You Signed Up for This / Jaim...

By rissarosewrites

42.2K 2K 148

Jaime made a deal for Tyrions life. Tywin has come to collect. Rieka didnt sign up for marrying both Lanniste... More

1. Boys like you
2. What's the Catch?
3. Not the Day I Die
4. Carrot Cake
5. Really Sell It
6. Robb
7. Did You Love Him?
8. Cruel
9. Old Flames
10. Mama Wolf
11. Dowager Queen
12. Never Yield
13. Testify
14. Satisfy
15. I Would Howl
16. Let Me Do It
18. Bird Brain
19. Foolish Ones
20. Manipulation
21. Death & Regrets
22. Nonsense, This is Bonding
23. First Loves
24. Fight for You
25. Dragon
26. Ignore Me
27. Leaking on The Throne
28. Timeless
29. Little Monster
30. Busy
31. I Want To Touch It
32. My World
33. Enemy
34. Jump, Jump, Jump
35. Delayed Due to Vomit
36. Three Eyed Raven
37. Fuck Buddy
38. Threaten a Wolf
39. Back To Me
40. Golden Lion
41. Keep Fighting
42. Fearless
43. Fuck Secrets
44. Never Again
45. Stubborn
46. Queens & Kings
47. Trust You
48. Illicit Tongues
49. Forever & Always

17. Life Support

867 45 1
By rissarosewrites

Willing Heart / Ser Duncan the tall out now!

"A girl." Tywin sneered. "Damn that wolf."

"Grandfather?" Tommen questioned. "Margaery and mother... what can we do?"

"Do?" Tywin questioned with a chuckle. "Cersei did this to herself. They both did, we have more to worry about than the sept."

"I want them back." Tommen countered.

"I know you do." Tywin agreed. "But you are the king, you have prioritize."

'Loras?' Margaery questoined. He looked like he was barely alive but his eyes opened at the sound of his sister's voice. 'Loras,' she whispered crouching down before him he startled at her touch. He shook in her arms. 'listen to me you need to say stay strong.' she told him

'I can't stay strong.' he told her 'I never was strong not like you.'' He whimpered into her.

'You are strong you are the future of our house the future of our family.'

'I don't care about that.' he moaned.

'You don't really believe that.'

'I just wanted to stop.' he told her, tears in his eyes 'help me.' he begged 'please.' he sobbed shaking into her.

'They want me to help you, they want me to help you, tear you down that's why he's letting me see you I know it is and if either of us give into what they want then they win.' Margaery told him.

'Who gives a shit if they win, just get it to stop.' he told her 'please.' he begged and she held him close as he cried into her.

"Make her stop." Rieka whined. "I dont know what she wants."

"I got her." Jaime got up, his eyes still closed, he walked blindly to Leona's crib he lifted her up sniffing at her rear end. "Not a shit," Jaime informed her before bringing Leona to the bed. He tugged at Rieka's dress and put Leona to Rieka's chest. "Bingo." Jaime remarked as Leona sucked away.

"I swear I just fed her." RIeka countered. "LIke a minute ago."

"She got hungry in the minute it took to put her back in her crib." Jaime offered.

Rieka was surprised at what a good father Jaime was considering what a shit father he had.

"Whats that smile for?"

"You are good at this. Parenting." Rieka answered.

"You are a good mum."

"Im her life support." Rieka countered.

"You are her world." Jaime corrected kissing her cheek. "I never got to do this with..."

"Joffrey and Mrycella and Tommen." Rieka agreed softly.

"Its full circle irony." Jaime offered. "My children were raised by another man. I will raise tyrions child."

"Your child." Rieka corrected. Jaime leaned forward capturing her lips with his.

Rieka cradled leona in her arms as they took a walk of the grounds. Jaime smiled running a calming hand down her back.

The first moon of adjusting was an adjustment. The second moon they were getting the hang of it. The third moon rieka looked at her reflection in the mirror and thought damn i look good. She had some stretch marks fading after leonas birth still. Her hips felt a bit wider but maybe that was her imagination but otherwise she felt back to normal. She looked it too. Except for her breasts. Those were larger. Those were still tender yet she ached for someone to touch her to hold her. She ached for her husband.

"Leona is back to sleep," jaime remarked.

"Thank you." Rieka answered.

"Tis my Daddy duty." Jaime assured his eyes raking over her. She was getting changed but stopped to stare as she slipped off her dress for the night. She felt so sluggish and flabby after giving birth to leona but now she felt sexy again. "You sleeping in the nude now? Im not complaining. Just curious."

"Sleep wasnt on my mind." Rieka corrected moving towards him.

"You just had a baby." Jaime reminded rieka softly.

"I recall." Rieka answered kissing him again. She kissed down his chest pulling off his shirt.

"You sure?"

"You dont want me anymore?" Rieka questioned but his hand went to her ass pulling her to him.

"I want you." Jaime assured.

He kissed his way down her neck, palming her ass with one golden hand and squeezing her breast with his other.

Sucking her nipple into his mouth, he tugged at it with his teeth until her back arched off the bed. 

"Oh Gods ..." Rieka's soft moan had him hard again. He needy for sex, or maybe it was her. It was definitely her. No woman had ever made him feel so insatiable. Every inch of her tasted divine. He couldn't stop sucking and lapping his tongue over her breasts as two of his fingers slid between her slick folds. He fingered her to an orgasm, aiming only to pleasure her. She clawed at his back then tugged his hair, he never knew a woman's death grip on his hair could make his cock pulse.

"Fuck me." She demanded. 


Rieka grumbled turning over in bed when there was a knock at the door. Jaime put some pants on and got up.

"A squire for you with urgent news from the capital my lord."

Jaime groaned glancing back at Rieka she waved a dismissive hand back at him. Her naked body twisted up in the sheets.

"My lord! My lord! Its your sister!" Jaime turned sharply to the squire. "She... she requested you home-" he held out the scroll. "Urgently."

Jaime read it over and his jaw clenched.

"Damn sparrow. Damn cersei for not being smarter than this." Jaime murmured.

"Whats wrong?" Rieka questioned.

"It's Cersei, I have to go back to the capital." 

"I will get things ready for Leona and we will go." Rieka agreed. 

"You didnt sign up for my family drama, Rieka," Jaime murmured. "You don't have to..." 

"Cersei is my friend to." Rieka reminded him. "Now come on. She needs us."

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