To Let it All go Down in Flam...

By wolf-seeker1960

3.2K 139 38

Not edited/ lots of mistakes "There were no voices in my head yelling at me for what I was doing. There was... More

The day My world fell apart (Reg Pov)
The Resurgence of Padfoot (James Pov)
Shadows of Loyalty (Reg Pov)
A Glimpse of Kindness (James Pov)
Of Quirky Conversations and Unexpected Bonds (Reggie Pov)
Shattered Illusions (Prongs Pov)
Dueling, Discoveries, and Forbidden Feelings(Reggie pov)
Melodies in the Night (James Pov)
Freedom in the Sky (Reggie Pov)
Fading Laughter (Prongs pov)
In-Between Moments Like No Other (reg pov)
The Flame That Burns Bright in the Rain (james pov)
Reviled Mistakes (sirius pov)
Heartbeat's Hidden Truth (reg pov)
Melting Walls Crumble (james pov)
In the Shadows of Doubt (reg pov)
A welcome distraction (james pov)
Stepping into the Serpent's Den (reg pov)
Almost Alone Wolf (remus pov)
A New Era (james pov)
Between Stars and Shadows (reg pov)
How to say goodbye for the last time. (prongs pov)
Fuck a New Life (lilly pov)
Blood, a bond like no other (siri pov)
Bound by Quidditch, Embraced by Stars (reg pov)
The beautiful girl in the book shop (Lilly Pov)
Words I didn't think I would ever say (Lilly Pov again)
A Promise in Silver (James pov)
I'm sorry (pandora pov)
Summertime sadness part one
Summertime Sadness part two
Whispers of War (james pov)
A Flower and a Smile (sirius pov)
What do you do when everything falls apart? (reg pov)
Don't go, don't leave (pandora pov)
Wash away the blood (reg pov)
But they'll Clip Your Wings (james pov)
Beneath the Willow Tree (James pov)
Daylight (multi pov)

Vanilla chapstick (lilly pov)

40 3 0
By wolf-seeker1960

The music was far too loud, but I didn't mind, it was like it shut up all the bull shit thoughts running through my head concerning one Ravenclaw that I couldn't get off my mind rectally. But she was so beautiful in her butterfly dress, she was in the middle of the dance floor, her hair swaying as she turned and danced to the music, she laughed and smiled at all those around her lighting up the room.

Acrost from her James and Regulus were slowly dancing in the corner isolated from everyone else. They were both grinning like a maniac, but they were happy for once they seemed at peace after so long apart. They were made for each other I was sure of that now more than ever. They understood when the other didn't like something and needed a break, but they also knew when the other was having a good time, then they found a balance in each other.

Remus snuck off when the party began picking up, he often complained about the smells and oud noises not to forget all the stupid drunk people snogging every whare.' his words not mine. Sirius disappeared when I told him Remus had and I hoped he wasn't going to get punched again. Though it would be very funny.

Barty Crouch and Evan Rosier took over drinks and music making the atmosphere not like any other Gryffindor party had before. No one was talking, no one wanted to. They screamed the lyrics to the songs, drank heavily and for once no one give a fuck. Who would think Slytherin would be teaching Gryffindor something, who would think they Slytherin would know how to loosen up better than Gryffindor.

Mary and marline were dancing very close with Dorcas Medows in a very not straight way. Mary though after some time ran off as well but I had no idea where she went and for once I didn't care.

But even through all of this I still couldn't keep my eyes of pandora.

She was beautiful no that wasn't fitting, she was more than beautiful, she was magical. Her light blue eyes, and blond hair, the dimples, the way she did her make-up, her quirky dance moves, her smile. She was magic. And I stood there mesmerized by the magical girl. I felt a familiar hand grasp my shoulder making me spin around.

Remus was grinning at me I asked socked by his appearance "what are you doing here?" I exclaimed delightfully. He only laughed responding "trying to get away from Sirius."

"Be careful you're starting to sound fond of him." I shot back taking a sip of my butterbeer.

"I gave him a black eye yesterday."

I shrugged "fair." We sat in silence for a while after that each of us scanning the sense of the party. The music changed to black sabbath, and I could help but smile and Remus's disgust at the choice of song.

Remus leaned over after a while and whipped in a voice just quote enough to where I could hear him over the base of the music "you should go for her you know." he said smirking at me.

"What?" I blinked back in shock.


I flushed embarrassed, I stared into my nearing empty butterbeer bottle and asked, "is it that obvious I broke up with Mary?"

"You broke up with Mary?"

"You were going to tell me to go after pandora even if I was still with Mary."

"Lills" he sighed shaking his head. He gestured to the Ravenclaw on the dance floor carrying on "the way you look at her is nothing like you ever looked at Mary. You were never really happy with Mars, were you?" I could feel a blush creeping up on my face as Remus laughed again, then I noticed the drink in his hand explaining a lot. "Go get your girl be happy have adventures and do shit, or whatever it is you want."

"Thanks rem."

He laughed seeming in an oddly good moon even for tipsy Remus "go." he insisted as I left making my way to the center of the common room.

I crept behind pandora, she didn't notice I was there for a moment and kept swaying her hips to the song. It was crowded, I saw that now, bodies were pressed agents each other with no room to breathe, you could feel people's hand tracking your skin making it crawl, but Pandora shined amongst the chaos. I cleared my throat making her spin around in delight. She clearly had been drinking or smoking something because she just laughed a little and slid her hand around my neck and said in a dreamy carefree tone "dance." she shouted dreamily.

I felt awkward at the command, but the other girls hand drifted to my waist making me sway with her. The song changed again to deep purple as the people surrounded us began yelling the lyrics pandora spun me around and laughed breathlessly, my head started to feel dizzy as my heartbeat echoed in my ears. Magic she was.

She spung me around again laughing, we were so close if I could just lean in a few more inches. But everyone would see. I wish everyone could see. I pulled her closer but not enough to kiss those pink soft lips that had felt so right agents my own. I wrapped my arm around her waist and if I didn't know better, I would say she leaned into my touch. The song changed to a beetles one 'here there and everywhere' to be exact. Pandora hummed along to the song; her arms thrown around my neck. I leaned in closer my lips almost brushing agents her ear as I whispered, "want to get out of here?" I wish it sounded like less of a pickup line, but she grinned and pulled my hand dragging me acrost the dance floor and out the portrait hole door.

Before it closed, I got one last look at James and regulus who seemed to have disappeared from their spot in the corner of the room.

Pandora's hand drifted from mine as we got further and further then the Gryffindor common room. It was quiet, at least quiet compared to the party that had taken over the tower. We walked side by side in the hallway, no one saying anything. There was a new tension that wasn't there in the common room, we both looked at each other, our eyes meeting before we both snapped away blushing.

One moment we were silent the next we both broke our replying "I shouldn't have kissed you-" only as I said, "I broke up with Mary." we both blinked back to the other saying "what?!" A small laugh escaped me as she gawked back with a newfound soberness. I looked back to her as her mouth hung open slightly still shocked.

"I'm sorry" she started "I shouldn't have I knew you had a girlf-" her words were muffled by my lips on hers. It was a moment before we found a rhythm and she settled under my touch. My hand trailed to the back of her neck as her hand fell to my waist. Our lips moved in synch mixing pumpkin spice with vanilla again, it tasing so sweet. This was right I thought. It has to be. A picture of adventures and laughter filled my mind, new placed new thing learning new and wonderful thing together.

For a moment she wasn't a pureblood or a Lestrange hell not even a Ravenclaw, she was mine and I was her's.

We broke apart both panting for air "I'm sorry." I said making her look briefly terrified "I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner." She then smiled as distress falling from her face as her arms were still wrapped around my waist. She smiled leaning in reconnecting our lips and I felt as if the world was alined, like the flowers could finally bloom and the sun could shine for the first time.


We went back to the party sometime later hand in hand still smiling like we just saw babe diricawl. James and regulus were still gone. Remus, but Sirius were in the corner sipping on butterbeer. Barty was tending to the music and kiss lyrics were being screamed from the dance floor. Evan rosier was making drinks by mixing the few different types we had, people were dinking them by the dozen it felt like. The pair kept shooting secret smiles to each other, it was sweet. Marline was still dancing with Dorcas, each wrapped up in each together both literally and figuratively. Mary was alone in an armchair looking miserable, my heart twinged in my chest.

As Pandora pulled me to the dance floor once again, I could feel Mary's eyes on us, burning holes into my skin. Pandora though didn't seem to notice.

The night faded away slowly, it felt so electric and bright oh so utterly bright. I had her now, she could be mine. I felt like I could finally breathe like I could finally just be.


The next day during breakfast squeals today all I had was advanced potions from 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM then transfiguration from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM and lastly Charms 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Mondays seemed to be easy. James showed me his schedule and we had the same classes though he had normal potions after I had charms.

After I ate some toast I only really talking to James because Sirius was off with Mary and Marline and Remus just was simply not at breakfast. I made a mental note to check in on him not to mention ask what classes he had. Me and James made our goodbyes, and I went to the dungeons for potions.

The class was small, only about 16 people, there were four people to a table spit between 2 caldrons. In the advanced classes you could often pick your partners only if you don't try and work alone. At the front 2 tables were Emma Vanity a Slytherin on the quidditch team working with some Ravenclaw, acrost from them were 2 nameless hufflpuffs I had never met before.

The table next to them had a Ravenclaw girl and Slytherin boy whispering to each other, along with Mulciber and Avery shooting disgusted looks at everyone. I doubt they were actually smart enough for the class.

In the second desk from the front was Benjy Fenwick working with another Hufflepuff, and at the other cauldron was Sev alone. I tried not to look at him, but our eyes met sending a knot in my throat I tried to swallow but it wouldn't go away.

Then there were regulus and pandora alone at a table talking over an opened book, there was a fire in their eyes as they talked, pandora especially. There was aways a curiosity in her, one that could infect anyone around her, it was beautiful. The cauldron acrost from them was empty, I went to go over and take it. "Hey." pandora said with a smile was I sat down regulus gave a wave before looking back down to the book.

"Hey." I got out my potion's textbook as pandora kept smiling, I swear her smile could light a room.

"If you two start acting all couple-y I'm going to throw up." Regulus said still not looking up from the book. Pandora laughed but the blush on her cheeks was apparently mine matched. They were both in their uniforms, one Ravenclaw the other Slytherin they both had off their top robes, they were through the desk, they both had on the school sweater vests and if it weren't for the blue to green contrast, they would be identical.

The rest of the classroom was dark with potions and bottles lining the grey walls, it was always dark and cold in this part of the castle I didn't want to even think about what the Slytherin common room would feel like.

I looked up to the potion written on the chalkboard Draught of Peace, an easy potion I could make since 3rd year. I always had to put extra work into my classes all but potions, it was the only thing that came naturally to me. It was a place of comfort and familiarity, it was peace. I know I sound odd talking about a subject like this, but it was true. James could call me a nerd in a heartbeat.

"Good morning class." professor slug horn said standing in the front of the classroom with his normal forced smile he always seems to wear. "I can't see we all have our partners oh uh miss Evans partner with uh Mr. snape would you?"

"Um professor-"

"I'll partner with Severus." regulus cut in making heads spin. Severus looked anger almost as if he wanted to work with me, I could see why he called me a mud blood when we were 14. Though that's not when I stopped talking to him, I lived with it for a year after that, we never had a time when we broke off exactly it was slower and more gradual. He no longer even tried to come over during the summer, he was already far too familiar with a door getting slammed in his face.

"reg..." pandora whispers but he shook his head and packed up is things moving a table over. I slid my stuff next to pandora who had a new strange look on her face. I scanned the room as Slughorn began talking again I took my hand reaching under the table as instructions were giving taking pandoras hand squeezing it, the entangled our fingers and smiled to me but through the rest of the class she kept looking over to regulus once in a while.

Pandora and I began prepping the ingredients and starting to brew the potin. We worked well together going slow, accusingly our hands would brush, and we would both pull back awkwardly, each smiling though. The class passed by much like this, subtle touches, few words, a lot of brewing. When the potion was done, we bottled it and handed it to the professor.

As we packed up our stuff getting ready to leave class I whispered to Pandora "could you thank reg for me?"

She looked back smiling "Yeah of course and if you ever want to talk about what happened with snape I'm here okay?"

"Yeah." I took a quick glance in my former best friends' direction "yeah okay um, want to go out on a date?" my heart stopped beating in my chest as my eyes widened because of what I just said.

Her eyes lit up "oh uh yeah of course when?"


"Yeah, I um" she shook her head her gin not faltering "pick me up by my common room you know where that is?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Great." She smiled waving goodbye heading over to regulus, I found myself in a dreamy sort of state after sighing and watching her pass by. Severus followedher making mt smile fade. I had a date with the most beautiful girl in the school. felt like I was walking on air. And we were potions partners. O felt like I could scream with joy. A picture began forming on what the date would be like but if it was for tonight and I had class to worry about I needed help, and there was only one person I knew who was equiped to handle big romantic gestures. And I just happened to have my next class with him.

I hurried to transfiguration looking for the quidditch captain, he sat in the back of the classroom doodling on a piece of parchment and fidgeting with the star ring on his pointier finger. I hurried over exclaiming in a voice just a little too loud. "I need your help." he looked up and smiled asking "with what?" I sighed sitting in the seat next to him explaining everything, he laughed and smiled lessening to my tale. When I was done, he pulled out some fresh parchment and we planned as McGonigal began lecturing. We skipped lunch convincing regulus to do the same setting up. After our next class we ran over what would happen the 3 of us and got food and drinks. We ate a quick dinner finishing as the sun set.

"You should go." regulus told me finishing up the flower lined trail.

"Whish me luck."

"You don't need it." I laughed and turned to go head down to the castle. James was still off talking to the centaurs for me, so I never got a chance to tell him goodbye. I hurried down to the castle making a quick stop at my dorm room to change into jeans and a light red cropped tank top, I also had on my doc martins and a singular bracelet. I looked at myself up and down in the mirror deciding I didn't have time to do much else.

I went to the Ravenclaw tower already finding my beautiful girl weighing outside for me. She had on lavender perfume, a light blue overall dress with butterflies on it, and a light pink turtle next, not to forget about all her jewelry that clicked together every time she moved. I walked up to her and eminently kissed her; she laughed agents my lips melting into my touch. She pulled away smiling and saying, "nice to see you too."

I took her hand dragging her out of the castle leading her over to a pair of majestic hippogriffs that lived in the forest, one had brown feathers and the other had white ones, they both had strong beaks and sharp claws. He bowed at our approach letting us pet their heads making sure they felt safe with us. "they're beautiful." pandora said looking at the beast.

"Yet they are nothing compared to you."

She flushed and laugh muttering a playful "shut up." I walked over to her taking her hand in mine and brushing her cheek with my lips as if she were made of glass. She locked my lips on to her after that pulling me closer and into a more ruff messy kiss.

We mounted the feathered beast and with their permission we flew off into the night sky. 

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