42. Fearless

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The night King reached for his weapon to end bran once and for all but Arya came leaping towards him. He grabbed her by the neck she dropped the blade catching it in her opposite hand before stabbing him with the dragon glass. Killing him. The rest of his army fell.

Not everyone lived to fight another day. FIght another fight.

"Sansa..." when the walker broke through the wall the window shattered and sliced through Sansa with the force. Rieka tried as she might but she couldnt get the blood to stop.

''Everything is gonna be fine...' Rieka whispered holding her closer. A sob in her chest, they survived so much to die from the dead. "Sansa keep fighting." Rieka demanded. "Keep fighting damnit."

When Jon found Rieka she was sitting with her back against the wall, blood on her hands. Jon ran to her kneeling beside her. 

"What happened? Are you hurt? Where are you hurt?" Jon demanded looking her over. 

"Sansa." Rieka whispered. "I couldnt... I couldnt save her." Rieka corrected. 

"What?" Jon questioned. 

"San... Sansa...' Jon followed her gaze. 

"No." Jon breathed back. 

 "Bran?" Rieka whispered. "Arya?" 

"They are okay." Jon agreed. Rieka nodded rubbing at her neck, she sobbed out sansa's blood coating her skin. 

"Rieka," Jaime called out. "Rieka- oh my Gods- what happened?"

"Not my blood." Rieka whispered. 

"DADDY!" Leona declared.

"Hi baby." Jaime picked her up kissing her little face. Lancelot reached for him too. "Rieka..." Then his gaze saw the dead body beside them. "Oh, Rieka I'm so sorry." 

"I need to get her blood off me." Rieka whispered scraping at the blood embedded in her cuticle. "She needs... to be..." 

"Dont worry, I will..." Jon whispered kissing her temple. Rieka nodded feeling sick as she got up, Jaime helped her up but she crumbled back to the ground. 

"I couldnt save her." Rieka whispered. "She... her lasts words were sorry I was a bitch." Rieka choked out. "And now shes gone." 

Rieka bit back a growl as she tried to clean the blood from her hands. 

"We were supposed to be safe." Rieka murmured. "Can you imagine if we were in the crypts? We all would have been dead." Rieka sobbed out. "Its not coming out." 

"Why dont we say our goodbyes and then you take a nice hot bath." Jaime suggested, Rieka nodded wiping at her eyes. 

"I couldnt save my little sister." 

Jaime knew it was more than just sansa, it was everyone. It was Rickon and Robb, it was her parents. It was the starks all falling and Rieka couldnt save them. 

'We are here to say goodbye to my brothers and sisters our fathers and mothers to our friends.' Jon declared 'our fellow men and women who set aside their differences together... together everyone in this world owes them a debt that will never be repaid. It is our duty and our honor to keep them alive in memory for those who come after us and those who come after them for as long as men draw breath they were the shield they guided the realms of men... And we shall never see their light again.'' Rieka stepped forward and burned Sansa's body.  The bodies of the dead were set a flame and Rieka's frame was illuminated by it as she stood too close, feeling the heat rising up around her.

"Monsters." Leona whispered scared to fall asleep that night. 

"No more monsters." Jaime assured as Rieka got out of the bath, her skin was pruned and her eyes bloodshot from crying but she felt better, her head was still pounding but she didnt have to see the red of sansa's blood coating her skin. 

"I scared." Leona corrected hugging him tight. "Mama?"

"I promise Leona my little snow lion, I wont let anyone hurt you." Rieka assured. Leona nodded into her. "What does the lion say?" Leona's big eyes stared back at her. RIeka smiled softly, kissing her little face all over. "What does the little lion say?" RIeka encouraged.

"Rwwar," Leona whispered.

"I can't hear you baby girl." Rieka corrected.

"RWWAR!" Leona declared.

"Thats my little snow lion." Rieka agreed. "I wish I could be more like you. Fearless."

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