33. Enemy

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Cersei left giving them a moment and Tyrion sat down before Leona. 

"She's so beautiful." Tyrion whispered. "Just like her mother." Rieka smiled back at him. "WHen I opened your note I begged varys to bring me home." Tyrion remarked biting his lip. Leona crawled to him pulling herself up with a grumble yanking hard on his shirt, he brought a hand to her back smiling at her as she stood upright beaming at him. He wanted to cry.

"Jaime said that you left us with a little present." Rieka whispered her fingers drifting through Leona's little tuffs of hair. "My little lion." 

"Rieka, I want to be there for you and Leona." 

"Its sweet." Rieka assured. "But I- your father married me off again and, I do love Jaime. We have two beautiful children together." Rieka reminded him. 

"Leona is mine." Tyrion rasped. Jaime hesitated at the door. 

"She is you seed but Jaime is her father... that doesnt mean you can't be the best damn uncle in the world." Rieka declared and Tyrion choked out a breath. 

"Rieka!" Tyrion begged. 

"I love you Tyrion, a part of me always will I think but... I love Jaime more. He is my husband. He is my..." she chuckled. "He is my world, him and the kids."

"Rieka please, dont do this." Tyrion begged. 

"I'm not doing anything," Rieka corrected. "You are the one rooting for the enemy." 

"She-" Tyrion sobbed out unable to help it. Rieka moved to his side hugging him. "I missed you." Tyrion whispered breathing her in. 

"I will convince Cersei, winterfell is my home, I am going to fight for it." Rieka assured. 

"Thank you, RIeka... you are even more beautiful." Tyrion remarked. 

"I did miss you Tyrion but..."

"Too much time has passed, we are different people." Tyrion agreed. "I still love you." He smiled down at Leona as she made funny faces up at him. 

Jon looked to Rieka as she came up a smile on her face, Leona in her arms. 

"This is your niece Leona." Rieka remarked, JOn smiled as Leona waved back at him, a big smile on her face. 

"Hi!" Leona declared. She waved around at everyone. "Oh! Hi! Hi! Ello!" Leona declared seeing all the new people, Rieka chuckled pressing a kiss to her head. "Mama!" 

"I know, so many new people." Rieka agreed. 

"Rie, can I introduce you to my queen Daenerys?" Jon requested he gestured to Daenerys and she came up to them. RIeka stiffened. 

"Did I forget to mention I'm honorary hand of the queen?" Rieka whispered to JOn and his jaw slacked. "Didnt think so." Rieka agreed. "Hello, Daenerys." Rieka offered. 

"Your brother and my hand, Tyrion speak highly of you." Daenerys remarked. 

"Thats nice, I have heard nothing but bad things about you." Rieka admitted honestly and Daenerys choked out a smile. 

"RIeka." Jon begged. 

"Your brother said you had fire." Daenerys remarked. 

"And yet it is you that is of fire and blood." Rieka agreed. 

"Jon." Daenerys demanded. 

"Jon." Rieka countered and he swallowed the lump in his throat. Leona pointed a finger at Daenerys shaking her head. Rieka chuckled. Daenerys face pinched. 

"Rieka-" Jon whispered. 

"I am coming home to help my family." Rieka assured him. 

"And the lannister army?" Daenerys questioned bitterly. 

"The queen will give you her answer." Rieka corrected. 

"Your queen." Daenerys corrected. 

"Who sits the iron throne?" Rieka countered before pressing a kiss to Jon's cheek and turning around. 

Tyrion came walking up alone and Jon's gaze fell upon Rieka as she kept walking away. She loved her brother but she was a woman of honor too. She was loyal to her queen. She hoped Cersei would listen to her, would help, but it didnt matter either way Rieka would go home. 

Cersei, and Jaime and their army marched with them. Daenerys stood up straighter staring them down.  cersei approached Daenerys, everyone turning to face the two queens. Leona stuck her tongue out, laughing as her head tipped back into Rieka. Tyrion's gaze stuck on them, he couldnt help but think how happy they were and he hated that he wasnt the one making them happy but he was glad that they were safe. But they wouldnt be safe for long if they went up against Daenerys, Tyrion didnt want to see Rieka and her children get hurt in this war. 

''My armies will not stand down I will not pull them back to the capital I will march them north to fight alongside you in the great war'' cersei told her, Rieka offered her a small smile. ''the darkness is coming for us all we will face it together and the great war is over perhaps you remember I chose to help no promises or assurances from any of you.'' Cersei told them, she turned back to her men. ''Call our banners, all of them.'' she added before meeting Rieka's gaze. Rieka mouthed a silent 'thank you'. Cersei nodded to her before heading off. 

"See you at home, Jon." Rieka remarked. 


Jaime grumbled a lot when Rieka got up untangling herself from his naked body. 

"Rieka-" Jaime whined. She leaned over kissing him and he pulled her back to him. "I'm not dont loving you." Jaime corrected. 

"I have to talk to Cersei." Rieka corrected. "We have spent the last fortnight in bed." 

"Not long enough." Jaime assured.  "I dont know how I feel about being surrounded by your family when I'm fucking your brains out." Jaime added. 

"We have the journey to winterfell." Rieka reminded him. "A moons journey, lots of that." She assured kissing him. "But I have to talk to cersei and see when she wants to leave." Jaime reached out for her but she put Lancelot in his arms. "Ohh dirty nappy." Rieka remarked. "You can handle that right? Love you!" She called as she headed out. 

"What did you eat?" Jaime questioned gagging on the smell of Lancelot dirty diaper. 

"They will go back to dragonstone." Rieka remarked. "two moons before they get back, if we leave-" Cersei hissed out a breath as she brought her glass to her lips. "It's been a fortnight. THey will be rejoining at dragonstone, making a plan..."

"A plan of attack." Cersei agreed. 

"Against the white walkers." Rieka agreed slowly. 

"About that..." Cersei countered leaning back in her chair and Rieka's shoulders fell. 

"You are not going north..." Rieka realized. 

"You shouldnt either. I know they are your family Rieka, but so am I." Cersei reminded her.

"Cersei, please, this is-"

"I'm sorry Rieka, but no." Cersei corrected. "My decision is final." Rieka nodded hugging her. 

"I'm going." Rieka whispered. 

"I wish you wouldn't. Think of your children." Cersei begged. 

"Daenerys will come here next and she will burn the capital to the ground. We can't beat dragons cersei, maybe its time to-"

"I will die on this throne." Cersei corrected. "I have fought to hard for this." Rieka nodded slowly as she turned about the room. "Think on it Rieka, you want those monsters coming after your children if you lose?" 

"What if we win?" Rieka countered. 

"Then we lose this war, either way, lose the battle, win the battle... you are right. We lose this war and the capital burns." 

"Dont burn down with it." 

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