His Phantom

By hope_373

505K 31.2K 20K

This is a Taekook Fanfiction. _____ Is it possible to get homesick for people too? Because that is exactly... More

Chapter 1: Proud.
Chapter 2: Plot Twist.
Chapter 3: Eye Contact.
Chapter 4: The Chase.
Chapter 5: Just the beginning.
Chapter 6: The date.
Chapter 7: Too good to be true.
Chapter 8 : Messed up.
Chapter 9: His thoughts.
Chapter 10: Living with him.
Chapter 11: Stuck.
Chapter 12: New Friend?
Chapter 13: First day.
Chapter 14: Boyfriend?
Chapter 15: Break.
Chapter 16: Home Alone?
Chapter 17: The Warlock.
Chapter 18: Little devil.
Chapter 19: Convinced.
Chapter 20: The Nightmare.
Chapter 21: The V.
Chapter 22: Calm him down.
Chapter 23: Helpless.
Chapter 24: Official.
Chapter 25: I hate cops!
Chapter 26 : Snooping.
Chapter 27: Poof, gone!
Chapter 28: The Seducer.
Chapter 29: Oops.
Chapter 30: Under the Influence.
Chapter 31: Angry bunny.
Chapter 32: Forgiven.
Chapter 33: In between.
Chapter 34: Anger.
Chapter 35: The real nightmare.
Chapter 36: Empath, Telepath.
Chapter 37: Date again.
Chapter 38: Wrong move?
Chapter 39: Angry Mr. Kim.
Chapter 40: Sorted.
Chapter 41: Trust.
Chapter 42: Sick.
Chapter 43: Had enough.
Chapter 44: Oblivion.
Chapter 45: Purple.
Chapter 46: Selfish.
Chapter 47: Memories.
Chapter 48: Flashback.
Chapter 49: Mr. Grumpy Pants.
Chapter 50: Who's scarier?
Chapter 51: Anger Galore.
Chapter 52: He's fine.
Chapter 53: No joke.
Chapter 54: Like a Petal.
Chapter 55: The Plan.
Chapter 56: The attack.
Chapter 57: Grandma Jeon.
Chapter 58: The Theif.
Chapter 59: The hero.
Chapter 60: Hot boyfriend.
Chapter 61: Coax him.
Chapter 62: The party.
Chapter 63: The Confession.
Chapter 64: Broken promises.
Chapter 65: Stubborn.
Chapter 66: Kidnapped?
Chapter 67: I feel him.
Chapter 68: Where is he?
Chapter 69: He's got this.
Chapter 70: Out of hands.
Chapter 71: I dare you.
Chapter 72: Only a dream.
Chapter 73: In his arms.
Chapter 74: The bad news.
Chapter 75: The lie.
Chapter 76: The betrayal.
Chapter 77: Looking for someone?
Chapter 78: The taste of betrayal.
Chapter 79: Was it justice?
Chapter 80: Worth it.
Chapter 81: The secret room.
Chapter 82: Awoken.
Chapter 83: Who's sulkier?
Chapter 84: Discharged.
Chapter 85: His turn.
Chapter 86: The gift.
Chapter 87: The party of doom.
Chapter 88: The real CEO.
Chapter 90: Epilogue.
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2
Bonus Chapter 3
New Book!
Bonus Chapter 4
Bonus Chapter 5
Bonus Chapter 6
Bonus Chapter 7
Bonus Chapter 8
Bonus Chapter 9
Bonus Chapter 10
Bonus Chapter 11

Chapter 89: Back to work.

4.1K 260 183
By hope_373

1 month later.

Taehyung usually wakes up with a bundle of joy cuddled up over him and his lips stuck over the soft skin of the little bunny's neck.

Now imagine his surprise when he finds the spot over him light and his lips free of anything. He frowned and opened his eyes only to find the bed cold and empty.

He looked around the room and his frown only deepens when he doesn't see the face he is supposed to see everyday as soon as he wakes up.

Plucking his lips out to form a huge sulking pout he sits up on the bed and runs a hand down his face trying to check whether something had been done to his face or not.

Well it's not his fault, the other day he woke up to whipped cream all over his face and getting licked by an eager Bam. Not a great feeling at all.

Nope, nothing there.

He sighs and stands up, just as he is about to call out to Jungkook when the door to the washroom opens and steps out a fully dressed Jungkook.

Now if it was some other time, Taehyung would have definitely commented on how hot Jungkook looked or probably drooled over his hair that laid perfectly styled over his head, just a few strands over his forehead making him look like the definition of perfection.

But the thing that made all those indecent thoughts flow out of the window was what Jungkook was wearing above that pullover.

His jacket.

His police uniform jacket.

That had his fucking name over it and the stars of his hard work right over the shoulder of the jacket.

His jaw clenched,
"No." He gritted out staring at Jungkook who's one eyebrow rose as he heard that and then his pupils dilated.

"You're not going back to work so soon."

Jungkook's jaw clenched too.

"Yes." He replied back as a matter of fact making Taehyung clench his fists. He closed his eyes looked down and then started walking towards Jungkook.

He had just rose his hands to remove the damn jacket from over Jungkook's shoulder when Jungkook's hands clamped over his wrists stopping them mid-air.

Taehyung's eyes found Jungkook's and his face went completely blank. He tried to pull his hands away but Jungkook simply intertwined their fingers on both hands and then pulled their hands behind his back to pull Taehyung closer.

Jungkook leaned forward and connected their foreheads,
"You were there with me when we talked to the doctor, he said am fine now." He whispered as Taehyung closed his eyes and just breathed heavily.

"But he also said we need to take precautions and not do too much strenuous work angel." He rasped still with closed eyes.

Jungkook kissed his cheek and again whispered,
"That's why am just going to sit behind the desk for another month, but I need to go there Tae, there is a lot of work to do."

Taehyung opened his eyes and glared at him,
"See you'll go there and just overwork, what about your health, what if something goes wrong and am not there?" He pushed out the words even though they felt like poison over his own tongue. His voice breaking at the end at just the thought.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck and then jumped slightly to wrap his legs around Taehyung's waist who was quick to catch him. For once he was surprised his leather pants were that stretchable.

Jungkook stuffed his face in Taehyung's neck and just breathed in the calming scent,
"Scooby and Yoongi hyung will be there. And if I for a second feel like something is wrong I'll call you, okay?" He told Taehyung very soothingly and the man tried to control his breathing.

"Promise to call me every hour?"

"Two hours."

"One and a half."


"So fucking stubborn!"

"Two or no call at all."



As soon as Jungkook entered the station he paused, taking two steps back he looked up and double checked whether he was in the right place and surprisingly it said,

"Police Headquarters, Seoul, Republic of Korea."

He walked back inside again and looked around the dark area, just as he took another step forward the light turned on and a loud sound startled him,
"Welcome back, officer Jeon." He looked around and his eyes watered as he stared at all the officers standing in their proper uniforms and frozen in their salute stance.

He looked at Daniel and then at Yoongi and smiled teary eyed when he saw them saluting at him too.

Behind all of them were two huge banners that said,

He looked down and shook his head when a thought loomed in his mind,
"Maybe it won't be so bad."


Sitting behind the desk was by far the most annoying thing Jungkook had ever done in his entire life because yes, it was that bad and he already hated it.

He resolved some issues of some people but he couldn't step out. He had just finished up instructing some officers over the new case assigned to him, they were to go out as a team for some investigation.

He stood there as they exited the station to get into their police van, he looked around and saw no one was looking and just as he had taken a step,
"Don't even think about it." Yoongi's voice came from behind him.

He rolled his eyes and turned around to look at his brother,
"I am not going anywhere okay?" He hissed out before going and sitting back down on his desk.

Yoongi squinted his eyes at him and followed him with his gaze,
"Yea right." He said and leaned over Jungkook's desk.

"Leave me alone!" Jungkook said looking at his computer screen and not at Yoongi who just stood there without a word.

"I am not going to say this again Jungkook, I will fucking pull you back inside the station with your fucking ear if you even dare try to step out to follow the others." Yoongi said in a scolding yet soft tone.

Jungkook just nodded not responding, well he's sulking okay? Let him sulk alone!

"It's time for your medicines!" Suddenly came another annoying voice and Jungkook just wanted to fucking bang his head on the wall.

He glared at Daniel and pulled out his medicines before showing both the men that he is indeed taking his medicine.

He then again went back to work when they both left shortly after,
"This is going to be a long fucking annoying month." He mumbled to himself as he pulled out his phone to call Taehyung since it had officially been two hours.

Taehyung picked up the call and was about to say something when,
"I am fine!" Jungkook said and cut the call.

Taehyung just stared at him phone completely puzzled and even tried to call again but of course Jungkook didn't pick up.

"I guess I have to wait another two hours."


Just as Taehyung had asked Jungkook had called him every two hours to inform him that he was okay and then cutting the call everytime even before Taehyung could say a word.

Taehyung gave up even trying after the third call. He just picked up the call, heard the other side and let Jungkook hang up on him.

Jungkook finally walked out of the station, irritation sizzling every single cell of his body. He was so fucking done with sitting behind a desk that he knew he couldn't do that for another second.

The second he announced he was going home the look of happiness over Yoongi and Daniel face just made him even more annoyed. As if they didn't want him to work in the first place.

"It's okay, they just care a lot." He tried telling himself so many times but despite all that he was still in a bad mood.

Yes he knows they are just worried about him overworking but he does not like it. He doesn't like a second of getting controlled by anyone.

Not even Taehyung.

He knows how to take care of himself, for god's sake he's a fucking police officer. The wound over his chest had completely healed and even his heart is beating perfectly, he doesn't understand how could they still worry about something when there's nothing to worry about?

He was about to walk to his car when he saw Taehyung standing right besides it busy with his phone, still dressed in his hot office clothes and it looked like he came without his car so that he could drive Jungkook himself.

Jungkook looked down and fisted his jacket so tightly, his knuckles turned white. His control was slipping slowly.

He took a deep breath and without giving a single glance to Taehyung he walked around the car and sat in the passenger seat.

Taehyung who was expecting a kiss or atleast a hug was dumbfounded when Jungkook didn't even spare him a single glance and sat inside the car staring out the window.

But he could feel it, the man was pissed and didn't want to talk right now, so he did exactly as he felt he should, he didn't say a word and sat down on the driving seat and started the car.

All the way back home he kept stealing glances at Jungkook but not a single one came back. Jungkook's entire attention was out of the window.

He sighed and parked the car near their apartment. Even before he could get out of the car and move to Jungkook's side, he was already out of the car and had stormed upstairs.

He sighed already missing Jungkook's voice and soft touches. But he knew he needed to be calm because that's what's gonna solve this problem only.


Jungkook walked inside the apartment and sighed when Bam came to him and nuzzled over his leg. He ruffled the dog's head and walked to his room.

He was exhausted, he just wanted to sleep but he knew he was going to get nagged about his medicines and then his food too, so he sticked to changing his clothes first.

He was about to walk inside the bedroom when the door right in front of the room caught his attention.

He walked inside and gasped as he saw all his previous painting set up over the walls and the room had been completely changed.

His eyes moved around the new designed room, it didn't feel like a room anymore, it felt more like an art studio if you ask him.

There was entire table set up for just his art material, actually not just one but so many, he looked closer and gasped as he saw the expensive painting supplies and materials all set up over the tables.

All the tension from his body eased as he felt two arms wrapping around him from behind, and without even realising he leaned back to the warmth,
"You like it?" Taehyung whispered to him pressing his lips over Jungkook's ear.

Jungkook didn't have words to speak so he nodded and still kept looking around. There was no way Taehyung got all this done in a single day.

But he was the witness himself, because he had seen the bare empty room in the morning itself, with just a few paints lying here and there and a few paintings over the board.

It was as if that bare empty room never existed at all.

"I know you love your job baby, I also know how dedicated you are to it, and I am so proud of what you do, but I just wanted you to have a space for yourself too you know. Dani told me you used to paint in your teenage years but then stopped because Daehyun didn't like it.

"And am so proud of the fact that you started it again, that's why I just wanted to make sure you have everything angel. Because I swear to god there's not a single sight in this entire world more beautiful than just watching you paint." Taehyung softly finished and kissed Jungkook on the nape as he let Jungkook just process everything.

Jungkook closed his eyes as Taehyung's words settled in his brain.

Fuck, he was gonna cry. This is too overwhelming.

This was one situation that had touched him so much that he didn't even remember how the anger he was feeling before felt really. It was as if it never existed.

And he was mad for what? For taking a bullet for this man? For just going through the consequences of his decision? A decision he took himself.

How stupid was he.

No, he could not even if he tried to get past that thought. All his previous thoughts dissipated into thin air and a small smile came over his face as he remembered why he was in the situation in the first place.

A sudden thought crossed his mind, what would he have done if Taehyung was in his place? Probably lock him in the house for year? Maybe two.

And yet here he was for getting mad when he would have been so much more controlling.

Yet even after all that, the man who's so overprotective over him let him go to work, even made such a beautiful surprise happen.

Was it even possible to fall more over someone, more than he already had fallen?

"Do you not like it angel?" Taehyung's soft calming deep voice broke his train of thoughts as he opened his eyes and turned around to look at his fiancé.

How could he ever get mad at this man?

Taehyung didn't once mention about how he ignored him all the way home and the way he spoke to him over phone.

He simply gave him the surprise of a lifetime and was worried whether he liked it or not?

His hands moved and he cupped Taehyung's face. His hand was out of the cast now but had a small bandage still around his hand.

Taehyung stared at him with genuinely worried face,
"Do you want to change something? You can just tell me okay? I'll get it done by tomorrow." He quickly said and Jungkook chuckled in disbelief seeing Taehyung getting worried over that thing.

He didn't say anything and just slammed his lips to Taehyung's taking away his ability to breath, he fisted Taehyung's hair and kissed him hard.

Taehyung's hand tightened over his waist as he grunted when Jungkook's teeth pulled at his bottom lip before they went back to sucking on it.

The kiss wasn't soft, it was desperate but hard like the one that makes your toes curl and your knees weak.

Jungkook pulled away after a minute and stared at a heavily breathing Taehyung,
"You can't be fucking real, Tae. You're definitely a phantom of my imagination." Jungkook said seriously and Taehyung chuckled and kissed him once.

"I am baby, I am as real as the soreness in your ass when I ram my dick inside it for a fucking hour." Jungkook's jaw drops on the floor as he stared at the man who he swore was so gentle a second ago and now is nowhere around.

Taehyung leans down and lick Jungkook's bottom lip which makes Jungkook close his mouth shut at the pervert.

"What were you thinking about earlier though?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook smirked suddenly making Taehyung regret asking.

"Oh about how much I won't mind taking another bullet.."

"Jungkook." The warning in the tone was clear but Jungkook was deaf.

"About how much I love.."

Jungkook obviously couldn't finish his sentence when he found his lips being shut by another kiss, this one much more harder than the last one which actually made Jungkook's knees weak and Taehyung had to hold him by a tight grip over his ass.

Jungkook chuckled into the kiss which earned him a hard ass squeeze making him whimper almost immediately.

His hard-on rubbed with Taehyung's hard covered dick and they both grunted at the friction. It felt so good after a long time. A week ago Jungkook had asked the doctor about his sexual activities and the doctor had said that it was okay.

But Taehyung being the overprotective ass, still decided to wait some more. But that didn't stop the occasional blowjobs and eating out he used to give though.

Taehyung pulled back and held Jungkook's hair in a bruising grip making him look up but Jungkook just smiled at him,
"Never again." He said in a raspy angry voice that just turned Jungkook on more. But he still nodded.

"Cross your heart. Please." Taehyung said his eyes never leaving Jungkook's lips, voice turning desperate by the end.

"I cross my heart I won't say it again." Jungkook whispered gently making Taehyung's eyes soften and heart lighter.

"Now focusing on the other thing, do you like the room or not?" Taehyung asked smiling at him and Jungkook smiled back.

"I love it, it's the best gift ever." Jungkook said with a little squeal in his voice.

Taehyung's smile turned into a full blown grin at that. He ruffled Jungkook's hair and then gave him a little tour of the room telling him about all the things in the room and where is what.

"What is that?" Jungkook suddenly said looking towards a piece of paper that was turned upside down on the table but he could see something was drawn on the other side.

Even before he could touch it Taehyung's palm slammed over the sheet as if it was going to burn Jungkook.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung's face who looked away not wanting Jungkook to use his powers on him but he clearly saw the look of panic on his face.

He furrowed his face and then tilted it, then suddenly he looked at the window,
"Shit Tae, who is that?" He suddenly called out loudly pointing his finger and Taehyung's face snapped towards the window in a second.

"What where?" Taehyung's panicked yet alert voice rung in the room but no response came back as Taehyung slowly turned back to look at Jungkook.

"Oh my god." Jungkook said loudly as he looked at the drawing in his hands and tried to stifle a laugh.

Taehyung's eyed widened when he realised what Jungkook just did, he distracted him to sneak the painting away.

He tried to get it but Jungkook just pulled away,
"You drew this?" Jungkook said smiling in amusement but a bit of giggling.

Taehyung pouted and looked away,
"I was trying to draw Bam." He said looking at Bam who was sitting at the door looking at them curiously.



"You know Bam has four legs right?"

"Yes, why?"

"I don't think you do."

"How many did I draw?"



And Jungkook couldn't help himself as he doubled down because of the loud laughter that came out because of this situation and the look of disbelief on Taehyung's face as if the man didn't even realise he drew two extra legs.

He looked up to pause his laughing and teary eyes and whispered,
"You're so not real."

He laughed out loudly once again, and Taehyung had to carry his baby back to bed himself since the man just won't stop laughing.

He gently laid Jungkook down on the bed and stared at him with such an intense yet intimidating gaze that Jungkook's laughter ceased. Taehyung gave him a small dark smile that sent a shiver down Jungkook's spine.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook asked in a nervous voice but his face still full of excitement.

Taehyung leaned right over Jungkook's lips, and then finally said,

"Nothing much, just gonna show you
how real I can actually get, doll."


You have no idea how indecently,
I crave you..

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