2. What's the Catch?

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"This is awkward." Jaime began.

"What is? Your brother being accused of murder, that seems common, ask my mother- oh wait." Rieka gave him a pointed look.

"Rieka you see sometimes, things happen and at first..." Jaime choked on his words. Rieka stared back at Jaime confused.

"What's going on?"

"I got Tyrion a deal with my father, it will save him." Jaime remarked.

"Thats amazing!" Rieka agreed. "Why dont you seem happier."

"I agreed to hang up my cloaks-"

"Boo hoo, Tyrion will live and you will- whats the catch?" Rieka demanded.

"You are." Jaime remarked. "I marry you, secure the north for father like he intended."

"What?" Rieka rasped. "No I'm married to Tyrion."

"He will take the black, plead guilty and he will get it live-"

"He didnt kill Joffrey and you know it!" Rieka shouted.

"I know but... it is what it is Rieka. This is the best I can do." Jaime offered.

"Tyrion lives." Rieka repeated.

"Tyrion lives."

"We leave the capital?" Rieka added weakly.

"Yes. We will move to the rock you and me and... get to know each other after the... wedding." Jaime offered awkwardly.

"I dont really have a choice." Rieka remarked softly as she turned around heading back to her chambers and threw up in the chamber pot.


'It's not going well is it?' Tyrion said as the next day of the trial began.

'You're going to be found guilty.' Jamie told him

'You think so?'

'When you are you have to beg for mercy and asked to be sent to the wall. father has agreed to it.' Jamie told him 'he will spare your life and allow you to join the nights watch.'

'Ned Stark was promised the same thing too and we both know what happened to him.' Tyrion remarked.

'Father is not Joffrey.'

'How do you know?' Tyrion countered

'Do you trust me?' Jamie questioned Tyrion nodded, 'keep your mouth shut no more outburst this will all be over soon.'

"How is Rieka?" Tyrion asked. "I miss her."

"She's... I think she misses you too." Jaime offered.

"You will look out for her, keep her safe." Tyrion whispered. "Get her home maybe."

"I will do everything I can to honor your memory." Jaime agreed.

"Don't make it sound like a death wish." Tyrion begged.

"Just keep your mouth shut." Jaime begged. Rieka waved back at Tyrion from her seat and he stared at her, a small smile on her lips. He gave a little wave back as Tywin spoke up.

'The crown may call its next witness." Shae came walking in through the doors. Shae made her way to the witness box, chin held high.

"Shae." Tyrion looked to her, confusion and anger flooding him. Rieka rolled her eyes, this bitch.

''State your name' Tywin requested.


''You swear to the gods the old and the new that your testimony will be honest?' tywin questioned

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