34. Jump, Jump, Jump

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Cersei didnt think they would leave, she thought Rieka would see what a bad idea going north was and change her mind and stay. She really hoped Jaime would be able to convince her. 

"Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump-" Leona must have said jump a million times as she bounced on the little feather bed. She giggled out holding onto Rieka's hands as Jaime changed Lancelots diaper. 

"You like this adventure?" Rieka questioned. 

"Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!" Leona agreed. 

"You get to meet all you aunts and your uncles." Rieka reminded her. "You will like Arya, she doesnt like kids but she will like you." Rieka assured. 

"You realize Daenerys might want me dead, kill me on sight." Jaime remarked as he sat beside Rieka, Leona was all jumped out. 

"I wont let her." RIeka corrected. "Tyrion won't either." 

"I am the man that killed her father. Stabbed him in the back." Jaime reminded her. 

"You dont have to come, I can make it the rest of the way."

"Its over a fortnight." Jaime corrected. "And I'm not leaving you. Not leaving the kids. I'm just warning you that winterfell might be my resting place." 

"I will make sure they get your chiseled jaw right for the statue in the crypt." Rieka mused. 

"You will put me in the stark crypt?" Jaime questioned. 

"Well Daenerys is going to burn the capital, cersei knew it too, so yeah, your corpse his better off in winterfell." Rieka agreed. 

"In case if I die..." Jaime mused kissing her. 

His mouth explored hers, and she arched her back, trying to get closer to him. He let her hands go at last to cup her face, tipping her head backward as he traced a path of kisses down her neck. 

Rieka wrapped her arms around his waist as she tried to draw him to her, but it still wasn't close enough. With so many layers of skirt between them, the colder it got, the farther north they went, more layer and she needed less clothes and more of Jaime. 

His mouth met the edge of her bodice, and her chest heaved with the unbearable delight of his breath grazing the tops of her breasts, pushed high by her corset, still plump from breast feeding. 

 'Jaime,' she sighed. 

Jaime's hand caressed her, finding her taut nipples through the soft cloth and she let out a gasp which he silenced with his mouth. She opened her eyes and saw his heavy with desire.

"Rieka Rose,' he murmured, 'how I want you.' She sighed as he placed a kiss where her dress gave way to breast.

 ''Take me." Rieka begged. "Jaime...' she said with a moan.

Rieka woke with big eyes staring back at her. Leona smiled pulling herself up onto the bed. 

"Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump-" Leona declared waking Jaime up too. 

"I guess its time to get up." Rieka remarked reaching out and feeling Jaime's muscled chest. He smiled back at her. 

"What if we never- Now I say this love- never got to Winterfell? We just found a quiet spot and..." Jaime shrugged. 

"If my family wasnt at winterfell with impending doom..." Rieka countered. 

"After?" Jaime pondered. 

"After." Rieka agreed kissing him. Her lips pursed though and she jumped up bringing a hand to her mouth as she ran to the chamber pot. 

"MOrning breath that bad?" Jaime mused as Rieka barfed. Rieka scanned her mind, when was her last bleeding? Why was jaime's seed so strong? The seed is strong. Rieka remembered hearing that, did the old man maester mean Jaime has hella strong seed to keep getting Rieka pregnant? Rieka thought so. 

"Oh my Gods!" Jaime declared getting up, bare as naked and moving to her. "You are pregnant arent you?" 

She glanced back at him from the floor, he grabbed a blanket wrapping it over her shoulders. He smiled kneeling beside her, hugging her to him. 

"Oh another baby!" Jaime declared. 

"Fucking hell." Rieka murmured turning back to the chamber pot. 

"A baby!" 

"You carry the baby next time." Rieka begged. 

"Ten kids, remember you told my father-"

"Ten girls and you gave me a boy, then I said one boy and one girl was enough, you remember that part? When I said ow my body?" RIeka countered. 

"They will all be close together in age, like you were with your family." Jaime reminded her. 

"That would be nice... I used to want a big family." Rieka admitted. 

"Rieka I'm so happy." Jaime remarked kissing her cheek. 

"You carry the next one."

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