45. Stubborn

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'Did you bring any wine?'

'No' jon told him.

'Well... thank you for coming to see me. Our queen doesn't keep prisoners for long. I suppose there's a crude kind of justice, I betrayed my closest friend and watched him burn now Daenerys is going to turn me to ashes...' tyrion told him. 'It just occurred to me I'm talking to the only man alive that knows where I'm going. So is there life after death?'

'Not that I've seen' jon told him.

'I should be thankful that it's the best I could hope for, I strangled my lover, left Rieka alone in the world and I betrayed my queen.' tyrion reminded him

'You didn't.''

''I did. And I would do it again now that I've seen what I've seen I chose my fate... the people of Kings Landing did not.' Tyrion reminded him.

'I cannot justify what happened I won't try' Jon told him 'but the war is over now.''

''Is it? When you heard her talking to her soldiers did she sound like someone who is done fighting?' Tyrion asked he stood up 'she liberated the people from slavers bay, she liberated the people of kings landing she will go on liberating until the people of the world are free. And she rules through the ashes of all of it.''

A babies cries wiled out. Jaime looked to Rieka as she took shaky breaths. 

"Rieka, its a boy." Jaime remarked. "You have to keep fighting, fight for Leona, fight for Lancelot, fight for... goodness and light... Lucian." Jaime remarked. "Lucian Robb Lannister needs you." Rieka opened her eyes staring back at him. 

"I'm really tired." Rieka reminded him. "That was a lot." 

"Thank the Gods." Jaime remarked hugging her gently. 

"Lucian, light, I love that." Rieka agreed. "Did you say Robb?" 

"I did. Thought you would like that." Jaime remarked. 

"I do." Rieka agreed. "He's perfect," Rieka whispered reaching out for her baby. "Leona wanted a sister." Rieka reminded him. 

"There is always next time." Jaime mused. 

"I'm still recovering from this one, lets not work on the next one for a while."

'And you have been by her side counseling her through all of it, until today.' Jon reminded Tyrion. 

'Until today. Varys was right, I was wrong, it was vanity to think I could help her. Our Queens nature is fire and blood.' Tyrion informed him.

'Then I would be fire and blood to' Jon said 'she is no more her father then you are yours'

'My father was an evil man, my sister was an evil woman, of all the bodies of all the people they've ever killed will not be the same as our beautiful queen killed in a single day.' tyrion reminded him

'they left her no choice' jon tried but he knew that was a lie.

'The moment they fell the battle was over'

'She saw her friend beheaded she saw her dragons shot out of the sky' Jon reminded him

'And she burned a city for it!' tyrion snapped.

'It's easy to judge when you're standing far away from the battlefield' Jon said trying to prove Daenerys right trying to defend her in a defendless situation

'Would you have done it? You've been up there on a dragons back you have had that power would you have burn the city down?' tyrion questioned

'I don't know' Jon answered

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