40. Golden Lion

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"I have decided that we all might die." Rieka remarked and Jaime stared back at her.

"Is that your way of saying you are going to kill me now?" Jaime questioned. 

"Opposite. If Bran can forgive you, so can I." Rieka remarked hugging him. "I dont want to lose you. You are not that man anymore." Jaime could breathe again. "If Bran hated you that would be a different story and I would have castrated you." Rieka assured. 

"Thank you." Jaime declared. 

"If we survive this?" RIeka whispered as Jaime kissed her. 

"We survive this." Jaime assured.  Rieka wanted to cry knowing this might just be the end. Jaime put a hand on her stomach. "We all survive this."

"Best get in there." Rieka whispered as the room filled with their impromptu small council. 

"That's what death is, isn't it? forgetting... Forgotten... If we forget who we are where we come from we are not men anymore.' Sam told them 'just animals. your memories don't come from books, your stories are not just stories...'

'we gotta take out the night king.'

' he can find me.' bran said. 'His mark is always on me,' Bran said showing them the burns on his arms from when he was grabbed in a vision.

"Wow, does that hurt?" Rieka questioned poking at it. "Why didnt you show me that?" Rieka demanded. Bran gave her a pointed look. "Right, right, tell me later." RIeka agreed running her fingers through his hair.

''We will put you in the crypt where it's safest.' Jon told Bran.

"Crypt?" Rieka demanded. 

''No we have to draw him out or his army kills us all. I will wait for him in the woods for him.' Bran told them.

'You want to use yourself as a bait?' Rieka asked incredulously. "Brandon." She tsked.

''We're not leaving you alone out there.' Arya told him

'I'll stay with him,' theon said 'with the iron born. I took this castle from you once, let me defend you now.'

'We will hold off the rest of them for the rest as we can' Davos agreed.

"Crypts?" Rieka repeated. 

"It's secure."

"It's stupid. No." Rieka corrected. "Using your handsome self as bait is even stupider."

'Ser Davos and I will be on the top to give you the signal went to light the trench' tyrion told them.

'Ser Davos is perfectly capable of waving a torch on his own, you will be in the not crypt.' Rieka informed Tyrion. "Because again, stupid ass idea."

''Rieka, I have fought before I can do it again, along with the men and women risking their lives.' Tyrion reminded her. But RIeka hummed her amusement.

"Didnt you get face chopped in half in the last battle?" Rieka countered slashing a finger across her own face. Jaime chuckled glancing to Tyrion. 

"You lost a hand, might I remind you." Tyrion corrected sternly. His chance to woe Rieka was short lived it seemed because Rieka was already back on Jaime's arms. 

'She is right." Daenerys corrected. "There are thousands of them and only one of you. You cannot fight as well as they can, but you can think better than any of them... you're here because of your mind if you survive, if we survive I will need it.' Daenerys told him.

"I'm right about a lot of things." Rieka agreed. "Tyrion preservation is one of them." Tyrion choked out a laugh. She still cared about him. 

"Thank you for that." Tyrion agreed softly.

"We need you Tyrion." RIeka insisted. SHe thought of Leona and Lancelot a sleep in her chambers all snuggled up. 

"'The dragon should give us an edge in the field' Davos went on.

'If they are in the field they are not protecting Bran, we need to be near him not so near the night King won't come.' Jon said

'Has anyone ever tried to kill him?' Sansa questioned.

'No one has ever tried' Bran told them.

'We are all going to die!' Tormund said 'but at least we died together,' he winked at Brienne.

"Thats the spirit." RIeka agreed.

'Let's get some rest,' Jon instructed 'Your grace' Jon said to danny before making a quick exit.

'Do you need help?' Tyrion asked bran, he sat still while the rest of the room cleared out.

'No' Bran answered solemnly looking into the fire. Rieka smiled back at them.

"Dont stay up too late Bran, big day coming up." Rieka requested. "Night Tyrion." 

"Night Rieka." Bran said as she pressed a kiss to his head. 

Jaime, and tyrion sat sitting by the fire drinking one last drink before the battle began.

'I wish father were here' Tyrion said surprising Jaime. 'I would love to see the look on his face when he realizes his sons are about to die defending Winterfell' Tyrion clarified. 

'That would be something to see' Jaime agreed.

''I remember the first time we were here, the first time we were here you were a golden lion while I was a drunken whore monger,'' Tyrion reminded him, 'It was so simple'

'It was not simple' Jaime told him, 'I was sleeping with my sister and you had one friend in the world who was sleeping with his sister." Rieka peered in the fire crackling behind them. 

''I was speaking in relative terms' he told Jaime

''Do you miss it?''

''Of course I miss it.'' Tyrion agreed. 

''Oh my golden lions days are done, but your whore monger days...' Jaime teased. 

"Treat Rieka right, Jaime." Tyrion requested. 

"It is my mission in life to never let smile fall off her face." Jaime admitted. Rieka chuckled silently from the door. 

"Mission accomplished." Tyrion remarked downing his drink as he nodded to the door. 

"Rieka." Jaime declared getting up. 

"Come to bed." Rieka requested reaching out for him. "Last night alive." 

"No its not." Jaime assured. "we have so much life to live." 

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