39. Back To Me

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'I'm sorry for what I did to you' Jaime said after moments hesitation. He wanted to be alone with Bran before he told Rieka what he did, he knew he needed to. 

''You weren't sorry then, you were protecting your family.'' Bran reminded him

'I am not that person anymore' Jaime told him

'You would still be that person if you hadn't pushed me out the window and I would still be Brandon Stark.' Bran told him. Rieka frozen her foot hoovering above the snow. 

''You're not?' Jaime questioned softly. 

''No, I am something else now.' Bran told him.

''You're not angry with me?'' Jaime questioned confused. 

''I'm not angry at anyone anymore' bran remarked. 

''Why didn't you tell them?' Jaime questioned, he caught Rieka out of the corner of his eye and his heart broke on the spot seeing her broken face. 

''You won't be able to help us in this fight if I let the murder you first.' Bran assured him

'What about afterwards?'

'How do you know there is an afterwards?' Bran told him.

'Jaime... you did this to Bran?' Rieka questioned incredulously, she couldnt believe it.

''it is alright Rieka, I was meant to be more.'' Bran told her.

"Rieka I wanted to tell you but I didnt want you to hate me forever." Jaime remarked. 

"You... you pushed..." Rieka's eyes welled with tears. "You..." Jaime dropped to his knees before her. 

"Rieka." Bran said and she turned to him. "It was a long time ago, don't forget the good you shared." 

"Bran, he..."

"I know what he did but I needed to fall, to fly." Bran assured. 

"I'm mad at you." Rieka told Jaime. "Go away before I beat you over the head with your own hand." Rieka threatened and Jaime nodded getting up. He opened his mouth but Rieka shook her head, she didnt want to hear it. 


'So we are going to die... At Winterfell. not the death I would've chosen I always pictured I would die in my own bed at the age of 80 with a belly full of wine and a girls-'

'mouth around my cock.' Jaime finished with a choked laugh.

'At least cersei won't get to murder me, cersei... I'm sure I'll get some satisfaction dying from that pleasure well I'm getting ripped apart by dead man.' Tyrion told Jaime, 'maybe after I'm dead I'll go to Kings Landing and rip her apart.' Tyrion teased, but not really. "Jaime?"

"I fucked up." Jaime admitted his gaze settling on Rieka in the courtyard with Leona and Lancelot. "Don't be happy about that." Jaime demanded and Tyrion didnt realize he was smiling. 

"What did you do?" Tyrion questioned. 

"I was the one that pushed Bran." Jaime remarked and Tyrion stared back at him. "Rieka found out, I was going to tell her, but she heard me apologize to Bran and... she is going to hate me forever." 

"Wouldnt that just be my lucky day." Tyrion agreed, Jaime glanced back at him. 

"Tyrion." Jaime begged. 

"I'm sorry, what do you want me to say? We all did stupid things years ago, honestly, i'm surprised thats the only dirt that has been dragged up on you... recently." Tyrion teased. 

"Tyrion!" Jaime demanded. "This is serious. She is my wife."

"She was mine first, you seemed to fill into my place quickly." Tyrion agreed. "So I'm sorry if the thought of her coming back to me is pleasing." 

"I'm going to fight for her." Jaime corrected. "Remind her that I changed." 

"Good luck, if it doesnt work, I will take good care of them." Tyrion half mused. 

"I will throw you off this tower." Jaime warned. 

"So you havent changed?" Tyrion teased. Jaime's glare was nothing less than deadly. 


"Jaime is moodier than usual." Tyrion remarked. 

"Hello to you too Tyrion." Rieka agreed. 

"How far along are you?" Tyrion questioned. 

"I dont know." Rieka admitted. "I feel like I'm always pregnant recently." 

"I have a solution," Tyrion remarked. "Stop fucking Jaime." 

"Thats not a problem right now." Rieka agreed. "I thought you were going to say you know a recipe for the moon teas." Rieka admitted. 

"I can find it," Tyrion offered. 

"What happens if I... die and come back while pregnant is my baby going to claw its way out of my dead stomach?" Rieka questioned as Arya ran around with Leona. Leona threw snowballs at Arya missing every time as Lancelot ate the snow. Licking at the snowflakes. 

"How does one stay dead?" Rieka pondered. 

''burn the body, before it has a chance to turn.' Tyrion told her.

''good thing we have dragons then.'' Rieka remarked glancing at them across the way. 

''yes we are down to two though.' Tyrion told her.

''what?'' Rieka countered.  ''you had three.' Rieka  told him. 'how do you lose a dragon?''

''he was killed.' Tyrion told her.

''what kills a dragon?' Rieka countered. "Something powerful."

"'the night king.''

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