16. Let Me Do It

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"Dwarfism is not a something that will make her unhealthy, shes just different. Her fa- Uncle is a dwarf and he was healthy. Despite his drinking problem." RIeka remarked sharply. "Now, is she healthy?" They gingerly took the babe from Rieka and checked her over. She screamed out when taken away from Rieka, but she kicked her little legs and they swaddled her up.

"She seems healthy but her condition-"

"She is perfect." Rieka sneered. "You are excused."

Jaime understood why Tyrion loved Rieka so much as she stood up for her daughter. Defending her babe from the maesters accusing glares. Jaime understood now that Rieka didnt see Tyrion as different, she just saw him. Jaime held the babe to him and Rieka watched him smile as they room cleared out. 

"Tyrion left us with a little present to remember him by." Jaime mused. 

"That he did." Rieka agreed softly. "Be honest with me-"

"She is perfect." Jaime assured. 

"Good, if you said anything else I would have castrated you." RIeka agreed. 

"And I believe you when you say that." Jaime agreed with a laugh. "What did you think for her name?" 

"Leona." Rieka whispered. "Leona Rose Lannister." 

"Leona... little lion." Jaime remarked fondly. "It's perfect." Rieka smiled back at him and he got even more sexy by the moment holding their baby to his chest. "Hello Leona, welcome to the world little one." He pressed a kiss to her forehead and Rieka turned her face away feeling bits of the after birth coming. Jaime sat beside her a long time as her face pinched, the discard from the birth that didnt come out during the birth itself. She was exhausted falling back asleep as Leona had her first meal gnawing at Rieka's teat. 

Jaime took Leona pulling a blanket up over Rieka as she fell asleep curling up into herself, her body was sore and stretched but waking up to a shirtless jaime and a little bundle of baby in his arms made it worth the pain. She was a mother, she had a child, a daughter, Tyrion... she didnt know where he was in the world, but she wondered if he cared, if he would want to be a part of this babies life. 

"You know Tyrion said, for as much as you teased and tormented him-" Rieka began. 

"As was my big brother duty." Jaime agreed. 

"he always said that you were always good to him." Rieka remarked. Jaime smiled back at her as he rocked their baby girl in his arms. 

"She gets to stay little forever." Jaime remarked. "I will protect her better than I did Tyrion." He assured. "It's that right Leona Rose." Jaime coed. 

"Your hotness level goes up when you are holding a baby." RIeka informed him. Jaime's gaze turned dramatically to her. 


"It does things to me." Rieka agreed. 

"Good to know." Jaime agreed. A blush covered her cheeks as Leona whined out. "She got Tyrion's drinking already." Jaime remarked as RIeka cradled her to her chest. Leona drank away as Rieka tipped into Jaime. 

"We are parents." Rieka whispered. 

"We are." Jaime agreed wrapping an arm around her. 

"Who is going to tell your father?" Rieka questioned and Jaime laughed out. "Let it be me, I want to kick him in the balls when he says one bad thing about my baby girl." 

"I can write him, say its a girl. Happy and healthy," Jaime offered. "Leave this little bit out." He offered touching Leona's little toes. Her toes curled at his touch, her fingers fisted at Rieka's chest, pinching her skin. 

"I'm going to say this once and then move on." Rieka whispered. "Don't read too much into it." 

"What?" Jaime asked confused. 

"I wish Tyrion was here to meet her."

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