23. First Loves

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"Why is she sending you?" Rieka questioned.

"I'm still a skilled knight." Jaime reminded her.

"I mean..." She tipped her head in contemplation.

"I am just checking it out." Jaime corrected. "Making sure everything is running smoothly."

"I'm honorary hand. I could make you stay." Rieka informed him.

"I will be right back, she doesnt trust many people but she trusts me." Jaime remarked. "Trust me to come back to you, RIeka." Rieka nodded.

"Cersei says she might convince Tommen to make me hand, says I'm a good leader. and he listens to me." Rieka went on. "That would mean us staying in the capital."

"You are a good leader." Jaime agreed. "Lets not worry about that far into the future just yet." He offered and she nodded hugging him. "I will be back before you know it my lady hand." Jaime gave her a swooping bow and a magnificent kiss.

"You know Tyrion always said you were an ass to him." Rieka remarked bluntly and Cersei's gaze shifted slowly up from leona in her lap to Rieka.

"And?" cersei countered.

"And you love Leona." Rieka clarified.

"Leona didnt kill you." Cersei minded her.

"He didnt mean to." Rieka reminded her. "And you know he was sorry, she was his mother to."

'Now that is a sorry excuse for siege someone needs to teach those twats how to dig trenches.' bronn remarked looking around.

''Someone certainly does.' Jaime agreed

''No no not me I'm just a sell sword.'' Bronn corrected.

''You are an anointed knight.' Jaime told him 'there's quite a difference.''

''Knights don't get paid.' Bronn reminded him. He liked money.

''You have some of the best weapons in the whole Lannister army.' Jaime reminded him

'That's like saying I have a bigger cock than anyone in the unsullied army.' Bronn countered.

''I expect you'll be commanding the whole of the Lannister forces, not before long you can be the right hand I lost.' Jaime offered waving his golden hand at Bronn.

''You promised me land castles in a high born beauty as a wife.''

''And you'll get all three.' Jaime informed him. 'and besides a Lannister always pays-'

'Don't say it don't fucking say it.' Bronn said.

"Tommen still hasnt come out of his chambers."

"I tried to speak with him but he is beside himself." Rieka agreed. "He loved her."

"He loved her cunt he didnt know her." Cersei corrected.

"She was his first love, you remember first loves?" Rieka countered.

"Rhaegar Targaryen." Cersei admitted and that surprised RIeka.

"Rhaegar... Targaryen?"

"I thought I was going to marry him." Cersei agreed.

"Fuck." Rieka rasped.

"He was so handsome and he would make me queen." Cersei agreed. "But your aunt... you look like her in certain lights." Cersei admitted. "she captured his attention."

"I wish she didnt." Rieka added.

''we have Lord Edmure Tully! yield the castle or we will hang him!''

''You can have him.' The soldiers looked around would he so easily give up his man, his family? Apparently so.

'Ser Jamie we did not know you were coming.' Jaime and bronn rode up to the front lines.

'That is because you did not set a proper perimeter you just let 8000 men approach, unchallenged.' Jaime told him sternly.

''You're lucky we're on your side we'd be fucking you in the ass right now.' Bronn added

''Have Lord Edmure bathed and fed.' Jaime instructed

''Edmure is a prisoner of house frey!''

''Only a fool makes threats he's not prepared to carry out.' Jaime told them already annoyed. 'let's say I threaten to hit you unless you shut your mouth but you kept talking what do you think I do?'

''I don't give a damn-' Jaime hit him with his golden hand

''I am here to take back this castle, have Lord Edmure bathed and fed unless you'd like to take his place?'' Jamie told them confidently.

'Apologies, do as ser Jamie says.' The solider said nervously as he rubbed at his sore face.

"You think Jaime is okay?" Rieka questioned. "I miss him."

"Who was your first love?" Cersei countered.

"I think it was Tyrion." Rieka admitted.

"Really?" Cersei questioned surprised. "No one in the north?"

"I loved my family, my brothers, not like how you loved-"

"I get it." Cersei waved a dismissive hand at her.

"But I do love Jaime."

"Hope he will be your last great love?"

"That would be nice." Rieka agreed.

'The siege is under my command the next time he looks down from his castle he will see an army at his gate not whatever this is.' Jaime told them.

'You lads need to start digging perimeter fences 150 yards and work double time on those.' Bronn added. The soldier grumbled their disinterest.

'As I said the siege is under my command if this that is not to your liking go home.' Jaime told them. 'Get word to the black fish I want a parlay.'

'A parlay or a fight?'' Bronn countered.

'He is an old man.''

'And you have one hand.' Bronn remarked 'my moneys on the old man.'

Rieka screamed at the top of her lungs, jumping back into ser Gregor, he grumbled his annoyance her at. Cersei rushed to her in a panic before seeing what she saw. Tommen, dead. Dead.

"Cersei he, he, he-" Rieka couldnt form words. Tommen had jumped.

"He jumped." Cersei realized her lips dry, her throat scratchy, all her children, dead and gone. The witch was right, all her children would be taken from her.

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