You Signed Up for This / Jaim...

By rissarosewrites

35.6K 1.9K 138

Jaime made a deal for Tyrions life. Tywin has come to collect. Rieka didnt sign up for marrying both Lanniste... More

1. Boys like you
2. What's the Catch?
3. Not the Day I Die
4. Carrot Cake
5. Really Sell It
6. Robb
7. Did You Love Him?
8. Cruel
9. Old Flames
10. Mama Wolf
11. Dowager Queen
12. Never Yield
13. Testify
14. Satisfy
15. I Would Howl
16. Let Me Do It
17. Life Support
18. Bird Brain
19. Foolish Ones
20. Manipulation
21. Death & Regrets
22. Nonsense, This is Bonding
23. First Loves
24. Fight for You
25. Dragon
26. Ignore Me
27. Leaking on The Throne
28. Timeless
29. Little Monster
30. Busy
31. I Want To Touch It
33. Enemy
34. Jump, Jump, Jump
35. Delayed Due to Vomit
36. Three Eyed Raven
37. Fuck Buddy
38. Threaten a Wolf
39. Back To Me
40. Golden Lion
41. Keep Fighting
42. Fearless
43. Fuck Secrets
44. Never Again
45. Stubborn
46. Queens & Kings
47. Trust You
48. Illicit Tongues
49. Forever & Always

32. My World

586 34 1
By rissarosewrites

'I wish you hadn't done that.' Daenerys remarked. 'I am grateful for your loyalty, but my dragon died so that we could be here if it's all for nothing then he died but nothing!' Daenerys told Jon. 

''I know,' jon muttered. "If I can just talk to Rieka, she will-"

"She is not the self proclaimed queen." Daenerys corrected. 

"But my sister enjoys her company." Tyrion added. "She listens to Rieka." Daenerys shook her head. ''I'm glad you finally decided to bend the knee to our queen but have you ever considered to lie every now and again just a bit?' Tyrion asked.

''I'm not going to swear an oath I cannot uphold, talk about my father if you want, say that's what got him killed but when enough people make false promises.... promises stop meaning anything.' Jon told them. 'And there are no more answers only better and better lies' Jon told them 'and lies won't help us win this fight'

'That is indeed a problem... we are fucked.' Tyrion told them

'Is there any plan on how we change that statement?' Davos asked

'Only one. You stay here and I go and talk to my sister' tyrion said.

'I didn't come all this way to have my hand murdered.' Daenerys countered. 

'I don't plan on being murdered. If Rieka is there, she wouldn't allow that.' Tyrion told them, almost confidently.

''I will go I started this.' jon said. "Rieka won't let me get killed." Jon said more confidently. 

'Cersei will definitely murder you." Tyrion corrected.  "I see my sister alone or we go home and we are right back where we started.' So Tyrion headed off.

"Cersei come on!" Rieka demanded. "WInterfell is my home." 

"You dont understand Rieka." Cersei declared as she helped her fix her dress. Lancelot was licking at his lips happily after his meal. 

"What dont I understand? Jon is my family, my family is at winterfell and they are in danger." Rieka remarked. 

"You are in danger if you go." Cersei corrected. "I'm not losing any more family."

"Cersei my family, MY family!" Rieka shouted. "Arya and Sansa and Bran, little bran are there and I need to be with them." Rieka remarked. 

"I know you do, but... you have to think about your world." Cersei corrected. "Your babies, Leona and Lancelot, you can't run towards the danger RIeka you have to protect them." Cersei remarked. 

"What kind of mother am I if I run? What would they think of their mother, hiding from the fight, abandoning family." Rieka corrected.  Cersei picked up Leona and she smiled waving the little lion toy Jaime had made for her. 

"You ohhh- kay?" Leona questioned. 

"RIeka look at your daughter, do whats best for her." Cersei begged. 

"Jaime talk some sense into her." Rieka begged. "You saw that thing, that monster!" 

Rieka moved to the balcony as Cersei and Jaime bickered back and forth. They were getting nowhere. Rieka felt Leona pull herself up on Rieka's dress skirt. Rieka grabbed her hands helping her walk around the room, Leona liked walking but didnt like to let go of Rieka's hands just yet. She liked the security of having her mama there to make sure she didnt fall. 

"Get out." Cersei demanded and Rieka's head turned. 

"Rieka...." Jaime whispered. "I'm going to take a walk." Rieka nodded glancing to Cersei. 

It felt like an eternity walking to get to the queen. Tyrion got to Cersei quarters only to see Jaime outside her door.

'You spoke with her?'

'At her.' Jamie corrected 'until she kicked me out'

'And Rieka, is she in there?'' Tyrion asked hopefully. 

''She's still in there I don't think she'll let her kill you... she thinks, Cersei thinks I was an idiot to trust you.' Jamie went on. "Cersei always called me the stupidest lannister." 

'I'm about to step into a room with most murderous woman in the world who's already tried to kill me twice that I know of... Who's the idiot?' Tyrion questioned.

''Then I guess we should say goodbye one idiot to another.' Jamie suggested. Before allowing his brother to pass he pat his back.

'I shouldn't be surprised I suppose she is your type of woman.' Cersei remarked 'a foreign whore.''

"Can we not talk like that in front of Leona, I dont want her having a mouth like a clegane." Rieka countered and Tyrion stared back at her, Leona's big eyes staring back at him. 

"Little like me!" Leona remarked seeing Tyrion and understanding somehow that she was like him. Tyrions heart ached. 

"Hi," Tyrion agreed. 

"Get out." Cersei demanded. Tyrion sucked in a deep breath trying to ignore Leona's big smile and Rieka's perfect breasts heaving out of her dress as she bent forward while holding onto Leona's hands. 

'No..." Tyrion disagreed. "A foreign whore you cannot abduct beat or intimidate that must be difficult for you.' Tyrion told her.

'So you bring her here with her pet and you bow down before her.'' Cersei agreed.

"I like her pet." Rieka offered.  

''I didn't know-' Tyrion tried

'We are both working towards the same goal the goal you worked towards your entire life-'

'Cersei I did not know.'

'-Obstruction of this family.' Cersei told him and Rieka's eyes ping ponged back and forth between the two, anxiously.

'I am the one preventing that from happening!' Tyrion said 'Daenerys did not want to debate and negotiate she did not want to bring you word she wanted to bring you fire and blood until I advised her otherwise.' Tyrion said glancing to Rieka as she picked Leona up snuggling her to her chest. ''I don't want to burn our family, I never have.''

''you may not have killed Joffrey but you killed Myrcella and you killed Tommen. no one would've touched them no one would've dared, but you made us look weak, made us open to the enemy.'' Cersei remarked. 

''I've never been more sorry.' Tyrion said coming up to the desk.

''I will not here it.'


''I will not hear it!' she shouted 'not from you.''

''All right. You love your family. And I have destroyed it. I will always be a threat so put an end to me.' Tyrion suggested

'No.' Rieka said immediately but Cersei looked over at the Mountain. "No." Rieka demanded. "He is your brother." that was a shit way to Cersei's heart. "There are children here Cersei." she added. 

'' if it weren't for me you would have a mother,  if it weren't for me you would have two beautiful children, I have thought about killing you more times than I can count.' he marched over to the mountain 'do it say the word.'' RIeka couldnt breathe as Cersei stared him down she clutched Leona to her covering her eyes but Cersei sat back down and tyrion could breathe he poured himself a drink drinking it down before pouring Cersei one as well and Rieka he put it on the desk in front of her.

''I am more sorry about the children and you can imagine.' Tyrion told her


'I don't care you know I love them, you know it in your heart if there's anything left of it.' Tyrion said. "I loved them... I love..." Tyrion looked to Rieka. To Leona.

''It does not matter your life doesn't matter your love doesn't matter, your feelings do not matter. I don't care why you did what you did. I only care what it cost us. It cost us our future.' Cersei spat.

'If there is no future than why are we here why would you allow me to come?'

'Not helping my enemies collaborate against us!'

'Yes, no, not what you hoped for but you must've hoped for something.' Tyrion remarked

'What did you hope for?' Cersei asked 'to make Jon Snow submit to your queen?'

'Not like this.'

'But eventually you wanted him to bend the knee to her?' Rieka realized. 

''Yes.' Tyrion admitted. "Rieka-"

''Why?' cersei sneered

''Because I think she will make the world a better place.'' Tyrion offered and Rieka scoffed. 

''You said she would destroy Kings Landing.' Rieka reminded him. 'Fire and blood. You just said that Tyrion. That doesn't seem like a better place to me.''

''She knows herself... she chose her council, people are who would check her worst impulses instead of feeding them that's the difference between Cersei and me.'' Tyrion remarked looking between them. 

'I don't care about checking my worst impulses.' Cersei told him 'I don't care about making the world a better place. I am the world." Cersei decided. "that thing you dragged here I know what it is I know what it means and when it came at me I didn't think about the world not at all... as soon as it opened its mouth the world disappeared right down it's black throat. all I could think about keeping those mashing teeth away from the ones that I care about most, away from my family...'' Cersei looked to Rieka and leona.  ''maybe Greyjoy had the right idea get on a boat take those who matter...'

"The people that matter to me are not just here Cersei." Rieka remarked moving to her. "They are in winterfell. My world, parts of my world, are in winterfell." 

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