26. Ignore Me

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Rich Man / Tyland Lannister /Aislynn Hightower out now!!

Rieka clung to Jaime when he got back. He didnt want to tell her what happened but he had to.

"Oh my Gods." Rieka whispered. "YOU SAW A DRAGON!" She shouted.

"I knew you would be excited about that." Jaime agreed. "I almost bested it too."

"Why the hell-"

"I saved his ass, dont worry, but you can thank me in gold." Bronn added smiling back at her.

"Thank you, Bronn." Rieka agreed. "You went after a dragon? Are you mad?"

"I was ending a war and I wasnt going after the dragon it was more the dragon queen." Jaime countered.

"Speaking of queens. Cersei is going to be The queen. Solo queen." Rieka remarked.

"What?" Jaime countered.

"Yeah... did you see her yet?"

"No. I came to you first." Jaime corrected.

"Tommen... he..." rieka sighed sitting him down. "Jaime. Tommen was beside himself. He jumped. He... he... he jumped out the window. Landed right in front of me." Jaime blinked back at her before it processed and he sucked in a tight breath.

"Rieka, are you alright?"

"Jaime are you alright?" Rieka countered.

"Hes dead." Jaime whispered.

"Yes. He-" rieka began but he held her before taking a step back and offering her a weary smile.

"I need to hug Leona."


Cersei took slow steps strong and confident as she walked to the iron throne the mountain behind her she ascended the steps. Rieka stood, Leona in her arms Jaime beside her watching from above. The first time in ages that a queen was crowned alone.

'I now proclaim Cersei of the house Lannister the first of her name queen of the Andals and the first men protector of the seven kingdoms.' he crowned her. Everyone was deadly silent as the master stepped back and cersei took her rightful spot on the iron throne she looked at her brother and rieka. she wasn't happy she wasn't mad. She just stared up at them.

'Long may she reign'

'Long may she reign' they echoed.


'What is this?' Jamie asked as Cersei and Rieka stood on a freshly drawn map on the floor. Leona laughed pointing at the little footprints along the boarder. Cersei said it was fine just to stay off the map. So of course rieka walked Leona around the boarder dipping her little hands and feet into the paint. Rieka had paint all over her clothes but it was worth it.

'This is what father has been preparing for us or whether he knew it or not.' Cersei told him

'What are you going to do memorize every town Lake Forest and mountain?' Jaime teased

'It is ours now we just have to take it.' Cersei reminded him 'you've been quiet since you came home you were angry with me?'

'No I'm not angry'' jaime assured. He moved to Leona touching her little painted toes. "You need a bath Leona." Jaime coed. Leona shook her head laughing out.

'You're afraid of me?'' Cersei pondered.

'Should I be?' Jamie asked her.

"Should I be?" Rieka emphasized. Cersei shook her head.

'Daenerys Targaryen has chosen Tyrion to be her hand right now they are sailing. Across the Narrows sea to try and take back her fathers thrown... our little brother the one you two love so much the one you to set free, the one who murdered my firstborn son...' cersei reminded them as if they could forget. 'he now stands beside our enemies and give them counsel. He is out there ahead of an armada... where were they land?'

"I met the dragon lady. She is here." Jaime admitted.

"What do we do!" Cersei demanded. "Where will they make their home?"

'Dragonstone they have deep water ports for the ships.' Rieka suggested.

'and Stanis left the castle.' Jaime remarked

'and that was where she was born.' Rieka moved over the map to Dragonstone. "I know my dragon history." She murmured.

'And our enemies to the east and south, south are a brood of bitches and to the west of the old country another traitor and enemies to the north... Ned Starks bastard who has now been named the king of the north and that murdering whore Sansa stands by side.' Cersei informed them.

"Hey!" Rieka demanded. "Thats still my family." She growled. Cersei stared back at her as though she truly forgot that rieka was a stark. "You and me can bitch about shit togetherbut you are not allowed to bitch about my family." Rieka growled. Cersei let out a shaky breath but nodded stiffly.

'Our enemies are everywhere and we are surrounded by traitors you are the commander of the Lannister army, Jaime now how do we proceed?''

'Winter is here.' Jaime told her, 'we cannot win a war if we cannot feed our men and our horses the tyrells have has the grain and stock-'

'Will the tyrells army stand besides a dorthraki whore?' Cersei questioned 'and unsullied slave soldiers?' Cersei looked to rieka.

"I dont know the girl. Call her what you want. She aint family." Rieka assured.

'If Daenerys is winning no one wants to fight in the losing side. Right now we look like a losing side.' Jaime reminded her.

'Great vote of confidence Jamie.' Rieka added.

'I am the queen of the seven kingdoms.'

'Three kingdoms at best if you think about it.' Rieka added 'sorry ignore me.' she went back to walking around the map. Leona laughed out. "I know mommy is just being logical." Rieka coed.

'I'm not sure you understand how much danger we are in all of us Lannister's have a target on our back!" Cersei snapped.  "I understand that whoever loses dies I understand that whoever wins could have a dynasty that lasts 1000 years!'

'Dynasties for whom? Our children are dead we are the last of us. Us four.' Jaime told her. 'You and me and Rieka... and little Leona.'

"A dynasty for us then." cersei agreed.

'We never talked about Tommen.'

'There's nothing to say.'

'Our baby boy killed himself.'' Jaime corrected. He looked to rieka a hand on her stomach as she walked with leona in her arm.

'He betrayed me he betrayed us both should we spend our days mourning the dead mother father and all our children?'


'I love them I did but they are ashes now and we are flesh and blood the last Lannister is the last one to count the four of us.''

"Im not really a Lan- yep just ignore me." Rieka agreed. "Talking to myself..."

'Even Lannister's cannot survive without allies.' Jamie remarked walking over the map again 'where are allies now? You saw what happened to Walder Frey and his family.'

'I heard. How could we ever trust a man like that?' cersei spat.

'We couldn't. He was a useless old coward but the freys supported us now they are all dead whoever killed them is not our friend and we need allies stronger, stronger better allies we cannot win this war!' Jaime informed her.

'do you think I didn't listen to father for 40 years and still learned nothing?' Cersei asked walking away.

"What is she up to?" Rieka questioned.

"I dont know. Leona you need a bath. Mommy too." Jaime remarked wrapping an arm around rieka.

"I didn't like that look in her eye." Rieka countered.

"Bath. Naked. Wet." Jaime enticed. "Come on."

"Well my twist my arm." Rieka mused.

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