8. Cruel

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"We were invited back for the wedding. Tommen and Margaery." Jaime remarked looking over the scroll. "Its in a fortnight."

"Tommen is a sweetie. I hope margaery and him get along better than joffrey." Rieka offered.

"Cersei wrote as well. She is trying to get Myrcella back before the wedding. She got a weird message and shes worried." Jaime added.

"Do you need to go get her? Myrcella?" Rieka questioned.

"Father is sending his men." Jaime corrected. "He will get her back..."  jaime reached out touching riekas stomach. "Do you think you can make the journey back? Is it safe for the baby?"

"Im not going to pop yet Jaime. I have a few more moons. I just look huge," rieka assured.

"All stomach," jaime agreed. "Cersei was like that. I remember when she couldnt put her shoes on. She screamed when her dresses no longer fit too."

"I can picture that." Rieka agreed with a laugh.

There was a level of unspoken tension between them. It was small and hardly noticeable at times but it was growing bigger as RIeka's stomach grew. She could no longer push aside thoughts of the future, thoughts of this baby. She wanted this baby, she loved it already. But she was so scared of the future, but Tommen was a bastard and he was king, cersei's children were all bastards and they got to live, Joffrey was a cunt that got him killed not his illegitimate status.

"How did you get past the Kingsguard?" Tommen questioned as Margaery entered his room.

"Kingsguard." Margaery repeated amused.

"I don't think you're supposed to be here. Mother doesn't allow me to have visitors at night." Tommen countered.

"I'm not a visitor, Your Grace. Word has it I'm to be your bride." Margaery corrected sitting on the edge of his bed. "Soon too in fact." 

"Did you know that people in arranged marriages often never meet until their wedding day? Before we decide to spend our lives together, we ought to get to know one another. Don't you think?" Margaery went on.

"Cersei is worried Margaery will try to manipulate him." Jaime remarked. 

"Oh she will." Rieka agreed. 

"That wasnt comforting." Jaime countered. 

"She wants to be queen, she wants it more than anything. But she will be good to him, I'm more worried about Cersei, Margaery will want to be rid of her sooner rather than later." Rieka added. 

"You are really not easing any worries about the future." Jaime informed her. 

"Yes. But if my mother found out..." Tommen countered.

"It can be our secret. Hmm? If we're going to be man and wife, we'll have a few secrets from her, I hope. So, Your Grace..." Margaery urged.

"Yes? Tell me a secret." Tommen agreed as Ser Pounce jumps onto the bed. Margaery pet him as he rubbed up against her. 

"Hello. Aren't you a proper fellow?"

"That's Ser Pounce." Tommen informed her.

"Very handsome." Margaery agreed.

"Joffrey didn't like him. He threatened to skin him alive and mix his innards up in my food so I wouldn't know I was eating him." Tommen admitted.

"You dont think she will hurt Tommen?" Jaime countered. 

"No. I dont think she will, I think she will play him well." Rieka corrected. 

"Play him?" Jaime countered. 

"Woman have a way of being sneaky and manipulative with a smile." Rieka remarked. "but I dont think she will be cruel to him."

"That's very cruel. You don't strike me as cruel." Margaery remarked.

"No. I don't think I am." Tommen agreed.

"That's a relief. Because you know what happens when we marry?"

"We say our vows in front of the High Septon. And after the ceremony, there's a feast." Tommen answered.

"When we marry, I become yours. Forever. It's getting late. I should go. May I come and visit you again? All right, then." Margaery questioned. She leaned in whispering in his ear. "Remember, our little secret." She kissed Tommens forehead before heading out. 

"I dont want to talk about Margaery or Cersei right now." Rieka decided. 

"No?" Jaime mused reaching over to stroke his thumb over her cheek. 

All ten of his fingers slid into her hair and he kissed her like it actually had been killing him not to. She raised her hands to his strong face and kissed him back with everything she had, hoping to make him feel even half of what he delivered whenever his lips met hers. Going up on her tiptoes, Rieka pulled his head closer, taking the lead as she attempted to consume every addictive bite of Jaime that she could get. He growled into her mouth, his fingers flexing, and the heat of it all made her burn.

 Kissing Jaime, her husband, her second husband, this gorgeous man in front of her was so much more than just kissing, and she suspected nothing would ever compare again to this kiss right now.

 It was teeth and tongue and lips and breath, teasing and sliding and utter oral chaos, it was an onslaught, and hands-down the most erotic activity she'd ever participated in all while keeping their clothes on.

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