KnY Boyfriend Scenarios

De SunBabyxKenshin

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Enjoy scenarios and stuff with your fav KnY husbando! Characters are in the first two chapters! I was origina... Mais

๐ŸŒบRequest Page๐ŸŒบ
How You Meet
When You Become Friends
When You Spend Time Together
Realizing Your Feelings for Each Other
When You/They Confess
When You Have Your First Kiss
๐ŸŒปYour Nicknames๐ŸŒป
๐Ÿ’œTengen Catch-Up๐Ÿ’œ
Love Languages
Haunted Attractions! (1k Special)
Your Favorite Food
A/N: I'm stumped๐Ÿ˜—
A/N:I'm updating the update and calling it update
A/N: Hopefully the last one for a while
๐Ÿ’œGyomei Catch-Up๐Ÿ’œ
๐Ÿ’œGenya Catch-Up๐Ÿ’œ
Random Stuff You've Said
Unofficially Adopted
โ˜€๏ธWhat Does Your Family Think of Him?โ˜€๏ธ
โ˜€๏ธWhat Does His Family Think of You?
When You Get Sick
How You Cuddle
Incorrect Quotes
โ˜€๏ธ Who's Your Best Friend?
When He Gets Sick
๐ŸŽ‚Birthday Special๐ŸŽ‚
When He Gets Hurt
๐Ÿ’˜Valentine's Day Special!๐Ÿ’˜
๐Ÿ’œHotaru Catch-Up๐Ÿ’œ
Aftermath of the Injury
Are They Ticklish?
Are You Ticklish?
Do They Like Hugs?
How He Treats You vs. Everyone Else
Dere Types
๐ŸŒปWho Do You Hate?๐ŸŒป
When You Get Hurt But Hide It
When He Finds Out You Got Hurt
Purge ending๐Ÿ™
When You Heal
When You're on Your Period
When He Worries About You
Uh Oh, Guardian Trouble..
When You Guys Get Matching ๐Ÿ˜ถ Stuff
โ˜€๏ธYour Contact Names
โ˜€๏ธYour Favorite Shows+Movies
๐ŸฆƒTurkey Day Special!๐Ÿฆƒ
๐ŸŽ„Christmas Special!๐ŸŽ„
๐ŸพHappy New Years๐Ÿพ
When You're Mad at Him
When He Accidentally Hits You
๐Ÿ’œAkaza Catch-Up๐Ÿ’œ
๐Ÿ’œMuzan Catch-Up๐Ÿ’œ
๐Ÿ’œDouma Catch-Up๐Ÿ’œ
๐Ÿ’œKokushibo Catch-Up๐Ÿ’œ
๐ŸŒปWho Has a Crush on You?๐ŸŒป
โ˜€๏ธYour Couple Song
๐Ÿ’Mother's Day Special! pt.1๐Ÿ’
๐ŸŒปYour First Thoughts of Them๐ŸŒป
๐Ÿฉต๐ŸงขFather's Day Special๐Ÿ’™
Present for you guys <3

๐Ÿ’œGyutaro Catch-Up๐Ÿ’œ

575 12 58
De SunBabyxKenshin

h/t=hair type

see the note at the end for the russian translations!

or you can translate them yourselves. i just put my understanding as the english translation.


Y/n L/n

Age: 19 for Demon Slayer, 16 for Kimetsu Gakuen

Personality: Caring, Reserved, Stand-Offish and Protective.

Occupation: Oiran for house Ogimoto, then second year student as a reincarnation.

Family: mama(m/n), sister(s/n), and babushka(gm/n).

When You Meet

at the moment, you were walking to your room with a neatly folded kimono.

as you went, you heard skittering in the walls.

you paused, waiting for a minute to see if it continued.

it didn't.

'must be a house noise.' you thought, shrugging and adjusting the kimono in your hands as you continued to walk through the hallway.

you heard more skittering and stopped once again to turn to the source of the noise, the wall to your left.

"Здесь есть крысы? Серьезно?" you scoffed, tapping on the wall and waiting for a response.

silence answered you.

"whatever." you waved a dismissive hand and stormed away, scowling in annoyance at the skittering that followed you down the hall.

it went all the way until you reached your room and slammed the door behind you with a loud crash.

the skittering quieted down after that and you sat down on your futon with a sigh.

silence enveloped the room. you took down your h/t hair and grabbed a comb(and some water if you need it) to detangle.

that's what you focused on for a couple minutes before the sound of the door creaking open sounded throughout the room.

"что? is it busy?" you asked, glancing back at the door.

instantly, you screamed at the sight of a pale skinned, dangerously skinny yet still somehow muscular, black and green haired man who wore a scowl and blue, baggy hakama pants with no top and some cuffs on his biceps and wrists.

when it set in that you weren't gonna stop screaming, he lurched forward with such speed that you couldn't react before he had you pinned you to the clean wooden floor with a firm hand cupped over your mouth.

"shut up. so noisy." he growled through sharp, pearly white clenched teeth.

you furrowed your brows, eyes flickering down the length of his body that you could see. excuse him?

this is your room. not his.

he is breaking and entering, and he's telling you to shut up? the audacity was insane to you, especially coming from a tight-knit hood that still knocked before walking into one-another's house.

with that thought in mind, you slapped his hand away, eliciting another sound of annoyance from him as you glared.

"excuse you, mister. man, this is my fucking room—" you said, shoving against his chest and backing away when he gave in and fell back. "—which i can scream in if i damn well fuckin please." you ranted, tying back your hair with a scoff. "Ти дегхенераат."


"who are you?" you asked pointedly, giving him a stern glare as you crossed your arms and pushed yourself to stand. "since you wanna intrude."

"Gyutaro." he said, looking you up and down in slight surprise.

"you gotta pay upfront." you said, holding your hand out expectantly. "and this little stunt isn't gonna fly unless you pay extra."

"no, i'm not paying for your..." he trailed off and looked away awkwardly, ""

"then what do you want?" you asked deadpanned. "if you ain't got money, go."

"no, i don't want anything from you." Gyutaro's scowl returned and he crossed his arms, getting up to seem taller than you and assert his power over the situation.

"oh, what?" you huffed a laugh, waving your hand dismissively. you got up and trailed to your dresser to fix your kimono. "let me guess. you're not gonna hurt me, you're just gonna kill me?" you taunted.

he glanced down at his sickles as they began to form and shrugged, "yeah." you paused and looked at him in the mirror. "something like that. it will hurt, though."

"brother!" you winced at the shrill cry that sounded from the walls.

a woman shot out from your closet within a second and she ran over to Gyutaro.

"i want her! i wanna keep her alive, are you dumb?!"

"no." he sighed, now putting his hand on his hip and the other unwillingly lodged between the woman's arms.

"i have to bring her into my pantry." she said quietly.

"well, can't you still do that when she's dead?"

"they taste better alive!"

"what the fuck..." you mouthed, inching toward the door as they continued to argue.

you were disturbed to say the least.

why were they talking about you as if you weren't there? actually, talking about eating you.

"Долбоеб." you muttered, sliding the door closed quietly when you safely retreated into the hallway.

you could only hope they'd be gone when you got back.

if not? well, you have kanzashi for a reason.

When You Become Friends

you had convinced the head of house to let you stay with the girls. despite how unscary Gyutaro and his sister were, you didn't want to get caught alone like that. it was more annoying than anything.

"i'm gonna go catch a bath." hime said. you nodded, waving her off with a kind smile as she got up and walked away.

the quiet room creaked and groaned as the wind howled and rocked the outside of the house.

you felt unnerved.

despite the loud thumping noise of the gusts of wind against the wall, you felt it was eerily silent.

but it broke with that familiar skittering sound you heard just a week before.

'shit.' you thought, dashing for the door as soon as it reached your room.

but before you could even reach the knob, Gyutaro dropped down from the ceiling like some sort of ninja.

you whipped around to the window only to see his sister standing right there, blocking it as she turned a kanzashi in her hand with a smug grin.

"we're not letting her escape this time, right, big brother?" she said and let out a giggle.

"no, Daki. we're not." Gyutaro replied.

unintentionally, you mentally made a note of her name. it was nice.

"Ладно, мне это надоело. Чего ты хочешь? Скажи мне сейчас же!" you snapped, reaching for the kanzashi holding your h/c hair up in a bun.

"what?" Daki raised a confused brow and glanced behind you to Gyutaro.

"i don't know. she keeps speaking in tongues." Gyutaro said.

"it's russian, you asshole." you scoffed.

"you're a roske?" Daki asked. you glared at her and crossed your arms. "i mean—"

"no, you meant what you said, right?" you asked. she gave a nervous laugh and shook her head.

"no, no!" she exclaimed quickly, "you're a wonderful woman! i totally have a lot of respect for you!"

"hm." you narrowed your eyes and shifted your glare at Gyutaro.

he froze on the spot for a solid three seconds before his face went blank.

"why are we scared of a measly human? she's nothing special."

"she's an oiran."

"you've eaten oirans."


they continued to bicker back and fourth, so you took the time to mosey over and sit down on your futon and comb your fingers through your h/t hair amused.

"what if i like her, huh?!" Daki snapped.

Gyutaro scowled, "yeah? well, i like her more!"



"fine! then we won't kill her!" Daki stormed over to you and yanked you into her lap. "okay?!"

"fine!" Gyutaro scoffed, crossing his arms and storming over as well.

Daki quickly turned her body and shook her head.

"mine." she murmured in a low, possessive tone.

"share." Gyutaro growled back.

you just looked between them with a mix of disgust and shock.

how the hell did it go from arguing over killing you to arguing over owning you?

and speaking of, nobody owned you!

"all right, all right, all right!" you threw your hands up, pushing out of Daki's arms and shuffling back until your back hit the wall. "first of all, i don't 'belong' to anyone, and second of all, weren't you arguing about killing me just earlier?"

"who do you like better?" Daki asked, ignoring your revelation in favor of their stupid argument. "me or Gyutaro?"


"she's gonna pick me." Gyutaro said confidently

"no, me!" Daki argued.

"get the hell out of my room." you glared between the two of them and pointed at the closet. "go!"

Daki's face fell as Gyutaro quickly got up from the futon and disappeared into the walls.

"bye." Daki muttered sadly, kissing you on the lips unexpectedly before getting up and following her brother into the wall.

you blinked, staring at the spot they once were.

you had many questions, ones that'd have to go unanswered for the moment and ones that didn't need answers.

the top question was— "what the fuck?"

When You Spend Time Together

well, Daki and Gyutaro had been popping in randomly every couple weeks just to say hi or to try and 'win you over.'

every time, you cussed them out until you finally got used to it and gave up on telling them to stay away.

and apparently, they were demons? that's news to you.

your surprise when the siblings told you was... intense.

Gyutaro was the one to break it to you during the conversation and he suffered the freak out you had because of it.

but, today was different.

you glanced at the window as Gyutaro swung in like some kind of western superhero and stood awkwardly next to the vanity.

"hi, Gyutaro." you greeted with an offhanded wave. "you need something?"

"no. just came to see you." he replied, shoulders falling relaxed when he noticed you weren't gonna yell at him.

he went over and sat on the futon, crossing his legs and bouncing them childishly as you finished doing your makeup.

"how'd you end up here if you're from russia?" Gyutaro chimed when the silence started irritating him.

"ah." you glanced at him in the mirror and grabbed your eyeliner. "pусские проститутки самые лучшие." you said with a smug smirk.

"if you didn't wanna tell me, you could've said that." he said annoyed.

"oh." you chirped. "i don't wanna tell you."

the room fell silent again. you touched up your makeup a bit after finishing your eyeliner and finally started putting everything away.

when he saw this, Gyutaro perked up.

when everything was cleared off your vanity, you turned around to properly address him.

"so, what do you need, Gyutaro?"

"i was coming to hang out with you." he shrugged, kneading the floor sheepishly as he waited for you to speak. "but a real hang out."

"i've got a client." you said apologetically.

"at night?" he asked suspiciously.

"yes. a 'client.'" you put quotations on the word.

"ah." he muttered.

Daki used to meet with suitors all the time. of course, none of them ever followed through or visited again, so eventually that stopped. none of them wanted to risk it.

but now he had another problem to fix. but it's nothing he hasn't dealt with before.

"but i have about an hour." you shrugged, smiling when you saw the look on his face. "if we're never gonna see each other again, it'd be nice to spend a little bit with my weirdo buddies."

"Daki's not coming." he said. your smile faltered a bit and you nodded.

"well. at least i'm hanging out with you." you said softly.

"settling for second best?" he said. you huffed a laugh and shook your head.

"second? nope, definitely not." you said playfully.

there was a brief silence before he got up and went to the window.

"where're you going?" you asked hurriedly. "did i say something wrong?"

"if you want to have fun before you go, we can." he deadpanned. you nodded slowly and jumped up to follow him.

surely you would meet again. just because a suitor wanted to meet you didn't mean he'd pay your debt and marry you.

he was a picky man, after all.

but set that all aside. your focus was on Gyutaro.

Realizing Your Feeling for Eachother


"c любовью, ваша дочь." you muttered, finishing off your letter and setting down the pen in the ink.

you wrote letters home often to your family to let them know how you were doing. they took a while to write back, but you think that was just the ship being delayed.

Makio, one of the women in the brothel, had recently gotten sick and stopped leaving her room. you're not sure what happened to her, but she surely is a remarkable woman. she should get better soon if she was eating the meals you left.

and you were supposed to be getting a new girl tonight who was sold by a handsome man. maybe, if she were anything like her father, she was half of not more attractive than him.

but, knowing the house mother, you sort of doubted that.

you folded the letter tenderly after the ink dried and stuck it in the red envelope along with a wad of cash.

hurried footsteps sounded just outside of the room followed by a crash.

you jumped, whipping around to see a girl you didn't know standing there with an intense look. she ran to the wall opposite of the futon and put her ear to it.

"Inoko!" the house mother ran into the room, throwing you an apologetic look before grabbing her and tugging her away. "look at the mess you made! we have to fix that door, you know?!"

"it's all right. i can clean it up. is her hand okay?" she paused as you stood up, in all your 'glory,' to rush over and check on Inoko.

"she doesn't talk much. i assume she's all right." she said.

"what's wrong with her makeup?" you asked, raising a brow and picking up her hand to check for splinters.

"that's what i was coming to see you about! but she went crazy and broke your door." she let out a frustrated sigh and gestured to you. "can you clean her up and train her a little bit? maybe she could be as successful as you before you leave next week!"

"sure." you shrugged simply and gently tugged Inoko over to sit at the vanity. "i'll have her in tip-top shape by tomorrow."

"i'm counting on it!" the house mother laughed triumphantly and ran to start arrangements on fixing the door.

"so, when she says you don't talk much, does she mean not at all or very little?" you asked attentively.

Inoko only stared, but did not respond. you nodded in understanding.

"i see." you hummed, turning her to face you as you grabbed some makeup remover. "let's get this... mistake off of you."

your hands were surprisingly gentle despite the focused look on your face.

Inoko couldn't take her eyes off of you, even when you told her to look down.

you thought maybe she had a staring problem. literally.

but eventually she snapped out of it and quickly looked down at the shiny wooden floor boards so you didn't get the cream in her eyes.

as you worked your magic, wiping away the red tinted cream with a cloth, you noticed that she was quite... muscular, and lacked femininity in anywhere but the face.

you didn't want to be rude, so you'd just assume she really took care of her figure.

and besides, girls could be born with adam's apples too, right?


Inoko is a boy. a pretty one, but a boy nonetheless.

but if this is where his family's debt landed him, you'd do your best to protect and teach him as best as you could.

"here." you carefully took down his hair and grabbed a brush.

you turned him around to stare at the vanity instead and got to work at deranging his hair.

"hey, Inoko?" you chimed, "has anyone ever caught your eye?"

he glanced at you in the mirror and shrugged with a confused look.

"you know, like, romantically. you know." you trailed off, glancing at the open window with a sigh. "you get a fuzzy feeling whenever you think about them, and you always wanna be around them, and when you hear their voice you can just relax." you rambled. Inoko tapped your side and you quickly got back to the task at hand. "do you have someone like that?"

Inoko stared at you in the mirror for a solid minute before pointing at you.

"me?" you asked incredulously. he nodded and shook his head, holding up his pointer finger. "not what?"

he made a heart with his hands and shook his head.

"not romantically?" you asked. he nodded. "oh." you nodded and smiled. "that's sweet, Inoko."

he smiled at you and looked down sheepishly.

"the guy i like has been acting weird." you muttered. "and i assume you've been around genuine guys longer than i have, so do you know why that could be?"

Inoko shook her head immediately. you huffed a laugh.

"you'd think i would know everything about this, huh? i don't." you muttered. "everybody always likes me."

Inoko patted your hand in reassurance and you smiled.

"anyways, let's finish up here and i'll make you a bath."


Gyutaro knew when he couldn't get you off his mind. it was weird.

of course, that was weeks ago and you saw what Daki did, so clearly she felt the same.

hers was probably some kind of puppy love and he knew that. he also knew she kissed you, which made him irritated.

but she'd start crying if he ignored her, so he didn't.

but yeah. that's how he knew, gang.

When He Confesses

since Inoko showed up a couple days ago, Gyutaro and Daki stopped coming around at all.

it upset you because you were only going to get to see him later that night when you left.

you what's just finished packing your bag when the familiar scuttling of the window cut you out of your robotic routine.

you quickly looked over and smiled brighter than the last time you visited russia.

"Gyutaro! where have you been? is Daki coming?" you asked, running over and practically jumping into his arms.

"no. she's not." he said calmly. you raised a brow.

"hy вот, он опять ведет себя странно." you muttered, rolling your eyes and turning back around to continue packing your bags. this time with more aggression.

"what are you doing?" he asked.

"what does it look like?" you asked snarkily, slamming the trunk closed and snapping the latch into place. "i'm leaving."

"why?" he asked again. you glared at him, but when you saw the smirk on his face, your face dropped to a look of confusion and fear.

"oh, tell me you didn't." you muttered. his smile only widened. "О Боже."

"now you don't have to leave." he said confidently.

you shrunk down to sit on the futon and exhaled shakily.

"you can stay here with us."

"i don't want to stay here." you whispered sharply, causing him to wince. "if i wanted to stay, i would have denied him! what did you do?!"

"don't forget who's in power here." Gyutaro warned lowly.

"Трахни тебя." you bent down to grab your sandal and chucked it at him, "Отыебис от меныа! Иди на хуй, Долбоеб! Трахни тебя, tрахни тебя, tрахни тебя!"

you crawled back against the wall and buried your head in your hands, weeping.

it felt like your heart broke. how could he sabotage you like this?

"i did it because i like you." he admitted.

you shook your head gently, tossing your hair back over your shoulder and wiping your tears.

"you lie." you muttered. "you're doing this all for yourself. you're selfish. you don't like me."

"yes, i do." he snapped.

"you like the idea of me. you like having something your sister doesn't because she grew up with everything and she has everything, but you don't." you said through clenched teeth.

he glared back at you as you glared at him.

"are you serious?"

"as a fucking heart attack." you spat. "get out."

he glared at you and rolled his eyes before leaping out the window and heading off to wherever the fuck he wanted to go.

you didn't care at the moment. all you wanted to do was cry.

this was your shot to get out of the brothel. you had a plan. how to get out of the marriage itself and hide. everything.

but it was all ruined. and you were stuck.

reading the same stupid lines of poetry and singing the russian anthem and dancing, like a circus act.

First Kiss

later that night, you were still curled up in bed with tears streaming down your face.

as soon as you started to fall asleep, some... thing, burst into your room with some sort of loud war cry.

you jumped up, staring at it with confusion and also slight confliction.

you'd never seen anything like this. a man and a boar mixed together?

"Y/n!" it exclaimed, running over and scooping you up in its arms. "it is i! lord Inosuke! though i was undercover as a woman known as Inoko!"

"oh." you hummed. "i know."


"you have an adam's apple, your hands are rough, and you have no boobs." you listed.

he stared blankly and looked down at himself.

"well..." you trailed off and also looked him down. "i thought you had no boobs."

"i'll come back and save you!" he exclaimed before burrowing through your floor like a rodent.

"the house mother will be mad at you, Inok—" you cut yourself off, but didn't bother saying his correct name.

you sighed, crossing your arms and staring at the splintering planks.

"what could he possibly be looking for?" you muttered.

that's when it hit you.

Gyutaro and Daki had complained a couple times about demon slayers, mostly hashira, but she mentioned the lower ranks as well.

no way Inoko, or Inosuke, was a demon slayer going for Gyutaro and Daki?

believe it or not, they told you about demon ranks too, and you knew what an uppermoon was.

Inosuke couldn't fight them on his own and win. even if he wasn't on his own, he couldn't win.

you couldn't fit in the hole he created in the floor, so instead, you pushed through the women that gathered around your door and ran as fast as your legs could pump down the stairs and out of the brothel.

you ran through the streets in search of either Gyutaro or Daki or both. you didn't know why, but you had a gut feeling you could find one of them out there.

"Daki!" you screamed when you saw her familiar face atop one of the buildings.

she had white and green hair now, different from her usual black hair.

you had a feeling that black wasn't really her usual hair, though.

she stopped abruptly, but her obi couldn't be stopped all the same.

"Y/n?" she called in surprise.

the air stilled as she uttered your name, and you could swear you heard it twice in the same breath. must have been Gyutaro hiding inside her again.

you felt a sharp pain in your chest and shoulder as you fell back on the ground, blood pooling around you and your brand new kimono.

"you hideous child!" Daki said, glaring at the red haired boy seething as she sent another obi out to grab you.

you winced away, hiding your face in the sleeve of your kimono as buildings fell and blood dripped from the splintering wood and steel beams.

you yelped, holding your gushing shoulder when you felt the shift in position send a jolt of pain through your body.

Daki flung you toward her effortlessly and took off in a run down the roof.

"what did you do?" you whimpered, looking over her shoulder at all of the debris and human casualties. "Daki!"

she didn't respond, eyes flickering around the area as she searched for a place to hide.

before she could leap to the building opposite of the current, a harsh jolt pulled her back.

you were enveloped by a warmer embrace, one that was more caring and patient.

"are you all right, miss?" the boy asked, though he didn't take his eyes off of Daki.

"холодно." you muttered, touching your shoulder tenderly.

but you didn't flinch. you don't even think you felt anything but cold and hot.

at the realization of what was happening, both he and Daki took a break from the battle to tend to your needs.

"get your grimy hands off her!" Daki demanded angrily.

"she's dying." the boy muttered. he set you down carefully on the roof and took your hand in his. "my name is kamado tanjiro."

"tanjiro." you muttered, squeezing his hand and glancing up at him. "don't take them from me."

Daki looked at you through her tears before looking at Tanjiro.

"there's no going back." he said.

you clenched your eyes shut, letting the tears roll down your cheek.

"make it painless." you pleaded as the night grew colder. you could feel the blood drenching your kimono as well as his haori. "i'm sorry for the mess."

"please, don't worry about it." his voice was faint now.

you glanced at Daki.

if not Gyutaro, she was the last person you wanted to see.

her eyes were filled with tears, wide and begging for you not to die by her hand. or their hand. you're not sure who was in control right now.

"Gyutaro." you called, eyes falling shut. "Я тебя люблю. хочу быть с тобой."

[Heehee modern day skip🌚]

"so, how would you like to go out sometime?"

you glanced back at the boy from fifth period, raising a brow and looking forward again.

"hi, babe!" you ran up to the first boy you saw and kissed him on the lips.

it just so happened to be Gyutaro Shabana, who was rarely alone but surprisingly, in the moment, he was.

he didn't question it for a second and put a hand on your hip, closing his eyes to really sell it.

you waited until you heard his footsteps fade before you pulled away.

something nostalgic about that kiss made you feel... weird. like it was deja vu.

"thanks." you said, giving him a thankful smile.

he scowled in response.

"did you really have to kiss me?" he asked annoyed, nodding you along with him as he walked up the stairs.

"are you actually going to class?" you asked in surprise.

he stared at you longingly and nodded.

"yeah. my grade's pretty bad." he said. you nodded and huffed a laugh as you walked up next to him.

"yeah, i don't know how that's possible." you said sarcastically. "hey, do you wanna hang out sometime?"

Gyutaro nodded.

"sure." he said. you smiled.

"great. see you around." you went to continue on your way.

"how'd you end up here if you're from russia?" he asked.

you froze. chills ran up your spine. it's like you'd heard that before.

but it's not uncommon to ask foreigners questions, right?

"we moved here when my mom got pregnant with my sister." you explained. "dad can't have a passport."

"right." he nodded. you continued on with a strange feeling in your gut.

Gyutaro stood watching you as you walked.

he knew he had a past life. he was certain. and he remembered snippets of it, enough to know you were apart of it. and he remembered being in love with you.

maybe not much had changed. he was still infatuated with you. that much didn't change.

First Date + Flirting

"we can't go to Kamado bakery." Gyutaro murmured.

you raised a brow, glancing between him and your phone.

"why not?" you asked.

"i'm not too fond of the red haired brat." he said.

"ребяческий." you muttered. "don't let me chose if you're gonna turn down every place i suggest."

"i thought you were gonna pick something simple." he scoffed. you rolled your eyes and turned your phone around to him. "'simply places to eat.'" he read robotically. "well, there's your problem."


"you can't just search simple places to eat."

"oh, i'm sorry! i thought of Kamado Bakery myself!" you said. he sighed.

"do you really wanna go to Kamado Bakery?" he asked defeated.

"i mean, we could go to the mall." you suggested. he snapped his finger and nodded.

"why didn't you think of that earlier?" he asked.

you deadpanned.

"my bad." you muttered annoyed. "let's just go."

"you're skipping a study session?" he asked teasingly.

"i'm better at math than anybody in my grade." you said confidently. "just ask Shinazugawa."

"he was your teacher last year." he deadpanned. you narrowed your eyes at him.

"so?" you said. he sighed and shook his head. "yeah. exactly. ничего." you grabbed his hand and tugged him through your front gate and out onto the sidewalk. "when we get to the food court, you better choose what we eat."

"mcdonald's." he said immediately. you gave him a blank look.

"you want to go to the mall to eat mcdonald's?" you asked emphatically. he nodded.

"it tastes better." he said.

"it tastes so much worse! it has the taste of all the other food in the court!" you said disgusted. "you're evil!"

"nah, i'm just honest." he corrected.

"if you were honest, you'd know it tastes shitty."

the walk was filled with playful banter and occasional stupid arguments and comments toward each other or the different foods you and him wanted to pick.

when you finally got to the mall and walked into the food court, there wasn't a mcdonald's, taco bell, or burger king in sight.

"wow." you muttered. "your arguing made all the fast food joints disappear."

"what? no, we just came to the wrong mall." Gyutaro scoffed. "besides, it'd be your fault."



"shhh." you put a finger to his lips and shook your head. "no more talk. only eat."

"why are you talking to me like a 5 year old?"

you raised a brow.

"i am?" you asked confused. he blinked.

"nevermind." he took the lead and walked through the hoards of people to get to the food court. not many people were there. they all were just coming to shop, not eat.

you tried your best to keep up with him, but you got lost in the crowd a couple times and got scared you'd never find him.

the last time it happened, you really couldn't find him. you were trying your best to see over everyone, but in that moment, it seemed like everybody was a 6 foot linebacker. you couldn't see over anybody at all.

you ducked out of the crowd and hugged the wall for dear life as you scanned for Gyutaro.

"засранец." you muttered. how did he not think about this before he took off?

and why were there so many goddamn people in that mall?

you bumped into someone and yelped, whipping around to see who it was.

"i found some place to eat." Gyutaro said.

you scoffed, smacking his hand away as he reached out to take yours.

"tрахни тебя." you spat, shoving through the crowd to get to the door.

"where are you going?" he asked annoyed, but was quick to follow you.

"домой! home!" you replied, still fighting your way through the crowd.

that was until you were dragged off to the restrooms by none other than Gyutaro.

"let me go!" you demanded, only to be silenced as he shoved you up against the wall and slid his hand down to rest on your waist.

the other was hiked firmly up on the wall. you glanced up at him and narrowed your eyes.

"what kind of wattpad move is this, bro?"

"you read wattpad?" he asked, a bit thrown off by the implication.

"what do you want?" you seethed.

he shook his head, his shaggy hair falling perfectly into place. you cursed yourself for finding him attractive, especially at the moment.

"you're the one who asked me out. so why are you trying to leave?" he asked. you crossed your arms and shook his hand off of your waist.

"you left me behind. and i'm more man than annoyed about it cause i'm so fucking sexy, duh, and anybody could've—" before you could continue your rant, Gyutaro pressed his lips to yours in a hungry kiss.

when he was sure you wouldn't keep yelling at him, he pulled away.

"ya done yappin now?" he asked. you narrowed your eyes. "right then."

he dragged you to one of the stalls and slammed the door shut.

"what are you doing?" you asked, quickly turning your head away as he unbuckled his belt.

"if you're gonna keep running your mouth, might as well put it to use."

"i'm telling my mommy!" you yelped, quickly sliding under the stall door and out into the mall.

you felt your cheeks. they burned hotter when you felt how heated they were.

"well shit."

Random Stuff You've Said

Bold Italics=You
Underlined Italics=Daki

"hm. in russia, if we do this, we're throw in the woods with the bears."

"well damn. that's for the motivation."

"you're welcome. and the bears aren't that bad, you know?"

"are you masha?"

"who's masha?"

"all right, we needa watch that immediately."

"say, did you hug bears and moose in russia?"

"is that a stereotype?"


"then no."

Unofficially Adopted

Inosuke. he's always there when you need it because when he first came to the school, you were quick to help him out and show him around. ever since then, he's seen you as a big sister and loves to follow you around during free periods and eat lunch with you.

sometimes tanjiro and zenitsu come along which irks Daki and Gyutaro to no end. you also scold Inosuke on his grades and not attending classes, so he's been getting better.

What Does Your Family Think of Him?

"are you ready to meet my mother?" you asked excitedly as you led Gyutaro through the gate and up to your house.

he'd been over before, but that's when your mother and grandmother were away at the doctors.

they'd croak if they knew what you were doing.

"isn't it your granny, too?" he asked. you nodded, glancing up at him with the widest smile he'd ever seen.

"she's the best, i promise." you assured. "i mean... she called me fat yesterday and buried me in snow when i was a baby, but that built up my immune system."

"okay." he muttered, a bit disturbed.

he can't judge though. his mother tried to sell Daki, and that's how they ended up in the system.

can't exactly sell people legally anymore.

you excitedly unlocked the door and swung it open.

"Мама, бабушка, он здесь!" you exclaimed.

hurriedly, your mother rounded the corner from the kitchen and ran to meet you halfway.

on the other hand, your grandma took her time to pause the tv.

"иди и познакомься с парнем своей сестры." she said. your sister nodded and got up from the floor to run and stand by your mother.

"Рад познакомиться с тобой, Gyutaro." your mother said, reaching her arm out to shake his hand.

"she said it's nice to meet you." you told him.

"it's nice to meet you too." he said. you glanced at your mom.

"Он не говорит по-русски." you said. she nodded with an 'oh.'

"well, i should've seen that coming." she said. Gyutaro gave her a slightly surprised look.

"don't mind the accent." you whispered. "my grandma doesn't want japanese in the house, so my mom doesn't really have time to touch it up."

"is your grandma some sort of conservative?"

you glanced at her as she finally got up. when she saw Gyutaro, she scowled.

"uhm... she's old fashioned." you whispered.

"он слишком худой." your grandma said. you gave her a stern glare and looked at Gyutaro.

"she said you look very handsome."

"yes, exactly." your mother nodded in agreement. "come sit. i've almost finished dinner."

she whisked your grandma away to the kitchen for a chat, which left you and him alone with your sister.

"Вы занимаетесь сексом?"

"s/n." you said firmly. she shrugged and looked up at Gyutaro.

"what did she say?" he asked.

"she asked if..." you trailed off and cleared your throat, "nothing important. У вас есть что-нибудь хорошее, чтобы спросить его?"

s/n looked thoughtful for a second before she nodded.

"Хочешь поиграть со мной в игрушки?" she asked and now looked between both of you.

"do you wanna play dolls?" you asked, looking at Gyutaro with an innocent smile.

"sure." he shrugged nonchalantly.

you nodded at s/n with a hum and she grinned, taking his hand to lead him to the living room where her toys were laying across the carpet.

you flopped on the couch and unpaused the tv.

"law and order?" you muttered and scoffed. "this show is boring as balls."

you watched it anyway. it was better than just sitting there.

"одна секунда." s/n said. you watched as she walked away to the hall closet.

"keep your fingers away from the doll's necks." you said nonchalantly.

he furrowed his brows in confusion until she came back with a knife that was bigger than her.

she plopped it on the floor and grabbed one of the dolls.

"Ты совершил высший грех. Теперь ты умрешь! Через обезглавливание." she said cryptically. she slid the doll under the blade of the knife and pressed it down as hard as she could until a crunch sounded out.

she then grabbed the doll and ripped it's head the rest of the way off.

Gyutaro looked unpaused, but he was mentally wondering how disturbed your family was to have your 10 year old sister cutting doll heads off.

why does she have access to a knife?

"justice is served." you said jokingly.


"do you think they liked me?" Gyutaro asked.

you leaned against the fence and shrugged.

"my mom definitely did. my sister, too. but my grandma..." you hummed, "half chub."

"half chub?" he snickered. you nodded and smiled.

"i got you to laugh." you said pridefully.

"yeah. i'll let you have that one." he said and began walking along the fence.

you followed along from the other side, sliding your fingers across the bars out of boredom until you reached the edge of the fence.

"i think when you have your first drink, she'll warm up." you chimed. he nodded.

"right." he muttered.

you reached over and grabbed his hand. he trailed over to the fence so you didn't have to strain.

"have a good night." you said.

"what happened to your dad?" he blurted. you blinked owlishly and laughed.

"that's quite a question, Gyu."

"sorry." he said, kissing you on the cheek briefly and turning away.

"i'll tell you whenever it's best for me, if that's okay." you said. he nodded, but didn't stop walking.

"goodnight." he said.


you watched him walk away and sighed.

"hope he's not mad." you muttered. "oh well."

What Does His Family Think of You?

"welcome in, welcome in!"

"oh, thank you." you smiled at the man as he tugged you inside of the house along with Gyutaro.

"we've been waiting for you all day. this is exciting."

"is that your dad?" you asked quietly. Gyutaro nodded, watching as he ran around the living room to fix small imperfections that you otherwise wouldn't have noticed if he didn't call it out.

"she's here, daddy?" Daki called from upstairs.

"yes, she's here!" he called back.

she ran down the stairs faster than you'd ever seen and embraced you in a hug.

"hi! i missed you so much!" she squealed, pulling away the next second. "Gyutaro talks about to nonstop, but i didn't get bored of hearing it. come!"

she didn't give you time to protest before she was dragging you up the stairs to her room.

"oh, my mom said i could sleep over, by the way." you chimed.

"oh, great!" Daki exclaimed, "my uncle Douma's coming over today, too. he's hyper around people he doesn't know."

"he's not a pervert, right?" you asked in a hushed voice. she scoffed.

"of course not, he's the sweetest." she said. "he always brings me and Gyutaro stuff when he comes over. last halloween, he even got us some red fruit punch. it had the texture of blood, which was cool."

"was it blood?"

"well, it was a little bland, but it was definitely juice."

you stared at her more a minute before nodding.

"checks out." you said. she nodded with a smile.

"anyways, daddy's making Gyutaro's favorite for dinner. he's hoping you're gonna like it." Daki said.

"he's making croissants for dinner?" you asked with a raised brow.

"no, his favorite meal. sorry." she corrected. "his favorite is some kinda rice bowl."

"oh." you nodded. "good. i'm starving and i can't stand to eat borscht anymore."

"is it good?" Daki asked. you shrugged, tilting your head in thought.

"it's all right." you said. "after a while, it starts to taste rotten. to me, at least."

"ah, okay." she nodded. "i think the food's almost done. we won't be up here for long." she went to her closet and grabbed a pink book with blue and green rhinestones on the front. she brought it to the bed and threw it onto the mattress. "burn book update?"

"hell yeah. this new girl stepped on my shoe and then gave me the stink eye." you said annoyed.

"what a bitch."



"goodnight, uncle Douma! thanks for the candy!" Daki exclaimed, waving him off with a wide smile as you and Gyutaro chewed on the m&m's he brought.

"all right. don't stay up all night eating candy." mr. Shabana grumbled, wiping his eyes and tying his hair back. "goodnight."

"night, daddy."


"goodnight, sir."

each of you said as he walked away to his bedroom.

you smiled at Daki as she dragged you to the living room to sit on the floor.

"so, do you wanna watch girl meets world first or what?" she asked.


"she's my girlfriend. what, are you on a date now?" Gyutaro said, picking you up effortlessly and walking toward the stairs.

"no! i don't wanna be an auntie already, give her back!" Daki said, throwing a pillow at the back of his head and wrapping her arms around your waist.

"hey, let go! i'm not gonna have a kid in high school!"

"you totally would! let us watch disney!"



"i said no!"

you had a feeling that his family did indeed like you.

maybe a little too much on Daki's part, but she was probably just passionate about having such a close friend. nobody else would give her a chance.

but in their defense, she and Gyutaro usually stole and bullied.

god only knows why they weren't doing the same to you.

but, to settle the scores, you decided that Gyutaro would join the two of you watching the shows and when Daki fell asleep, then you could talk and do whatever and she wouldn't even know.

she's a heavy sleeper.

and it wouldn't be anything too inappropriate either. don't even think like that, bud.

When You Get Sick


Gyutaro was silent as he walked up the path to your house and knocked on your door.

he hoped to god your grandma didn't answer and it was either you, your sister, or your mom.

as if the universe was working directly against him, guess who opened the door?


"oh, goodmorning." he greeted.

she scowled at him and slammed the door back shut.

"внученька, твой парень здесь!" she shouted, voice muffled by the door.

"вы закрыли перед ним дверь?" you asked annoyed.

"он не мой мужчина."

you groaned, a noise that turned into a cough as your thumping footsteps trailed to the door.

"hi!" you greeted as soon as you pulled the door open. "don't you have school?"

"don't you?" he asked, looking you up and down and noting you were still wearing your pjs. "what's wrong?"

"the flu." you sighed. "i lied and told my mom it's because the borscht. she believed me and threw it out."

"i don't think she did believe you. she might have been looking for an excuse to throw it out." he said. "your mom's smart."

"yeah." you smiled, clearing your throat before a cough could sound out. "you better get going. it's 7:15."

"or i can stay here with you." he said. you looked back at your grandma and he glanced over your shoulder at her as well.

she sat in her armchair, eyes flickering occasionally over to the door to glare at Gyutaro before she got back to her dramas.

"i don't think that's a good idea." you muttered. he nodded in agreement after an especially harsh glare was thrown his way.

"yeah, maybe not." he said. "but i can drop by after school and bring you something if you want."

"aww, baby." you cooed, kissing him on the head so you didn't get yelled at. "thank you so much. have a good day, see you later."

"see you." he kissed your cheek and stated off down the path.

"Я не хочу, чтобы в моем доме жили полукровки." your grandma said sternly.

"First of all, it's not your house, it's mom's. Second of all, that's racist. Third of all, you'll be dead by the time I have kids." you said as you closed the door. "although I doubt you won't outlive us all."

"Не разговаривай со мной. Я отвезу тебя обратно в Россию и научу быть настоящим русским, а не каким-то там японцем." your grandma said with narrowed eyes.

"whatever." you muttered dismissively. "take your pills, babushka."

"Я не хочу пить таблетки без водки." she remarked. you rolled your eyes and went to the kitchen to get her a glass of vodka.

"you're a walking stereotype, you know that?" you said. she hummed. "you gonna hug a bear next?"

"maybe." she muttered, this time in english.

"right." you snorted.

you poured the vodka into the glass and popped the cork back into place. you brought it out to the table and grabbed her bottle of pills to take out a two tablets.

"take your pills, grandma." you said emphatically.

she waved a dismissive hand and held her hand out for her medicine.

"you're gonna kill me anyways. handling my pills when you're sick." she scoffed.

"here's to hoping." you said, water falling a bit of her vodka. you then ran to the stairs to go lay down before she asked for anything else.

"Питье поможет вам чувствовать себя лучше!"

"no it won't!"


His: The Missus, Taro, Gyu.

Yours: Princess, N/n,

Love languages

His: Gift Giving, Acts of Service, Quality Time

Yours: Touch, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time

Favorite Food

His: croissants. he's a simple man... kinda. he's only simple with food. he likes croissants.

Yours: pastila. sorry gang, that shih look good as fuuuuhck. borscht is nasty.

How You Cuddle

🍀Gyutaro hates cuddling. it makes him feel insecure.
🍀The only way he agrees to it is if he's feeling especially good that day, or when he can tell you really need it. you're the one who likes touch, after all. not him.
🍀but when you do cuddle, there's no specific position. it's just anyway you can be by each other, as long as it's comfortable.
🍀the only upsides, in his opinion, is getting to touch you and feel your touch. not in a weird way. he just likes knowing you're there.
🍀and you're the same way, for the most part. you love staring at him in the most non-creepy way possible. just knowing he's there and seeing him there gives you comfort.
🍀on the days he's not feeling it, he just gives you one of his jackets, or tells you straight up. either way, you can accept that he doesn't feel comfortable and you both can benefit from just hanging out and enjoying each other's company.
🍀in short, he doesn't like cuddling, but he'll do it for you.
☀️and that's why we love him. dedicated man💗

Incorrect Quotes

Daki: It'll be fun.
Daki: We'll make a day of it.
Daki: Come on you punk bitch.
Y/n: I can't believe I have to say this.
Y/n: I don't have time to get tested for sti's with you tomorrow.

Y/n: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt.
Gyutaro: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.

Daki: What situation is not instantly improved by the addition of fishnets, I ask you.
Gyutaro: Being a fish.
Y/n: Well, shit.

Y/n: Ooh, somebody has a crush
Inosuke: Pfft, I don't have a crush on Aoi I just think she's cool, it's not like I stay up at night thinking about her.
*Later that night*
Inosuke, very much awake: Uh oh.

Gyutaro: What are you guys doing?
Daki: Like in life in general or-
Y/n: Not much. Why, what's up?
Gyutaro: I dunno, I'm bored playing AC.
Daki: Assassins Creed?
Gyutaro: Animals Creed.
Y/n: Assassins Crossing.

Daki: Subs are so fun to play with. All you have to do is hint at what you might do, back them into a corner with a look, or grab their wrist in a certain way and they're a wide-eyed mess.
Inosuke: What the fuck kind of Subway are you going to?
Y/n: Substitute teachers deal with so much shit.
Gyutaro: Guys.

Y/n: Many people are mildly dehydrated and don't realize it. You should drink at least six glasses of water per day.
Daki: No, eight glasses!
Inosuke: I heard ten.
Gyutaro: You need to drink at least five glasses of water per minute.
Zenitsu: Okay, I just read through every study I could find to try to figure out whether low-grade dehydration is even a real thing.
Inosuke: What did you learn?
Zenitsu: If you spend all day doing research and forget to eat or drink, you start to feel pretty bad.
Daki: I'll get some water.
Zenitsu: But how many glas–whoa, feeling dizzy.
Tanjiro: Maybe you should just drink straight from the tap.

Who's Your Best Friend?

Daki, of course. as soon as she found out you were dating her brother, she didn't go all maxine on you. she was actually so happy. she always thought you were pretty, but she was too scared to talk to you until you started hanging out with Gyutaro. then she wasn't scared at all, so you hang out all the time. you're like the nice 'mean girls' of the school. the off-brand plastics, if you will.

When He Gets Sick

you didn't even know Gyutaro could get sick. you'd never seen it.

but that wasn't saying much. you were only dating for a couple months, but one of those months were in the winter.

you actually think you're the reason he got sick.

that's why you're staying over for the weekend to take care of him.

he said multiple times that it wasn't your fault c but you didn't believe that.

anyways, you brought a bowl of soup and a cup of tea up to Gyutaro's room and set it on his nightstand.

"it's hot. your dad helped me make it." you said.

"thanks." he muttered. he sat up and smacked your hands away as you attempted to adjust his pillows. "stop it. you don't have to."

"yeahuh. it's gonna be my duty as a wife someday." you said jokingly.

he glanced at you with a raised eyebrow.

"you wanna marry me?" he asked incredulously. you nodded with a content hum. "why?"

"идиот." you scoffed, "what do you mean 'why?' because i like you." you said like it was obvious. "i wouldn't marry some bozo i don't like."

"right." he muttered. you glanced at him.

"what's wrong?" you asked.

"nothing. just tired." he sniffled and shifted to lay down. "you can stay if you want."

"all right." you said, raising a brow and staring at him intently.

whatever it was, you'd try and talk about it later. but right now he really did need to rest.

Are They Ticklish?

absolutely. he's more ticklish than your sister. but she's russian, so...
anyways, he's embarrassed by it. you can brush your hair against his chin and he's giggling like a toddler. the first time that happened, you were like 'awww!' but he was so embarrassed. you find it cute though, so he's not that upset by it.

Are You Ticklish?

not really. your grandma tickled you when you were a baby, but you haven't successfully been tickled since then. Gyutaro asked you to teach him, but you didn't really know what to say. guess it just... happened?

Do They Like Hugs?

only from you and Daki. maybe even his dad on occasion. but yes. as long as it's from those three people. otherwise, fuck all the way off.

How They Treat You Vs. Everyone Else

he doesn't treat you that different from Daki, but he definitely treats you two better than anyone else. he's literally the sweetest, believe it or not. he's just rough around the edges. everyone else can pop their right ballsack and choke, my words, not his.

Dere Types

You're a Dorodere in regular KNY, and a Kiredere in Kimetsu Gakuen.

He's a Yandere in regular KNY, and sort of a Kiredere in Kimetsu Gakuen.

{[Kiredere- A dere type that acts rude towards their love interest.
Dorodere- A dere type that shows unclear feelings toward their love interest.]

Who Do You Hate?

honestly, nobody at the moment. except for weirdos that smile like idiots at you out in public. they freak you out. but you couldn't hate anybody that you actually know.

When You Get Hurt But Hide It

"Inosuke, stop!" you exclaimed, running around the classroom in an attempt to catch him so he didn't beat the shit out of Zenitsu for the second time that week. "down, boy, down!"

you could've sworn he growled as he rounded the desk again, bumping into another one and sending it crashing down to the floor.

when you heard the thud, you didn't expect a searing pain to shoot through your foot and damn near your entire body, but it did.

you fell back on the floor, a cry of pain leaving your throat as you held your leg.

you bit your tongue so you didn't scream and held back tears. Sanemi quickly pulled the desk off of your foot and cursed under his breath.

"hey! what's going on in here?!" he asked annoyed.

"Monitsu started it!" Inosuke blamed, pointing at Zenitsu as he stood atop the stack of math books in the corner.

"no i didn't! Inosuke wanted my food and i said no, so he started chasing me!" he cried.

"can you walk?" Sanemi asked gently, now turning his full attention back to you.

"no." you shook your head, grunting in pain as he felt the edge of your shoe. "i think it's broken."

"gotta take your shoe off." he said and sighed. "go get the nurse and stop standing around like idiots!"

Inosuke and Zenitsu jumped, nodding as they ran to the door.

you untied your laces and took your shoe off slowly, wincing in pain every so often when it brushed against your toe the wrong way.

when it was off, you were too scared to look. Sanemi went completely quiet.

"i'm gonna go call your mother." he said.

you watched him walk away and took a deep breath before whipping your head around to look at what happened.

"oh, shit." you muttered, staring at the blood soaking through your sock and printing on the white tiled floor.

you pried the sock off, ignoring the pain for the moment in favor of seeing what the fuck had happened.

"ew! oh my god—" you said, turning away when you felt yourself get lightheaded.

your toe, the whole thing, was almost completely severed. you're pretty sure you saw bone.

"i think im gonna be sick." you muttered, eyes going unfocused as you fainted.

"shit." Sanemi muttered, hanging up the phone at the sound of your mother's voicemail. "now of all days?" he scoffed, "but you could answer the phone last night."

When He Finds Out You Got Hurt

it didn't take long for him to find out. you were in the hospital for cryin out loud.

so he and Daki rushed down to see you as soon as they were free, worry painting their features when they saw how annoyed you were to be in hospital.

"are you okay?" Gyutaro asked worriedly.

"did you lose your toe? i'll kill that pretty bastard!" Daki said annoyed.

"i'm fine. don't hurt Inosuke." you muttered. "Не могу поверить что я в больнице."

"we'll visit you every day." Daki assured. she sat down at your side and patted your hand. "so... did you lose your toe? that'd be sick."

"yeah, i lost my toe chasing around a stupid first year." you said.

"i never liked that boar kid." Gyutaro scoffed. "he stinks and he's rude."

"well, the second part reminds me of you." you remarked.

"yeah, big brother. you're rude all the time." Daki said, looking him up and down judgmentally from your bedside.

"yeah? well, fuck me then." he scoffed.

"can't. i'm hospitalized." you said and pointed at your toe.

he rolled his eyes and you and Daki giggled among each other.

"have fun." Gyutaro grumbled.

"what? you're leaving your girlfriend all alone in the hospital?" Daki asked incredulously. "you're terrible!"


"don't leave me, Gyu." you said with a fake sad voice. "пожалуйста."

"fuck you." he scoffed, causing the both of you to laugh as he walked back over to lay down with you on the bed. "it'll be a cool story to tell at school."

"for sure. can't wait to tell everyone a desk fell and cut my toe off." you said with mock enthusiasm.

"nah, that's totally sick." Daki said.

you deadpanned.

"okay, that's lame as hell."

"on god that shit's lame."


2024 update: i'm making it the school AU bc im slow and realized daki and gyutaro couldn't NOT die if it was the entertainment district arc. whoops.

‼️if you have 4c/short hair then you can either pretend you have medium/long hair or pretend you straightened your hair, or pretend i never said anything about hair at all. also, yes, they had hair straightening methods in the 1900s. i'm black. i don't wanna hear that hair type 'my [hairtype] could never' bs 😒

i have multiple hair types and my hair can do that shit without it being straightened so ahem

and i know that we all have different hair and different hair lengths, but give yourselves a break. stop setting us back.

russian translations:

"Здесь есть крысы? Серьезно?" = "Is it rats? seriously?"

"что?" = "what?"

"Ти дегхенераат." = "You're a degenerate."

"Долбоеб." = "idiot."

"pусские проститутки самые лучшие." = "Russian prostitutes are the best."
yall, don't even say anything abt that one PLS

"Ладно, мне это надоело. Чего ты хочешь? Скажи мне сейчас же!" = "All right, i'm done with this. what do you want from me?"

"c любовью, ваша дочь." = "love, your daughter."

"hy вот, он опять ведет себя странно." = "There he goes, he's acting weird again."

"О Боже." = "oh god."

"Трахни тебя." "Отыебис от меныа! Иди на хуй, Долбоеб! Трахни тебя, tрахни тебя, tрахни тебя!" = "Fuck you." "Fuck you! Fuck you, motherfucker! fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!"

"холодно." = "It's cold."

"Я тебя люблю. хочу быть с тобой." = "I love you. I want to be with you."

"ребяческий." = "Childish."

"засранец." = "Asshole."

"Мама, бабушка, он здесь!" = Momma, grandma, he's here!"

"иди и познакомься с парнем своей сестры." = "Go meet your sister's boyfriend."

"он слишком худой." = "He looks skinny."

"Вы занимаетесь сексом?" = "Are you guys having sex?"

"У вас есть что-нибудь хорошее, чтобы спросить его?" = "Do you have anything nice to ask him?"

"Хочешь поиграть со мной в игрушки?" = "Do you wanna play toys?"

"внученька, твой парень здесь!" = "Granddaughter, your boyfriend's here!"

"вы закрыли перед ним дверь?" = "You closed the door on him?"

"он не мой мужчина." = "He's not my man."

"Я не хочу, чтобы в моем доме жили полукровки." = "I don't want half-bloods living in my house."

"He разговаривай со мной. Я отвезу тебя обратно в Россию и научу быть настоящим русским, а не каким-то там японцем." = "Don't talk back to me. I'll take you back to Russia and teach you to be a real Russian, not some foreigner."
(babushka is based off of my real grandma, sorry. but she's Chinese, not Japanese.)

"Я не хочу пить таблетки без водки." = "I'll take my pills with vodka." (roughly)

"Питье поможет вам чувствовать себя лучше!" = "Drinking will make you feel better!"

"Не могу поверить, что я в больнице." = "Can't believe i'm in the hospital."

"пожалуйста." = "please."

this was 10252 words.

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