Bad Kids

By cloud_stormy39

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It's been years since the Sonic gang has truly come together to talk and see one another. Since then, there h... More

Helpful Guide
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75

Chapter 72

82 3 1
By cloud_stormy39

The Battle in Dark Side kept escalating greater and greater. Knowing they didn't stand a chance this way, the Mobian teens gathered everything they needed to head back to save their friends. "I'm done with this shit!" Hunter snapped as he turned a corner in one of his dad's vehicles. "If we're going to end this fight, it's gotta be now! But if our parents get on our ass, this is on you Blizzard!" he added. "Yes yes, I know! You've been reminding me every ten minutes!" Blizzard retorted.

Peaking out the window, Typhoon could see the attack happening in front of them. "Turn off the locators! We don't want any enemies knowing we're here!" he alerted Sunny. Sunny nodded, typing things into a remote, making it impossible for anyone to track them. They turned harshly down another street before coming across the bigger battle. "What the! How?! We left only ten minutes after them!" Finn exclaimed. Hannah glanced around, using pair of binoculars. "There's a large fleet like how it was not too long ago!"

"Let's be real, what are we going to do? Our powers only help us go so far!" Misty asked the group. "She's got a point!" Typhoon pointed out. "Typhoon- shut up!" Swift snapped. Annoyed, Hunter turned another corner to get away from the fight and avoid danger. "Where do you think we should head? I'm not having luck here!"

"Dark Side is definitely bigger than Mobius. I'm just not sure where we could start! I don't know where Night, our parents, or anyone else is! I'll think of something, just keep driving for now!" Blizzard instructed. As they kept driving, they could feel the ground vibrate or shake due to the collisions. "You better have some plan before we all die in this van!" Melany scolded him, only being able to stare out the front window. "I know! We will! Just chill out for once!" Blizzard cried.

Yet another turn later, they were about to drive down an alleyway trying to find something. Out of the blue something came out and scared them. It was someone waving their arms and shouting at them. "Hunter- HUNTER!" Ruby shouted. Hunter gripped the wheel tightly and slammed hard on the brakes. The van lightly tapped into the stranger in front of them, sending them to the ground. "Holy shit! Hunter!" Misty screamed. "I didn't know! They came out of nowhere!" he cried.

More came out from the other corners of the alleyway and were trying to meet up with the someone they crashed into. At first glance, they didn't recognize any of them. That's when Ruby squinted her eyes and noticed someone. "Pistol?" she questioned. Everyone turned to look at her. Those on the outside of the van began shouting at the group, trying to catch their attention. "Uh, we should probably deal with that." Melany noted. They got out of the van to see the one they crashed into was Hypno. He was now sitting up, shaking his head out. "Oh my gosh! Hypno are you good?" Envy asked her.

He mumbled something before falling back down. "Agh! Hypno! Get up!" she cried shaking him out. "Don't hurt him too badly! He's fine! Just let him catch his breath!" Nick scolded. Pistol recognized the others right away and snickered. "Well well, never thought we'd come across each other again. Nice to see that you made it back home in one piece. Still, this is all kinda your fault." he noted. "Okay! We get it! We're assholes! You don't have to keep reminding us!" Melany whined. Nick shrugged. "I say we call it even by now. Anyways, what are you doing here?" he questioned.

"We came to help! Mobius was struggling and we couldn't just let you do it alone!" Curd told them worriedly. Pistol gave the small boy a look. "Okay, no offense, but none of you are built to take on Eggman or any of Midnight's friends or herself. She's strong! Even when she's not thinking about it. Unfortunately, my grandpa used that against us. He wants Midnight and the others to take over everything... He's my old-old man! I know I can't treat him as a normal person! We let him walk, he'll ruin everyone's lives!"

"Nick, he's already walking and ruining everything. What else is he gonna do?!" Pistol retorted. "Hey! Okay! Maybe so! But you're missing the point! He's dangerous!" Nick snapped back. "Stop arguing!" Envy shouted at them. Hypno sat up, trying to say something before falling backward again. "Look, we're not here to make things worse, I can promise you that. We just want to help! Midnight and the others are clearly in trouble of some sort and we need to do something other than just standing here!" Blizzard ranted as he became frustrated.

Sharing quick glances, they looked around wondering what to do. "I know my grandpa is having the main fight at his base. If we get over there, we can try to get the Chaos Emerald back from him and get them out of his control! We'll have to be smart about this, there's only one entrance that I can think of where we can sneak that the alarms will go off." he explained. "Okay, how hard will it be to get there?" Finn asked. "Let's just say, we'll need a lot of rope. Or some way we can fly up there."


Silver and Sonic made it to the front of the base first before Knuckles and Gadget. They could only stare at the door that had been knocked down. Immediately they knew their companions had already made their way inside. Crashed and booms could be heard from inside. "C'mon! We can't just let them get hurt!" Sonic urged, ushering Silver to hustle inside. They had to wander around a bit considering there was a lot of space that had been blown up or destroyed.

"I don't know how I feel about this. If Eggman used a Chaos Emerald to control their kids, what's to stop him from using it on anyone else?" Silver wondered as they scouted the area. "You've got a point... Your shields prevent most attacks. Using you as defense should be enough to stop him from trying anything against us. Still, we'll need to be careful, Shadow is scared to lose his kid. Not to mention everyone else is. Just follow my lead. We still have to wait for Knuckles and Gadget to get here!"

Nodding his head, Silver followed after Sonic at a much faster pace.

On the upper levels, there were dents or holes in every direction they looked. Infinite was trying to get up again, using his other hand to hold his arm up, casting his illusions at both Diamond and Fade. Rouge was busy trying to keep Smoke at bay and Mephiles was attempting to help pry Midnight off of Shadow who didn't have the strength to keep up with her anymore. Seeing them struggle made Sonic panic. "Shads!" he shouted, racing into the heat of it. Silver looked around and formed a shield around Fade, trapping her in a dome. Infinite glanced behind his shoulder, watching the albino take one factor out.

Diamond now taking the full impact of his power felt tired and collapsed to the ground. Infinite smiled, showing his gratitude to the albino. "Thanks, I started to lag a little..." he replied. "Don't worry, we've got it covered! Are you okay?" Silver asked, noticing the shattered mask. "I'll be fine... Nothing a little super glue can't handle." Silver just shook his head. He peered up and saw Fade starting to slow down as she barely started hitting the shield. Her energy had been worn thin and she started falling to her knees.

Carefully, Silver released the girl, making sure she was safe. Fade then laid on the ground, asleep. "That took less time than expected." Silver noted. "She's been using the full force of her power on us since we arrived." Infinite told him, flashing his power towards Smoke, hitting him once more behind the head. Rouge was relieved of his attacks and pushed the limp boy off of her. "At this rate, I'm surprised they hadn't already worn themselves out. That Chaos Emerald truly put them in a different state of power. It's affecting them from the inside. It isn't until we can properly neutralize them that they slow down."

Rouge flapped her wings out. "At least I'm not caged up like last time." she said, brushing dust off of her. Above them, there was a sudden loud crash. "The hell?" Infinite huffed. It was followed by a burst of laughter. "Try meeeeee!" Another crash was followed by scolding yells and another set of laughter. "Ugh, boys." Rouge sighed, already flapping her wings to fly up to the level they were on. Silver and Infinite shrugged, beginning to fly up along with her.

Sonic was trying to watch for Scourge's attacks. "Can't a guy ever catch a damn break?! All you've ever done is try to fuck shit up! I don't appreciate it! Stop being a pain in my ass already!" Scourge shouted angrily, staring down Eggman.

"Whatever do you mean Mr. Scourge?! I've only had the best interest in Dark Side! The fact that you can't accept my help is unbelievable."

Scourge gritted his teeth angrily, seeing Midnight readily by his side. "I think it's a bunch of bs when you have the Queen under your control forcefully. You'll be lucky if I don't beat your ass!" he snapped back. "Oh well, I tried!"

Midnight was then sent back out towards them once more. She prepared blasts in her hands as she ran towards the green hedgehog. "Let's just see how well you handle her at her fullest potential!" he told them, waiting for them to try something. Sonic tackled Scourge before he could get blasted. "I'm getting impatient. Midnight, finish these rats! I'm through with their nonsense!" he ordered her. Midnight once again prepared herself to lunge at them, readying herself with bolts in her hands, slowly hovering above the ground below her. Her fur suddenly began turning white, a bright one. It made everyone scared.

Suddenly, she couldn't control her powers anymore. The amount she had received from the Chaos Emerald made it to where Eggman couldn't control her anymore. She was in the air now, suspended from the ground. "What are you doing?! Attack already!" Eggman shouted. Midnight opened her eyes and showed off her white pearly gaze. "Night..." Shadow gasped, not knowing what to do. Scourge and Sonic backed away. None of the hedgehogs were ever able to get to this level of power with the Chaos Emeralds.

Their other friends caught up to them. They stood there stunned and scared by the aura that began spreading everywhere.

No one did anything as the auras that touched anything would begin to break down everything. "Holy shit... We gotta get everyone outta here!" Scourge cried. "I'm not leaving her..." Shadow told them. "Shadow! This is dangerous! Whatever power that is isn't anything we've ever dealt with before! Don't be an idiot! Our towns need us!" Sonic shouted to him. "I don't care! If that was your kid you'd do the same thing!" Shadow snapped.

Sonic could only watch Shadow's tears stream down his face seeing the horror unfold. Midnight even was able to release tears, knowing that this wasn't even what she wanted herself.

"It's too late... I can't do anything..." Shadow cried, sitting there on his knees.

Before damage could occur, glass and pieces of the wall began to fall everywhere. The Mobius teens began to crash through the wall. They arrived just as everything was going down. Blizzard stood to his feet knowing exactly all the way going on. He had to do something before it was too late.

Using his powers, he turned to Midnight, racing to her side. He flew up to grab her and bring her to the ground. The aura engulfed him and her, leaving everyone yelling at him for being reckless. Blizzard didn't care though.

He held her tightly, trying to get her to calm down.

"Listen, Night, if you can hear me... Could you come back to us? I know you're scared but it's all okay now! No one's going to hurt you! Don't let that guy win! We all need you! I need you! I'm not scared of you! I've loved you since the day I confessed and I still do! Please... don't leave us..." he told her, keeping his arms wrapped tightly around her. Midnight's muscles untensed as she looked at Blizzard with a blank expression.

The auras around them began to disappear from the tight area. Blizzard kissed her forehead, spreading his light to her heart. Midnight's eyes returned to their normal gaze the aura officially disappeared. Those who still remained stared at both of them. Blizzard held Midnight gently in her arms, careful that she didn't move her head too much. As she opened her eyes again, staring up at Blizzard, she smiled while feeling her body weaken. "Sorry... I'm sorry..." she cried, tears coming down her cheeks.

Relieved, Blizzard sighed and held her closer to his side. "It's okay... It's okay... It's over..."

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