49. Forever & Always

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Leona. The big sister, the little big sister. Rieka smiled as Leona bossed around her little brothers.

They were visiting the capital and Lancelot was chasing after Leona. Lucian whined from Jaimes arms but Jaime didnt want him crwling for dear life to catch up with his big sister.

"Thats the big chair!" Leona declared and Lancelot nodded at the throne.

"Big." He agreed giggling out.

"Come on!" Leona waved a hand like she knew exactly where she was going. Rieka chuckled leaning into jaime.

"This place looks great. Bran must be doing something right." Rieka teased.

"I think him naming you queen certainly helped. Took a kinddom off his plate." Jaime agreed.

Tyrion came out a council meeting hearing laughter as Lancelot chased after Leona. Rieka had her arm linked with Jaime, he held baby Lucian in his arm. It made Tyrion's heart ache for what could have been.

"I didnt realize you were here." Tyrion remarked.

"Uncle TT!" Leona declared running to him. Tyrion hugged her smiling back at them.

"Hi Leona, I missed you sweetie." Tyrion declared.

"Miss mama." Leona pointed a finger back at Rieka.

"I definitely missed your mama." Tyrion assured. "You look good, I was expecting another child." Tyrion admitted.

"No, I make the teas now. Three is my limit for now." Rieka corrected.  Tyrion still loved her. But he was happy for her. Glad jaime loved her right. Wanted to punch him in the face too but he was more happy... most days.

"Didnt grow bored of him?" Tyrion mused.

"Definitely not." Rieka assured.

"Im here if you do." Tyrion answered.

"Careful little brother." Jaime warned.

"Sorry. Sorry... you must want to see our king?" Tyrion realized as Leona reintroduced lancelot to Tyrion.

"My little brother. Yes." Rieka agreed. "Oh! There is my handsome boy!" She coed moving to bran. "I miss you honey! Whats that face? Am I embarrassing you?" Rieka laughed out as she sat in his lap draping her arms around his neck. "Too bad its my sisterly duty."

"I missed you. I have been looking out for you," bran assured.

"Of course you are. A king and a spy." Rieka agreed.

"Lucian how you have grown!" Bran remarked.

"Lancelot reminds me of you when you were little." Rieka remarked as Lucian reached for Rieka.

"I cant get past the blonde hair." Bran teased.

"You were always chasing after me." Rieka informed him.

"You always slowed down to let me catch up." Bran whispered kissing her cheek.

"I hate being so far away from you." Rieka remarked.

"Me too." Bran agreed.

"I have a solution. Stay." Tyrion declared.

"Thats a good idea but someone needs to look after the north. Right rieka?" Bran questioned. "Earth to Rieka?"

"Yes." Rieka agreed looking up from Lucian slapping at her chest ready for another meal. "What am I agreeing to?" She countered.

"Are you not listening?" Tyrion questioned.

"I was but then his little fingers started pinching my chest and my focus shifted." Rieka offered with a shrug.

"Stay a while." Bran requested. "I can keep an eye on the north while we catch up."

"I would like that." Rieka agreed. She looked to Jaime.

"Now that you can see the future will the northerners ever like me?" Jaime questioned bran.

"They never accepted mother and she didnt try to kill their most beloved- former most beloved leader." Bran remarked.

"I have my work cut out for me." Jaime agreed. "But rieka is worth it."

"I need to feed this little man can we get some food after? Together? As a family?" Roeka questioned getting up.

"Meet you in the great hall in an hour?" Bran suggested.

"See you soon." Rieka agreed. "Leona, Lance, come on babies." Rieka called out.

After Lucian was fed and Leona got into her sparkliest of red dresses they were ready. Jaime smiled spinning rieka to him.

"You know I love when you wear red." Jaime whispered kissing her neck.

"We dont have time right now." Rieka corrected. Leona kept spinning herself dizzy.

"I wear red dress to!" Leona reminded him.

"And you look so beautiful." Jaime agreed.

"Come on time for supper-" rieka requested. Lucian was crawling around the room chasing after his siblings. Jaime grumbled pulling her closer. 'then you're going to have to kiss me like you fuck me." His eyes searched hers.

"How do I fuck you?" Jaime questioned. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist, forcing him to hug her to his body. Leona ooh'd out smiling back at them.

''Like your life depends on it."

That kiss promised forever and always.

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