin pt 2
One Piece x Hazbin/Hellava pt 3
One Piece Epilogue pt 1
One Piece Epilouge pt 2
One Piece Epilogue pt 3
Happy Birthday Luffy!!!!
One Piece Epilogue pt 4
One Piece Epilogue pt 5
Voting Announcement!
One Piece x Hazbin/Helluva Xover pt 4
Honeymoon: Day 1, Day 2
Honeymoon Day 3 and 4
Honeymoon Day 5 and 6
Honeymoon Last Day: ⚠️ 🥵
One Piece: A little visit
One Piece Suspicious
Gear 5 Shenanigans pt 2
Yukiko's Wrath and Rashta's Trial
Toriko x One Piece x DragonBall
One Piece x BNHA pt 26
One Piece: Finally!!
One Piece x Helluva Boss pt 5

To the Summit of Lost Island

2.2K 58 9
By chu1luc

Currently, the Going Merry was on its way to the Lost Island in a fog.

"Lost Island is at the end of this great ocean!" Luffy said to himself in excitement.

"This world is really amazing." Yukiko said.

Luffy turned around. "Oh! Yukiko, Pachi." He greeted as she made herself comfortable on one of the sheep's horns and Pachi decided to jump onto Luffy's head.

"Huh. Pachi never usually rides on anyone but me, or my family." Yukiko smiled.

"Don't you have dragons in your world?" He asked her.

"All kinds actually. In fact there are even Legendary Dragons that control the weather, govern space and time, there's even a trio of ancient dragons that maintain the balance of good and evil in secret. One came from space itself and another protects the ecosystem of the world. And recently, they learned of the existence of two legendary dragons said to be the envoys of the ancient past and the distant future." Yukiko told him making him excited.

"Wow! You also said you're world is home to lots of Pokémon, what about the people there?"

"We actually have a pretty small population compared to this one. About a million people give or take a few hundred. Much of our world is still inhabited by numerous Pokémon and so the land is a mix of grasslands, deserts, lakes, swamps, forests, tropical jungles, oceans, rivers, mountains, glaciers, seas, caves, volcanic areas, and there is even an electromagnetic cave where lightning Sparks around and runs still undiscovered in the ocean." She told him smiling.

Luffy seemed to digest what she said and smiled. "Sounds like an exciting world."

"It can be dangerous but you get an understanding of Pokémon you cant get from a book. Thats why they allow trainers to go on these journeys." She said moving a piece of her hair that had blown in to her face out of the way. "This is a really good place to watch the sea."

"It's my special seat."

"Should I move then?" Yukiko said starting to jump off the horn.

"It's fine." Luffy waved at her to sit back down. They stayed like that for a little while before Luffy looked up.
Nami and Usopp both noticed Yukiko and Luffy interacting with each other.

"Ya know, since Yukiko joined up with us, she's been doing a good job of keeping Luffy occupied." Usopp said.

"Yeah, it's nice she's keeping him from bugging us." Nami nodded.

"Not that. Earlier at breakfast, he I noticed that he was occupied with her and Sanji interacting. It's a little bit, but I really think he was jealous." Usopp clarified.

Nami paused at this.

"I wonder who will confess if they do get interested." Nami said.

"I bet Luffy. He wears his heart on his sleeve." Usopp said.

"Then I'll bet on Yukiko." Nami nodded.

"Hey!" He called to Nami and Usopp, who were up in the crows nest.

"You guys! See anything?!" Luffy asked.

"Nope, nothing!" Usopp shouted down.

"I see"

"It wouldn't be called Lost Island if it were this easy to find." Yukiko said to Luffy.

"Your right." Luffy agreed shouted up. "Keep looking guys!"

"That's what we're doing." Nami grumbled.

"Man, we've come along way, but there's still no sign of an Island at all... Are we sure about this?" Usopp asked.

"We'll find it, defiantly!" Yukiko said.

At that cue, Blaise and Hielias returned. And spoke making Apis smile.

"They said they found an Island not too far from here. They said it looks deserted but it has ancient markings there!" She said. Then they said something else.
"No wonder! It's surrounded by a fierce storm! It could be why no one found the island."

The Going Merry was eventually docked at the sinking island. "Whoa! Check it out doesn't that look like a dragon?!" Usopp exclaimed pointing to some ruins half submerged in the sea.

"Wow! Dragons sure are skillful!" Luffy said in awe.

"You idiot! It was obviously humans who made these buildings!" Sanji barked.

"Why would you even think a dragon could do this. They don't even have hands!" Zoro bluntly said.

"Dragons in my world does." Yukiko smiled.

"Yours just defies logic!" Usopp yelled.

"We made it to Lost Island!" Luffy exclaimed.

However, Yukiko had a feeling. This island had signs of civilisation meaning the island was inhabited by humans not dragons.

They all got off the ship. Zoro and Mewtwo bringing the Ryu mobile on to dry land. "But does anyone even live here any more?" Sanji wondered out loud.

"Hey!" Apis exclaimed. "Grandpa Ryu! I'm talking to you, Grandpa Ryu! Sheesh! We're at the dragons nest island now! Come on, wake up!" She ordered.

Ryu opened his half lidded eyes and realised then again. "What did he say?" Luffy asked.

"He says he's not sure... He says this might not be Lost Island..."

"You can't be serious!" Zoro said shocked.

"We went all the way through that stormy sea just to get here! Usopp complained.

"Before we start making hasty decisions, let's look around the island since we're already here." Yukiko said as Blaise came back from locating a mountain.

"There's defiantly something on this island." She stated firmly. "Blaise said he found something here that could lead us to the real Lost Island."

"Apis, look at the top there!" Luffy pointed to the highest point of the island. "We could look down at the whole island from up there!"

"Yukiko is right! Getting frustrated won't get us anywhere. We should check it out." Nami sighed.

"-Let's go have a look!"

"-Okay!" Apis replied.

"Alright let's go!"

Slowly the group of seven plus one dragon tracked up the zigzagging path that led them up to the top of the island.

"Stupid Nami makes the men do all the work..." Usopp complained as he pushed the cart. "It's like, 'Try pushing it yourself!' " He mumbled to himself.

They were now off the woodland dirt paths and onto the man made roads, getting closer and closer to the summit of the island. They came upon an area that had aged and crumbled houses on their way up and stopped in order to look at what bother time and people forgot.

"It's a city..." Nami said as they started to move once more.

"Wow! Everything is broken everywhere!" Luffy said. Looking around and the crumbling buildings that had been reclaimed by nature, no one had lived here in a long time. "Did people really used to live here?"

"Obviously, given all those houses." Zoro told him.

"Then why's there no one here now?" Usopp asked.

"Famine, disease, attacked by someone. There are lots of possibilities as to why there are no people here now. Maybe they left to find a new island? I don't know." Yukiko stated. "But it looks like it may have happened over one hundred years ago."

"One hundred!" Luffy and Usopp exclaimed.

"Yeah, an Island that's until just recently had people living on it doesn't look like this after just a year or so." Nami agreed.

Yukiko noticed Apis crouching down and looking at something. "What have you doing Apis?"

Apis held up some kind of children's toys on it was a green dragon. "The Millennial Dragons mark... Did the Millennial Dragons play with children on this island?"

Yukiko remembered the times she played with Drampa Pokémon with other kids on Alola when she was young and smiled. "Its possible."

Three small green birds that looked like mini versions of Grandpa Ryu circled over their heads. "Hey! Are you guys friends of the Millennial Dragon too?" Asked Apis.

"Come on, Apis. Don't get left behind!" Nami called to them.

"Coming!" She shouted back holding out her hand for Apis to take- which she did and they both followed after the others.

"Guess what?!" Apis exclaimed almost bouncing in excitement. "These birds told me something! They said there's a building on the summit with a dragon mark!"

"For reals?!" Usopp said.

"It might be the Dragons Nest!" Apis let go of Yukiko's hand to run ahead.

When they got to the summit of the mountain it wasn't a dragon nest that awaited them but large stone doors that had drawings of dragons on them.

"Ready go!" Luffy said as the men pushed the cart up the final step. They fell to the ground exhausted. "We finally made it!"

"What a view!" Sanji exclaimed still having energy to spare.

"Good work everyone." Yukiko praised, giving them a blinding smile, causing the current male population bar Luffy because he's an idiot- to blush.

But he felt a little funny. Was he hungry? Ah no time right now!

"Yep! Good work!" Nami praised. She didn't get the same effect.

"This painting is of the Millennial Dragon, right?" Zoro said pointing at the door. It was all in tact apart from a small piece of the claw that was missing from the dragon painting on the right.

"Yeah, it is." Luffy said.

"This building is the dragons nest?" Sanji said his tone skeptical.

The building look like it could just about fit one dragon, there was no way it was the nest of hundreds of giant dragons. It just wasn't possible.

"It's right in front of us, I think?" Nami said.

"Well then how do we get in?" Zoro continued.

"There's no handle or keyhole anywhere!" Nami exclaimed.

"There's got to be some somewhere?" Usopp said looking around the door trying to see if anything was hidden or something.

Apis walked up to the door drawing everyone's attention clutching at the pendant around her neck. "Apis! That pendant... you don't mean..."

Yukiko continued when Nami stopped. "-It's actually a key that opens the door to the dragons nest?"

Apis looked each of them in the eye and nodded. She turned back around and everyone waited with bated breaths as she reached up to put the claw into the hole. "Huh?" Apis turned around her eyes glassy with tears and her cheeks flushed. "I can't reach." She cried.

Luffy laughed.

"-You're so little, Apis!"

"-So what!" Apis snapped back.

Luffy plucked the pendant from Apis's fingers. "Alright! Leave it to me." He walked over to slot the pendant into the hole when the Earth beneath their feet started to shake. The ground caved in and they all stated to fall.

"The islands sinking! The islands sinking! I told you it was a bad idea, but you don't listen!" Usopp wailed.

But Yukiko acted quickly and got Mewtwo to levitate them.


"Who was it that said something about a key?" Sanji asked getting to his feet and relighting a cigarette.

Apis laughed awkwardly.

"Here!" Luffy said giving Apis her pendant back.

"Well, in any case, we're inside now." Sanji said.

Apis gave him the thumbs up. "It worked out!"

"what is this place?" Zoro asked.

"Yeah...what is it?" Luffy echoed.

"Hey, I think I found something. It looks like a mural." Yukiko said making everyone look up.

"What is that?" Apis said as the crew spotted it too. This was it! This was what they needed to see, they'd found it at the heart of the island. The map to Lost Island...!

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