22. Nonsense, This is Bonding

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Tommen was tired of funerals. His grandsire, his wife, her whole family. Tommen couldnt handle it, he locked himself in his chambers, answering for no one.

"He blames himself, Cersei." Jaime remarked.

"He didnt do anything." Cersei countered.

"He is the king, you forget that." Jaime corrected.

"And I was helping him."

"You dont seem to care that father is dead and you are responsible." Jaime shouted.

"I loved him." Cersei snapped back. "He wasnt supposed to be there!"

"yet he was and he blew up, alongside the tyrells. Cersei look what you did! Do you feel any remorse?"

"No." Cersei sneered. "I got rid of a problem. Father was... collateral damage."

Jaime needed a bit of good in his life, he went to find Rieka and Leona, they were babbling in the gardens.

"And here is where your aunt Cersei threatened my father." Rieka mused when she saw Jaime. Leona babbled back at her.

"Telling her all the important history I see." Jaime agreed.

"I didnt get to the place where you stabbed him." Rieka assured. "Leave for age two when she starts asking about grandpa... or maybe I tell her cersei blew up her other grandsire... sorry. Too soon."

"You didnt like him, I didnt like him most days." Jaime admitted.

"Its just bringing back memories of my fathers... execution." Rieka offered.

"Thats understandable." Jaime assured. "I'm sorry I wasnt there for you, I'm sorry I wasnt a better man back then."

"If you hadnt left, I would never have Leona right now. I wouldnt trade her for the world... our fathers are at peace... well my father is at peace, your father might be in hell." Rieka offered honestly. Jaime chuckled.

"I knew i needed to see you, knew you would make me smile." Jaime remarked.

"I'm always here to belittle the lannister name." She mused.

"Keeps my ego from getting to big." Jaime agreed kissing her. Leona smacked her lips at him.

"Leona wants a kiss too." Rieka remarked and Jaime leaned down kissing her little cheek, Leona giggled leaning back into Rieka's stomach.

"I'm starving, you hungry?" Jaime questioned. Rieka shook her head, she was feeling more and more nauseous these days. "Mind if i get something to eat and catch up with you two beautiful ladies later?"

"Go on, we will find you." Rieka assured kissing him quickly. Rieka found Cersei though.

"Rieka what a-"

"I need a pregnancy test." Rieka demanded.

"I will get the barley." Cersei agreed. A handmaiden returned within five minutes, Rieka paced the whole time, she didnt want to be pregnant but this felt like how it felt before. But there wasnt a trial or nonsense making her feel sick, Tywin's death didnt phase her, so she knew something was wrong.

"Just pee on it." Cersei instructed.


"Do you want to find out or not? Give me Leona and pee on the barley!" Cersei demanded. Rieka did as instructed and lifted her dress skirt crouching awkwardly over the barley.

"This is weird, you watching me piss on greenery." Rieka informed her.

"Nonsense this is bonding." Cersei assured. Rieka stepped away and stared down at it.


"Patience if it blooms..." they stared down at the barley.


"Patience." Cersei repeated.

"not my forte." Rieka corrected.

Rieka had fed and tucked in Leona that night when Jaime came to bed.

When he reached her, he didn't hesitate, he gripped her ass and hoisted her up, turning and walking to set her down on the counter. As soon as Rieka was steady, he attacked her mouth. Their lips clashed, and their tongues fought for dominance. She buried her hands in his hair and held him to her, not even wanting to come up for air.

But Rieka had to pull back to gasp when his fingers slid into her panties and tore through the thin lace at her hips. Jaime towered over her with the promise of domination, and she was ready to submit. He tugged the underwear free and shoved them in his pocket as he sank to his knees, shoving her legs apart. The skirt of her dress was pushed to her hips, and cold air caressed her wet folds.

Rieka almost jerked off the counter when a rough finger slid from her clit to circle her opening.

"Such a pretty cunt. So wet." Jaime remarked She chuckled shaking her head and biting her lip. "All for me?"

"All for you." Rieka agreed.

Somehow they made it to the bed, sweating tangle of limbs and love and sex filled the air around them. Jaime smiled as Rieka lay her head on his chest listening to the beat of his heart.

"I'm late." Rieka whispered as Jaime traced a hand down her spine. He pressed a kiss to her neck. "Late." She repeated.

"Late? Late. Late!" Jaime declared in understanding turning her around.

"Leona is 6 moons old, what is with you Lannisters? Getting me pregnant on the first try?" Rieka questioned incredulously. She poked a finger at his bare chest.

"Another baby," Jaime couldnt help but be happy, this one would be his blood, completely his. "Rieka-"

"Stop smiling, my body just got back to normal now its going to be stretched out again. And if Leona is still breast feeding I will have a babe on each teat!" RIeka barked back.

"A baby," Jaime remarked giddy.

"Stop smiling like that." RIeka demanded.

"I can't hep it I'm happy," Jaime corrected kissing her.

"Me too." She admitted.

"Ten girls." Jaime reminded her his lips dragging over her chest and stomach.

"I changed my mind on that Jaime, one girl and one boy will suffice." Rieka assured him.

"A baby."

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