Anchor Grind (H.S. / A.U.)

By hardcandy92

3.7K 202 2.2K

Alanis and Harry are living their best lives at the hottest skate park in Venice Beach, circa 1998. Between t... More

Intro / Warnings!
The Trailer!!!
Meet Everyone!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14*
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43*
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47*
Chapter 48
Chapter 49*

Chapter 7

72 5 63
By hardcandy92

Poppy asked me to meet back at the boardwalk by the corndog stand around 8, and I think she is already planning on how to get out of the Ferris Wheel plan. Niall is determined to get her onto it, and I think with a little convincing it will work. All he has to do is bat those baby blues and I think she will cave.

Meanwhile, I'm just hoping I don't get stuck being a fifth wheel with Liam, I overheard him talking about some girl he is meeting there. I have no idea if he is talking about the same girl as the party or not, but I have learned with Liam you don't really get names for girls, only details.

Louis said he was going to come to the boardwalk, but he had to finish work before he could get there. I did find out Louis works to pay for rent with his place with Harry. He works part time at Anchor Grind doing random stuff, but his 'big boy job' is that he works at a local radio station as a nighttime gossip person. Love that for him. Apparently people like it 'cause his raunchy attitude, funny accent, and the way he charms and flirts with women. Why am I not surprised by any of this?

As I stand on the boardwalk fussing with my outfit choice, I realize the night is growing a little chiller and I did not plan accordingly. I wore my slouchy denim jeans that I cuffed halfway up to my shin, some dirty converse, and a tight black tank top that was tucked in. I even made sure to smudge on some eyeliner and find one of my black chokers to really show Poppy I was making an effort without the help. Mom warned me to bring a jacket, guess who didn't listen.

As I continue pulling a few stray white hairs left from Domino off my tank top I hear a loud laugh break through the normal carnival sounds that were happening around me. There were lights, concession stands, kids yelling, couples walking by with intertwined hands, and the smell of nicotine everywhere. I loved the boardwalk honestly.

The laughter continued and my eyes shifted to look up and gaze upon just where the noise came from. I make eye contact with the happiest person I least expected it from. There was Harry with a wide grin, dimpled smile, and laughter that could make anyone think he was almost cute... too bad he is an asshole. He was in black jeans, a white loose shirt, and a red flannel that looked entirely effortless. His arm was perfectly draped across Clarissa who looked wildly unamused by whatever he was laughing at. Her blonde hair was held back by cute clips and she had a baby blue tank top with a barbed wire pattern across it that matched a black edgy skirt.

If I didn't dislike her I would really like her outfit.

I try to look away before I am caught staring but instead I hear Liam shout my name, who was on the other side of Clarissa. Oh joy.

"Lana! Hey, come here! Have you met Rissa yet?" Yes Liam, I have. Did I want to? No. Let's not do this.

"We've met." Clarissa tells him alongside an eyeroll and annoyed tone. She brings her hand up to start inspecting her nails and doing anything to not give me any more attention. Thanks I didn't want it from you anyway.

I turn to Liam and inspect his own outfit choice, an anchor grind shirt and baggy basketball shorts. Clearly whoever he is going to meet with he is not trying to impress too much, maybe it is the same girl from the party. Def not a new random girl, someone he has already hooked up with I am sure.

"Where is Poppy?" I ask him while turning my body away from Clarissa and Harry who have started their own conversation of Harry whispering into her ear while she glares around the boardwalk with disgust.

Why do some people just exude annoyance and hatred? Like where in life is that getting you dude? Do you feel good about being a dick? No. Okay maybe stop doing it? Liam interrupts my thoughts about Clarissa by answering my previous question, "She and Niall came together with Niall's neighbor. I forgot her name.... Oh I think it's Kat or something. I don't know. She's like twelve but she always wants to hang out with her friends and so Niall acts like a big brother for her."

I wasn't expecting that, but it's really nice. I'm team Niall so far as who is the coolest guy in the friend group. He is the nicest of the guys. Then again my choices aren't that great.

Louis is kinda' annoying with the consistent flirting. I just need to get used to it I think. Niall is nice. Liam is MIA usually. Harry is the worst of them.

"Harry! That's so gross!" I hear Clarissa playfully shout and swat at his chest while he grins at her. I can't contain my eye roll.

"What'd he do this time?" Liam asks while redirecting them back into our little huddle.

"He just told me that he expects me to eat HERE for food tonight. As if I would eat greasy boardwalk food. That shit is gross. I actually have taste thank you very much."

"Oh cool it Rissa. It's kinda' tasty." Harry groans and tells her. I could tell he isn't joking with her, he actually really wants the fair food. Liam starts naming food that sounds good to him while he and Harry have a bro moment, which left me to try and socialize with Clarissa or stand there awkwardly in silence.

Silence it is.

After a moment I almost crack under the pressure of feeling awkward but luckily I hear Poppy call my name from a few feet away, I see a happy and dressed cute as hell Poppy bouncing on her feet. Niall was very close behind.

"Hey guys!" I shout while jogging over to her. I did not want to be around the couple from hell any longer. "Is that Rissa and Harry over there?" Niall asks and I give a dramatic sigh and nod.

"I figured it was them and avoided coming over. Sorry about that." Poppy tells me. I still am not sure why she hates them so much, but it seems she also has beef with them. With an attitude like they have, I get it though.

"So Niall told me we are going to do bumper cars, then that one twisty one where you slide back and forth in the seat, the big pirate ship thing that goes upside down, and lastly cotton candy on the ferris wheel. Oh shit, I totally wanna maybe do the funhouse or the magic show too if we have time. It's all open till midnight so no rush. Maybe we even find you a hottie to share a funnel cake with." Poppy shimmies the last sentence and gives me a wink while I roll my eyes again.

"Sounds like a fun night. Lead the way! Oh by the way, love that top. I am totally stealing that one next time!" I poke a finger towards her perfectly cut up cropped top that had a lion head on it alongside safety pins holding the shoulder sleeves together instead of a seam. She looked awesome.

As Poppy and I interlink elbows we get an escort of Niall behind us who shouts to Liam, Harry, and Clarissa that we are leaving to go ride some rides. Niall gives a wave while Poppy and I look at each other and mock Niall's niceness before laughing together.


The night is getting colder and my dumbass is still mad at myself for forgetting something to wear. But I decided I was going to suck it up and just ignore the goosebumps on my arms that have long ago decided to take residence. It's almost eleven and we have already rode the pirate ship twice, rode the swings that go crazy high in the sky, the bumper cars till we all had whiplash in the neck, Kat even came over and asked Niall if she could join us for a few rounds of bumper cars with her friends. Lastly Niall convinced us to go on the carousel to eat some deep fried oreos and drink our weight in vanilla coke.

We completely forgot that Poppy wanted to ride the Tilt-A-Whirl and instead started heading right towards the ferris wheel. Niall gave Kat a speech about not kissing boys on the ferris wheel cause he didn't want to give her 'the big speech' just yet. They teased each other back and forth while Poppy and I gossiped about different people we saw that night at the boardwalk.

"Oh shit Nialler! We didn't get Alanis someone to ride with. OMG!" Poppy interrupted what I was saying. Poppy was getting a piggy back from Niall while I was on one side of them and Kat was on the other.

"I'm fine. It's no biggie. If nothing else I'll just go with the next person in line." I wave her off.

"No way! Niall said it can be totally romantic. You gotta' have a hottie with you!" Poppy doesn't let me off the hook.

"Romantic?" Kat asks on the other side while wiggling her eyebrows at Niall, "And you are going with Poppy? Niall, should I be the one giving the birds and bees speech?"

Niall scoffs, "Kitty, I am much older than you and know much more than you do. Trust me, the speech will be wasted."

 "EW Niall Gross!" Kat shouts and pretends to cover her ears. I found out Kat is short for Katherine, she's an only child, she's been Niall's neighbor since she was born, she adores Niall like a brother, and she just turned 11 years old. Oh and she just started noticing boys, which Niall is not fond of that new turn of events.

As we got closer to the Ferris Wheel I told Poppy and Niall to go ahead of me, while Kat was waiting for her friends further away. I tried to gauge if anyone in line was alone and who I would end up with. "Ticket?" the worker says to me, where I had him the one Niall gave me earlier.

Apparently Anchor Grind gets free tickets all the time randomly because it is also on the boardwalk that they can use, give out, people are tipped with them, and it's like an ongoing circle of tickets.

It was really nice because it made our total spendings at the boardwalk today really nonexistent, and with the fact I only just now got a job the idea of not spending money is really nice!

The worker opens the door of the little cart that I slide into before he leans over to look and me and ask, "did you have a partner, want to go alone, or just want to see if there is another single rider?"

I didn't realize the option of going alone was something I could do, and before I could even tell him that I decided that as my option I hear someone shuffling up to the front of the line, "hold on I'm coming up there, hold on." I see a hand thrust a ticket forward right into my line of sight at the ticketmaster while my mind puts together exactly who the voice belonged to.

"No way. Not you. I'm going alone." I start to reach for the door handle of the cart as Harry fights me to keep it open, "stop being annoying," he tells me in a gruff voice.

I finally realize this is going nowhere and the ticket holder had walked away leaving me to suffer alone against Harry. A battle I was losing. "Fine." I huff, "but don't talk to me. I am trying to enjoy this and see the scenery, so I don't need any of your attitude 'kay?"

Harry gives a small chuckle and pushes himself into the Ferris Wheel cart. Once he clicks the door shut I see Poppy turn around in her own cart at the commotion only to roll her lips into her mouth and give me a look of confusion. Her brows were furrowed as she looked back and forth between Harry and myself before getting Niall's attention and pointing silently at us. Niall grins and yells out to us, "You's okay down there guys? Look at you Lan! You found a partner!"

Poppy gives Niall a small shove and their cart topples from side to side "Sorry babes. The ride isn't too long at least!" She yells back to me while giving me a look at Harry. Poppy heard me complain a little earlier today about how Harry was annoying me at the skate park and she knows that he just continues to rub me the wrong way.

Harry flips off Niall and Poppy before looking over at me huddled in the corner of the cart trying my best to just melt into the cold steel of the ride and hopefully disappear. "You look cold."

I give a sarcastic "I'm actually working on my tan thank you very much" mutter under my breath while staring out of the cart and at the water. It was so cool looking at the way the boardwalk and pier lights reflected off the water. It shimmered and seemed like something out of a dream because of the waves distorting things.

Harry starts to shimmy while the ride starts up, the cart beginning to move upward but still rocking slightly at the movement he was making. "Here." Harry roughly shoves his flannel towards me. Woah, is Harry being nice? Someone call the looney bin 'cause he has gone mental for sure.

"I don't need it." I use my hands to shove the red flannel back at him while attempting not to look over and take another peek at his arms. I might think the kid is a douchebag but I can recognize some good muscles when I see them. Harry had a well toned body, but too bad all those good looks were hidden behind a shit personality.

Harry sighs while taking the flannel and starting to attempt to drape around me, "just take it and say thank you. Not everything has to be some big argument. Christ. Why are you women so fuckin' annoying sometimes." Harry worded it like a question but said it like a statement.

"Trouble in paradise?" I ask hoping to get some insight into his statement. If I can learn about Harry I might learn about Clarissa... which can lead to answers with Poppy. I know she does not want to talk about it, and so I have to find my answers elsewhere.

Harry brings both of his hands up to rub his temples and take a deep breath. "It's nothing. Sorry to bother you with my drama. It's why I got on the ride, figured I could use the fresh air or whatever."

I nod. I am not totally sure I follow whatever 'drama' Harry has, but like everyone else, he does not want to talk about it.

"Why did you move here?" He asked me. The only time I really tried to talk to Harry was the other night at the party when I blabbed too much and he made me feel self-conscious about it.

"I robbed a bank, murdered a man, and now I am in the witness protection program on the run from the gang I murdered the leader of. The usual." I jokingly toss my hair off my shoulder which also drops Harry's flannel off of me. Shit the air is pretty chilly.

The Ferris Wheel is nice and slow, and we are about halfway to the top now and that makes the air feel crisper. I decided to give in and put the flannel on, it's baggy and comfortable, it also smells so nice. No, I can't compliment it 'cause then Harry will get another ego trip.

"What about you? Why did you move here, or is the accent fake?" I tease him slightly while still not giving in the true story on my behalf.

Harry shakes his head no.

"Trouble in paradise and troubled past. Darn you are a difficult person." I joke.

I can feel Harry shift slightly and making the cart rock. Harry moved slightly closer to me and now our knees are touching which sends a little more warmth throughout my body. It's Harry though. Clarissa's Harry. Also you aren't attracted to him. He just is here and the Ferris Wheel is kinda' romantic, so it's fucking with your head Alanis.

"I moved here 'cause my family did and I didn't really have anything besides a few friends back home. I don't know what I want to study for college, and I didn't have a career or anything, so I moved with my parents. Plus I have a dog, and dogs don't belong in dorms. It made sense. So UK, what's your deal?" I told him as much as I figured I could before he would be shitty and cut me off anyway.

"My parents moved here a few years back, I was still in school so I moved with them. We lived near San Francisco with my sister Gemma. After I turned sixteen I wanted to go closer to the beach and Venice really caught my eye." Harry says it all so nonchalantly.

"Your parents let you move on your own at sixteen? Damn you must really have them wrapped around your finger or something."

"Or something." He says back in another quiet tone.

"Do your parents still live in San Francisco?" I ask while turning my body more towards him.

Harry and I were both sitting with our backs leaned more on the sides of the carts with our chests almost facing each other, knees barely touching. I was wrapped up in his flannel while he was only in the white shirt now. He didn't look cold but we were at the top now and there was a slight breeze that would ruffle his curls every so often.

"Hey, look. This is the best part." Harry changes the subject and whispers to me. Harry brings his hand up to point out the side of the cart towards the ocean. "The Pacific looks the prettiest at night, honestly. You can see the neon lights reflecting off the waves and if you listen you can start to hear all the different sounds of rides, laughter, and the tide. All of it is so peaceful."

I listen as Harry's accent slowly draws out each word. He is really comforting when he isn't being a jerk.

"It's gorgeous." I admit while staring out.

"When I first moved here I came to the boardwalk a lot. I would stare out at it and just think about life. Look," Harry lights brings his pointer and middle finger up to my jaw to angle it to the left and down a little, "you can see Anchor Grind from here."

As he says it my eyes focus in and you can see the fence along with lights that show off the colorful graffiti that is purposely painted across multiple parts of the park.

"It looks so cool from up here. Everything does." I notice both of us are speaking in hushed tones, like we are afraid to speak too loud and ruin the moment.

"Thanks. It's everything to me." Harry gives a small smile and has a look of pride on his face, I can't help but jut my chin outwards and give him a quizzical look. "Harry, it's just a skatepark?" I question, because the way he worded it, it sounded like Harry would take a bullet for Anchor Grind.

"Yeah I guess, but it's everything to me. It's what keeps me here really."

"Because you and all the guys are regulars there and it just means so much to you?" The ride starts up again and we are on the part where we are moving backwards as the cart comes slowly back to the on and off spot.

"You're weird." Harry looks at me and says with a small chuckle. It makes me slightly offended because we had almost started to have a nice moment. "I'm weird? You just said a skatepark is your everything. Talk about having attachment issues." I fire back at him.

I noticed right after I said it, he stiffens a little and his shoulders square up. Harry was offended. "I own Anchor Grind."

This is the first big piece of information Harry gives me that actually shows me insight to who he is. Yet all I do is gawk at him and internally freak out. That's fucking cool. Like so cool. How? I have so many questions. I start to think I won't get any answers though as Niall and Poppy's cart reaches the entrance, meaning we are only two carts away.

My own shoulders start to slump when I realize I might not get another chance at nice and chatty Harry, as if he reads my mind he answers me, "we go around twice before it ends, just so you know." On cue Niall and Poppy's cart rolls right past the ticket master and they begin the second spin. Niall and Poppy were very snuggled into one another and looked like a super cute couple.

They probably looked like the picture perfect example of a cute couple meanwhile Harry and I look like two strangers who got stuck together and are barely able to stand it.

"That's incredible Harry. Anchor Grind it's such a cool ass place. How did you manage to do that? I bet your parents are proud. You're like such an adult. You have your own place and you own a cool business. Wow, you aren't what I expected." Harry looks over at me and raises his brows while chewing on his thumb nail. "And what were you expecting?"

Fuck. I shouldn't have said that.

"You're really rude. Like that night at the party. You were a dick." I start by telling him the truth.

"You interrupted me." He shoots back.

"You could have had sex somewhere else honestly. And don't think being nice at the skatepark instantly makes up for it. You kinda' suck. Also, I don't think I like your girlfriend." I actually hate her but I don't wanna' sound immature.

"Ex." He reminds me again.

"Yeah okay. You two don't act like exes." I told him. He shrugs and looks back out to the water while we come back to the top of the ride again.

I stare out at the water myself and give us a moment of silence before I find what I want to say, "It's confusing."

Harry lets out a small sigh and chuckle combination. "Tell me about it, but also, what are you so concerned with it? You into me or something Morissette?" Harry has a smirk and it's apparent despite the darkness around us.

"Not at all. I just think it's more annoying that you are so adamant about being exes, but you hook up with her at parties in bathrooms, and then are rude when people need the BATHROOM. Plus you come to events all cuddled up to each other. Then you correct people when they assume stuff. Like really, you are just playing dumb at that point dude. Also, she's not friendly. Well, neither are you. So I guess you two are kinda' a good match if you think about it." I monologue without realizing it and Harry just listens. "Sorry." I didn't know what I was exactly apologizing for but it seemed like I should.

"It's whatever," Harry shrugs off the insult I gave him.

"You haven't really answered any of my questions." I tell him while trying to change the subject again.

"The rides almost over." Harry looks down to my converse shoes and stares at them as if he is studying them, "Do you like running?"

"Do I... what?" I thought I had to have misheard Harry.

"Do you like running?" He repeats. Before I can process where this turn of the conversation is about to go, he answers me, "If not, you better start. She's gonna' kill you." Harry then points to a VERY angry looking Clarissa standing near the Ticketmaster of the Ferris Wheel with her arms crossed and a tapping foot. Damnit.

The color must drain from my face because Harry looks at me and laughs a small laugh under his breath while we come to the bottom of the ride. I am glad he finds this funny, because in my head I am envisioning my own funeral.

"Harry! What the fuck? Why the FUCK were you on the ride with that skank? Is there something you need to tell me?" Clarissa starts shouting the moment he swings the door of the cart open. I wasn't even sure we were ready to get off because the Ticketmaster looked shocked that Harry reached his hand out to undo the small locking device himself to exit.

"Oh fuck off Riss, it's just a ride. It's not like I gave her a ride." Harry says while Liam gives a thick laugh at his inappropriate joke. I didn't even notice Liam standing behind Clarissa at first because I instead scanned the small area for Niall and Poppy to find comfort in.

Once my eyes meet Niall's bright blue eyes I quickly stride over to them, but since it was only a few feet away you could easily still make out the scene that Clarissa and Harry were causing.

"Harry that's fucking stupid. Don't say shit like that." she shouts.

"Calm down. You ditched me and I couldn't find you, so I wanted to ride some rides okay." Harry rebuttals back while standing his ground.

"With HER? I told you I was going to the bathroom. Glad you ran to the first easy fuck you could find. You wonder why we aren't together, uhm, pretty fucking obvious here if you ask me." her shouting luckily is partially drowned out by all the noises of the games and rides, but I know the parents nearby are not pleased by the obscene things she is shouting.

"You were gone for nearly twenty minutes. I was bored. Chill out." Harry throws his hands up and looks aggravated. "Chill out?!" She shouts, bringing both of her palms flat against Harry's chest and giving him a shove. He stumbles backwards and just lets out a deep breath I didn't even notice he was holding in.

Poppy, Niall, and I were watching from the sidelines as the dumpster fire occurred in front of us.

Harry doesn't give Clarissa another reply and instead turns on his heels to storm away from Clarissa, the fight, and the whole night. "I'm goin' home. Someone give Tommo a ride home tonight." Harry shoves past us accidentally shoulder checking me in the process.

"Harry wait," I instinctively say, he doesn't care though, he continues to walk away and just throws a hand up to give us all a curt wave.

I thought that was the end of it, but life is never that easy. I hear footsteps approaching from behind me, where the fight had just unfolded. "Thanks for that bitch. Why don't you do me a favor and leave me and Harry alone. We were fine before you got here, and we don't need your needy little personality coming along and trying to latch itself onto us."

Clarissa is a bitch.

I don't want to be around her and if that means I can't be around Harry then fine.

"I don't want your exboyfriend okay. So stop being rude to me. You don't know me." I try to seem aggressive and not let her walk all over me, but she just lets out a sinister laugh in reply. Her smile was cruel and malicious, exactly how I imagine a snake would smile at its next meal.

"Harry and I always end up back together honey. Exes, sure, for now. But I'll let you in on a little secret, Harry is mine. Run along and go back to your loser druggy friends." She eyes Poppy up and down, while Poppy looks beyond embarrassed casting her gaze down to the pier. "Speaking of, hey Pops. How's that remedial school going?" Without waiting for a reply Clarissa flicks her tongue over her overly white and straight teeth just to smirk and walk away from us.

Poppy looks like she is about to cry while Niall quickly throws his arms around her in comfort.

What the fuck just happened.

Tonight was not supposed to go like this.

***Author's Note Below***

SORRY THIS IS LATE. I completely forgot because of the Daylight MV and it threw off my schedule! Oops!!! Also... why is the box CLOUD THEMED?! NIALL WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE?


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